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EXODUS 33:1–4  

They went to Aaron, the priest, and presented their jewelry, asking
EXODUS 33:12–18 for him to melt it all down and create a new god. He agreed to do so
  and crafted a baby calf, presenting it to them as their new god.
Scripture speaks of God’s presence as being our safety, security and   The people applauded and threw a huge party. When Moses
strength. and Joshua were coming down from the mountain, Joshua told Moses
  there was a war going on. They get closer and realize it’s not a war,
His nearness is our good. but rather a party.
    Moses was livid and God brought judgment on the people.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is Three thousand people died. The wages of sin is death.
fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm   On the tail end of that failure we reach chapter 33 where God
16:11 (ESV, emphasis added) continues His promise to His people.
According to the Scriptures, the way we move into a year marked by Exodus 33:1-4 (ESV)
safety, security and the fullness of joy, is by being in the presence of  
God.  God was telling them He wanted them to go up and inherit the land
  promised to Abraham from Genesis 12. This was the land that had
We need to ask God to change our hearts’ affection, to make us long been passed on from generation to generation. He wanted them to
for and want His presence more in our lives. finally be the generation to go up and inherit the land.
    It was good news for them. They would finally have property
The Israelites and a place to call home. No longer would they be slaves in Egypt, but
  would have a place that was their own. They wouldn’t be
The book of Exodus begins with the people of Israel in Egypt. They’ve impoverished anymore, but would live in a land flowing with milk and
been there for about four hundred years and have been enslaved to honey (symbols of prosperity and abundance).
an evil pharaoh. God then raised up a man named Moses, who told  
the Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”  They would also have peace. God would send an angel to drive out all
 The plague has happened; they’ve gone through the parted red sea their enemies.
and have crossed over the wilderness. They’re on their way from   A place to call their own, peace, prosperity; all the things
slavery to the promised land that God has said He would give them. they’ve wanted.
    But there was a hitch.
Then Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive from God the rules for  
building the tabernacle, the portable church. It was the place where Exodus 33:3-4 (ESV)
the presence of God would go with the people. 
 The people had been waiting forty days down below. Complete chaos  God said He was going to give them peace, prosperity, property,
broke out in the camp. The people weren’t sure what happened to everything they had ever wanted, except not Himself. 
Moses, so they decided they needed a new leader, a new plan and a  Moses called it a disastrous word. To get everything they ever
new god. wanted, but without God, would be a complete disaster.
  Our Identity
They mourned. They took off their jewelry and laid it all down, saying  
it all paled in comparison to God’s presence. They wanted His What makes you, you? What makes the Faith Christian Assembly of
presence to go with them. They didn’t just want all the things He God Church what it is? Who are we? What defines us?
provided. They didn’t want peace, prosperity and property if God was  
not there with them.  There are a million different ways that we define ourselves. We want
  to be known as the smartest, or the fastest or the wealthiest or the
They wanted God Himself. prettiest. 
Certainly they wanted the things He provided, but not at the cost of  
Him. They valued His presence with them as preeminent and the We judge these things as how they will create our identity. These
most important thing. things will show that we’re worth something, that we’re valuable. We
  are these things.
God’s Presence as Preeminent  
  But Moses is saying that its God’s presence that should be our
Exodus 33:12-16 (ESV) identity. 
 Moses was interceding before God for the people. He was telling God We spend so much energy, money, time, effort and stress trying to
it was His presence they wanted. They didn’t want to go if He didn’t create a sense of identity in order to feel valuable, important and
go. useful. We hope to find some latent potential that will be unlocked
  from within us. Then we’ll all of a sudden go from being a nobody to a
Nothing else matters if God’s presence isn’t with us. All those somebody.
successes, the diplomas, the marriages, the raises and promotions,  
none of it matter if God is not there with us.  We want to have value.
Our hope and prayer is that God would go before us and that we The good news is we don’t have to prove our identity by the things
would join Him in the actions that He’s already doing. We should say we do or the way we look.
that if His presence doesn’t go before us, then don’t send us.   
  The Master Artist made you like you are. 
God is whom we should want.  
We have our identity in being image bearers of the King. Our value is
Exodus 33:16 (ESV) inherent and innate in us, because God is near to us and has created
  us. You are called to be like Him and you have been given purpose.
