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The biofilm life cycle: expanding the

conceptual model of biofilm formation
Karin Sauer   1,2, Paul Stoodley   3,4,5,6, Darla M. Goeres   7, Luanne Hall-​Stoodley   3,
Mette Burmølle   8, Philip S. Stewart   7 and Thomas Bjarnsholt   9,10 ✉
Abstract | Bacterial biofilms are often defined as communities of surface-​attached bacteria and
are typically depicted with a classic mushroom-​shaped structure characteristic of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. However, it has become evident that this is not how all biofilms develop, especially
in vivo, in clinical and industrial settings, and in the environment, where biofilms often are
observed as non-​surface-​attached aggregates. In this Review, we describe the origin of the cur­
rent five-​step biofilm development model and why it fails to capture many aspects of bacterial
biofilm physiology. We aim to present a simplistic developmental model for biofilm formation that
is flexible enough to include all the diverse scenarios and microenvironments where biofilms are
formed. With this new expanded, inclusive model, we hereby introduce a common platform for
developing an understanding of biofilms and anti-​biofilm strategies that can be tailored to the
microenvironment under investigation.

Over the past 40 years, microbiologists have catego- In the environment, the functional consequences
Cohesive groups of microbial rized bacteria as displaying two life forms in nature. In of bacterial life in biofilms have been associated with
cells surrounded by extracellu- one, bacteria appear as single, independent, free-​floating enhanced protection from shear stress, desiccation,
lar polymeric substances and cells (planktonic); in the other, bacteria are organized toxic compounds and protozoan grazing7. Moreover,
other entrapped abiotic or
in microbial aggregates (biofilms). In addition, the word retention of enzymes in the biofilm matrix was pro-
biotic materials. Microbial
aggregates can be surface ‘biofilm’ originally referred to biomaterial on a sur- posed to improve the efficiency and diversity of organic
attached, matrix associated or face; however, more recently, non-​surface-​attached matter decomposition, and biofilm formation on plant
free floating in the liquid phase aggregated bacteria have also been recognized as roots and fungal cells may respectively promote bac-
and display a biofilm-​like biofilms1–3. Likewise, non-​surface-​associated aggre- terial nutrient acquisition and transport8. Pathogenic
gates are now recognized in clinical settings, and biofilms that form on plants may also have serious dis-
Biofilms chronic biofilm infections are further divided into ease consequences9–11. Although (motile) planktonic
Microbial aggregates attached surface-​associated or non-​surface-​associated infec- cells are primarily found in water columns and soil
or associated with a surface tions. Surface-​associated infections are commonly pores, the predominant forms of microbial life in nat-
and embedded in a matrix.
observed in patients with implants or medical devices. ural environments are linked to highly diverse biofilm
These can include single or
multiple discrete aggregates or Non-​surface-​associated infections include respiratory communities in aquatic environments (including sedi-
more continuous films. tract infections with impaired host mucociliary clear- ments, submerged surfaces, as free-​floating flocs and on
ance (in viscous airway mucus in individuals with higher organisms) and soil (for example, on litter, plant
Aggregation cystic fibrosis) or persistent soft tissue infections that roots and soil particles)12. Likewise, biofilms dominate
Any biological, chemical or
physical process that enables
are associated with comorbidities such as diabetes and in industrial microbial applications such as cleaning of
microbial cells to form an impaired vascularization of the lower limbs predispos- wastewater and bioremediation of soil and water13,14.
aggregate. ing to non-​healing wounds4. Until recently, bacteria Biofilms are associated with microbially induced
growing planktonically have been associated with acute corrosion in oil-​f ield pipelines, plugging of pipes,
infections that are generally treatable with antibiot- fouling of ship hulls creating drag and increased fuel
ics, although successful treatment mainly depends on costs, reductions in heat transfer in cooling towers and
accurate and fast diagnosis. When bacteria succeed in fouling of manufacturing lines resulting in product
forming biofilms within the host, the infection is often contamination14. In all these instances, the industrial sys-
untreatable and, sustained by low-​grade inflammation, tem is not sterile, and so it is not necessarily an issue that
✉e-​mail: tbjarnsholt@ develops into a chronic state5. However, this dogma is bacteria are present but more that the biofilm compro- challenged by recent findings that suggest that the differ- mises a product or system performance. In these cases, ence between bacteria in acute and chronic infections is biocide manufacturers develop clean-​in-​place proce-
s41579-022-00767-0 due to metabolic activity rather than aggregation6. dures to control biofilm growth, but, in reality, the biofilm

