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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

10 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 4 – Module 2
Technical and Operational Definition

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
What I Need To Know
This module was made to help learners understand how terms are defined. This will
help them to note the validity, accuracy, relevance, and adequacy accorded to what has been
provided in defining terms. The ways to define terms serve as the standard level on how
skilled students may become in sentence construction when defining terms. Learning
activities are prepared according to the level of learners in order to make it more meaningful.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:

Learning Competency: Give technical and operational definition


 Identify technical and operational definition; and

 Define words or terms using technical and operational definition

What I Know

Activity 1 Pretest
Directions. Read the following questions below. Encircle only the letter of your answer.

1. The specific meaning of a word or phrase given to it by the group of people who use the
word in their context is _______________.
A. Technical Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Extended Definition

2. What definition is used that includes examples of terms and words found in the
A. Technical Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Extended Definition

3. The following choices are examples of technical definition EXCEPT:

A. Results - presents the information gathered through the research.
B. Evidence – outward signs or proofs to ascertain the truth of the matter.
C. Research – establishes facts and new findings through a systematic investigation.
D. Public Policy – new laws passed, institutional reform, change in corporate
practice etc.

4. “Public Deliberation – hearings, speeches, press statements and other forms

of deliberations among policy – makers or opinion.”

The definition of term above is an example of __________________.

A. Expanded Definition C. Operational Definition
B. Extended Definition D. Technical Definition
5. Which of the following statements DOES NOT belong to the group of operational
A. Employee Satisfaction – number of days per month that the employee shows up to
work on time.
B. Possession – time taken to honk the horn at the car ahead after a stop light turns
C. Items – number of people correctly solving a group performance task.
D. Questionnaire – a set of questions used to gather information in a survey.

What’s In
Activity 2. Make a Match
Directions: Get to know some research terms. Match the definitions in the premises
(A) with the corresponding section names listed in column (B). Write only the letter
of your answer on the blank before the number.

____1. presents background information, scope, A. Methodology

and focus of the research paper. B. Literature Review
____2. provides a review of what others C. Introduction
have written or researched on D. Reference
concerning the topic. E. Discussion
____3. explains how the research was conducted F. Conclusion
____4. presents the information gathered through G. Results
the research H. Research
____5. evaluates the results of the study I. Abstract
or research J. Appendix
____6. provides the summary of the research K. Dictionary
____7. lists all the sources used in the research
____8. contains other related information such as
graphs, charts, tables, and lists
____9. summarizes all sections and helps readers
decide whether or not to read the entire report
____10. a systematic investigation to contribute to an
existing body of knowledge.

What’s New

Activity 3
A. Directions: Read the following texts clearly. Then, answer the questions that follow.
1. The government has passed Republic Act 9710 (Magna Carta for Women) to
affirm the role of women in nation building and to ensure the substantive
equality of women.

What is defined in this sentence? How is it defined?


2. “Discrimination Against Women” refers to any gender-based distinction,

exclusion, or restriction which has the effect or purpose of impairing or
nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of
their marital status, or a basis of equality of men and women of human rights
and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or
any other field.
How is discrimination against women defined?

3. As defined in Republic Act 7610, child abuse refers to the maltreatment,

whether habitual or not, of the child which includes any of the following:

(1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse, and
emotional maltreatment.
(2) Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades, or demeans the
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as human being;
(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such as food and
shelter; or
(4) Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting
in serious impairment of his growth and development or in his permanent
incapacity or death.
What is defined in this item? How is it defined?

B. Directions: Fill in the blanks by completing the sentences with your own
definition of the word or group of words.
1. An article is valid when it
2. Reliability of the article’s content means
3. We can say that what we read is accurate when

4. Adequate information calls for


What Is It

A term definition is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some

uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject. Defining terms is one way
of helping to resolve problems of ambiguity and there are many types of definitions.

In this part of the module, you will be clarified on the context on how technical
and operational definitions are defined and used.

Technical definition is having special and usually practical knowledge

especially of a mechanical or scientific subject. Technical definition mostly
refers to the aspect of explaining or describing any technical terms or

Examples include the terms and definitions of the words found in dictionary.

Technical definition could be used in expanding the vocabulary since most

of these terms are explained in the exact manner.


1. Email message is one platform that connects people by using any form of
2. Interviewing is a conversational practice where knowledge is produced
through the interaction between an interviewer and interviewee.
3. Statistics is the quantity that is computed from a sample.
4. Evidence is an outward sign of proofs to ascertain the truth of a matter.
5. Generalization is a general statement, law, principle, or proportion.
Operational definition is the specific meaning of a word or phrase given to it by
the group of people who use the word in their specific context.