Moses was saying it was God’s presence that made them unique and  
distinct. There was a value in God’s presence being among them.  It All of our energy toward creating an identity can now be shifted
was an issue of identity. towards furthering and advancing His purposes in our lives.
That is what Moses was saying. If they went and got all of that stuff, Moses wanted to know God; His ways, the things He does, how He
but didn’t have God, they wouldn’t really have an identity. They acts and responds, likes and dislikes. He wanted to know Him more. 
would be just like all the other nations.   
  15 And he said to him, “If your presence will not go with me, do not
But God made them unique and distinct.  bring us up from here. Exodus 33:15 (ESV)
My hope for us is that we would find our identity and joy in God’s He wanted to know His presence. The Hebrew word for presence is
presence among us.  face. The face is the seat of someone’s emotions. It’s what shows
  whether the person is happy, sad, worried, stressed out. It’s the place
Let’s not spend our lives accumulating more, achieving more and by which you know somebody. He wants God’s face to be with them.
spending this year trying to prove ourselves worthy and valuable.  
  Have you ever been in love? Fallen head over heels for somebody? 
We shouldn’t define ourselves by our accomplishments, but on  
Christ’s accomplishments and achievements. Love begs for nearness. You will do whatever it takes to be close to
  them. You will do crazy and dangerous things, to be near them.
Praying to Know Him More  
  That is what the incarnation of Jesus was. It is God drawing near to
How do we grow in the presence of God? us. That mission wasn’t safe, but He did it anyway. The Word became
  flesh. So He could draw near to us. 
We want safety, security, joy, goodness and an establishment of our  
identity in Him. But how do we get that? 14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His
  glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and
Moses simply just asks God for it. truth. John 1:14 (NASB)
He prays two specific things: The tabernacle is the place of God’s presence. Jesus became the
• To know Him more. physical tabernacle, the presence of God who dwelt among the
• To see His glory. people. 
To Know Him More To See His Glory
13 Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me 18 Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” Exodus 33:18 (ESV)
now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your  
sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.” Exodus 33:13 Moses not only prayed that He wanted to know God, but he also
(ESV, emphasis added) wanted to see His glory, His weight, and His significance. He wanted
  to see the benefits of God and the beauty of God. He wanted to move
toward God for being God, for who He is.
  This is the hope we have. God’s goodness is seen in His grace and
How often do our prayers fall short of these requests? We pray for justice colliding at the cross. The cross is where we see both the
things, for blessings, safety, provision. But how often do we pray to benefit and the beauty of God fully on display.
know Him more and to see His glory? Yes, God is useful to us. His love  
provides for all our prayers. But He’s also beautiful. Seek God’s Presence
We need to see Him not just for what He can provide, but also for As we move into the New Year, we want to tell God we absolutely
who He is. want the blessings, but not if it means that we lose Him.
God responded to Moses saying he couldn’t see the fullness of His Let’s ask Him that we would grow in our experience and expression of
glory or he would die. But He told him He would put him in a cleft of a His nearness. That is where our good and joy is found.
rock and walk past him.  Moses wouldn’t be able to see His face, but  
could look at God’s back. Let’s value His nearness. Let’s have His nearness be our preeminent
6 The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a
God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast It is right and good to seek God for the answers to our
love and faithfulness, 7 keeping steadfast love for thousands, needs.  However out greatest need is not about earthly things, or
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means even the healing of our earthly bodies.  Our greatest need is to have
clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and our hearts and souls flooded with God’s presence; to be flooded with
the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation.” 8 And His grace, and His love, to know God, and to be known by Him.  When
Moses quickly bowed his head toward the earth and we get enveloped in God’s presence, concern over things and
worshiped. 9 And he said, “If now I have found favor in your sight, O problems will melt away as we marinate in His glory.  There is no
Lord, please let the Lord go in the midst of us, for it is a stiff-necked substitute for God’s presence, but it doesn’t come without a cost.  We
people, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for your must seek in order to find, we must knock in order for the door to be
inheritance.” Exodus 34:6-9 (ESV) opened. (Matt. 7:7)   There is no fast food version for
  God’s presence, but it will be worth the time, effort, and the wait.
God told Moses He is eternally gracious, but He’s also righteously  
Where these two things collide is at the cross of Jesus Christ. God’s
righteous justice was poured out for the sins of humanity. Jesus
absorbed that righteous anger. From that point, the grace of God is
now given to all that will believe. So that we will be in His presence

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