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


is never completely eliminated, and, thus, as with dental of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a nosocomial pathogen),
Expansion of aggregates by biofilms, routine cleaning and maintenance is required presenting the current five-​step biofilm model27,30 (Fig. 1).
microbial growth and concomi- to keep biofouling in check, for example, in the souring The developmental stages of biofilms are referred to as
tant production of extracellular of oil reservoirs by sulfate-​reducing bacteria15. reversible and irreversible attachment, biofilm matura-
polymeric substance, whether
in suspension or attached to a
A common denominator of bacterial biofilms is tion I and II (involving cluster and microcolony forma-
surface. the distinction between surface-​attached and non- tion, respectively), and dispersion27,30. Variations of this
​surface-​attached bacterial aggregates despite new evi- model have also been developed for other species such
Attachment dence showing that these share similar phenotypes16,17. as Staphylococcus aureus31 and the soil bacterium Bacillus
Suspended single cells or
For both of these phenotypes, the bacteria create subtilis32 as well as for algal biofilms33.
aggregates adhere to a host
cellular surface or an abiotic
microenvironments that in turn influence bacterial Although the schematic conceptual biofilm develop-
surface, either directly to the community and behaviour in an interdependent and mental model based on P. aeruginosa in vitro biofilm
substratum or to previously dynamic manner18,19. In this Review, we define bacte- formation is easy to understand and has been widely gen-
attached microbial cells or rial aggregates as biofilms irrespective of attachment to eralized to describe all biofilms, this model does not nec-
a biotic or abiotic surface and define the aggregation of essarily describe the complexity of biofilms in real-​world
Detachment bacteria as the central hallmark of bacterial biofilms. industrial, natural and clinical settings. Importantly, this
An overarching term Although bacteria have been studied in the labora- model does not reflect the relevant microenvironments
encompassing all phase tory for well over 100 years, biofilms were first studied that develop within these biofilms. It is therefore impor-
transfer processes in which
after surface-​attached bacteria were observed attached to tant to consider the substantial differences between the
microbial cells and extracellular
polymeric substances move
the pacemaker lead in a patient suffering from recurrent processes occurring in a laboratory flow cell and those
from the surface-​attached bacteraemia20 and growing on glass slides inoculated leading to biofilm formation in real-​world scenarios,
phase to a fluid-​borne phase. with sea water21. The bacteria attached to the pacemaker including in the rhizosphere, in oil pipelines, in chronic
This term is specific to lead mark one of the first references to ‘biofilm-​growing wounds, in the respiratory tract at an air–water inter-
surface-​attached biofilms.
bacteria’ in medicine, with a subsequent increased inter- face (that is, a pellicle), around a prosthetic joint, in a
Dispersal est in biofilm infections. Numerous in vitro systems have wastewater granule, in microcosm ecosystems34–36 and
Specifically connotes an active been devised to study biofilm formation22–24 and how on ex vivo organoid-​associated biofilms. In such diverse
and biologically regulated biofilm bacteria differ from planktonic cells, including systems, the processes of attachment, aggregation, inter-
release of microbial cells from
their hallmark property of increased antibiotic tolerance action with biotic or abiotic materials and interfaces (for
a suspended or attached
biofilm aggregate.
or the presence of a matrix composed of extracellular example, roots, tissue, a gas phase, environmental pol-
polymeric substances (EPS), which is a hydrogel-​like ymers or corrosion deposits), growth and maturation,
Disaggregation matrix encasing biofilm cells25,26. These initial findings and detachment and dispersal are potentially quite differ-
Aggregated cells, whether in supported the notion that microorganisms undergo ent and do not necessarily occur sequentially. Given the
suspension or associated with
a surface, that shed smaller
substantial changes in their phenotypic repertoire dur- variety of systems and conditions, we propose to expand
microbial aggregates or ing the transition from planktonic to biofilm growth the existing model to include a wider range of real-​world
individual cells into the fluid (Box 1) and revealed the potential for new ways to con- scenarios.
phase. trol or manipulate biofilms. In vitro systems commonly In this Review, we describe the origin of the cur-
used shaken, well-​mixed cultures and led to most bio- rent biofilm model and its shortcomings. Additionally,
film experiments being initiated by using single-​cell we discuss differences in biofilm formation by diverse
planktonic cultures with one controlled seeding event. types of bacteria in varied experimental systems, both
Likewise, the transformation of single cells into ses- in vitro and in vivo, and focus on new findings, such as
sile biofilm communities has been thoroughly studied the common lack of an attachment surface, differences
in closed, surface-​based in vitro systems without the in matrix properties and transcriptional profiles, among
influx of new cells during the biofilm formation and others, that warrant amending the current model. We
maturation process27–29. Such studies led to a key pub- suggest a revised conceptual model that encompasses the
lication in the field describing the developmental stages three major steps of biofilm life, aggregation, growth and
disaggregation independently of surfaces, and initiation
from single-​cell planktonic bacteria, to present a revised
Author addresses and simple model that we believe represents a broader
Department of Biological sciences, Binghamton university, Binghamton, NY, usa. range of biofilm systems.
Binghamton Biofilm research Center, Binghamton university, Binghamton, NY, usa.
Department of Microbial infection and immunity, College of Medicine, the Ohio state The origin of the five-​step biofilm model
university, Columbus, OH, usa. Numerous studies support the notion that biofilm for-
Department of Orthopaedics, the Ohio state university, Columbus, OH, usa. mation starts with the initial surface attachment of sin-
Department of Microbiology, the Ohio state university, Columbus, OH, usa. gle, free-​floating, planktonic cells and that biofilm cells
National Biofilm innovation Centre (NBiC) and National Centre for advanced tribology differ from their planktonic counterparts in the genes
at southampton (nCats), Mechanical engineering, university of southampton, and proteins that they express (Box 1). Given the pro-
southampton, uK. found changes that microorganisms undergo during
Department of Chemical and Biological engineering and Center for Biofilm engineering,
their transition from planktonic organisms to cells that
Montana state university, Bozeman, Mt, usa.
Department of Biology, Faculty of science, university of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, are part of a complex, surface-​attached community, it is
Denmark. not surprising that the transition from the planktonic
Department of immunology and Microbiology, Faculty of Health and Medical science, to the biofilm mode of growth is a complex and highly
university of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. regulated process that is often regarded to be develop-
Department of Clinical Microbiology, rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. mental. However, although it was widely accepted that


