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PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. TAI LIEU TONG ON P Nang cao ki ning xir Ii eu héi dge hiéu (Phan 2/4) Bién sogn: C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions LIAM KILLEN Liam Killen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and had both successes and disappointments in that time. His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose air at the last part of the race and he finished fourth. not the first time he’d been unlucky. In a previ it was raining heavily and he erashed hi minutes after the crash, He often gets nervous before a race but he thinks that this is a good thing. ‘Nervous energy makes you {go faster and on the day. It’s all about winning. The important thing is to stay positive’. Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. ‘They make all the difference, You have to be really fit to get ahead’, He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier, ‘You can get into the front group more quickly’, Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. ‘I’m still quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so I’ve got enough time to achieve my dream. I know the Olympics are hard and I’ll have to produce my best-performance yet. But I feel confident’ Liam trains for 30 hours a week - always outside - and he reaches speeds of 65 kph. He thinks that cycling professionally is the best job in the world and would enjoin it to anyone. His advice to people starting to race is, 'Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster.’ Question 1, What is the writer trying to do in the text? A. encourage people to cycle as a hobby B. give details of Liam’s cycling career C. compare eycling with other sports D. explain why Liam became a cyclist Question 2, What happened towards the end of one Liam’s races? This was ike just A. He fell off his bike B. The weather got really bad C. He was involved in an accident. D. There was a problem with his bike Question 3. Liam prefers a race that A. includes some hilly ground B. has a lot of riders taking part C. attracts less experienced riders D. allows him to get ahead at the end Question 4, What does Liam say about the Olympics? A. He thinks he will perform badly B. Most riders will be younger than him C. The race is longer than he is used to D. He is looking forward to the challenge. Question 5: The word “enjoin” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to___ A. Participate B. involve C. recommend D. promote VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions In the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried. In 1825, the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these carriers received no government salary and their entire ‘compensation on what they were paid by the recipients of indi In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed. Although their activities were only semilegal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism. As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery. In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States. Fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest, nearly three-quarters of the population, still received no mail unless they went to their post office. Question 6: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The increased use of private mail services. B, The development of a government postal system. C. A comparison of urban and rural postal services. D. The history of postage stamps. Question 7: Which of the following was seen as a disadvantage of the postage stamp? A. Ithad to be purchased by the sender in advance. B. It increased the cost of mail delivery. C. It was difficult to affix to letters. D. It was easy to counterfeit. Question 8: Why does the author mention the city of Philadelphia in paragraph 2? A. It was the site of the first post office in the United State B. Its postal service was inadequate for its population C. It was the largest city in the United States in 1847 D. It was commemorated by the first United States postage stamp Question 9: The word "cumbersome" is closest in meaning to idual letters. A, burdensome B.handsome —C. loathsome __D. quarrelsome Question 10: The word "they" refers to A. Boston and Philadelphia B. businesses C. arrangements D. letters VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Question 11: The private postal services of the nineteenth century claimed that they could do which of the following better than the government? A. Deliver a higher volume of mail. B, Deliver mail more cheaply. C. Deliver mail faster. D. Deliver mail to rural areas. Question 12: In 1863 the United States government began providing which of the following to mail carriers? A.A salary B. Housing C. Transportation D. Free postage stamps Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Desertification is the process by which once fertile lands in sub-humid, arid, and semi-arid areas becomes infertile desert. These changes can be caused by climatic variations and by human activities. Much modern desertification is the result of heavy demands by increasing populations for land on which ‘crops can be raised and cattle can graze, The biggest problems of desertification are the loss of biodiversity and productive capacity. These effects can be seen in the U.S. Southwest, where many once-dominant bunchgrasses have been wiped out and replaced by creosotebush shrublands since the early 1900s. Another place these changes are evident is on the central highland plateau of Madagascar, where ten percent of the entire country has undergone the desertification process. This terrible loss of vegetation and farmland is due to the slash and burn agricultural practices used by the indigenous people One of the major modern causes of the desertification process is the grazing of livestock beyond the sustainable limit for a piece of land. These cows and sheep pound the soil with their hooves, which causes the substrate to become compacted and decreases its ability to absorb moisture, The weight and constant stomping of the livestock also grinds the soil into finer particles. All of these activities make the soil more vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. The grazing activity of the livestock as well as the collection of ‘wood for fires also reduce and eliminate the plants that bind the soil. Another cause of desertification is the over-farming of land, As fertile soil is used to plant crops, the crops are harvested, and the land is reused. Eventually it is stripped of its minerals and moisture. As farmers break up the land to plant new crops, the soil is left exposed to the forces of erosion. These poor farming practices contributed to the desertification of the midwestern United States in the 1930s. This economic disaster that drove a large portion of the population away from their homes as they attempted to abandon unproductive lands was termed the Dust Bowl. Desertification is occurring rapidly over large portions of the People's Republic of China, Because the populations of rural areas have increased since the middle of the 20th century and species of livestock which require higher food intakes have been introduced, desertification is on the rise. As desertification has been recognized as a major threat to biodiversity, some countries have developed biodiversity action plans to reverse the ill effects. These plans have been designed to limit the damaging factors and to protect the endangered flora and fauna as well, Question 13. