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; Build this with the "Project" menu using

; "Console Assemble & Link"

comment @

The standard Intel notation for addressing memory can look very daunting
to a beginner but it is in fact very compact and simple enough to use
once you know how it works. It is usually referred to as the "complex"
addressing modes. If you understand it properly you can write very compact
and fast code using the technique.

When you have code like,

mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4+32]

The section enclosed in square brackets is broken up in the following


[Base Address + Index * Scale + Displacement]

Base address
The starting address in memory

A 32 bit register which is the variable for changing the address
The data size being worked on, it can be 1, 2, 4 or 8

An optional additional offset to change the address by.

The example below will show how it works.

«««« @

.486 ; create 32 bit code

.model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none ; case sensitive

include \masm32\include\ ; always first

include \masm32\macros\macros.asm ; MASM support macros

; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; include files that have MASM format prototypes for function calls
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\

; ------------------------------------------------
; Library files that have definitions for function
; exports and tested reliable prebuilt code.
; ------------------------------------------------
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

; --------------------------
; initialise 10 DWORD values
; --------------------------
itm0 dd 0
itm1 dd 1
itm2 dd 2
itm3 dd 3
itm4 dd 4
itm5 dd 5
itm6 dd 6
itm7 dd 7
itm8 dd 8
itm9 dd 9
; ---------------------------------
; put their addresses into an array
; ---------------------------------
array dd itm0,itm1,itm2,itm3,itm4
dd itm5,itm6,itm7,itm8,itm9

.code ; Tell MASM where the code starts


start: ; The CODE entry point to the program

call main ; branch to the "main" procedure



main proc

LOCAL cnt :DWORD ; allocate a loop counter

push ebx
push esi
push edi

mov cnt, 10 ; set the number of loop iterations

mov ebx, array ; put BASE ADDRESS of array in EBX

xor esi, esi ; Use ESI as INDEX and set to zero

print chr$("Index being changed",13,10)

mov edi, [ebx+esi*4]
print str$(edi)
print chr$(13,10)
add esi, 1 ; each array member is accessed by changing the INDEX
sub cnt, 1
jnz label2

print chr$("Displacement being changed",13,10)

xor esi, esi

mov edi, [ebx+esi*4] ; no displacement

print str$(edi)
print chr$(13,10)

mov edi, [ebx+esi*4+4] ; added displacement of 4 bytes

print str$(edi)
print chr$(13,10)

mov edi, [ebx+esi*4+8] ; added displacement of 8 bytes

print str$(edi)
print chr$(13,10)

mov edi, [ebx+esi*4+12] ; added displacement of 12 bytes

print str$(edi)
print chr$(13,10)

pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx


main endp


end start ; Tell MASM where the program ends

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