Box 1 | Studying biofilms In P. aeruginosa, the reversible attachment stage is

characterized by cells attaching to a surface by a sin-
Biofilm research in the early years primarily focused on engineering applications and gle pole (Fig. 1). Most surface contact is unstable and
observational descriptions of biofilms. However, biofilm research changed with the cells are often seen returning to the bulk phase. Once
observation of surface attachment-​specific gene regulation in vitro and the introduc- rod-​shaped cells commit to a more stable surface
tion of in vitro systems to study biofilm formation and phenotypes in the laboratory. This
existence, cells attach via their longitudinal axis; this
facilitated the study of specific and differential gene expression upon surface attach-
ment in vitro42,43,49, including the role of cell signalling in genetic regulation from a phenomenon is referred to as ‘irreversible attachment’
population49 as well as the use of genetic tools to identify genes required for in vitro (Fig. 1). Furthermore, reports suggest that irreversible
surface and subsequent biofilm formation39,161,162. attachment initiates a cascade of changes in bacterial
the idea that biofilms are amenable to molecular genetic studies39,161 also opened the cells. Apparent changes following bacterial attachment
door to the exploration of factors beyond early surface attachment, including those con- include cessation of flagella-​mediated motility while at
tributing to biofilm architecture, metabolic interactions, phylogenetic groupings, com- the molecular level, changes include surface-​induced
petition and cooperation. Molecular genetic applications furthermore led to exciting gene activation of P. aeruginosa algC (a gene involved
progress in the development of new technologies for the study of biofilm communities, in lipopolysaccharide core and exopolysaccharide
advanced our understanding of the ecological significance of surface-​attached bacteria alginate biosynthesis 42,43) and induction of genes
and provided new insights into the molecular genetic basis of biofilm development40.
involved in the biosynthesis of the Psl matrix polymer44
what followed was extensive research on genes that are required for bacteria to asso-
ciate with surfaces and investigations of differences in the transcriptional abundance of and of genes linked to antibiotic resistance, including
bacterial genes when growing planktonically and as biofilms. although some studies β-​lactamase45, phenazine46, SagS and BrlR47. The find-
failed to detect differences in the transcriptomes of planktonic and surface-​associated ings suggest that committing to the surface-​associated
cells163, the majority of studies confirmed that planktonic and sessile biofilm cells dis- mode of growth not only coincides with the produc-
play distinct transcriptomic profiles, with the number of genes changing in transcript tion of biofilm matrix components that enable cells to
abundance upon surface-​associated growth ranging from less than twenty to several cement themselves more firmly to the surface but also
hundred164,165. Moreover, numerous reports indicate that biofilms are heterogeneous, with biofilm antimicrobial tolerance (a hallmark charac­
with bacteria residing at different locations within the biofilm structure experiencing teristic of biofilms) as an early adaptive response to the
steep gradients in the concentration of nutrient resources, oxygen and waste products sessile lifestyle. Once attached, cells will grow into a
(such as acids produced by fermentation in oxygen-​depleted zones) as well as of
more complex multicellular mature form, which in some
metabolites and extracellular signalling molecules, resulting in the modulation of meta-
bolic rates, dormancy, stress responses and mutation rates155,166–168. transcriptome anal- bacterial species, including P. aeruginosa, is character-
yses of in vitro-​grown biofilms confirmed that biofilm cells experience various stresses, ized by the presence of differentiated, mushroom-​like
including hypoxia or oxygen deprivation, nutrient stress, and slow growth, which or pillar-​like structures or microcolonies interspersed
increase as the biofilm grows in size59,169,170. imaging and transcriptome imaging (parallel with fluid-​filled channels48 (Fig. 1). The structuring of
sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (par-​seq FISH)) have provided visual evi- biofilms in microcolonies with water channels has been
dence of the presence of subpopulations and associated gradients (that is, chemical shown to be dependent on intercellular small messenger
and signalling molecules) within the biofilm structure114,134,171,172. additionally, changes molecules (acylated homoserine lactones) that are used
in cell–cell signalling, virulence gene expression and the biosynthesis of matrix compo- for bacterial communication49, rhamnolipids50,51 and
nents have been reported173–177. Notably, many of these findings have been confirmed regulatory proteins, mostly two-​component regulatory
using in vivo biofilms (animal models), although not in human infections178,179.
systems (TCSs)52–54. However, in P. aeruginosa, even cell
signalling knockout mutants have been shown to form
the transition to a surface lifestyle was a highly regu- such channels, which suggests that their structure is
lated process, it remained unknown whether subse- determined by the interplay between intrinsic bacterial
quent surface-​associated growth progressed simply as regulation and environmental conditions55. As biofilms
an accumulation of cells due to cell division or instead develop a three-​dimensional (3D) structure, resident
coincided with distinct events indicative of progressive bacteria near the base increasingly undergo physical sep-
or transitional changes over the course of biofilm for- aration from the bulk–liquid interface and from essential
mation. In 2002, in an effort to better understand the sources of energy or nutrients, with biofilm cells expe-
progression of biofilm formation, researchers27 used a riencing an ever-​changing microenvironment. Changes
combination of direct observation by microscopy, eval- are driven by cellular crowding, chemical gradients and
uation of biofilm morphology, matrix polymer produc- nutrient competition, which lead to stratification within
tion, activation of quorum sensing-​regulated genes and the biofilm and the creation of subpopulations56,57. Thus,
the quantitative analysis of protein abundance. The anal- bacteria residing at different locations within the biofilm
ysis led to the realization that, over the course of biofilm structure experience concentration gradients of nutri-
formation, P. aeruginosa displays multiple phenotypes ent resources, oxygen, waste products (such as acids
with distinct physiological characteristics (structural and produced by fermentation in oxygen-​depleted zones)
metabolic changes) that can be correlated to distinct epi- and extracellular signalling molecules56–58. Supporting
sodes or stages of biofilm development (Fig. 1). These evidence is provided by the observation that resident
stages were referred to as reversible and irreversible biofilm cells express genes linked to oxygen depriva-
Accumulation attachment, maturation (maturation I and II stages), and tion, general stress and stationary phase conditions,
The net result of attachment, dispersion, with each biofilm developmental stage corre- nutrient stress and slow growth 56–60. Importantly,
aggregation, growth, sponding to unique patterns of protein production and cells can leave the biofilm structure and return to the
disaggregation and gene expression30,37–41. The distinction between reversible planktonic mode of growth by a process referred to as
detachment processes that
leads to expansion or
and irreversible attachment was based on the timescale dispersion61. Dispersion is an active event whereby ses-
shrinkage of a biofilm or of the fate (whether it remains attached or detaches) of a sile, matrix-​encased biofilm cells escape from the bio-
aggregate. cell over a few minutes once it contacts a surface. film, leaving behind eroded biofilms and biofilms with

