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Heat Transfer Processes and Equipment

CC01, CC02, CC03


English Program
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Shuhaimi Mahadzir and Shafirah Samsuri 2021

Part 3: Internal Forced Convection
▪ Flow Inside Pipes or Tubes

▪ Thermal Analysis

▪ Laminar Flow in Tubes

▪ Turbulent Flow in Tubes

Convective Heat Transfer
• Overview Heat Convection Problems

Flow Outside Object Flow Inside Object

QS const TS const

Flat Plate Single Tube Tube Banks

Re# Re#
Re# Tube Pitch
Laminar Laminar
Laminar Developing

Flow Inside Pipes or Tubes
• Definitions
Pipes Tubes
A pressure-tight circular hollow A long hollow cylinder used for
section of a piping system used to moving liquids or gases.
transport liquids or gases.
Pipes Tubes
Shape Round, cylindrical. Square, rectangular, and round.
Size Specified in NPS (nominal pipe size) Specified in mm OD (outside diameter)
Thickness Specified in schedule number Specified in mm or BWG (Birmingham
wire gauge)
Applications Transport of liquids or gasses where it is Specialty applications, e.g. medical
important to know the capacity. devices that require a precise outside
diameter to indicate stability.
Flow Inside Pipes or Tubes
• The Entrance Regions

▪ The Entry Lengths

Nu, and thus h
values are much
higher in the
entrance region.

Flow Inside Pipes or Tubes
• The Reynolds Number

▪ Generally the hydraulic diameter Dh is: Dh =

Thermal Analysis
• Thermal conditions at the surface of Tubes or Pipes
i. constant surface heat flux (qs = const)
ii. constant surface temperature (Ts= const)

Thermal Analysis
• Constant Surface Heat Flux (qs = const)
In the case of qs = constant, the rate of heat transfer:

Mean fluid temperature at the tube exit:

Surface temperature (Tm is the mean temperature of

the fluid at that location):

Thermal Analysis
• Constant Surface Temperature (Ts = constant)
Rate of heat transfer to or from a fluid flowing in a tube:

The average temperature difference Tavg = (Ts – Tm)avg

is expressed as: T

i.e., logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD)

Thermal Analysis
• Constant Surface Temperature (Ts = constant)
Rate of heat transfer to or from a fluid flowing in a tube:

The average temperature difference Tavg = (Ts – Tm)avg

is expressed as:

i.e., logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD)


Thermal Analysis
• Exit Temperature

Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 1: Heating of Water in a Tube by Steam

Water enters a 2.5 cm internal diameter thin copper tube of a heat exchanger
at 15ºC at a rate of 0.3 kg/s, and is heated by steam condensing outside at
120ºC. If the average heat transfer coefficient is 800 W/m2∙K, determine the
length of the tube required in order to heat the water to 115ºC.

Given: Heat transfer rate of water in pipe, determine the length of the pipe.
Properties of water Tm = (Ti + Te)/2 = (15 ºC + 115 ºC) /2 = 65 ºC → Cp = 4187 J/kg.K.

Rate of heat transfer:

Q = m c p (Te − Ti ) = (0.3kg/s)( 4817J/kg  K)(115 o C − 15o C)
. .

= 125600 W 12
Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 1: Heating of Water in a Tube by Steam

For constant surface temperature


(120 − 115) − (120 − 15)

Δ𝑇𝑙𝑚 = = 32.85o C
ln[ (120 − 115)/(120 − 15)]

and h = 800 W/m2∙K

Surface area of heat transfer:

For a 2.5 cm internal diameter thin-walled tube, →

Laminar Flow in Tubes
• Constant Surface Heat Flux (qs = constant)
▪ Circular tube, laminar (qs = const):

• Constant Surface Temperature (Ts = constant)

▪ Circular tube, laminar (Ts = const):

Laminar Flow in Tubes
• Laminar Flow in Circular Tube

▪ For fully developed laminar flow in a circular tube subjected to constant

surface heat flux or constant surface temperature, the Nusselt number is
a constant.

▪ There is no dependence on the Reynolds or the Prandtl numbers.

▪ The thermal conductivity k for use in the Nu relations should be

evaluated at the bulk mean fluid temperature.

Laminar Flow in Tubes
• Developing Laminar Flow in the Entrance Region
▪ For a circular tube of length L subjected to constant surface
temperature, the average Nusselt number for the thermal entrance
region (Lt):

▪ The average Nusselt number is larger at the entrance region,

and it approaches asymptotically to the fully developed value of 3.66 as
L → ∞.

Turbulent Flow in Tubes
• Fully developed turbulent flow in a smooth tube

Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 2: Flow of Oil in a Pipeline through an Icy Lake

Consider the flow of oil at 20ºC in a 30-cm diameter pipeline at an average

velocity of 2 m/s. A 200 m long section of the horizontal pipeline passes
through icy waters of a lake at 0ºC. Measurements indicate that the surface
temperature of the pipe is very nearly 0ºC. Disregarding the thermal resistance
of the pipe materials, determine:
a. The temperature of the oil when the pipe leaves the lake.
b. The rate of heat transfer from the oil.

