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ALECHA, Eiah Janine M.

According to virtue ethics, developing our character should be a lifelong endeavor that has the
potential to genuinely alter who we are. It defines excellent deeds as those that show virtuous
character attributes, such as bravery, loyalty, or wisdom. A inclination to act, think, and feel in a
certain way is what makes anything a virtue. Bad deeds show the contrary and are motivated by
vices like cowardice, betrayal, and ignorance. Because it teaches people how to distinguish
between virtues and vices, ethics was a crucial component of human flourishing in Aristotle's
1. We need to operate in the workplace with the right attitude if we want to be healthy workers.
In this essay, Aristotle taught me that developing greatness as a habit begins with having the
correct attitude. This thinking may then become an action, and an action can become a habit if
we treat our patients and coworkers well.
2. Discuss how having a professional in your field of expertise comprehend the theory you have
chosen to explore benefits the patients you work with.
It's not just about being good; we see a bigger picture to make a better judgment and not just act
ethically without putting our hearts into it. Virtue ethics helps us to embody the characters of a
good human to others if we apply it to ourselves it will benefit the patient and the person I will
work to.
3. Explain how understanding the theory you have chosen to study could be useful in your
personal life.
It is advantageous to me personally since it taught me how to have the right mindset to be a
decent person to those around me as well as to my patients, coworkers, and staff. Being good is
more than just memorizing righteous deeds; it takes practice and habit to make it a way of life.

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