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Planktonic cell outside the laboratory — in nature, engineered systems

and medicine — has been limited because the diver-
sity and complexity of biofilm structures and processes
in real-​world, non-​laboratory systems were not consid-
ered. Also importantly, the logistical difficulty in stud-
ying the initiation and development of biofilms in vivo
Cell cluster
in real time means that the bulk of our understanding
EPS is extrapolated from snapshots in time. The study of
suspended aggregates in the bulk liquid is even more
challenging as these do not stay in the same place over
timescales relevant to observe developmental processes.
Reversible Maturation I Maturation II Dispersion
attachment Limitations of the five-​step model
Fig. 1 | The original five-step model of biofilm development. The original model of bio- We have identified at least four limitations of the con-
film formation is based on key publications investigating Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The ceptual model described above. First, it has not yet been
model proposed that the formation of biofilms is a cyclic process that occurs in a five-​stage- determined whether biofilm formation can be described
specific and progressive manner. The process is initiated following surface contact by as a true developmental process when we consider bio-
single planktonic cells. Several developmental steps are discernible, including reversible films formed outside of the flow cell and by species other
attachment, irreversible attachment, biofilm maturation (maturation I and maturation II) than P. aeruginosa and S. aureus as model biofilm species.
and, finally, dispersion27,37. During reversible attachment, bacteria attach to the substra- Moreover, the model does not capture the wide variety
tum via the cell pole or via the flagellum, followed by longitudinal attachment. Transition of biofilm architectures observed in real-​world systems
to irreversible attachment coincides with a reduction in flagella reversal rates, a reduction such as microbial mats, which can be highly stratified
in flagella gene expression and the production of biofilm matrix components. This stage is
along horizontal layers72. The model also does not
also characterized by attached cells demonstrating drug tolerance47. Biofilm maturation
stages are characterized by the appearance of cell clusters that are several cells thick and incorporate the diversity of aggregation (see below) and
are embedded in the biofilm matrix (maturation I stage), which subsequently fully mature detachment mechanisms now recognized in the field by
into microcolonies (maturation II stage)27,37. Dispersion has been reported to coincide with both motile and non-​motile organisms such as S. aureus;
the decrease in and degradation of matrix components, with dispersed cells being motile however, the model has been adapted to accommodate
and demonstrating increased drug susceptibility relative to biofilm cells. A shortcoming of this organism31. Finally, the model does not consider the
the current biofilm model is that it does not account for non-​surface-​attached aggregates succession of events in biofilms formed in open systems
that are often observed in clinical or environmental settings (see Fig. 5). EPS, extracellular with a continuous influx of new colonizers. Indeed, even
polymeric substances. Adapted with permission from ref.30, Annual Reviews. for dental biofilms, for which it is recognized that biofilm
progression proceeds as an ecological succession with
central voids27,30,62–64. Not surprisingly, dispersion (also new species proliferating in different parts of the bio-
referred to as seeding dispersal) is also considered to be film, the single-​species model is commonly depicted73.
the next stage of biofilm formation, an active event that Likewise, applying the five-​step biofilm model to indus-
leads to bacterial dissemination and the colonization trial systems is limited. These systems are so large and
of new locations65. An additional key regulator of the complex that it is likely that all stages of attachment,
biofilm developmental life cycle is the ubiquitous bac- growth and detachment occur simultaneously at vari-
terial second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-​di-​GMP), ous points in the system. The tidy description of how
with high c-​di-​GMP levels favouring the biofilm mode biofilms form in a simple, rich media laboratory sys-
of growth, whereas low levels have been associated with tem does not necessarily capture the complexity of
planktonic and dispersed cells66–68. c-​di-​GMP is required biofilms in most industrial or environmental systems,
to mediate surface sensing, repress motility upon surface where surface characteristics, such as scale or corro-
attachment, and increase biosynthesis of biofilm matrix sion, the chemical properties of the bulk fluid and the
components, with reduced c-​di-​GMP levels contributing fluid dynamics, will influence how the biofilm attaches,
to dispersion66–69. grows and detaches. This also applies to infection sites,
The findings above suggested an expanded model where it remains unknown if the site is seeded with sin-
of biofilm development by P. aeruginosa that detailed gle cells or aggregates, or if bacteria are trapped within
the progression of biofilm formation as well as the host material in a complex environment rather than just
stage-​specific formation of biofilms30. Although the forming aggregates by clonal expansion. Furthermore,
model represented the developmental stages specifically there are no in situ sensors that can be incorporated
for P. aeruginosa biofilms, it has become widely used to into these complex systems to directly monitor bio-
represent biofilm formation by diverse biofilm-​forming films on surfaces, in fluid suspensions or associated
microorganisms in various settings, for example, bio- with host materials. Sections of the system can be sam-
films growing in extreme environments70 and microalgal pled during upgrades or replacement but these only
biofilms71. give a snapshot in time at specific locations. Although
Owing to its elegant simplicity, the developmen- sampling fluids can give clues that biofilms might be
tal model of microbial biofilm formation was adopted present through the capture and release of shed cells
quickly by the scientific community as the major con- or aggregates, all that is known is that these originated
ceptual framework for biofilm research on which to base upstream in the system.
empirical research and scientific inference. As discussed Most host-​associated biofilms are subject to strong
below, the ability to extrapolate this model to biofilms host selection factors. In the gut of humans and higher


