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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

10 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 4 – Module 5
Roles of Grammar in Making Definitions

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
What I Need To Know
Definition plays a vital role in understanding any written or spoken discourse. Thus, it is
important to develop appropriate skills that will lead us to understanding words and phrases for us to
fully comprehend any given material without misinterpretation. Learning to write correct definitions
of words and phrases is a key to convey appropriate information we want our readers or listeners to
This module was designed to get you acquainted on the roles of grammar in making
definitions. The discussions and content of this module will enhance your ideas in correctly defining
words adhering to grammar rules. Specifically, this is based on the learning competencies of the
MELCs which carry the following learning objectives.
Learning Competency: Observe correct grammar in making definitions
At the end of this module you are expected to:
1. Identify proper ways of writing formal definitions.
2. Make correct definitions of different terminologies.

What I Know

Activity 1: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each item carefully and shade the corresponding circle of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following BEST defines formal definition?

o A. It is a type of definition that provides extended meanings of a certain term in writing.
o B. It is a type of definition that has basic components such as a species, genus, and
o C. It is a type of definition that uses denotation and connotation to explain the term
being defined.
o D. It is a type of definition that explains the term being defined by enumerations and

2. Which of the following is a component of a formal definition?

o A. Species, verb, genus, differentia
o B. Denotation, connotation and implications
o C. Examples, illustration and category
o D. Term, illustration and examples
3. Which of the following holds true about well- written definitions?
o A. Well-written definitions adhere to guidelines and rules of writing.
o B. Well- written definitions are explanations either broad or superficial.
o C. Well- written definitions contain too many ideas that will explain the term.
o D. Well- written definitions may either contain jargons, slangs, and other colloquial

4. Which of the following choices BEST defines an adjective clause?

o A. An adjective clause is a subordinating clause that describes a noun or a pronoun.
o B. An adjective clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
o C. An adjective clause can stand alone as a complete sentence.
o D. An adjective clause cannot stand by itself as a complete idea.
5. Which of the following definitions is the most appropriate formal definition for the word
o A. Laughter is an act or sound of laughing.
o B. Laughter is a sound or act produced when one is happy.
o C. Laughter is an act of expressing amusement or pleasure.
o D. Laughter is an act associated with happiness and excitement.
What’s In
Activity 2: Let’s Brainstorm Few Words
Directions: Think of five words you encountered from your recent readings or movies you watched.
Place these words in the chart below. Identify the word class (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.) and
form definitions of these words based on the context they are used in the recent readings or movie
you have watched. Then, get the real meaning from the dictionary. An example is provided for you.

Word In Mind Word Class What You Think It Meaning from the
Means Dictionary
Example: An account of
story noun a narrative incidents or events





What’s New

Activity 3: Read and Reflect

Directions: Study the crossword puzzle. Encircle any
B F F A C T S G word you will find across, down, or diagonally. List
down all the words you found and provide a short
C R T C 0 O I R definition of each.

1. -

T R A D E E Y R 2. -

3. -

4. -

5. activities you have had?- Write your insights here.

How do you feel about the first and the second

What is formal sentence definition?

It is
a form of definition that follows a specific order or formulation of ideas that will provide
informative details about the unknown word. Unlike any other types of definitions, formal
definitions adhere to its basic components to create a well- formulated information, details and
meanings of the term. This type of definition follows specific rules prescribed in formal

t Parts of A Formal Definition

 Species – this pertains to the term being defined.

 Verb – this pertains to the verb used along the definition.
 Genus - pertains to the class, category or set where the term belongs.
 Differentia – pertains to the details that will provide the characteristics, quality, types, and its
distinction from any other words.

Remember this construction formula in writing down your formal definitions.

species + verb + genus + differentia= formal definition

Species Verb Genus Differentia

repeating beginning letter

Alliteration is a literary device sound in quick succession.

that attaches human traits

Personification is a figure of speech and characteristics to an
inanimate object.

that uses contradictory and

Oxymoron is a literary device contrasting concepts placed
together in a manner ends up
making sense.
that contradicts itself yet
holds significant value on
Paradox is a literary device several levels.

that establishes a relationship

Analogy is a literary device based on similarities
between two concepts.