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The process of desertification B. The loss of biodiversity C. Ways to combat desertification ‘D. Causes and effects of desertification Question 14, According to paragraph 3, soil gets more affected by erosion because of. A. the planting of leguminous plants _B. free-roaming animals C. dominant bunchgrasses the stomping of the hooves of livestock VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Question 15. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about desertification in the Midwest in the 1930s? A. Those who had abandoned their homes moved back when the land improved. B. Better farming practices could have prevented the Dust Bowl. C. The land was polluted by toxic minerals. D. The Dust Bowl gave rise to economic prosperity. Question 16. Which is one of the causes of desertification? A. Sheep and cows compact the soil. _B. Biodiversity action plans are developed C. Rural populations have declined. D. Fertile lands become infertile desert Question 17. Why does the author mention the People's Republic of China in paragraph 5? A. To show one of the causes of desertification B. To give an example of large portions desertification C. To give a reason for the population increase in rural areas D. To highlight the dangers of desertification Question 18. The word “indigenous” in the passage mostly means . A. related to agricultural product B. practicing farm work C. connected with a particular place D. causing vegetation loss Question 19. The passage following this most probably deals with A. major deserts in the world B. methods to decrease desertification C. causes of desertification D. problems caused by desertification Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D onyou answer sheet to indicate the correct ver t0 each of the questions. Advertising has a major influence on everyday life. In order to be successful, advertisements need to attract the attention of customers and convince them that they need to buy the product being advertised. Four main techniques are used to create effective advertisements. Appeal is the most important technique. Some products are promoted by the use of factual appeal. This, involves explaining how a product is made or how it works so as to assure the customers that the product is superior to all other products on the market. Other advertisements target people’s emotions. For example, an advertisement may try to convince customers that they will be more popular or attractive if they use a particular product. This technique is referred to as emotional appeal. Both emotional and factual appeals are powerful advertising techniques. Another technique employed in advertising is the use of slogans. Slogans are short phrases which are easy to remember. American Express uses the slogan “Don’t leave home without it!” This slogan is used repeatedly so that people readily associate it with the credit card. ‘The third technique is the use of testimonials. The term “testimonial” refers to advertisements which have a person recommending a particular product, Famous people such as athletes, musicians, and actors are often used to provide testimonials. The final technique is repetition. This means running advertisements frequently in various media forms so that itis difficult for consumers to escape the message. For example, advertisements for Coca Cola can be seen in newspapers and magazines, on television, billboards, and the Internet. Repetition has played a key role in increasing Coca Cola’s popularity. ans) VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Question 20. A successful advertisement is the one that A should have a famous person appear in it B. must say the product is more superior to other products of the type C. can persuade the customer to buy the product D. uses slogans that are easily to remember by the customer Question 21. The advertising technique most widely used is . A. repetition B. the use of slogans C. appeal D. the use of well-known people Question 22. Factual appeal aims at . ‘A helping the customers realize that they are popular and attractive people B. helping the customers find out the right product they are looking for C. making the customers feel that they are more superior to other people D. making the customers believe that the product being advertised is best Question 23. Which of the following is NOT true about advertising techniques in general? A.A slogan should be brief and easy to remember. B. Advertising should be directed towards making the customers buy the product, C. An advertisement must be able to persuade famous people to buy the product being advertised. D. Advertisements should regularly appear on different forms of media, Question 24, The advertising technique of repetition ensures that A. the customers can encounter an advertisement anywhere, any time B. an advertisement must look the same without any change C. something must be said again and again D. a slogan should not be changed or rewritten VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. HUONG DAN GIAI CHI TIET Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions LIAM KILLEN Liam Killen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and had both successes and disappointments in that time. His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose air at the last part of the race and he finished fourth. This was not the first time he’d been unlucky. In a previous race, it was raining heavily and he crashed his bike just minutes after the crash. He often gets nervous before a race but he thinks that this is a good thing. ‘Nervous energy makes you go faster and on the day. It’s all about wi ‘The important thing is to stay positive’. Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. “They make alll the difference. You have to be really fit to get ahead’. He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier. ‘You can get into the front group more quickly’. Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. ‘I’m still quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so ’'ve got enough time to achieve my dream. I know the Olympics are hard and I'll have to produce my best-performance yet. But I feel confident’ 1m trains for 30 hours a week - always outside - and he reaches speeds of 65 kph. He thinks that cycling professionally is the best job in the world and would enjoin it to anyone. His advice to people starting to race is, 'Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster.’ Question 1. What is the writer trying to do in the text? A. encourage people to cycle as ahobby _B. give details of Liam’s cycling career C. compare cycling with other sports D. explain why Liam became a cyclist Huéng dan gidi Neudi viét cé ging Lim gi théng qua doan vin? A. khuyén khich moi ngudi dap xe nhu mét thi vui B. cung cap théng tin chi tiét vé su nghiép dap xe cua Liam C. so sanh di xe dap v6i cde mon thé thao khée D. giai thich ly do tai sao Liam tré thinh mét tay dua xe dap Bai vin miéu ta chi tiét vé sw nghiép dap xe cua Liam — Chon dap an B Question 2, What happened towards the end of one Liam’s races? A. He fell off his bike B. The weather got really bad C. He was involved in an accident. D. There was a problem with his bike Huéng dan giai Diéu gi da xay ra vao cudi mét cudc dua cia Liam? A. Anh dy bj nga xe B. Thoi tiét tro nén tdi té C. Anh Ay tham gia vao mét vu tai nan. D. Da xay ra su c6 véi chiéc xe dap cia anh ay ‘Thong tin : His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose air at the last part of the race and he finished fourth Tam djcl \i diém tdi t@ nhat ciia anh ay cho dén nay la trong mét gidi v6 dich thé gi truée cua anh dy bat diu mat hoi 6 phan cudi cia cude dua va anh dy vé thir tu. — Chon dap an D gan day. Lop VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Question 3. Liam prefers a race that A. includes some hilly ground B. has a lot of riders taking part C. attraets less experienced riders D. allows him to get ahead at the end Hudng dan gidi Liam thich mt eude dua ma A. bao gdm mot sé ving dat ddi B. cé rat nhiéu tay dua tham gia . thu hat nhig tay dua it kinh nghigm hon —_D. cho phép anh ta vugt Ién & cudi Thong Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. ‘They make all the difference. You have to be really fit to get ahead’. (Liam thich mt cuge dua kh6 véi nhig man leo déc. ‘Ching tao ra tat ca syr khae bigt, Ban phai thye sy khée manh dé vugt Ién.) = Ading He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier. *You can get into the front group more quickly’. (Anh Ay eiing thich tham gia cdc eude thi & cic cp d6 cao nhit vi cé it tay dua hon trong cuge dua va diéu nay gitip khoi dau dé ding hon. "Ban cO thé tham gia vao nhém phia truée nhanh hon".) — Bsai — Chon dap an A Question 4, What does Liam say about the Olympics? A. He thinks he will perform badly B. Most riders will be younger than him C. The race is longer than he is used to D. He is looking forward to the challenge. Huéng dan gi Liam néi gi vé Thé van hdi? A. Anh ay nghi ring anh ay sé thé hién khéng tét B. Hau hét cdc tay dua sé tré hon anh ay C. Cue dua dai hon ning cuge dua ma anh quen thuge D. Anh dy dang mong ché thir thach. ‘Thong tin : ‘I’m still quite young and expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so I’ve got enough time to achieve my dream. I know the Olympics are hard and I'll have to produce my best-performance yet. But I feel confident” ‘Tam dich: Téi van cn kha tré va dy kién sé dap xe cho dén gitta tudi ba muoi nén tdi c6 dil thoi gian 8 dat duge ude mo etia minh, T6i biét Thé vin hGi rét khé khan va t6i sé phai tao ra thinh tich tét nhat cia minh, Nhung tdi cam thay ty tin — Chon dap an D Question 5: The word “enjoin” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A. Participate B. involve C. recommend D. promote Huéng dan giai A. Participate: tham gia B. involve: bao ggm C. recommend: dé xuat, 48 nghi D. promote: quang ba + Enjoin: ép, ra Iénh ai Lim gi ~ recommend — Chon dap an C VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. DICH BAI BOC Liam Killen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and had both successes and disappointments in that time. His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose air at the last part of the race and he finished fourth. This was not the first time he’d been unlucky. In a previous race, it was raining heavily and he crashed his bike just minutes after the crash, He often gets nervous before a race but he thinks that this is a good thing. ‘Nervous energy makes you go faster and on the day. It’s all about winning. The important thing is to stay positive’ Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. ‘They make all the difference. You have to be really fit to get ahead’, He also enjoys entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier. ‘You can get into the front group more quickly’. Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. ill quite young and expect to be riding unt my dream. I know the Olympics are hard and I'll have to produce my best-performance yet. But I feel confident” Liam trains for 30 hours a week - always outside - and he reaches speeds of 65 kph. He thinks that cycling professionally is the best job in the world and would enjoin it to anyone. His advice to people starting to race is, 'Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster. my mid-thirties so I’ve got enough time to achieve | Liam Killen 1 m6t ng6i sao dang lén trong ling xe dap leo nai xuyén quée gia. Anh dy da dua tir nam 12 tudi, c6 ca thanh céng Hin that vong trong théi gian dé. Khoanh khie tdi t@ nhét ctia anh dy cho dén nay la trong gidi v6 dich thé gidi gin day. Lép trudéc cia anh dy bat dau mit hoi 6 phin cudi cia cudc dua va anh dy vé thir tu. Day khéng phai la lan dau tién anh ay kém may min, Trong mét cude dua trude d6, trdi mua rit to va anh dy da bi nga xe chi vai phiit sau khi va cham. Anh dy thuéng lo lang truéc mt cude dua nhung anh dy nghi ring day 14 mét diéu tét. ‘Nang Ivong cua sy lo lang khién ban di nhanh hon vao_ ngay dé. Tat cd vé chién thing. Diéu quan trong 1a luén c dua khé véi h cue ') Liam thich m@t cud at khde nhimg man leo déc. ‘Ching tao ra tit c: biét. Ban phai thy sy khoe manh dé vugt lén. Anh. | dy cing thich tham gia cée cuge thi 6 cae cdp 46 cao nhat vi c6 it tay dua hon trong cudc dua va diéu | nay gitip khdi dau dé ding hon. "Ban cé thé tham gia vao nh6m phia truée nhanh hon’ Liam da dugc chon dé tham dy Thé vn hdi Olympic va mét ngay nao dé anh ay muén gianh duge huy churong. "Téi vin edn kha tré va dy kién sé cn dap xe cho dén gitta tuéi ba mui nén t6i di thoi gian dé dat duge ude mo iia minh. Toi biét ‘Thé van hi rat khé khan va t6i sé phai tao ra thanh tich tt nhat cia minh, Nhung tdi cam thay ty tin" Liam tp luyén 30 gid’ mot tuin - ludn 6 bén ngoai = va anh ay dat téc 46 65 km /h. Anh ay nghi ring di xe dap chuyén nghiép la cong vige tot nhat trén thé gidi va sé goi ¥ n6 cho bat ky ai. Loi khuyén cua anh dy cho nhimg nguii bit diu