animals, biofilm diversity is regulated through com- arrested at the irreversible attachment stage whereas bio-
Implies the response to a pounds excreted from gut epithelial cells74. This is also films formed by ΔbfmRS and ΔmifRS mutants arrested
mechanical, chemical or the case for other host-​associated biofilms, including at the maturation I and maturation II stages of biofilm
enzymatic intervention that those formed on plant roots that are shaped by plant exu- development, respectively37,53,83–85.
causes attached aggregates or
cells to be released from the
dates to attract growth-​promoting or nutrient-​capturing Although the discovery of the signal transduction
surface. bacteria75, and biofilms formed on algae specifically select network strongly supported the idea that the formation
for a stable core set of functional genes76. Selective host– of biofilms was a biologically regulated developmental
microorganism interactions may lead to very complex process, at least for P. aeruginosa grown under labora-
and less sequential events of bacterial attachment and tory conditions, other concerns remained, including the
detachment that are not considered in the five-​step model. validity of the representation of the biofilm structure or
The paradigmatic value of this model was first chal- architecture being composed of mushroom-​like micro-
lenged by the research community as early as 2009 colonies. In fact, several reports demonstrated that, even
(ref.77), questioning the validity of the model and the for P. aeruginosa, the biofilm architecture varied with
concept of biofilm formation as a developmental process. growth conditions and the growth medium. For instance,
Based on definitions by several researchers78,79, reviewed a study29 demonstrated that, although P. aeruginosa PAO1
elsewhere77, development coincides with changes in biofilms grown on glucose minimal medium demon-
form and function that are part of the normal life cycle strated the typical mushroom-​shaped multicellular bio-
of the cell. This is regulated by a dedicated, hierarchically film structures, growth in minimal medium containing
ordered genetic pathway and stage-​specific transitions citrate, casamino acids or benzoate as the carbon source
in response to environmental cues. If biofilm formation led to the formation of flat unstructured biofilms (Fig. 2).
is indeed a regulated developmental process, the for- In multispecies biofilms, different medium composi-
mation of biofilms would require genetic pathways that tion affects not only biofilm morphology but also spe-
evolved to facilitate cooperation among members of the cies composition86. In addition to growth medium and
biofilm. Although it is undeniable that a community of nutrient sources, other variations in growth conditions
cells form a biofilm, that biofilm formation coincides have been reported to influence the biofilm architecture.
with surface structure and temporal changes, and that Although P. aeruginosa forming mushroom-​shaped bio-
several regulators affecting biofilm formation have films has been associated with growth under relatively
been identified80–82, no such genetic pathway regulating low flow rate conditions87, static growth conditions favour
these morphological changes and stage-​specific transi- the formation of pellicles that form at the air–liquid
tions in a hierarchically ordered manner has yet been interface88. However, at higher flow rates, structures
identified77. However, in the same year, another group37 such as streamers and ripples can form, demonstrating
reported a previously uncharacterized signal transduc- the remarkable ability of biofilms to adapt to the physical
tion network regulating committed biofilm develop- conditions under which they grow55,89.
mental steps by P. aeruginosa following attachment, in Additionally, the organisms composing the biofilm
which phospho-​relays and response regulators seemed also have a marked effect on the biofilm structure. For
to be key components of the regulatory machinery that example, in comparison to pure cultures of laboratory-
coordinates gene expression during biofilm develop- ​g rown biofilms of either Klebsiella pneumoniae or
ment in response to environmental cues. More specifi- P. aeruginosa, biofilms containing both species were
cally, the signalling network is composed of several TCSs thicker90,91. Moreover, in a mixed species biofilm com-
named SagS, BfiSR, BfmRS and MifRS37. TCS activation posed of four bacterial soil isolates, removal of one biofilm
occurred sequentially (SagS–BfiSR–BfmRS–MifRS) member completely changed biofilm morphology, spe-
over the course of biofilm formation, whereas inactiva- cies structural organization and relative abundance, even
tion of these systems arrested biofilm formation at dis- when the species removed was initially of low abundance
tinct developmental stages. ΔsagS and ΔbfiSR biofilms and intrinsically weak in biofilm formation capability92.
Biofilms formed by the Gram-​positive bacteria S. aureus93
a Glucose minimal medium b Citrate minimal medium c Benzoate minimal medium and Streptococcus pneumoniae94, while having a hetero-
geneous appearance indicative of the presence of water
channels, lack the distinct microcolonies that had become
a distinct feature of the biofilm architecture. By contrast,
studies with pneumococcal biofilms formed under static
conditions were used to investigate chronic otitis media
with effusion as fluid and flow is severely disrupted in
20 μm the middle ear during infection. Biofilm structures were
20 μm 20 μm also dependent on bacterial strains but were smaller
(5–15 μm), resembling the appearance of pneumococ-
cal biofilms from ex vivo middle ear mucosa samples
Fig. 2 | Variation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm architecture. Pseudomonas
from children with chronic otitis media95,96. Similarly,
aeruginosa PAO1 grown in flow cells under flow conditions but with different carbon
sources shows remarkably different three-​dimensional architectures. Biofilms grown on non-​typeable Haemophilus influenzae, a Gram-​negative
glucose minimal medium demonstrated the typical mushroom-​shaped multicellular bacterium, also formed biofilm aggregates in these otitis
biofilm structures (part a); growth in minimal medium containing citrate, casamino acids media samples as recapitulated in a chinchilla model of
(part b) or benzoate (part c) as the carbon source led to the formation of flat unstructured otitis media97. Non-​typeable H. influenzae biofilms also
biofilms29. Reprinted with permission from ref.29, Wiley. formed on differentiated airway epithelial cultures from

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


a Mushroom structure of P. aeruginosa Fig. 3 | Diverse surface-attached and non-surface-

biofilm in vitro in a flow cell attached biofilm structures. Variety of biofilm structures
underscoring differences between in vitro and in vivo or
environmental biofilms. Original images are shown in the
left column and a schematic drawing of the structures and
their organization are provided in the right column with
shading denoting water (blue), aggregated microbial cells
(purple) and their extracellular polymeric substances
(yellow), host cells and other material, including mucus
or tissue (red), and the attachment surface (hatched grey).
a | Mushroom structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm
in vitro in a flow cell (GFP-​tagged bacterial cells (green)).
b Mucus-embedded aggregates of P. aeruginosa surrounded b | Mucus-​embedded aggregates of P. aeruginosa sur-
by PMLs in a cystic fibrosis lung rounded by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMLs) in a
cystic fibrosis lung (bacterial cells (red), host DNA (blue))105.
c | Wound-​embedded aggregates of P. aeruginosa sur-
~20 µm rounded by PMLs (bacterial cells (red), host cells/DNA
(blue), autofluorescence (green))157. d | Aerobic granules
from a full-​scale AquaNereda wastewater treatment pro-
cess (lipids (red), proteins (green), extracellular polysaccha-
rides (pink, white)). e | Striated microbial mat from a
Brazilian lake (natural coloration of the microbial mat)158.
Part a courtesy of T.B. Part b reprinted with permission from
ref.105, Wiley. Part c reprinted with permission from ref.157,
c Wound-embedded aggregates of P. aeruginosa American Society for Microbiology. Part d courtesy of
surrounded by PMLs K. Bodle and C. Kirkland, Center for Biofilm Engineering,
Montana State University, USA. Part e reprinted with
permission from ref.158, Elsevier.