On the other hand, operational definition is more on the application of the word. In
other words, it is used in defining the terms of a process.

An example of operational definition of the term weight of an object, operationalized to

a degree, would be the following:
“Weight is the number that appears when that object is placed on a weighing scale.”
1. Employee satisfaction – number of days per month that the employee shows up to
work on time.
2. Possession – time taken to honk the horn at the car ahead after a stop light turn
3. Items – number of people correctly solving a group performance-task.
4. Public policy – new laws passed, institutional reform, change in corporate practice,
5. Social media traction – volume of people endorsing, commenting on, or sharing
content on social media.
6. Public deliberation – hearings, speeches, press statements, and other forms of
deliberated among policy-makers or opinion.

What’s More

Activity 4
A. Directions: This time, give the operational or technical definitions of the
following concepts. You may use the internet or your books as
your reference. Just be sure to cite where you got them.

Words to be Operational Definition Technical Definition Source




Global warming


B. Directions. Read the sentences and categorize each according to the correct
types of definitions. Write your answers on the corresponding
column inside the box.

 Conflict happens in the family, among friends, in the classroom, or around the corporate
conference table.
 An argumentative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical.
 An automobile is a car or truck that gets you around from place to place and carries cargo
or passengers, and makes it easier to live in the city or countryside.
 Computers are devices or machines used in performing, assessing, evaluation, and
following commands set by the users.
 A telephone is a device used to talk to people who are far away.
 Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
 Electric current refers to the force between two infinite parallel conductors, separated by
a specified distance.
Technical Definition Operational Definition

What I Have Learned
Activity 5 Tell Me What
You Know
Directions. Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the
1. What is the difference between technical and operational definitions?


2. What is the significance of learning what technical and operational definitions

are in developing your vocabulary?

What I Can Do

Activity 6
Directions: Give the technical and operational definition of each word.
Be guided with the criteria given below.
1. Computer
Technical: ________________________________________

2. Cellphone
Operational: ______________________________________

3. Book
Technical: ________________________________________
Operational: ______________________________________

4. Jacket
Operational: ______________________________________

5. Winter
Technical: ________________________________________


Directions. Read the following questions carefully. Write only the letter of your answer on
the blank before the number.
______1. What type of definition given below shows specific meaning of a word or phrase used
in defining the terms of a process?
A. Operational Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Technical Definition D. Extended Definition
______2. The statement below is an example of ______________.
Statistics – is the quantity that is computed from a sample.

A. Operational Definition C. Expanded Definition

B. Technical Definition D. Extended Definition
______3. Which of the following statements below is an example of operational definition?
A. Employee satisfaction is the number of days per month that the employee shows
up to work on time.
B. Research establishes facts and new findings through a systematic investigation.
C. Generalization is a general statement, law, principle or proportion.

D. Reference list, lists all the sources used in the research.
______4. What do you call this type of definition that pertains to the weight of an object?
A. Operational Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Technical Definition D. Extended Definition
______5. Operational definition is the specific meaning of a word or phrase given to it by the
group of people who use the word in their specific _____________.
A. Context C. Concept
B. Progress D. Process
______6. Which of the following statements DOES NOT belong to the group of technical
A. A telephone is a device used to talk to people who are far away.
B. Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
C. Electric current refers to the force between two infinite parallel conductress,
separated by a specified distance.
D. Computers are devices or machines used in performing, assessing, evaluation, and
following commands set by the users.
______7. This term is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is
peculiar to science, art, profession, or subject.
A. Method C. Term
B. Ways D. Definition

______8. Which of the following statements below categorizes operational definition?

A. Stress is a force that strains and deforms a body.
B. A paper micrometer is a small measuring instrument used to measure the
thickness of a piece of paper.
C. Mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature.
D. Rain is drops of water falling from a cloud in the sky.

______9. Which of the following statements below categorizes technical definition?

A. Fuel is a substance that is burnt to produce energy.
B. Organism is any object that grows and reproduces (has babies).
C. In driving, a stall Is an operating condition in which a sudden and unexpected loss
of power occurs.
D. A paper micrometer is a small measuring instrument used to measure the
thickness of piece of paper.

______10. Defining terms is one way of helping to resolve problems of _______.

A. Ambiguity C. Clarity
B. Difficulty D. Faculty

Additional Activity

A. Directions: In this part, your task is to come up with operational definition for
emotions, behaviors, and states of being. For each of the following statements, provide an
operational definition for the underlined words.
1. The experimenter wants to figure out how recreational drugs affect a person’s sense of
humor. Answer:

2. The teacher wants to find a way to help make Billy act more friendly toward the other

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

3. A psychologist wants to know if his new form of psychotherapy will make people less

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

4. I have to find a way to study more efficiently.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

5. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________
6. Boys show more affection towards their father than towards their mother.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

7. Sleep deprivation causes a person to become more irritable.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

8. College athletes are smart.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

9. The school spirit is at an all-time low.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

10. Kids who spend many hours playing violent video games tend to be more aggressive.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

B. Technical Definition

B. Directions: This time, you will have to think of five (5) simple everyday
items and define each using technical definition. An example is provided for you.

