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Sharmaine Jireh J.

Performance Task

The Effects of Human Overpopulation

People are having children at an uncontrollable rate in the modern world. They
concentrated on creating children, which they were incapable of handling, rather than
engaging in activities like playing, gardening, dancing, and other things. Human
overpopulation is one of the country's current modern societal problems, and this may
cause it. What exactly does "overpopulation" mean? It is the state of having a
population that is so dense that it results in environmental deterioration, a reduction in
quality of life, or a population collapse, according to a dictionary. Jam, mass,
overpopulation, and other words are the similar phrases can be used to describe
overpopulation. To be more specific, the idea of overpopulation refers to when a
society's population has become out of control, resulting in harm that is difficult to repair.
Data from the World Bank show that the Philippines' population rate is rising more
quickly than those of other nations like Vietnam and Indonesia. Additionally, it grows
more slowly than African nations, where the growth rate was over 3% in 2013.
Congested cities are one of the repercussions of population growth. The areas that
should be used for roads are currently being covered as a result of the city's growing
population. Since more people are using the roads and parking spots are gradually
filling up, this could result in chaos and lead to more problems. Unemployment is
another example. It involves losing your job or not having one at all. There are many
people who are not getting jobs since there are so many people. Despite the fact that
there are many businesses in the nation, some people still cannot find employment due
to strict requirements. The Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) reports that as of April
2020, the country's unemployment rate was 17.6%, amounting to 7.2 million
unemployed Filipinos. Pollution can also result from population growth. The more
people there are, the more waste there is, and pollution results from this, which makes
the situation in the society worse. Lastly, there's poverty. There will be increasing
shortages of food, water, and other resources as a result of the high rate of
overpopulation. Neo-Malthusians say that hunger and other issues in developing
nations are brought on by overpopulation. Uncontrollable reproduction leads to poverty,
which in turn causes hunger, shortages, and distress. Population control is therefore the
answer to the issue of global hunger.
The increasing number of people who live in a particular area or nation is referred to as
human overpopulation. It is one of the issues that the country is now dealing with.
Overcrowding, mass, jam, and other similar phrases are all related to overpopulation.
The human overpopulation problem is getting worse or rapidly increasing as time goes
on. A result of overpopulation may include crowded cities, high unemployment,
pollution, poverty, and other issues are all consequences of overpopulation.


1. Yeo, S. (2015, January 5). Population boom driving Philippines' climate

vulnerability. Climate Home News. Retrieved August 24, 2022, from
2. Collymore, Y. (2003, June 9). Rapid population growth, crowded cities present
challenges in the Philippines. PRB. Retrieved August 24, 2022, from
3. Briceno, D. (2011, June 25). Poverty in an overpopulated world.
Retrieved August 24, 2022, from

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