antibiotic therapy and persistence in the host despite

robust innate immune responses.
Mixed-​species biofilms taken from the environment
are structurally very diverse. As an example, microbial
mats are thick and layered, whereas bacterial aggregates
on sand grains are thin and small72. In addition, environ-
d Aerobic granules from a full-scale wastewater mental biofilms often form on biodegradable materials,
treatment process
and thus the nutrients are not provided only from ‘above’,
potentially affecting the growth zones and structure of
the biofilm. Biofilm structure and community members
can also be strongly influenced by the underlying sub-
stratum as observed in marine biofilms examined ex
vivo100. Generally, surface topography dictates specific
bacterial adhesion, directly affecting the biofilm com-
position, and thus biofilm structure, owing to intrinsic
600 µm
biofilm formation capabilities (including matrix com-
e Striated microbial mat from a Brazilian lake ponent production) of the individual species present.
More specifically, substrata may select for specific meta­
bolic community profiles, exemplified by surfaces con-
taining elemental iron and its various oxidative states,
0 which select for a microbial community capable of iron
oxidation and reduction100.
Absence of an attachment surface
As reviewed by several groups4,101, many of the chronic
bacterial infections linked to biofilms that involve aggre-
gated bacteria and antimicrobial recalcitrance may not
involve hard surface attachment, even if a surface is
patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia98. These smaller present (Fig. 3). Likewise, biofilms in the environment
aggregated structures suggest that biofilms with highly are often free floating, including diverse bacterial
complex 3D architectures may be less likely to form in aggregates (granules) formed in wastewater treatment
the host microenvironments99. Importantly, even discrete plants102 or those in marine, lake and river habitats, com-
biofilm aggregates may still be able to induce inflamma- monly referred to as ‘marine snow’12. A study103 used a
tion and tissue destruction that leads to sustained chronic sophisticated experimental system to hold a sinking
infection because they are associated with tolerance to diatom aggregate in place while measuring the internal


Polymer bridging
oxygen profiles of the aggregates as well as the flow field microbiota are dominated by heterogeneous patterns
The aggregation of microbial by particle imaging velocimetry, showing the presence of aggregated bacteria12 rather than continuous films of
cells in suspension caused by of strong oxygen gradients, similar to those seen in bacteria over large (centimetre) areas; however, to a cer-
polymers that adhere to cell attached biofilms. In a similar manner to attached bio- tain extent, this is an issue of scale. Algal biofilms on ship
wall components forming
bridging bonds between
films, the researchers found that, although the irregular hulls may appear macroscopically continuous and, in
multiple cells. surface of the aggregate influenced flow and mass trans- localized areas, as a uniform flat layer but appear patchy
fer locally, there was no flow within the EPS, which in under microscopic examination117.
Sloughing this field is referred to as ‘transparent exopolymer par-
The release of coherent layers
ticles’. Similarly, granular-​activated sludge aggregates of Aggregate formation
of surface-​attached biofilm by
adhesive failure (that is, at the
microorganisms create strong gradients of oxygen, pH, As outlined above, a shortcoming of the current bio-
biofilm–substratum interface), substrates and metabolites, which leads to microenvi- film model is that it does not account for non-​surface-​
generally by fluid shear. This ronments that enable simultaneous aerobic and anaer- attached aggregates that are often observed in clinical
mechanism is specific to obic digestion in the same aggregate, with concomitant or environmental settings. Other than their descriptive
surface-​attached biofilms.
redox gradient-​based physiological stratifications104. observation when the model was first published in 2002,
Co-​aggregation Two types of chronic infection linked to aggregated little was known mechanistically about suspended bac-
The formation of aggregates rather than surface-​associated bacteria are soft tissue terial aggregates. Since then, several publications have
(also known as clumps) in infections, such as chronic lung infection in individuals reported on surface-​independent bacterial aggregation,
suspension by bacteria of
with cystic fibrosis105, and chronic dermal wounds106. with bacteria in aggregates displaying simi­lar pheno-
different species.
Similarly, in other biofilm-​associated respiratory infec- types to bacteria present in surface-​attached commu-