Guidelines for Writing Formal Definitions

Guidelines Examples
 A modem is a thing that… [vague]
 A modem is a device that…[specific]
Be specific about the class.  A modem is an electronic device that… [more
specific ]

 Face mask is used over…[incorrect]
Use the same part of speech for (noun) (passive verb)
the class as the word that is being  Face mask is a protective covering used over the face.
defined. [correct]
(noun) (noun)

Whenever possible, don't repeat  Face mask is a protective mask….[incorrect]

the term in the class or
distinguishing characteristics section.  Face mask is a protective covering used over the face.

Make sure there is sufficient  A modem is a device that is used with a computer and a
information in the adjective clause to telephone. [insufficient]
distinguish the term from other  A modem is a device that makes possible the
members of the class. transmission of data to or from a computer via
telephone. [sufficient]

Avoid long words and long  The Internet, which is commonly confused with the
sentences in technical writing. If World Wide Web, is a global system of network
necessary, break the formal computers that allows user-to-user communication and
definition into two sentences, transfer of data files from one machine to another. The
rather than producing a very long World Wide Web is the concept for presenting and
sentence. linking information on a network.[too long]

 The Internet is a global system of network computers

that allows user-to-user communication and transfer of
data files. It is commonly confused with the World
Wide Web, a concept for presenting and linking
information on a network. [improved]

The Grammar of Definitions
Formal definitions commonly use indefinite articles for the term and class, forms of the verb
be and an adjective clause or reduced adjective clause to express its distinguished characteristics.

Indefinite Articles

 Is the word “a” or “an”.

 It comes right before a noun to define it as something general.
 Articles are classified as determiners.
 Use “an” before a word that starts with a vowel sound.
 Use “a” before a consonant sound.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An hour late, she found herself staring at the guy.
It was a stupendous surprise.

Reduced Adjective Clauses in Definitions

Technical writers should avoid wordiness. One way to eliminate unnecessary words is to reduce
adjective clauses. There are several important rules when doing this.

Rules for Reducing Adjective Clauses

Guidelines Examples
 [adjective clause with an adjective]
An electronic book is a document that is lengthy enough to be
considered a book. adjective clause with an adjective

 An electronic book is a document lengthy enough to be

considered a book.
Drop the relative pronoun  [adjective clause with a prepositional phrase]
and the verb be if the Example
adjective clause contains a An electronic book is a document that is on diskette or hard drive.
adjective clasue with aprepositional phrase
prepositional phrase, an
adjective, or a passive verb.  An electronic book is a document on diskette or hard drive.

 [adjective clause with a passive verb]

A campus wide information system is an online service that is used as
a central source of information at a college or university.
Reduced Form
 A campus wide information system is an online service used
as a central source of information at a college or university.
Reduce the adjective clause by changing the word or word form in these two situations:

1. The adjective clause  Face mask is a protective covering that has filter to keep the face
contains the verb have. and the nose safe.
[Drop the relative pronoun  Face mask is a protective covering having filter to keep the
and change have to having.] face and the nose safe.
[Drop the relative  Face mask is a protective covering with filter to keep the face
pronoun and have. Replace and the nose safe.
using with.]

2. The verb is in an active

state and the relative
pronoun is the subject. Links are highlighted text that point to additional information.
[Drop the relative pronoun => Links are highlighted text pointing to additional information.
and change the verb to the

-ing form.]

3. None of these rules apply

to modal auxiliary verbs,  [original]
e.g., should, may, can, or This information, which must be accessed via the Internet, is useful.
must, since the meaning of  [reduced with different meaning]
the modal is lost in the This information, accessed via the Internet, is useful.

What’s more
Activity 4: It’s Definition Time
A. Directions: Give the formal definitions of each word by completing the information needed in the
table below.
Species Verb Genus Differentia

1. Methodology

2. Research

3. Proposals

4. Abstract

5. Citations
Activity 4
B. Directions: Decide which indefinite article (a, an) is appropriate in the following sentences.
Write this article in the space provided within the sentence.
1. Cell phone is ___ mobile device use to send, receive or transmit electronic messages and long
distance calls via radio waves.
2. Electronic books are ___ digital reading resources that are available online and can be
downloaded for offline reading.
3. 4. ___ Newspaper is ___ publication that contains informative articles of public interest.
5. A contract is __ written agreement between two parties under equally agreed terms.
Activity 4

C. Directions: Reduce the adjective clauses in the following sentences. Change the highlighted part
of each sentence whenever necessary without changing its thought.