cude dua a, ‘Hay chuan bi cho mét sé céng viée khé khan, Néu vige dio tao dé ding, né sé khéng gidp ban nhanh hon. ' VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions In the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried. In 1825, the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters. In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed. Although their activities were only semilegal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism. As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery. In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States. Fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest, nearly three-quarters of the population, still received no mail unless they went to their post office. Question 6: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The increased use of private mail services. B, The development of a government postal system. C. A comparison of urban and rural postal services. D. The history of postage stamps. Huéng dan gidi Doan van chu yéu ban vé van dé gi? A. Viée gia ting sir dung dich vy chuyén thu riéng. B. Su phat trign ciia he théng buu chinh nha nude. . Syrso sdnh gitia dich vy buu chinh 6 thanh thj va néng thon D. Lich sir ctia tem buu chinh. Bai vin ké vé lich sit thu phi van chuyén buu pham cua buu dign Hoa Ky tir nhing ngay dau thanh lip: In the early days of the United States... In 1825, the United States Congress ... Finally, in 1863, Congress ... In 1847 the United States Post Office Department ... — Chon dap an B Question 7: Which of the following was seen as a disadvantage of the postage stamp? A. Ithad to be purchased by the sender in advance. B. It increased the cost of mail delivery. C. It was difficult to affix to letters. D. It was easy to counter! VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Huéng dan giai fay chi ra bat loi cua tem buu chinh? Y nao sau A, Ngudi giti phai mua tem truée. B. Né lam ting euée phi giti thu C. Tem buu chinh thi kh6 dan lén bite thu. —_D. No rat dé dé gia mao. ‘ThOng tin: In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. ‘Tam djeh: Vao nim 1847, Hoa Ky da thong qua y tuéng vé con tem buu chinh, di nhién 1 don gian héa vige thanh tofn cho dich vy buru chinh nhung lai gay ra sy phan nan ciia nhing ngudi khong thich tra trurée, —+ Chon dap fin A ru, Question 8: Why does the author mention the city of Philadelphia in paragraph 2? A. It was the site of the first post office in the United State B. Its postal service was inadequate for its population C. It was the largest city in the United States in 1847 D. It was commemorated by the first United States postage stamp Hudng dan giat Tai sao tac gid nhc dén thinh phé Philadelphia trong doan 2? A. Day la dia diém ciia buu dign diu tién 6 Hoa Ky B. Dich vy buu chinh cia né khéng phi hgp véi dan sé cia nd C. No la thanh phé lén nhat 6 Hoa Ky vao nam 1847 D. No duge ky nigm béi con tem buru chinh dau tién ctia Hoa Ky ‘Thdng tin ; Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. ‘Tam dich: Bén canh dé, tem chi duge giti dén buu dign va khéng bao gém viéc mang no dén mét dia chi rigng. Vi dy 6 Philadelphia v6i din s6 150.000 ngudi, nguoi din van phai dén buu dign dé lay thu. Ban than sy boi réi va tée nghén cua timg eOng dan khi tim kiém thu cia ho da du dé ngan can vige sit dung thu. — Chon dap in B Question 9: The word “cumbersome” is closest in meaning to A. burdensome B. handsome C. loathsome D. quarrelsome Huéng dan giai Tir “cumbersome” gan nghia nhat véi tir nio sau day? A. burdensome (adj): gay tré nggi, khé khan B. handsome (adj): dep trai C. loathsome (adj): ghé tom, dang ghét D. quarrelsome (adj): hay gay g6, cai nhau Tir vung: ~ cumbersome /’kambasam/ (adj): nang né, vudng viu, gay tro ngai ~ burdensome —> Chon dip an A Question 10: The word “they” refers to A. Boston and Philadelphia B. businesses C. arrangements D. letters VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Huéng dan giai Tir "they" ding dé chi ‘A. Boston va Philadelphia B. ede doanh nghiép C. sy sap xép D. nhiing chit edi ‘ThOng tin : “Itis no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter- carrying and express businesses developed, Although their activities were only semi legal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail.” Dich nghia: Khéng nghi ngo gi nita, trong suét théi gian con nhiing tht tuc rac réi dé, dich vu chuyén phat nhanh cing nhu chuyén thu cé nhan da phat trién lén. Mae dit hoat dong cua nhimg doanh nghiép nay chi la bin hgp php, cde dich vu nay eting rit phat trién. — “they” dé cap dén danh tir “businesses” duge nhac dén 6 phia truée — Chon dap an B Question 11: The private postal services of the nineteenth century claimed that they could do which of the following better than the government? A. Deliver a higher volume of mail. B, Deliver mail more cheaply. C. Deliver mail faster. D. Deliver mail to rural areas. Huéng dan gii Dich vy buu chinh tu nhan 6 thé ky 19 tuyén bé ring hoc cé thé lam tét hon dich vy nha nude diéu nao sau day? ‘A. Chuyén phat duge Iugng thu lon hon, 8. Chuyén phat thu véi gid ré hon. C. Chuyén phat thy nhanh hon. 'D. Chuyén phat thu t6i nhimg ving néng thén. Thong tin: “Although their activities were only semi legal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail.”( “Mae di cic hoat déng cia ho chi la ban hgp phéip, nhung ho da phat trién manh, va thye su quang cdo ring gitta Boston va Philadelphia ho nhanh hon nita ngay so véi thu tir chinh phii.”) —+ Chon dap an C Question 12: In 1863 the United States government began providing which of the following to mail carriers? A. A salary B. Housing C. Transportation D. Free postage stamps A~ DB Huéng din gi Vao nim 1863, chinh phii My da bat du cung cap gi cho nguéi dua thu? A. Luong B. Nha 6 C. Phurong tign giao thong D. Tem buu chinh mign phi ‘ThOng tin: “Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery.” (“Cudi cing, vao nam 1863, Quéc héi quy dinh ring nhimg nguéi van chuyén thur giti thu tir buu dign dén céc dia chi tu nhan phai nhin duge tién Iuong cia chinh phit vi ho khong duge nhan thém phi cho vig chuyén phat 46”. ) — Chon dap an A VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. DICH BAI: In the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried. In 1825, the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters. In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail, The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying, and express businesses developed. Although their activities were only semilegal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism, As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery. In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States. Fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest, nearly three- quarters of the population, still received no mail unless they went to their post