Example: Lipstick is a kind of cosmetic that enhances aesthetic beauty of women.



What I Know What’s In What’s New

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3A & 2B
1. B 1. C 6. F  Terms are defined
2. A 2. B 7. D showing validity,
3. D 3. A 8. J accuracy, reliability
4. C 4. G 9. I and accuracy.
5. D 5. E 10. H

What’s More What I Have Learned Assessment

Activity 4A Activity 5 1. A 6. C
 Defining terms Answers may vary. 2. B 7. D
using books or 3. A 8. A
internet as reference What I Can Do 4. B 9. D
(Note: Answers may Activity 6 5. A 10. A
vary.) Answers may vary.
Activity 4B Additional Activity
1. O 4. T Answers may vary.
2. O 5. T
3. O 6. T
7. O


Almonte, Liza R., Flandez, Lerma L., Hermosa, Angelina Lourdes, Nedia Lagustan, Liberty A.
Mangaluz, Elenita R. Miranda, Paul Anthony B. Mendoza, Lito A. Palomar, Grace B. Annette
Barradas-Soriano, and Karen B. Villanueva, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature.
Pasig City: Rex Book Store, Inc. 2015, 405 466-467, 503,505- 507.

Online Sources

2021b. Accessed February 1, 2021,

Arlandisjone,. 2021, “Technical Definitions Description.” SlideShare Android. Accessed

February 1.

Brightwell, Safwan. 2021, “Technical Defintions.” SlideShare Android, Accessed February 1,


“Clear Thinking with Psychology,” Google Books. Accessed February 2., 2021

Contributors to Wikimedia projects, 2020, “Operational Definition.” Wikipedia. December 27,


“Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America’s Most-Trusted Online Dictionary.” 2021. Merriam-

Webster. Accessed February 1, 2021

“How To Think Straight About Psychology - Sixth Edition: Keith E. Stanovich: Amazon.Com:
Books.” 2021a. Accessed February 2.

“Philosophy.” 2018. Humanities LibreTexts. December 22,2021,

“Quora - A Place to Share Knowledge and Better Understand the World.” 2021. Accessed
February 1, 2021,

“‘Technical and Operational’ on SlideShare,” 2021, Accessed February 2, 2021,

Thompson, Karen. 2021. “About Technical Definitions.” SlideShare Android. Accessed

February 1.

Zaina, Aliza. 2021, “Research Report,” SlideShare Android, Accessed February 1, 2021,
Writers: Gemma P. Ladjagais, Basilan National High School
Manny P. Tumalon, Isabela City National High School
Language Editor:
Proofreader: Violeta M. Sta. Elena, EPS
Layout Artist: Joyce Ethel L. Sienes
Management Team:

Julieto H. Fernandez, Ed. D., CESO VI

SDS-Isabela City
Maria Laarni T. Villanueva, Ed. D., CESE
ASDS-Isabela City
Henry R. Tura, CID Chief
Elsa A. Usman, LR Supervisor
Helen De Leon, EPS-English, Module Coordinator

Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land
Here the trees and flowers bloom Gallant men And Ladies fair Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos, Ilongos,
Here the breezes gently Blow, Linger with love and care All of them are proud and true
Here the birds sing Merrily, Golden beams of sunrise and sunset Region IX our Eden Land
The liberty forever Stays, Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX Region IX
Here the Badjaos roam the seas Hardworking people Abound, Eden...
Here the Samals live in peace Every valleys and Dale Land...
Here the Tausogs thrive so free Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
With the Yakans in unity

My Final Farewell
Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun caress'd Let the sun draw the vapors up to the sky,
Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!, And heavenward in purity bear my tardy protest
Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's best, Let some kind soul o 'er my untimely fate sigh,
And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest And in the still evening a prayer be lifted on high
Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost. From thee, 0 my country, that in God I may rest.

