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BAHASA INGGRIS – Kelas X – M. Syauqi R. H., S.


Multiple Choice

I. Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Jack : Rita, ________________

Rita : I am delighted to meet you.
Doni : I am delighted to meet you, too.
a. Doni is my friend
b. Doni wants to meet you
c. Don't you know Doni is my friend
d. Please introduce yourself
e. I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni.
2. Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is Doni. He is a company director.
Lusi : Hi Doni.
Doni : Hello, Lusi_______________? Nice to meet you.
Lusi : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.
a. How are things with you
b. What are you.
c. May I help you
d. How do you do
e. How are you
This text is for question 3 – 4
Good morning, I am Lucky, Lucky Wijaya. My father is Javanese and my mother is Sundanese. I
just moved here. And now, I study in this school. Thank you.

3. What is the boy doing?

a. He’s going to leave.
b. He’s introducing himself.
c. He’s greeting someone.
d. He’s introducing his family
e. He’s introducing his friend.

4. Where does Lucky deliver his introduction?

a. In his friend’s home.
b. In his neighborhood
c. At home
d. On the street
e. In his classroom

5. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Gina will go to school. She says......... to his parents.
a. Good night
b. Good afternoon
c. Good bye.
d. Good morning.
e. Good day.
6. It’s nine o’clock in the night. Estes will go to sleep. He says....... to his parents
a. Good night
b. Good afternoon
c. Good bye.
d. Good morning
e. Good day.

This text below is for question 5 – 8

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t
sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again
until Mum called me again. That snooze made me late.
I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed
it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with
me. He scolded me for being late.
I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework
was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag
in the morning. I did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the
stairs. I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have
much better one tomorrow.

7. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To explain about something wrong
b. To inform about the writers activities
c. To entertain the readers about the funny story
d. To discus about how to overcome the problem
e. To retell about the writer’s terrible day
8. The generic structure of the last paragraph is called …..
a. orientation
b. re-orientation
c. complication
d. events
e. description
9. What made everything went wrong?
a. He got up late in the morning
b. He got punishment from his teacher
c. His came to school on time
d. His father was late to ride him
e. His bag was left at home

10. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. The writer didn’t sleep a wink at that night
b. He fell down the stairs
c. He didn’t hand in his homework
d. His father rode him to school
e. He had breakfast before leaving for school

11. Tina : I get the birthday present from my boyfriend, yesterday !

Mimi : _____________
a. I’ll always remember that
b. Fantastic! That’s great.
c. How boring.
d. Bad luck
e. I’m sorry, I forget
12. Jaka : Mom ! I have a good news !
Mom : What is it dear ?
Jaka : My English teacher told me that I got excellent score in the last test !
Mom : Really? Oh, ………………. !
Jaka : Yeah mom, thanks
a. No, I'm busy
b. Sure.
c. That's okay
d. Okay
e. I'm proud of you dear

13. A : Hi, Jhon How do you do?

B : ………..
a. Hi
b. Hi, I’m Fine
c. Hi, how do you do
d. Hi, how are you
e. Hi, Very well

14. Hamid : ……………..?

Ahmad : I’m 15 years old.
a. How are you?
b. How old are you?
c. What is your old?
d. How many age are you?
e. How’s life?

15. Jhon wrote a letter to his father.

Present Tense of the sentence above is….
a. Jhon written a letter to his father
b. Jhon is written a letter to his father
c. Jhon wrote a letter to his father
d. Jhon writes a letter to his father
e. Jhon is writing a letter to his father ANS: D

16. Cindy   : “Mom, I’ve got the scholarship”.

Mother : “Congratulations! ….”
a. I’m so proud of you.
b. That’s a pity.
c. Happy birthday.
d. That’s so sweet.
e. That’s awful.
17. My sister is not only beautiful, but also has some good characters, which are ….

a. lazy and sensitive

b. stupid and lazy
c. friendly and cheerful
d. lazy and shy
e. careless and sensitive
18. My English teacher always makes me feel exticed to study. He always has new jokes
every day. It means he is a ….

d. Lazy
19. Martha: “Ratna, I heard you got a scholarship from a prominent university. …”
Ratna   : “Thank you, I’m so happy about it.”

a. Please accept my condolences.

b. I’m proud of your sister.
c. You must be very upset.
d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
e. Not at all.

This text is for questions no. 20-24

Tanjung Benoa is a beach town. It is located at the elite area in Nusa Dua Bali. The area
is situated with the view of the sea in Bali. On the north side, there are Benoa Harbour,
Mertasari Recreation Park, and Serangan Island. The foreigners call serangan Island the
turtle island, because it is used to breed the turtles.
At Tanjung Benoa Beach, tourists can have various activities, such as swimming, sailing,
waterskiing, and surfing. Surfing is a water sport of riding waves that are coming toward
the shore by standing or lying on a special board called surfboard. It is a very enjoyable
and impressive sport. Most surfing lovers call it as the most challenging water sport, as it
needs skill, strength, as well as bravery. The others think that it is a very dangerous sport,
as it fights against the dangerous waves of sea.
Apart from swimming, snorkeling and diving are also the kinds of water sport favored by
the tourist. Through diving googles, the beauty of Bali marine park can be viewed. Those
who cannot dive can also enjoy the beauty of the marine park through the glass bottomed
motor boats that are specially provided for the tourists.