office. Trong nhimg ngay dau cia Hoa Ky, nguoi nhan thanh todn cude phi buu dign va cude phi thay déi theo quing duéng van chuyén. Nam 1825, Quéc hdi Hoa Ky cho phép cae buru ti dia phurong giti thur cho nhig ngudi vin chuyén thu dé duge giao tin nha, nhung nhimg ngudi van chuyén nay khéng nhan duge tién Iuong cla chinh phii va toan 6 tién bai thuéng cia ho vé nhimg gi ho duge tra boi nhimg ngudsi nbn timg 1a ther. Nam 1847, BO Buu dign Hoa Ky da thong. qua ¥ tuéng vé con tem buu chinh, tat nhién 1a don gién héa vige thanh ton cho dich vy burt chinh nhumg lai gay ra sy bye b9i boi nhiing ngudi khong thich tra truéc. Bén canh d6, tem chi duge giri dén buu dign ‘vi khong bao gm vige mang né dén mét dia chi tu. nhan. Vi du & Philadelphia, voi dan s6 150.000 ngudi, ngudi ta van phai dén buu dign dé lay thu. Ban than sy béi rdi va tic nghén cua timg céng dan khi tim kiém thu cua ho da di dé ngin can viée sir dung thu, Khéng cé gi ngac nhién khi trong nhing ‘nim sap xép ruém ri nay, cic doanh nghiép chuyén ché va chuyén phat nhanh thir te nban da phat trién, Mac dii cc hoat dng cia ho chi mang tinh chat nhd 1, nhung ho da phat trién manh, va thye sy quang cio ring gitta Boston va Philadelphia ho c6 toe 3 nhanh hon nita ngay so véi ther tir chinh phi, Dich ‘vu buu chinh cia chinh phi di mat khéi hrong tre sy canh tranh tu nhan va khéng thé xir ly higu qua ngay ca Tinh vue kinh doanh ma né e6. Cudi cing, vao nam 1863, Quéc hdi quy dinh nhimg ngudi van chuyén thu tir cdc buu dign dén cdc dia chi tu nhan phai nhin duge tién Iuong cia chinh phu va khong phai tra thém phi cho vige chuyén phat d6, Nhung ban dau dich vy giao hang nay chi gidi han & cc thanh phd, va giao hang tan nha mién phi di tré thanh mét dau an cia dé thi. Véo cudi nim 1887, m6t thj tran phai e6 10.000 ngudi moi da diéu kign dé duge giao hang tan nha mién phi. Nam 1890, trong sé 75 trigu ngudi & Hoa Ky. it hon 20 trigu di c6 thu duge giao mién phi dén tin nha cua ho. Phan c6n lai, gan 3/4 dan s6, van khéng nhan duge thu nao trir khi ho dén buu dign, VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, Cor D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Desertification is the process by which once fertile lands in sub-humid, arid, and semi-arid areas becomes infertile desert. These changes can be caused by climatic variations and by human activities. Much modern desertification is the result of heavy demands by increasing populations for land on which crops can be raised and cattle can graze. The biggest problems of desertification are the loss of biodiversity and productive capacity. These effects can be seen in the U.S. Southwest, where many once-dominant bunchgrasses have been wiped out and replaced by creosotebush shrublands since the early 1900s. Another place these changes are evident is on the central highland plateau of Madagascar, where ten percent of the entire country has undergone the desertification process. This terrible loss of vegetation and farmland is due to the slash and burn agricultural practices used by the indigenous people One of the major modern causes of the desertification process is the grazing of livestock beyond the sustainable limit for a piece of land. These cows and sheep pound the soil with their hooves, which causes the substrate to become compacted and decreases its ability to absorb moisture, The weight and constant stomping of the livestock also grinds the soil into finer particles. All of these activities make the soil more vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. The grazing activity of the livestock as well as the collection of wood for fires also reduce and eliminate the plants that bind the soil, Another cause of desertification is the over-farming of land, As fertile soil is used to plant crops, the crops are harvested, and the land is reused. Eventually it is stripped of its minerals and moisture. As farmers break up the land to plant new crops, the soil is left exposed to the forces of erosion. These poor farming practices contributed to the desertification of the midwestern United States in the 1930s. This economic disaster that drove a large portion of the population away from their homes as they attempted to abandon unproductive lands was termed the Dust Bowl. Desertification is occurring rapidly over large portions of the People's Republic of China, Because the populations of rural areas have increased since the middle of the 20th century and species of livestock which require higher food intakes have been introduced, desertification is on the rise. As desertification has been recognized as a major threat to biodiversity, some countries have developed biodiversity action plans to reverse the ill effects, These plans have been designed to limit the damaging factors and to protect the endangered flora and fauna as well. Question 13. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The process of desertification B. The loss of biodiversity C. Ways to combat desertification D. Causes and effects of desertification Huéng dan giai Y chinh eta dogn van la gi? A. Qua trinh hoang mac héa B, Mat da dang sinh hoc C. Cach chéng sa mac hoa D. Nguyén nhan va tic qué trinh sa mac hoa Doan van néi vé nhiing anh huéng va nguyén nhin cia qué trinh sa mac hoa Thong tin : “The biggest problems of desertification are the loss of biodiversity and productive capacity One of the major modern causes of the desertification process is the grazing of livestock beyond the sustainable limit for a piece of land, ... Another cause of desertification is the over-farming of land.” VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. ‘Tam dich: Céc van dé lon nhat ctia sa mac héa la mat da dang sinh hoc va kha nang san xuat. M6t trong nhiing nguyén nhan hign dai chinh cia qué trinh sa mac héa la vige chin tha gia stic vugt qua gidi han bén ving cho mot manh dai M6t nguyén nan khdc ciia hign tugng sa mac héa La do dat dai bi canh tée qué mite. — Chon dap an D Question 14. According to paragraph 3, soil gets more affected by erosion because of A. the planting of leguminous plants _B. free-roaming animals C. dominant bunchgrasses D. the stomping of the hooves of livestock Hudng dan giai 7 Theo doan 3, dat bj anh huéng boi x6i mon nhiéu hon vi A. trong edy ho dau B. dng vat tha rong C. biti c6 rm rap D. vige di lai cia vat nudi ‘ThOng tin: The weight and constant stomping of the livestock also grinds the soil into finer particles. All of these activities make the soil more vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. ‘Tam dich: Trong lugng va sy dim chan lién tue ciia vat nudi cing nghién dat thanh cdc hat min hon. TAt ca cdc hoat déng nay Lim cho dat dé bj x6i mon béi gid va nuée. — Chon dap an D Question 15. