PTS 1 Kelas 6 Bahasa Inggris SMT 1

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Jl. Mujahir No. 10


Nama Nilai
No. Absen
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d !
1. What can you learn from mathematics ?
a. numbers b. human body c. sports d. painting
2. This subject deals with events, dates, and notable figure. It is....
a. art b. geometry c. history d. music
3. This subject deals with dimension, lines, ans shapes. It is...
a. chemistry b. mathematics c. geometry d. English
4. talk about permissions. What kind of modals?
a. must b. may c. can d. should
5. Students ........prioritize study than play.
a. may b. should c. will d. shall
6. What is this ?
a. a cylinder b. a square c. a rectangle d. a circle
7. What is this ?
a. a cube b. a. pyramid c. a pentagon d. a cone
8. What the picture is it ?
a. do not park b. restaurant ahead c. Safety d. do not enter
9. how many lamps are there in a traffic light ?
a. four b. one c. ten d. three
10. What colours are they (traffic light) ?
a. Green, black, and yellow c. Pink, white, and brown
b. Blue, purple, and red d. Red, yellow, and green
I. Let’s do it !
Change the clues to compose sentences. (kerjakan seperti contoh di bawah)
Example : what we learn from biology ?/ about plants and animals
What can we learn from biology ?
We can learn about plants and animals.
1. What/we/find/in a laboratory ? thermometer andmicroscope
2. Who/we/meet/in a restaurant ? waiters and cook
3. When/visit/you ? tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
Arrange the jumbled words to compose sentences ! (susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar)
4. Are/ circular/ wheels./ These/
5. Moon/ sky/ in/ The/ circular./ is
II. Write a text
Instruction : write text about your favorite subject
The text should cover these following questions :
What is your favorite subject?
Why do you like this subject ?
What do you learn ?
What do you have the subject ?
What do you want to be in the future ?

Example :
My favorite subject is music. In my opinion, learning music is interesting. I learn music, instruments,
and tone. We learn music on Mondays and Wednesdays. In the future, I want to be a singer.
Prepare your text !


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