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National Capital Region


Libas Sud, San Miguel, Surigao del Sur

D I Aproductive
Mission: To develop G N O S Tcitizens
I C T EtoSntion!s
T pro"ress#
$ision: A "ret c%nnel
c%nnel o& t%e culture o& e'cellence#

1st PERIODICAL TEST (SY 2016-2017)


Directio! Re"# e"c$ st"te%et c"re&'* +rite t$e etter o& o'r "s,er o o'r "er*

1. What system
system is respo
le for
for the exchange
exchange of  c. %s the
the blood
blood enter
enters s the lung
s" the
the blood
oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and is saturated with about 67 oxygen.
the cells? d. %s the
the blood
blood ente
entersrs the
the heart"
heart" the
the blood
a. circulatory c. excretory is saturated with about 67 oxygen.
b. digestive d. respiratory
respirator y 8. #######
i. 0nc
rease your wa wal+in
l+ingg sp
2. Which
Which part
part of the respi
ory syste
system m filters
filters and
ii. 9ai
tain a he
althyy we
warm the air upon entering it?
iii. tay hyhydrated.
a. air sac c. nasal cavity iv. %void sm smo+ing.
b. bronchi d. diaphragm
Which of the the follow
ing belon
belongs gs in the
the blan+
3. How does
does thethe air
air enter
enter ourour bod
space above?
a. nose
nose > nasa nasall passpassag agee > trac tracheheaa >
a. (ause
(auses s of resp
toryy prob
bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli
b. Ways on how to avoid respiratory
b. nose
nose > nasa nasall passpassag agee > trac tracheheaa >
bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli c. :inds
:inds of of commo
common n resp
ry disease
diseases. s.
c. nasal cavity > nose > trachea >
d. 4esul
4esults ts of bad
bad life
bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli 6. What
What is the the prim
y orga
organ n of the circu
d. nasalsal cav
ity > alve lveoli > trach rache ea >
bronchioles > bronchi > nose a. Heart c. veins
. !urin
!uringg inhal
ion"" #####
#######. ##. b. %rteries d. blood
a. the diaphragm moves down and 1;. % type of circulation
circulation which is described
described by the
contracts the chest cavity. movement of blood through the tissues of the
b. the diaphragm moves down and
expands the chest cavity. a. )ulmonary c. ystemic
c. the
the diap
agm m move
moves s up and
and contcontra
s b. (oronary d. 4espiratory
the chest cavity. 11.
11. *he #######
####### prevents the bac+ bac+ flow of blood.
d. the
the diaphr
diaphrag agmm move
moves s up andand expaexpandndss a. atrium c. ventricle
the chest cavity. b. valve d. septum
$. %ll of the following are associated with
respiratory problems &'(&)* <or 12=13" use the image below.
a. unbala alanced diet c. pollu olluta
b. enough sleep d. smo+ing
,. What
What is the role of %- %-&/-0
&/-0 in the the transp
transportort of 
%& in the body?
a. *hey
*hey serve
serve as the lin+a lin+agege from
from the respir
system and the circulatory system.
b. *hey
*hey serve
serve as the carriecarrierr of the deoxydeoxygen genat
c. *hey
*hey serve
serve as the the carr
ierr of the oxyge
oxygena nate
d. *hey
*hey serve
serve as the lin+a lin+agege from
from the respir
system and the digestive system.
. Which of the
the follow
ing state
ments ts is *45&?
a. %s thethe blood
blood leave
leaves s the lung
s" the
the blood
is saturated with about 67 oxygen.
b. %s thethe blood
blood leav
leaveses the
the heart
heart"" the bloo
blood d 12. What is letter % in the picture?
is saturated with about 67 oxygen.
a. eptum c. -ungs b. !A% d. chromosome
b. -eft entricle d. *ricuspid alve
13. What is letter  in the picture? <or 21=22" % plant with red flowers is crossed
c. eptum c. -ungs
with a white=flowered plant of the same
d. -eft entricle d. *ricuspid alve
1. *he beating sound your heart ma+es comes species. %ll the seeds" when grown" produce
from plants with red flowers. B%ssume that the flower 
a. lood going in the wrong direction color is controlled by a single pair of allelesC
b. alves closing
c. *he heart s+ipping beats 21. Which allele is dominant
d. @our ears playing tric+s on you a. 4ed color c. )in+ color  
1$. %rrange properly the statements below on how
b. White color d. 4ed D )in+
the heart wor+s.
 %. When the heart contracts" the right lower 
22.Which is recessive?
a. 4ed color c. )in+ color  
ventricle will pump the blood into the lungs"
b. White color d. 4ed D )in+
where the carbon dioxide is exchanged for 
23.0n cats" the allele BC for short fur is
. *he heart receives oxygen=deficient blood
from the body into the right upper atrium. dominant to the allele BsC for long fur. What
(. /xygen=rich blood flows from the left upper  is the phenotype of a cat with a genotype
atrium into the left lower ventricle. Ss?
!. %fter the exchange" the blood containing a. hort fur c. medium fur  
fresh oxygen flows into the left upper atrium. b. -ong fur d. no fur  
&. When the heart contracts" the left lower  2.0n rabbits" assume that the dominant allele
ventricle will force the blood out to the body BC produces blac+ fur. *he allele BbC for 
through a networ+ of arteries. white fur is recessive to .