Depletion aggregation tions, such as chronic otitis media, rhinosinusitis or nities, including increased tolerance to antibiotic and
The formation of aggregates in biofilms on differentiated ciliated cells from individuals host defence as well as matrix production and slow
suspension through a colloidal with primary ciliary dyskinesia, aggregates (~10–20 μm) growth16,118–121.
physics phenomenon that
occurs when polymers in
may adhere to mucosal epithelia or grow as aggregates in Examples of different types of aggregates include
solution are of high enough effusion, mucus and airway surface liquid. The bacterial bacteria embedded in host material such as mucus
concentration and molecular aggregates seen in these infections are not necessarily from the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis, slough
weight to initiate phase modelled well by flow biofilm experimental systems, in the chronic wound bed, or external material flocs in
separation, ‘forcing’ microbial
although shear is present in the bronchial airways107. wastewater treatment plants and soil. Host fluids, includ-
cells together.
Osteomyelitis with and without an implant also ing synovial fluid and human serum, can induce rapid
belongs to this category. In the case of osteomyelitis (within minutes) aggregation in both Gram-​positive
with implants, it is generally assumed that the bac- and Gram-​negative bacteria in vivo and in vitro118,122,123,
teria are attached to the implant surface and so can which suggests that host components, such as fibronec-
be described by the current biofilm model. This has tin, form bridging connections (polymer bridging). Such
led to much research into designing antibacterial and suspended biofilm-​like aggregates have also been seen
anti-​adhesive surfaces. However, current studies show ex vivo124 and in shaken in vitro cultures125–127. Bacteria in
that, even though the bacteria can be associated with a shaken liquid culture have, until recently, been assumed
the surface, the implant does not have to be colo- to be entirely planktonic, independent single cells (or
nized to cause persisting infection108,109. Samples from short chains or clusters). However, recent publications
implant-​associated infections show that bacteria can be challenge the conceptual separation between plank-
present both in peri-​prosthetic tissue and on the implant tonic and biofilm bacteria by showing that both S. aureus
but not necessarily both110. Importantly, detached aggre- and P. aeruginosa can grow as a mixture of planktonic and
gates recapitulated the antibiotic tolerance observed in aggregate cells in liquid batch cultures126–128.
surface-​attached biofilms111. Based on several laboratory studies, literature cur-
Aggregates have also been reported for non-​infectious rently points to five mechanisms for the formation of
biofilms. Consider microbiota on the skin, where the free-​floating aggregates (Fig. 4) that are discussed here in
majority of bacteria are organized as small aggregates112,113. the order they were recognized. The first is the detach-
Bacteria clearly attach and grow on the enamel surface ment of pieces of attached biofilm due to changes in
of teeth; however, these structures tend not to be the 3D hydrodynamic shear, nutrient reduction, physical abra-
mushroom structures seen in flow cells114. Observation sion, or exogenously added or endogenously produced
of polymicrobial aggregates in human saliva demon- dispersal agents129; loss of biofilm bacterial cells due to
strates a progression in structural and community this process has often been referred to as sloughing. The
complexity and in the flow cells that these aggregates second is through growth in the planktonic phase128.
attach to when forming surface-​adhered biofilms114,115. As cells divide, the daughter cells remain with the
Similarly, on the skin, bacteria are distributed in small mother cells rather than dispersing, presumably through
heterogeneously distributed aggregates and as single interactions of self-​recognizing surface adhesion mole­
cells116. cules or simultaneous production of EPS. The pres-
In addition to infectious and other host-​associated ence of surface adhesins may also contribute to the
biofilms, bacteria in the environment are present as both co-​aggregation of cells in the planktonic state, which leads
surface-​attached colonies and free-​floating or embed- to the formation of aggregates in the absence of growth.
ded aggregates. In biological wastewater treatment pro- More recently, it has been proposed that aggregation can
cesses, dense multispecies aggregates of microorganisms occur in the liquid phase mediated by host polymers
self-​assemble in both aerobic and anaerobic processes. such as mucin and DNA130. One potential mechanism
The overarching observation is that the environmental is depletion aggregation, which occurs as entropic forces