20. What can be viewed through the diving goggles?

a. The beauty of the marine park

b. The beauty of the Mertasari Harbour
c. The view of Tanjung Benoa
d. The view of the big waves
e. The turtle island
21. Which of statements is not true about the text?
a. Tanjung Benoa is a beach town located in Nusa Dua bali.
b. Tanjung Benoa is a very famous beach in Nusa Dua Bali.
c. Tourists can enjoy many kinds of water sports in Tanjung Benoa.
d. Tourists who cannot dive can also enjoy the beauty of the marine park.
e. Tourists can visit the turtle island which is used to breed the turtles.
22. “Those who cannot …” (Paragraph three)
      The word those refers to ….

a. Tourists
b. water sport
c. turtles
d. swimming and diving
e. island

23. What does paragraph three discuss?

a. The water sports of  Tanjung Benoa Beach Town.

b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activities in Tanjung Benoa.
c. Surfing becomes the most favorite water sport in Tanjung Benoa.
d. Tourist can swim, dive, surf, and so on in Tanjung Benoa Beach.
e. The turtle island is used to breed the turtles.
24. Why is Serangan Island called turtle island?
      It is called turtle island because ….
a. it is used to trade many kinds of turtle.
b. it is a place where thousand turtles live naturally.
c. it is used to breed turtles.
d. it is used to breed and to trade turtles.
e. it is used to hunt turtles.

25. This conversation is for questions no. 25-27

Putri : “Happy Birthday, Dita.”
Dita  : “Thanks.”
Putri : “(25) ….”
Dita  : “thank you for saying so. You look beautiful with that dress, Putri.”
Putri : “Thanks. Look, Echa is coming! (26) …”
Dita  : “She Look so cute with her new haircut.”
Putri : “Yes, you’re right.”
Echa : “Hi, Dita. Happy birthday to you.”
Dita  : “Thank you so much. And I’d like to (27) … You on winning the first prize of the
photography competition
Echa : “Never mind.”
Putri : “I think You’re a genius.”
Echa : “Oh, thank you.”
Dita : “Anyway, let’s start the party!”
a. Is it your red dress?
b. You look charming in that red dress.
c. The dress doesn’t suit you.
d. You don’t look cute with the red dress
e. Whose dress is it?

26. This conversation is for questions no. 25-27

Putri : “Happy Birthday, Dita.”
Dita  : “Thanks.”
Putri : “(25) ….”
Dita  : “thank you for saying so. You look beautiful with that dress, Putri.”
Putri : “Thanks. Look, Echa is coming! (26) …”
Dita  : “She Look so cute with her new haircut.”
Putri : “Yes, you’re right.”
Echa : “Hi, Dita. Happy birthday to you.”
Dita  : “Thank you so much. And I’d like to (27) … You on winning the first prize of the
photography competition
Echa : “Never mind.”
Putri : “I think You’re a genius.”
Echa : “Oh, thank you.”
Dita : “Anyway, let’s start the party!”
a. She is so pretty.
b. She is so ordinary.
c. Is it really her?
d. She looks awkward.
e. She looks nervous.

27. This conversation is for questions no. 25-27

Putri : “Happy Birthday, Dita.”
Dita  : “Thanks.”
Putri : “(25) ….”
Dita  : “thank you for saying so. You look beautiful with that dress, Putri.”
Putri : “Thanks. Look, Echa is coming! (26) …”
Dita  : “She Look so cute with her new haircut.”
Putri : “Yes, you’re right.”
Echa : “Hi, Dita. Happy birthday to you.”
Dita  : “Thank you so much. And I’d like to (27) … You on winning the first prize of the
photography competition
Echa : “Never mind.”
Putri : “I think You’re a genius.”
Echa : “Oh, thank you.”
Dita : “Anyway, let’s start the party!”
a. Welcome
b. Gratitude
c. Congratulate
d. Thank
e. wish
28. This is my friend, . . . . name is Fatimah Az-Zahra. . . . . is from Indonesia, We can
call . . . Zahra or Zachan.
a. she - her – her
b. her - she – her
c. her - her – she
d. she - she – her
e. she – she – her
29. I gave him my name card and he gave me …….
a. His
b. Her
c. Him
d. Hers
e. Them
30. We are from Indonesia. One of traditional music of . . . . country is Angklung.
a. Ours
b. Us
c. Our
d. We
e. Theirs
31. Tiara ___ her room once a week.

a. To clean
b. Clean
c. Cleans
d. Cleaning
e. Cleaned
32. Anya ___ always ___ to the library every Friday.

a. Do not, goes
b. Does not, go
c. Do not, went
d. Does not, gone
e. Does, go
33. __ they ____ a movie together?
a. Do, saw
b. Do, seeing
c. Do, seen
d. Do, see
e. Does, see

34. My mother and I ___ to market every morning.

a. Going
b. Goes
c. Went
d. Gone
e. Go
35. He and she ___ not understand the discussion
a. Do
b. Does
c. See
d. Listening
e. Are
36. On 17th August, we always ___ our independence day in city hall.
a. Celebrates
b. Celebrate
c. Celebrating
d. Do celebrate
e. Celebration
37. Every morning, my mother always ___ me up on 5 a.m.
a. Waken
b. Wake
c. Woke
d. Wakes
e. Make
38. He always ___ on karaoke once a month.
a. Sang
b. Sings
c. Sing
d. Sung
e. Singing
39. Don't use this bicycle, because it ___ broken.
a. Are
b. Do
c. Is
d. Does
e. Did
40. I ___ not ___ peanuts because I am allergic.
a. Do, eat
b. Do, ate
c. Does, eat
d. Do, eaten
e. Am, eat

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