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about desertification in the Midwest in the 1930s? A. Those who had abandoned their homes moved back when the land improved. B. Better farming practices could have prevented the Dust Bowl. C. The land was polluted by toxic minerals. D. The Dust Bowl gave rise to economic prosperity. Hudng dan giai Diéu nao sau day cé thé duge suy ra tirdoan 4 vé sy sa mac hod 6 Trung Tay trong nhing nim 1930? A. Nhing ngudi da roi bd qué huong tr6 vé khi dat dai duge cai thign. B. Cac bign php canh tic tét hon cé thé da ngiin chin duge Su kign Con bio Den C. Dat bi 6 nhiém boi cdc chat khodng déc hai. D. Su kién Con bio Den da mang lai su thinh vuong vé kinh té. ‘ThOng tin : These poor farming practices contributed to the desertification of the midwestem United States in the 1930s. This economic disaster that drove a large portion of the population away from their homes as they attempted to abandon unproductive lands was termed the Dust Bowl. ‘Tam dich: Nhtmg phuong thirc canh tae nghéo nan nay 43 g6p phin vio qua trinh sa mac héa mign Trung Tay Hoa Ky vao nhiig nim 1930. Tham hoa kinh té ma khién mét phan lén dan sé phai roi bé nha etra khi ho e6 ging tir bo nhimg ving dat khéng sinh loi da tao nén Sy kign Con bio Den. — Vicac bign phap canh tac khéng tét da din dén tinh trang sa mac hoa. Néu cdc bign phap canh tic tot hon duge ap dung c6 thé da ngin chin duge Sy kign Con bio Den — Chon dap an B Question 16. Which is one of the causes of desertification? ‘A. Sheep and cows compact the soil. _B. Biodiversity action plans are developed C. Rural populations have declined. D. Fertile lands become infertile desert VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Huéng dan giai ‘Dau la mot trong nhing nguyén nhan gay ra hign tugng hoang mac hoa? A. Cau va bo nén chat dat. B. Cac ké hoach hanh dng vé da dang sinh hoc duge xay dung C. Dan cur nong thén gidm sit. D. Vung dat phi nhiéu tré thanh hoang mae bac mau ‘ThOng tin: One of the major modern causes of the desertification process is the grazing of livestock beyond the sustainable limit for a piece of land, These cows and sheep pound the soil with their hooves, which causes the substrate to become compacted and decreases its ability to absorb moisture. ‘Tam dich: M6t trong nhing nguyén nhan hign dai chinh cita qua trinh sa mac héa la vige chain tha gia site vugt qua gidi han bén viing cho mgt manh dat. Nhiing con bé va ciru nay ding méng guée dap dat, diéu nay Lim cho lop nén bj nén chat va gidm kha nang hit am. — Chon dap An A Question 17. Why does the author mention the People’s Republic of China in paragraph 5? A. To show one of the causes of desertification B. To give an example of large portions desertification C. To give a reason for the population increase in rural areas D. To highlight the dangers of desertification Hudng dan gidi Tai sao tac gid dé cap dén Céng héa Nhn din Trung Hoa trong doan 5? A. Dé chi ra mét trong nhimg nguyén nhan gay ra sa mac hoa B. Dé dua ra mét vi du vé su sa mac héa mét phan lon C. Néu nguyén nhan gia ting dan s6 6 néng thon D. Dé Lim néi bat sy nguy hiém cia sa mac héa ‘Thng tin: Desertification is occurring rapidly over large portions of the People's Republic of China. Because the populations of rural areas have increased since the middle of the 20th century and species of livestock which require higher food intakes have been introduced, desertification is on the rise ‘Tam djeh: Qué trinh sa mac héa dang din ra nhanh chéng trén phin 1én cia Cong hoa Nhan din Trung Hoa, Do dan sé 6 cdc ving néng thon da tang lén ké tir gitia thé ky 20 va cae loai vat nudi ddi héi lugng thtic din cao hon nén tink trang sa mac ha dang gia ting, — Viéc dan sé ting va can nhieu thie an cho vat nudi da dan dén tinh trang sa mac hoa ting — Chon dap an A Question 18. The word “indigenous” in the passage mostly means. A. related to agricultural product B. practicing farm work C. connected with a particular place D. causing vegetation loss Huéng dan gi Tir “ban dia” trong doan van chit yéu c6 nghia La 7 A. lién quan dén san phim néng nghiép _B. thyc hanh céng viée déng ang C. lién quan dén mét dia diém cy thé D. lim mit tham thye vat indigenous (adj): ban dja ~ connected with a particular place — Chon dap an C Question 19. The passage following this most probably deals with A. major deserts in the world B. methods to decrease desertification C. causes of desertification D. problems caused by desertification VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Huéng dan gi ‘Doan van sau bai van cé 1 hau hét lién quan dén_ A. cdc sa mac Ién trén thé gidi C. nguyén nhan cua sa mac hoa B. cde phurong phap gidm thiéu qué trinh sa mac héa D. cdc van dé do sa mac hoa gay ra Bai vain néi vé nguyén nhan, anh hudng ciia sa mac hod nén doan sau cé thé néi vé cde phuong phap dé gidm tinh trang sa mac hod — Chon dap an B Dich baie Desertification is the process by which once fertile lands in sub-humid, arid, and semi-arid areas becomes infertile desert. These changes can be caused by climatic variations and by human activities. Much modern desertification is the result of heavy demands by increasing populations for land on which crops can be raised and cattle can graze. The biggest problems of desertification are the loss of biodiversity and productive capacity. These effects can be seen in the U.S. Southwest, where: many once-dominant bunchgrasses have. been wiped out and replaced by _creosotebush, shrublands since the early 1900s. Another place these changes are evident is on the central highland plateau of Madagascar, where ten percent of the entire country has undergone the desertification process. This terrible loss of vegetation and farmland is due to the slash and burn agricultural practices used by the indigenous people One of the major modem causes of the desertification process is the grazing of livestock beyond the sustainable limit for a piece of land. These cows and sheep pound the soil with their hooves, which causes the substrate to become compacted and decreases its ability to absorb moisture. The weight and constant stomping of the livestock also grinds the soil into finer particles. All of these activities make the soil more vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. The grazing activity of the livestock as well as the collection of wood for fires also reduce and eliminate the plants that bind the soil. Sa mac héa 1a qua trinh ma nhiimg ving dit mau mé 6 nhiing khu vye cf han tré thinh sa mac bae mau. Nhiing thay ddi nay co thé do cae bign déi khi hau va cae hoat déng cia con ngudi gay ra. Qué trinh sa mac héa hign dai li két qua cia nhiing nhu cau ngng né do dan sé ngiy cing ting vé dat dai dé tring trot va chan tha gia site Cae van dé 1én nhat ciia sa mac héa la mat da dang sinh hoc va kha nang sin xuat. Nhiing tac déng nay ¢6 thé duge nhin thay 6 Tay Nam Hoa Kj, noi nhieu loai c6 bo cimg tig chiém wu thé da bj x6a s6 va duge thay thé bing cde ving cay bui creosotebush ké tir ddu