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Unit 7a
Prepositions of time and place: in, on, at
I. Complete these sentences with a preposition of time (in, on or at).
1. We like to eat outside in the evenings.
2. In my opinion, the motor car caused the biggest change in the twentieth century.
3. I was born at 11.15 in the morning.
4. In the spring we like to walk in the park and smell the flowers.
5. I’ll be with my family at New Year.
6. I’ll be with my family on New Year’s Day.
7. President Barack Obama was born in 1961.
8. I won’t be at school on Monday.
9. Long hair was very fashionable in 1973.
10. We always like to take a short holiday in April.

II. Where are these people? Write full sentences with the verb t o be of
place (in, on or at).1 a preposition
1. he / a party -> He’s at a party.
2. they / the fifth floor -> They’re on the fifth floor.
3. the tourist / Australia -> The tourist is in Australia.
4. the cars / motorway -> The cars are on the motorway.
5. my dog / the garden -> My dog is in the garden.
6. Madge and Ron / their wedding -> Madge and Ron are at their wedding.

III. Which lines in this conversation need a preposition (in, on or at)?

Add any necessary prepositions. Then listen and check.
A: What time does the show begin?
B: It starts at seven thirty.
A: When are the others coming?
B: They’re all meeting at Felicity’s house.
A: Are they coming in her car?
B: No, they’re coming on the underground.
A: I hope they aren’t late for the main part of the show.
B: Oh! There’s a message on my phone from Felicity.
A: Where are they?
B: They’re in the building now.

Unit 7a
I. Choose the correct prepositions. Then listen and check.
Good morning and thank you for coming. Welcome to our factory. First of all
the bottles move 1 along / across this conveyor belt and the cola comes 2 out of
/ towards this tap and 3 onto / into the bottles. Next, we put caps 4 onto / into
the bottles. After that, the bottles go 5 up / through this hole in the wall to the
warehouse. We load them 6 off / onto the lorries and the driver takes them 7
along / away.
II. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs
and the prepositions in the box.
1. The boat is the river.
2. The comet the planet.
3. He the statue this plinth.
4. He
5. He his car.
6. She the tunnel.
7. She the bridge.
8. The criminal from the police officer.
9. They the mountain.
10. The girl the board.
11. He the statue the box.
12. The sharks the boat.

Unit 7b
I. Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verb in brackets.
1. This is the first time I have eaten (eat) here. The food is really good.
2. Dave has never won (win) a prize before. He’s so pleased!
3. Has Jamie met (meet) Klara? I think he’d like her.
4. I haven’t done (not do) anything like this before. It’s great fun!
5. Have you ever gone (go) to a football match?
6. My parents haven’t been (not be) here before. It’s their first time.
7. Have you studied (study) this before? You’re very good at it.
8. Has Abby seen (see) the new photo exhibition? She’d love it.
II. Write questions using you and the present perfect.
1. travel / abroad? -> Have you ever travelled abroad?
2. be / a live concert? -> Have you ever been to a live concert?
3. take part / sports competition? -> Have you ever taken part in a sports
4. be / on TV ? -> Has you ever been on TV?
III. Answer the questions in exercise 2. If the answer is yes, give more
details. Use the present perfect or simple past as appropriate.
1. No
2. No
3. Yes.

IV. Choose the correct form of the verb. Then listen and check.
Conversation 1
A: Have you tried / Did you try the new Korean restaurant in town?
B: Yes, I have / did. We ’ve been / went there a couple of times. We ’ve been /
went last weekend.
A: What have you thought / did you think of it?
B: It was good, really good.
Conversation 2
C: I hate my job!
D: Have you ever thought / Did you ever think about changing it?
C: Yes, I have / did, lots of times! In fact I ’ve spoken / spoke to my boss about
it yesterday.
D: Really? What has he said / did he say?

V. Underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct version.
1. Have you eaten well when you were in London? -> Did you eat
2. This is only the second time I sleep in a tent. -> I’ve slept
3. I never went here before. It’s really beautiful. -> I’ve never been
4. Have you ever gone to Australia? I’d love to go. -> been
5. He visited so many interesting places in these last three months. -> He’s
6. Have you enjoyed the film last night? Yes, we did. It was great. -> Did you
7. Is this the first time your kids visited Disneyland? -> have visited
8. I’ve seen Paul at the swimming pool yesterday. -> saw

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