a. %" " (" !" & c. " &" %" (" !

b. %" &" " (" ! d. " %" !" (" & 4abbit 1 4abbit 2 4abbit 3 4abbit 
1,. @ou can +eep your heart strong by enotyp  b b bb
a. &ating heart=shaped candy e
b. !oing activities" li+e playing outside"
riding your bi+e" and swimming Which rabbits will have gray coat color?
c. mo+ing a. 1" 2 and 3 c. 2 and 3
d. leeping 18 hours a day b. 1 and  d. 1" 2" 3 and 
1. 0nflammation of larynx is termed 2$. 0f rabbits 1 and  were mated together and
a. laryngitis c. arthritis
b. phlebitis d. bronchitis had 12 babies" how many of these would
18. Which two respiratory system problems are you expect to be gray?
treated with medicine that dilates the airways? a. ; c. 8
a. inusitis and bronchitis
b. &mphysema and tuberculosis b.  d. 12
c. %sthma and bronchitis 2,. What is a type of inheritance where both
d. &mphysema and pneumonia alleles are expressed eEually in the
19. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque
phenotype of the heteroFygote?
a. (omplete dominance
builds up inside your arteries. Plaque is made
b. 0ncomplete dominance
up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other 
c. (odominance
substances found in the blood. Over time,
d. 9ultiple allele
 plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This
2. % red cow is crossed with a white cow and
limits the flow of oxyen!rich blood to your 
produced an offspring that is a roan cow.
orans and other parts of your body.
What is a roan cow?
Why is atherosclerosis especially serious a. % purebred red cow.
when it develops in the coronary arteries? b. % purebred white cow.
a. 0t can then go on to affect the aorta. c. % pin+ cow.
b. 0t can ma+e red blood cells die. d. % cow with red hair and white
c. 0t can lead to a heart attac+. blotches.
d. 0t can limit the functioning of white blood
2;.What is the basic unit of heredity?
a. ene c. autosome <or 28=26" use the table below.
d. Aone of the above
3.0t is a hereditary material and is also +nown
as the blue print of life.
a. !A% c. m4A%
b. 4A% d. t4A%
3$.Which of the following statements is true?
a. *he gene is the basic unit of heredity and is
found in the chromosome.
28. *he alleles controlling the %/ blood b. *he chromosome is the basic unit of 
groups are given the letters 0 % Bgroup %C" 0  heredity and is found in the gene
Bgroup C and i Bgroup /C. *his type of  c. *he gene determines the sex of humans
inheritance is called ########. and the chromosomes carry the traits.
a. (omplete dominance d. *he gene carries the traits inside the 2;
b. 0ncomplete dominance pairs of chromosomes in humans.
c. (odominance 3,.% !A% strand has the following bases % %
d. 9ultiple allele  ( ( %. What are the bases on its
26. What isGare the possible blood typeGs of an complementary strand?
offspring if both parents are type /? a. % %  ( ( % c. * * (   *
a. % and  c. %"  and % b. % ( (  % % d. ( ( % * * (
b. % and % d. / only 3. &xtinction means
3;. 0n humans" maleness or femaleness is a. population of a species begins
determined by a pair of sex chromosomes declining rapidly
called ' and @. What is the genotype for  b. population has become so low
males? c. occurs when the last member of that
a. '' c. ''@ species dies
b. '@ d. '/ d. when the population is stable.
31.Which of the following traits is not controlled 38. % maKor benefit to come from the release of 
by multiple genes? wolves into the @ellowstone Aational )ar+ is
a. color blindness c. frec+les a. increased numbers of el+
b. eye color d. hair   b. control of coyotes that +ill cattle
texture c. control of the explosive population
growth of domestic cats that menace
<or 32=33" the genetic disorder   campgrounds
phenyl+etonuria B):5C is caused by a d. control of the griFFly bears
recessive allele BnC. *he family tree below 36. 0t happens when there is removing or 
shows the incidence of the disease over three clearing of forest to include cutting of all
generations. trees" mostly for agricultural or urban use.
a. &utrophication
b. %cid rain precipitation
c. Water pollution
d. deforestation
;. % conservation biologist would #####.
a. wor+ with government officials to
establish a plan for the protection of 
endangered species
b. analyFe organism characteristics that
help them survive in particular 
c. investigate the impact of industrial
pollutants on an ecosystem
d. all of the above