nhimg nim 1900. Mot noi khac, nhimng thay ddi nay duge thé hign rd rang 14 trén cao nguyén trung tim cla Madagascar, noi £6 10% dign tich dit nude da trai qua qué trinh sa mac héa. Sy mat mat khing khiép vé tham thyc vat va dat canh tac niy la do céc hoat déng néng nghiép dt nuong lam ray ctia ngudi dan ban dia m, khé can va ban khé M6t trong nhing nguyén nhan hign dai chinh tia qua trinh sa mac héa la vige chan tha gia sic vugt qua gidi han bén ving cho mt manh dat. Nhimg con bé va ciru nay ding méng guée dap dat, didu nay lam cho lép nén bj nén chat va gidm kha ning hat am. Trong long va sur dim chan lién tye cua vat nudi cing nghién dat thanh cac hat min hon. Tit ca cae hoat dong nay kam cho dat dé bi x bai gid va nude, Hoat dong chain tha gia sie cing hur Lay g6 dé dét lira cing lam giam va logi b6 cdc loai thyre vat bm vao dat. VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Another cause of desertificati the over- farming of land. As fertile soil is used to plant crops, the crops are harvested, and the land is reused. Eventually it is stripped of its minerals and moisture. As farmers break up the land to plant new crops, the soil is left exposed to the forces of erosion. These poor farming practices contributed to the desertification of the midwestern United States in the 1930s. This economic disaster that drove a large portion of the population away from their homes as they attempted to abandon unproductive lands was termed the Dust Bowl. Desertification is occurring rapidly over large portions of the People's Republic of China. Because the populations of rural areas have increased since the middle of the 20th century and species of livestock which require higher food intakes have been introduced, desertification is on the rise. As desertification has been recognized as a major threat to biodiversity, some countries have developed biodiversity action plans to reverse the ill effects. These plans have been designed to limit the damaging factors and to protect the endangered flora and fauna as well M6t nguyén nhan khdc cia hign tong sa mac héa 1a do dat dai bi canh tac qua mirc. Vi dat mau mé- duge sir dung dé trdng trot, mia mang durge thu hoach va dat dai duge tai sir dung. Cudi cing né bi tude di cée khodng chit vi d6 Am. Khi néng dan chia nhé dat dé tréng cay moi, dat sé bi x6i mon. Nhiing phuong thie canh tée nghéo nin nay da gop phan vao qua trinh sa mac héa mién Trung Tay Hoa Ky vao nhimg nim 1930. Tham hoa kinh té ma khién m6t phan I6n dan s6 phai roi bo nha cia khi ho c6 ging tir bo nhimg ving dat khéng sinh Igi da tao nén Sy kign Con bao Den. Qua trinh sa mac héa dang dién ra nhanh chong trén phan lin etia Cong héa Nhin din Trung Hoa. Do dan sé 6 ede ving néng thén da ting lén ké tir gitta thé ky 20 va cae loai vat nudi doi hoi hrong thire an cao hon nén tinh trang sa mac héa dang gia ting. Vi sa mac héa da duge céng nhan 1a m6t mdi de doa Ién déi véi da dang sinh hoc, mét sé quéc gia di phat trién cdc ké hoach hanh ddng vé da dang sinh hoe dé dao ngugc cae tac dong xdu. Cac ké hoach nay da duge thiét ké dé han ché cdc yéu t6 gay hai va bio vé cic loai dong thye vat e6 nguy co tuyét ching, Read the following pass answer to each of the questions. ie and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct Advertising has a major influence on everyday life. In order to be successful, advertisements need to attract the attention of customers and convince them that they need to buy the product being advertised. Four main techniques are used to create effective advertisements Appeal is the most important technique. Some products are promoted by the use of factual appeal. This, involves explaining how a product is made or how it works so as to assure the customers that the product is superior to all other produc example, an advertisement may try to convince customers that they will be more popular or attractive if they use a particular product. This technique is referred to as emotional appeal. Both emotional and factual appeals are powerful advertising techniques. Another technique employed in advertising is the use of slogans. Slogans are short phrases which are easy to remember. American Express uses the slogan “Don’t leave home without it!” This slogan is used repeatedly so that people readily associate it with the credit card. The third technique is the use of testimonials. The term “testimonial” refers to advertisements which have a person recommending a particular product, Famous people such as athletes, musicians, and actors are often used to provide test on the market. Other advertisements target people’s emotions. For jonials. VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. ‘The final technique is repetition. This means running advertisements frequently in various media forms so that itis difficult for consumers to escape the message. For example, advertisements for Coca Cola can be seen in newspapers and magazines, on television, billboards, and the Internet. Repetition has played a key role in increasing Coca Cola’s popularity. Question 20, A successful advertisement is the one that A. should have a famous person appear in it B, must say the product is more superior to other products of the type C. can persuade the customer to buy the product D. uses slogans that are easily to remember by the customer Hung dan giai M6ét quang eéo thinh céng la mt quang edo ma: Av nén co mt ngudi ndi tigng xuat hign trong 46 B. phai ndi la sin phim cao cp hon so véi cée sin phim cing loai C. 6 thé thuyét phuc khach hang mua san phim, D. sir dung khu higu dé nhé d6i voi khich hang Thong convince them that they need to buy the product being advertised T'am dich: Bé thanh céng, quang céo can thu hit su chiry cua khdch hang va thuyét phyc ho ring ho can mua san pham dang durgc quang cao. — Chon dap an C Question 21. The advertising technique most widely used is A. repetition B. the use of slogans Ccappeal_ Hung dan g Kj thuat quang cdo duge sit dung rong rai nhdt 1a A. sur lip lai 1B, vige str dung cae khau higu C. sy thu hat D. sit dung nhing ngudi néi tiéng ‘ThOng tin : Appeal is the most important technique, ‘Tam dich: Thu hat li ky thugt quan trong abit, — Chon dap an C Question 22. Factual appeal aims at A. helping the custom Segui Sthelthey We popular and attractive people B. helping the customers find out the right product they are looking for C. making the customers feel that they are more superior to other people 1D, making the customers believe that the product being advertised is best : In order to be successful, advertisements need to attract the attention of customers and . the use of well-known people Swhap din thye t8 nhim A. gfe Mine Mills ra ring ho Ia nbig ngudi néi ting vi hip din B, gidp khach hang tim ra ding san pham ho dang tim kiém. C. lam cho khach hang cam thay ring ho vuot tr6i hon nhimg nguéi khée D. lim cho khdch