Assume Tm = 20ºC. Then Properties of oil;
𝜌= 888.1 kg/m3, 𝜈 = 9.429 x 10-4 m2/s, Pr= 10863,
k = 0.145 W/m∙K, cp = 1880 J/kg•K.
Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 2: Flow of Oil in a Pipeline through an Icy Lake

Calculate the Reynolds number and check the thermal entry length:
VavgD 2m/s  0.3m
Re = = −4
= 636(lamina r)
ν 9.429 10 m/s
L t = 0.05RePrD = 0.05  636 10863  0.3m
= 103600m(  200m)
∴ At length of pipe = 200 m, the flow is in the thermally developing region.
Then for thermally developing region, the correlation of Nusselt number is;

Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 2: Flow of Oil in a Pipeline through an Icy Lake

The Nusselt number:

Then the heat transfer coefficient:

Nuk 37.3  0.145W/m  K
h= = = 18.02W/m 2  K
D 0.3m

Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 2: Flow of Oil in a Pipeline through an Icy Lake

a. The temperature of the oil when the pipe leaves the lake.

As = πDL = π  0.3m  200m = 188.5m 2
. 1
m = AcVavg = 888.1kg/m  [ π(0.3) 2 ]m 2  2m/s

= 125.6kg/s
then, −18.02  188.5
Te = 0 − (0 − 20) exp( )
125.6  1880
= 19.710 C (near to 20 0 C )
Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 2: Flow of Oil in a Pipeline through an Icy Lake

b. The rate of heat transfer from the oil

Q = hAs Tlm
(19.74 − 0) − (20 − 0)
Δ𝑇𝑙𝑚 = = 19.87℃
ln[ (19.74 − 0)/(20 − 0)]

Q = 16.3W/m2 ⋅ K × 188.5m2 × (19.87o C)
= 61052 W

Flow across cylinders and spheres
Example 2: Heat Leaks into liquified propane (LPG) tank.

Propane is stored in a horizontal bullet tank with a

diameter of 200 cm and length 5 m. The temperature on
the surface of the tank is 10oC. On a particular day, wind
at a speed 20 km/h blows across the tank. If the average
temperature of the wind is 30oC, determine the heat
transfer coefficient for heat convection onto the surface of
the tank.


Given: Air, T∞ = 10ºC, V = 20 km/h, D = 10 cm, Ts = 30ºC.

Determine: The heat transfer coefficient of the wind.

Laminar Flow in Tubes
Example 2:
Consider the flow of oil at 20ºC in a 30-cm diameter pipeline at an
average velocity of 2 m/s. A 200 m long section of the horizontal
pipeline passes through icy waters of a lake at 0ºC. Measurements
indicate that the surface temperature of the pipe is very nearly 0 ºC.
Disregarding the thermal resistance of the pipe materials,
a. The temperature of the oil when the pipe leaves the lake.
b. The rate of heat transfer from the oil.

Laminar Flow in Tubes
Given: oil, Ti = 20ºC, Ts = 0ºC, D = 30 cm, L = 200 m,
(a)The temperature of the oil when the pipe leaves the
(b)The rate of heat transfer from the oil

For constant surface temperature,

Laminar Flow in Tubes
Solutions continued:
Assume T bulk the mean temperature is = 20ºC.
Properties of oil:
ρ=888.1 kg/m3, = 9.429 x 10-4 m2/s, Pr= 10863, k =
0.145 W/m∙K, Cp = 1880 J/kg.K.
VavgD 2m/s  0.3m
Re = = −4
= 636(lamina r)
ν 9.429 10 m/s

Check the thermal entry length:

L t = 0.05RePrD = 0.05  636  10863  0.3m
= 103600m(  200m)
∴ Flow is thermally developing region at 200 m length.
Laminar Flow in Tubes
Solutions continued:
For thermally developing region, the Nusselt number:
0.065( D / L) Re Pr
Nu = 3.66 +
1 + 0.04[( D / L) Re Pr]2 / 3
0.065(0.3 / 200)  636  10863
= 3.66 +
1 + 0.04[(0.3 / 200)  636  10863]2 / 3
= 37.3

Then the heat transfer coefficient:

Nuk 37.3  0.145W/m  K
h= = = 18.02W/m 2  K
D 0.3m

Laminar Flow in Tubes
Solutions continued:
a. The temperature of the oil when the pipe leaves the lake.

As = πDL = π  0.3m  200m = 188.5m 2
. 1
m = AcVavg = 888.1kg/m  [ π(0.3) 2 ]m 2  2m/s

= 125.6kg/s
then, −18.02  188.5
Te = 0 − (0 − 20) exp( )
125.6  1880
= 19.710 C (near to 20 0 C )
Laminar Flow in Tubes
Solutions continued:
b. The rate of heat transfer from the oil
Q = hAs Tlm
(Ts − Te ) − (Ts − Ti ) (0 − 19.74) − (0 − 20)
Tlm = =
ln[( Ts − Te ) /(Ts − Ti )] ln[( 0 − 19.74) /(0 − 20)]
= - 19.87 o C
then, .
Q = 16.3W/m2  K  188.5m2  ( −19.87 o C)
= - 61052 W (heat loss through the pipe)

Internal Force Convection
• Flow Inside Pipes or Tubes
• Characteristics of pipes vs. tubes
• Hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths

• General Thermal Analysis

• qs constant vs. Ts constant
• Exit temperature, Te

• Laminar Flow in Tubes

• Turbulent Flow in Tubes

• Nu, developing vs. fully developed flow


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