On the field of battle, 'mid the frenzy of fight, Pray for all those that hapless have died,
Others have given their lives, without doubt or heed; For all who have suffered the unmeasur'd pain;
The place matters not-cypress or laurel or lily white, For our mothers that bitterly their woes have cried,
Scaffold or open plain, combat or martyrdom's plight, For widows and orphans, for captives by torture tried
T is ever the same, to serve our home and country's need. And then for thyself that redemption thou mayst gain

I die just when I see the dawn break, And wh en the dark ni gh t wrap s the grav eyard around
Through the gloom of night, to herald the day; W ith o nl y the dead in th ei r vigil to see
And if color is lacking my blood thou shalt take, Bre ak not my rep ose o r the mystery prof ound
Pour'd out at need for thy dear sake And perch an ce tho u mayst he ar a s ad hymn reso un d
To dye with its crimson the waking ray. 'T is I, O my co un try, rai si ng a son g unto th ee.

My dreams, when life first opened to me, And even my grav e is re membered no mo re
My dreams, when the hopes of youth beat high, Unmark' d by neve r a c ross nor a s tone
Were to see thy lov'd face, O gem of the Orient sea Le t th e pl ow s weep th ro ugh it, the spad e turn it o'er
From gloom and grief, from care and sorrow free; Th at my ashes may carpe t earthl y flo or,
No blush on thy brow, no tear in thine eye. Before i nto n othi ngness at l as t th ey are blo wn .

Dream of my life, my living and burning desire, The n wil l obl ivi on b ri ng to me no care
All hail ! cries the soul that is now to take flight; As ove r th y vales and plain s I s weep;
All hail ! And sweet it is for thee to expire ; Th robb in g and cle anse d in thy sp ace and ai r
To die for thy sake, that thou mayst aspire; W ith co lo r and li gh t, wi th song and lame nt I fare,
And sleep in thy bosom eternity's long night. Eve r repeati ng the f ai th th at I keep.

If over my grave some day thou seest grow, M y Fathe rl an d ad or'd, that s adness to my sorro w lends
In the grassy sod, a humble flower, Belov ed Fil ip inas, hear now my last good -by!
Draw it to thy lips and kiss my soul so, I give thee al l: p are nts and kind red and friends
While I may feel on my brow in the cold tomb below For I go wh ere no slave before the opp ress or bends,
The touch of thy tenderness, thy breath's warm power. Wh ere faith can neve r k il l, and God rei gns e'er on high !

Let the moon beam over me soft and serene, Farewel l to you all , from my so ul torn away,
Let the dawn shed over me its radiant flashes, Fri ends of my chi ldho od i n the home dis possessed !
Let the wind with sad lament over me keen ; G ive th an ks that I re st from th e weari so me day!
And if on my cross a bird should be seen, Farewel l to thee, too, s wee t friend that l ightened my way;
Let it trill there its hymn of peace to my ashes. Belov ed creature s al l, fare we ll ! In de ath the re is rest!

I Am a Filipino, by Carlos P. Romulo

I am a Filipino–inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain I am a Filipino, child of the marriage of the East and the West. The
future. As such I must prove equal to a two-fold task–the task of East, with its languor and mysticism, its passivity and endurance,
meeting my responsibility to the past, and the task of performing my was my mother, and my sire was the West that came thundering
obligation to the future. across the seas with the Cross and Sword and the Machine. I am of
the East, an eager participant in its spirit, and in its struggles for
I sprung from a hardy race, child many generations removed of liberation from the imperialist yoke. But I also know that the East
ancient Malayan pioneers. Across the centuries the memory comes must awake from its centuried sleep, shake off the lethargy that has
rushing back to me: of brown-skinned men putting out to sea in bound his limbs, and start moving where destiny awaits.
ships that were as frail as their hearts were stout. Over the sea I see
them come, borne upon the billowing wave and the whistling wind, I am a Filipino, and this is my inheritance. What pledge shall I give
carried upon the mighty swell of hope–hope in the free abundance of that I may prove worthy of my inheritance? I shall give the pledge that
new land that was to be their home and their children’s forever. has come ringing down the corridors of the centuries, and it shall be
compounded of the joyous cries of my Malayan forebears when first
I am a Filipino. In my blood runs the immortal seed of heroes–seed they saw the contours of this land loom before their eyes, of the battle
that flowered down the centuries in deeds of courage and defiance. cries that have resounded in every field of combat from Mactan to
In my veins yet pulses the same hot blood that sent Lapulapu to Tirad Pass, of the voices of my people when they sing:
battle against the first invader of this land, that nerved Lakandula in
the combat against the alien foe, that drove Diego Silang and “I am a Filipino born to freedom, and I shall not rest until freedom
Dagohoy into rebellion against the foreign oppressor. shall have been added unto my inheritance—for myself and my
15 children and my children’s children—forever.”
The seed I bear within me is an immortal seed. It is the mark of my
manhood, the symbol of dignity as a human being. Like the seeds
that were once buried in the tomb of Tutankhamen many thousand
years ago, it shall grow and flower and bear fruit again. It is the
insignia of my race, and my generation is but a stage in the

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