hang tin ring sin phim duge quang cdo 1a tt nhat ‘Thng tin : Some products are promoted by the use of factual appeal. This involves explaining how a product is made or how it works so as to assure the customers that the product is superior to all other roducts on the market. m djch: M6t sé san phim duge quang cdo bang cach sir dung sy hap din thyc té. Diéu nay lién quan dén viée gidi thich sin pham duge tao ra nhu thé nao hoc hoat déng nhu thé nao dé dam bao véi khach hang rang san phdm dé 14 wu viét hon tat ca cdc sin phim khac trén thi truong. — Chon dap an D VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Question 23. Which of the following is NOT true about advertising techniques in general? A. A slogan should be brief and easy to remember. B, Advertising should be directed towards making the customers buy the product. C. An advertisement must be able to persuade famous people to buy the product being advertised. D. Advertisements should regularly appear on different forms of media. Hudng dan giai Didu nao sau diy KHONG ding vé ky thuat quang cdo néi chung? A. Khau hiéu phai ngan gon va dé nhé. B. Quang cdo nén hung t6i vige lim cho khich hang mua sin phim, C. Mét quing edo phai c6 kha nding thuyét phuc nhiing ngudi néi tiéng mua san phim duge quing cdo. D. Quang céo nén thuéng xuyén xudt hign trén cde phuong tign truyén théng khée nhau, + Théng tin : Slogans are short phrases which are easy to remember. Tam dich: Khdu higu la nhing cum tir ngin dé nhé. > A ding + Thong tin : In order to be successful, advertisements need to attract the attention of customers and convince them that they need to buy the product being advertised. ‘Tam dich: Dé thanh céng, quang cao can thu hut su cha y ciia khach hang ya thuyét phuc ho rang ho can mua san pham dang dugc quang cdo — Bdiing + Thong tin 6 dap an C khéng duge nhac dén trong bai C s: + Théng tin: The final technique is repetition. This means running advertisements frequently in various media forms so that it is difficult for consumers to eseape the message Tam dich: Ky thudt cudi cing la lp lai. Digu nay cé nghia la thudng xuyén chay quang cdo duéi nhiéu hinh thére truyén théng dé ngudi tigu ding khé thoat khéi théng digp. > D dang — Chon dap an C Question 24. The advertising technique of repetition ensures that A. the customers can encounter an advertisement anywhere, any time B. an advertisement must look the same without any change C. something must be said again and again 1D. a slogan should not be changed or rewritten Hung din gia Kj thuat quang cao lap di lap lai dam bao A. khach hang cé thé bat gp mot quing cao 6 bat ky dau, bat ky Iie nao B. m6t quang edo phai trong giéng nhau ma khdng cé bat ky thay déi nao C. digu gi dé phai duge néi di néi lai D. khdu hiéu khéng dug thay déi hod viét lai ‘ThOng tim; The final technique is repetition. This means running advertisements frequently in various media forms so that it is difficult for consumers to escape the message ‘Tam dich: K¥ thugt cudi cing li lip lai. Diéu nay c6 nghia li thuéng xuyén chay quang céo dudi nhigu hinh thite truyén thong dé ngudi tiéu ding khé thoat khdi thong diép. — Chon dap an A VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. Dich bai: Advertising has a major influence on everyday life. In order to be successful, advertisements need to attract the attention of customers and convince them that they need to buy the product being advertised. Four main techniques are used to create effective advertisements. Appeal is the most important technique. Some products are promoted by the use of factual appeal. This involves explaining how a product is made or how it works so as to assure the customers that the product is superior to all other products on the market. Other advertisements target people’s emotions. For example, an advertisement may try to convince customers that they will be more popular or attractive if they use a particular product. This technique is referred to as emotional appeal. Both emotional and factual appeals are powerfull advertising techniques. Another technique employed in advertising is the use of slogans. Slogans are short phrases which are easy to remember. American Express uses the slogan “Don’t leave home without it!” This slogan is used repeatedly so that people readily associate it with the credit card. The third technique is the use of testimonials. The term “testimonial” refers to advertisements which have a person recommending a particular product. Famous people such as athletes, musicians, and actors are often used to provide testimonials. The final technique is repetition. This means running advertisements frequently in various media forms so that it is difficult for consumers to escape the message. For example, advertisements for Coca Cola can be seen in newspapers and magazines, on television, billboards, and the Intemet. Repetition has played a key role in increasing Coca Cola’s popularity. Quang cao cé anh huéng Ién dén cudc séng hing ngay. Dé thanh céng, quing céo can thu hut sy chii y cla khach hang va thuyét phuc ho ring ho can mua sin phim dang duoc quing cdo. Bén ky thuat chinh duge sir dung dé tgo ra ede quang céo higu qua. Su thu hat la ky thuat quan trong nhat. Mét sé sin pham duge quéng cao bing cach str dung sit hap dan thye t8, Diéu nay lién quan dén vige giai thich sin phim duge tao ra nhur thé ndo hoge hoat d6ng nhv thé nao dé dam bao véi khach hang ring sin phim dé 1a uu _viét hon tit cd cée sin phim khde trén thj truéng. Cac quang cdo khéc nhdm_ muc tiéu dén cm xtc chia moi nguéi. Vi du, mot quang cao c6 thé c6 ging thuyét phuc khach hang ring ho sé ndi tiéng hodie hap din hon néu ho sir dung mét san pham cy thé. Ky thugt nay duge goi la hap din cm xiic, Ca hai ldi kéu goi cam tinh va thye t6 déu li nhiing ky thuat quing c4o manh mé, MOt ky thudt khae duge sir dung trong quing céo 1a sit dung khdu higu. Khau higu li nhiing cum| tir ngiin dé nhé. American Express sir dung khiu higu "Dimg roi khoi nha ma khéng 6 n6!" Khau higu nay duge sir dung nhiéu lan dé moi nguai dé dang lién tuong né véi thé tin dung. KY thudt thir ba 1a sir dung 15i chimg thye. Thugt ngit "ldi chimg thyc" dé cp dén cde quing céo c6 m6t ngudi gidi thigu mét sin phim cu thé. Nhing ngudi ndi tiéng nhu van d6ng vién, nhac si va dién vién thudng duge sir dung dé cung cp lai chimg thy. Ky thuat cudi cing 1a lip lai. Digu nay cé nghia 1a thuéng xuyén chay quang céo duéi nhiéu hinh thie truyén théng dé ngudi tigu ding khé thoat khdi théng digp. Vi dy, quang cio cho Coca Cola 6 thé duge nhin thay trén bio va tap chi, trén truyén hinh, bang quang cdo va Internet. Su lap lai a dng m6t vai tro quan trong trong vige ting mire 6 phd bién cua Coca Cola, VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM VA GIAI DE DY’ DOAN - TY TIN TANG 1-2 DIEM TRONG 4 TUAN CUO!

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