32.What is the genotype of aneIs husband? 1.%cid deposition #####.

a. '' c. '@ a. is only a problem where sulfur 
b. ' ' d. 'n@ dioxide and nitrogen oxide are
33.*hen aneJs husband is a ########. emitted
a. Aormal male
b. Aormal" carrier male
c. 9ale with ):5
b. occurs when sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide combine with water to
produce acids
c. stimulates the growth of plants that
prefer acid soil
d. all of the above
2.Which is associated with air pollution?
a. global warming
b. destruction of the oFone shield
c. acid deposition
d. all of the above
3.What is the formula for photosynthesis?
a. ,(/2 L ,H2/ L light energy M
(,H12/, L ,/2
b. ,(/2 L ,/2 L light energy ====>
(,H12/, L ,H2/
c. ,(/2 L ,H2/ ====> (,H12/, L ,/2 L
light energy
d. ,(/2 L ,H2/ ====> (,H12/, L ,/2
.Which of the following molecules is a waste 6. (ramps during exercise are caused by
product of photosynthesis? a. alcohol fermentation
a. /xygen c. Water  b. glycolysis inhibition
b. (arbon dioxide d. ugar  c. lactic acid fermentation
$.(hlorophyll is mostly located above the leaf  d. chemiosmosis
of the plant to #########. $;.Which of the following processes produces
a. collect carbon dioxide. the most %*)?
b. collect light energy. a. glycolysis
c. release oxygen. b. oxidative phosphorylation
d. release glucose. c. fermentation
,. 0odine is used to detect the presence of  d. :rebsJ cycle
starch produced in photosynthesis. *his
wor+s when ######.
a. its brown color has not changed.
b. its brown color turned into dar+ blue.
 An" rules s LO$E
c. its brown color become colorless.
d. its brown color become yellow.
( )A*EHAS n" rules
<or =8" use the diagram on the topmost
+%en t,in" t%e e'-.

.*his process begins with the production of  NO CHEATING/

a. (hemiosmosis
b. &lectron *ransport (hain
c. lycolysis 0un" LO1AL ,.
d. :rebs cycle or (itric %cid (ycle
8.Which of the following is the products of the %indi -o ""+in n"
:rebs cycle?
a. %*) c. <%!H tu-in"in s I2A#
b. A%!H d. all of these

Prepared by: AIB / S.Y. 2016-2017

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