Ex.: The Oxford Text Archives is a database which contains electronic books in many
different languages around the world. Answer: containing

1. Observation is an act of noting details, which includes the recording of facts and descriptions.

2. Litotes is a literary device which is also called ironical understatement that pertains to careful
way of saying something unpleasant without directly using negativity.
3. A monograph is a detailed book that is scholarly written that deals about a topic of interest in a
specialized area of knowledge.
4. Brochure is an informative pamphlet which is used to advertise or endorse a product.
5. A noun is a word class that names a person, place, quality, or things.

What I Have Learned

Let us see how well you learned about writing formal definitions by answering this activity.
Activity 5: Coin Your Word
Directions: Using the components of formal definitions, come up with original terminologies you
wanted to introduce as your own. Share them below by completing the needed information. Use your
original terminologies in the sentence right after your definition.

Species Verb Genus Differentia

Sentence using your original word.

What I Can Do

Activity 6: Definition Essay
Directions: Write a definition essay of any terminology you have in mind; remember to use your
own words in explaining the meaning of the term you choose. Limit your essay to 50-100 words. Be
guided by the rubric below. (Use separate sheet for this activity.)

Definition Essay Rubrics

Component Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Fail

10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Content The content of Introduction is A shorter Thesis is Thesis is not
the essay somewhat introduction stated, but stated or
contains the term interesting. that leads to a many may not confusing
to be defined in Thesis is clear thesis. Thesis be very clear about the
an interesting and identifies is clear and as written. The content of the
way, using what is being identifies introduction is essay. The
reasons for the defined and what is being not engaging introduction is
definition and lists possible defined, but and may be one or two
may contain an other may be very short, sentences that
interesting idea definitions. uninteresting causing do not identify
or event to Thesis leads or unclear in confusion what is defined
demonstrate what into possible some way. about the
the writer means. other purpose of the
Uses an effective definitions of essay.
attention getter. the term.
Organization Uses an Uses an The essay is Organization The essay is
appropriate appropriate mostly isn’t very clear very poorly
method to define method to organized, but and may have organized.
the term in other define the transitions are few transitions. Paragraphs do
perspectives. term. Better needed in Support not support the
Support is logical transitions may some places. paragraphs are main idea.
and relevant. be needed in Paragraphs confusing and There is no
Transitions are some places may be poorly transition or
used effectively and some somewhat developed. The are of the
to show examples may confusing conclusion wrong type.
examples and be lacking. because of may be a There are no
differences. Conclusion poor simple transitions or
Conclusion is a summarizes examples of restatement of are of the
good summary the essay unclear the thesis. wrong type.
of the views effectively. meaning. There is no
expressed by the There is a conclusion or
writer. summary in summary.
Mechanics There are very Errors in More frequent Errors in Multiple errors
few errors in grammar, errors in grammar, in grammar,
spelling, spelling, and grammar, spelling, and spelling, and
punctuation, and punctuation do spelling, and punctuation punctuation
grammar that do not interfere punctuation. prevent reader prevent any
not interfere with with from fully understanding
the flow of the understanding. understanding of the essay.
essay. essay.
Source: Definition Essay Rubric, accessed January 26, 2020,

Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read each item carefully and shade the corresponding circle of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following sentences is a formal definition of the word grammar?
o A. Grammar is the structure and system of a language, usually considers consisting of syntax
and morphology.
o B. Grammar is the structure and system of a language which is usually considered to consist
of syntax and morphology.
o C. Grammar is the structure and system of a language, which is usually consisting of syntax
and morphology.
o D. Grammar is the structure and system of a language consisting of syntax and morphology.
2. Which of the following definitions of the word “commentary” adheres to the rules of writing
formal definitions?
o A. A commentary is a spoken and written description that is given by an outlooker in an
o B. A commentary is a spoken and written description given by an outlooker in an event.
o C. A commentary is a description given by an outlooker in an event.
o D. A commentary is a description that is given by an outlooker in an event.
3. The following statements are basic guidelines in writing a definition EXCEPT:
o A. Use Jargons and complex words to define the term.
o B. Write with simple grammatical structures rather than complex ones.
o C. Place key terms and short explanations near the start of the definition.
o D. Use conventional English words in explanations whenever possible.
4. Which of the following choices is the BEST revision of the definition inside the box?

