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Subject Topic Practice Paper – 2 Date

Computer Science Complete Syllabus PU – 12 – CS 2017

Max. Marks: 70 Duration: 3hrs 15 mins

1. The question paper has four parts: A, B, C and D. All parts are compulsory.
2. Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.

I. Answer all the questions. Each carries ONE mark: 10 x 1 = 10
1. What is a system bus?
2. What is meant by universal gate?
3. Mention any one application of stack.
4. Which type of data members are accessible outside the class?
5. How is a pointer variable declared?
6. Give symbolic notation for product? [in DBMS]
7. Expand TCP/IP
8. What are cookies?
9. Define E-commerce.
10. What do you mean by web scripting?

II. Answer any FIVE questions. Each carries TWO marks. 5 x 2 = 10
11. A truth table has output 1 for each of these inputs ABCD=0011, ABCD=0101, ABCD=1000.
What are the fundamental products and write min-term expression.
12. Draw the general k – map for four variables A, B, C & D.
13. Mention any two advantages of OOP over earlier programming methods.
14. What is destructor? Which operator is used with destructor?
15. Differentiate between get () and getline () with their syntax and example.
16. Define generalization and specialization.
17. Write the syntax and an example for DISTINCT command in SQL.
18. What is GPRS technology?

III. Answer any FIVE questions. Each carries THREE marks. 5 x 3 = 15
19. Explain different components of motherboard.
20. What is principle of duality? Give an example.
21. What is queue? Mention different types of queue.
22. How dynamic allocation of memory is different from static memory allocation.

Subject Topic Practice Paper – 2 Date
Computer Science Complete Syllabus PU – 12 – CS 2017

23. Mention the methods of opening file within C++ program. Discuss.
24. Explain any three advantages of DBMS.
25. Write advantages of WWW.
26. What is use of PHP files?

IV. Answer any SEVEN questions. Each carries FIVE marks. 7 x 5 = 35
27. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-map. Draw the logic diagram for reduced

F ( X , Y , Z )   (0, 2, 4,5,6)

28. Write an algorithm for to insert a data element at the rear end of the queue.
29. Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using binary search method.
30. Explain any five characteristics of OOPs.
31. Explain how object can be used as function arguments with example.
32. Explain friend function and their characteristics.
33. Explain constructor overloading with an example.
34. Explain single level inheritance with an example.
35. Write any 5 Codd’s rules.
36. Explain SQL data types with example.
37. Explain network security in detail.

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