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Activity Template Senior Stakeholder

From: Lan Tran
To: Deanna
Subject: Important Update Regarding New Tablet Procurement Process

Hi Deanna!

I am delighted to express that so far; we have achieved most of our

target as we set for our pre- launch tablet rollout project. Now we are
preparing ourselves for the formal launching day by buying and
installing the required tablet hardware and software component but we
have come across some issue.

Seydou passed on me the latest updates from our vendor Terrific Tablets
which has changed its product pricing. Previously, they were selling the
tablets to the restaurants, and part of that cost would include the menu
software—kind of like a one-time licensing fee. That’s what we have
been counting on for the rollout. Terrific Tablets is now going forward
as a subscription- based service, which includes hardware, software,
support, customization, POS integration, and more as part of a monthly
flat rate.

Now, instead of $200 per tablet for the 40 tablets we need, the
subscription that matches our needs would be $300 a month and would
cover all 40 tablets, the software, 24/7 support, customization—
everything. So instead of $8000 for using all the tablets in the first year,
it will cost us only $3,600, including support. But, that $3,600 will need
to be paid every year going forward.

By paying $3600 every year can be a bit expensive over multiple year
and could affect one of Sauce & Spoon OKR to Keep our operating
expenses below 65% but on the other hand this handful service would
help us on achieving other OKR’s like achieving enjoyable dinning
experience in and under an hour and consistent innovative intervention
for better customer dinning experience.

Although we can find new vendor for the supply of tablets yet we are
close to our launch date so finding new vendor could potentially delay
our expected launch schedule.

In the light of forgoing, I would require your input to make a final

decision on this issue.

Warm Regards,

Lam Tran

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