Dictionary is a book which contains tons of terminologies and their definitions. It also
includes usage, pronunciations, and example sentences.

o A. Dictionary is a book containing tons of terminologies and their definitions including

usage, pronunciations and example sentences.
o B. Dictionary is a book containing tons of terminologies and their definitions that includes
usage, pronunciations and example sentences.
o C. Dictionary is a book which contains tons of terminologies and their definitions, including
usage, pronunciations and example sentences.
o D. Dictionary is a book containing tons of terminologies and their definitions, it also
includes usage, pronunciations and example sentences.
5. Which word or clause may be omitted in the definition below to lessen the wordiness of the
definition inside the box without changing its meaning?
Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated and dissimilar things,
people, beings, places and concepts, which uses the words “as” and “like”.
o A. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated things, people,
beings, places, and concepts which uses the words “as” and “like.
o B. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated things, people,
beings, places, and concepts using the words “as” and “like.
o C. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated things, people,
beings, places, and concepts using “as” and “like.
o D. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated and dissimilar
things, people, beings, places, and concepts using the words “as” and “like.

6. Which of the following is an example of formal definition?

o A. Astronomy is a branch of scientific study primarily concerned with celestial objects
inside and outside of earths’ atmosphere.
o B. An electronic device that manipulates information or data is known as computer.
o C. Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up space. It is found in three chemical
forms; elements, compounds and mixtures.
o D. Love can be associated with care and adoration it is a feeling we usually give to
someone we dearly love.

7. Which part of the sentence below is a genus?

Comic books are sequential and narrative publications consisting of illustration,
captions dialogue balloons, and often focus on super- powered heroes.

o A. Comic books are sequential and narrative publications.

o B. Sequential narrative publications
o C. Consisting of illustrations, captions, dialogue balloons.
o D. Often focus on super powered heroes.
8. Which part of the sentence below is a differentia?
The internet is a global system of networked computers that allows user-to-user
communication and transfer of data files.
o A. The internet is a global system of networked computers.
o B. A global system of networked that allows communication.
o C. Networked computers that allow user to user communication.
o D. Allows user- to user communication and transfer of data files.

9. Which part of the sentence below is a differentia?

Oxygen is a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the
earth’s atmosphere and is present in air and water.
o A. Oxygen is a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent
o B. Of the earth’s atmosphere and is present in air and water.
o C. Chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the earth’s atmosphere
o D. Constitutes 21 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere and is present in air and water.
10. Which of the following definitions of the term documentary best observes the guidelines in
writing formal definitions?
Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture which intends to document some
aspects of reality that is primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.

o A. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture which intends to document

some aspects of reality, primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical
o B. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some
aspects of reality, primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical
o C. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture intends to document some
aspects of reality that is primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical
o D. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion of picture which intends to document
some aspects of reality, primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical


What I Know What’s In What’s New What’s More What’s

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 More
1.B A. Answers may vary. Activity 4
2.A Answers may Answers may B. 1. a
3.A vary. vary. 2. a
4.A 3. a
5.C 4. a
5. a
Activity 4 What I Have What I Can Do Assessment
C. Learned Activity 6 1.D 6.A
1.including Activity 5 Answers may 2. B 7.B
2.also/pertaining Answers may vary. 3.A 8.D
3.dealing vary. 4.A 9.D
4.used 5.C 10.B

Almonte, Liza R., Flandez, Lerma L., Hermosa, Angelina Lourdes, Nedia Lagustan, Liberty A.
Mangaluz, Elenita R. Miranda, Paul Anthony B. Mendoza, Lito A. Palomar, Grace B. Annette
Barradas-Soriano, and Karen B. Villanueva, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature. Pasig
City: Rex Book Store, Inc. 2015, 130, 423-424, 502.

Rosales, J., Galano, E., &Rivera J. Technical Writing A Resource Guide to Writing Across
Disciplines, Quezon City, Metro Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 2019, 4, 25-26.

Webster’s English Dictionary. The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd., Academy Park,
Building 4000, Gower Street, Glasgow G15 1PR, 2017, 58, 184.

Online Sources

Definition Essay Rubric, accessed January 26, 2021

Definition Project: Definition, accessed January 27,2020

Formal Definition, accessed January 26, 2021,

Formal Definitions: The Structure of a Formal Definition, accessed January 25,2020;jsessionid=3DD93083AB4DC6147D127F24953C523?

Grammar Monster: Indefinite Article, assessed January 28,2020 ,

Merriam – Webster Since 1828, accessed January 28,2020

Writer: Gianne D. Rodriguez, Baluno National High School

Language Editor:
Proofreader: Violeta M. Sta. Elena, EPS
Layout Artist: Joyce Ethel L. Sienes
Management Team:
Julieto H. Fernandez, Ed. D., CESO VI
SDS-Isabela City
Maria Laarni T. Villanueva, Ed. D., CESE
ASDS-Isabela City
Henry R. Tura, CID Chief
Elsa A. Usman, LR Supervisor
Helen De Leon, EPS-English, Module Coordinator

Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land
Here the trees and flowers bloom Gallant men And Ladies fair Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos, Ilongos,
Here the breezes gently Blow, Linger with love and care All of them are proud and true
Here the birds sing Merrily, Golden beams of sunrise and sunset Region IX our Eden Land
The liberty forever Stays, Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX Region IX
Here the Badjaos roam the seas Hardworking people Abound, Eden...
Here the Samals live in peace Every valleys and Dale Land...
Here the Tausogs thrive so free Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
With the Yakans in unity

My Final Farewell
Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun caress'd Let the sun draw the vapors up to the sky,
Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!, And heavenward in purity bear my tardy protest
Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's best, Let some kind soul o 'er my untimely fate sigh,
And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest And in the still evening a prayer be lifted on high
Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost. From thee, 0 my country, that in God I may rest.

On the field of battle, 'mid the frenzy of fight, Pray for all those that hapless have died,
Others have given their lives, without doubt or heed; For all who have suffered the unmeasur'd pain;
The place matters not-cypress or laurel or lily white, For our mothers that bitterly their woes have cried,
Scaffold or open plain, combat or martyrdom's plight, For widows and orphans, for captives by torture tried
T is ever the same, to serve our home and country's need. And then for thyself that redemption thou mayst gain

I die just when I see the dawn break, And wh en the dark ni gh t wrap s the grav eyard around
Through the gloom of night, to herald the day; W ith o nl y the dead in th ei r vigil to see
And if color is lacking my blood thou shalt take, Bre ak not my rep ose o r the mystery prof ound
Pour'd out at need for thy dear sake And perch an ce tho u mayst he ar a s ad hymn reso un d
To dye with its crimson the waking ray. 'T is I, O my co un try, rai si ng a son g unto th ee.

My dreams, when life first opened to me, And even my grav e is re membered no mo re
My dreams, when the hopes of youth beat high, Unmark' d by neve r a c ross nor a s tone
Were to see thy lov'd face, O gem of the Orient sea Le t th e pl ow s weep th ro ugh it, the spad e turn it o'er
From gloom and grief, from care and sorrow free; Th at my ashes may carpe t earthl y flo or,
No blush on thy brow, no tear in thine eye. Before i nto n othi ngness at l as t th ey are blo wn .

Dream of my life, my living and burning desire, The n wil l obl ivi on b ri ng to me no care
All hail ! cries the soul that is now to take flight; As ove r th y vales and plain s I s weep;
All hail ! And sweet it is for thee to expire ; Th robb in g and cle anse d in thy sp ace and ai r
To die for thy sake, that thou mayst aspire; W ith co lo r and li gh t, wi th song and lame nt I fare,
And sleep in thy bosom eternity's long night. Eve r repeati ng the f ai th th at I keep.

If over my grave some day thou seest grow, M y Fathe rl an d ad or'd, that s adness to my sorro w lends
In the grassy sod, a humble flower, Belov ed Fil ip inas, hear now my last good -by!
Draw it to thy lips and kiss my soul so, I give thee al l: p are nts and kind red and friends
While I may feel on my brow in the cold tomb below For I go wh ere no slave before the opp ress or bends,
The touch of thy tenderness, thy breath's warm power. 15 Wh ere faith can neve r k il l, and God rei gns e'er on high !

Let the moon beam over me soft and serene, Farewel l to you all , from my so ul torn away,
Let the dawn shed over me its radiant flashes, Fri ends of my chi ldho od i n the home dis possessed !
Let the wind with sad lament over me keen ; G ive th an ks that I re st from th e weari so me day!
Farewel l to thee, too, s wee t friend that l ightened my

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