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


a Surface-associated biofilm formation Fig. 4 | Mechanisms of microbial aggregate formation.

Attachment followed by clonal growth and EPS production a | The current model for biofilm formation: attachment of
single planktonic cells to a smooth surface followed by cell
division and production of extracellular polymeric sub-
stances (EPS) to form three-​dimensional surface-​attached
aggregate structures. b | Different mechanisms for gener-
ating free-​floating biofilm-​like aggregates. (1) Sloughing
detachment of aggregates from attached biofilms.
b Biolfilm-like aggregate formation in the liquid phase (2) Clonal growth (division) in the liquid, which may occur
with or without facilitation by bacterially produced EPS.
1 Aggregates formed due to sloughing from surface-attached biofilm
(3) Auto-​aggregation or co-​aggregation (for a single species
or multiple species, respectively), whereby bacteria attach
to each other through mutual attraction of surface mole-
cules, such as adhesins or EPS bridging interactions, followed
by clonal growth and EPS production. (4) Polymer depletion-
​driven aggregation, whereby, under high concentrations of
polymers in the liquid, phase separation occurs and the
polymers and cells separate out such that the polymers
2 Aggregates grown in planktonic phase surround groups of aggregated cells. In the case of bacteria
entering a wound or surgical site, the polymers can be pro-
duced by the host as is the case for hyaluronic acid, a com-
ponent of synovial fluid159. Polymer depletion-​driven
EPS polymer aggregation can also be facilitated through bacterially
produced EPS130. (5) Polymer bridging aggregation occurs
when polymers in the liquid environment160 form bridges
Aggregate without EPS
that connect individual cells, such as fibronectin in synovial
3 Aggregate formation initiated through cell surface components of single cells fluid and fibronectin-​binding proteins and clumping factor
expressed on the cell wall of staphylococci161.
factors, such as adhesin proteins, and host factors such
as fibrinogen, fibronectin and hyaluronic acid132,133.
Notably, aggregate formation in liquid or in response
to host polymers includes both co-​aggregation without
bacterial growth as well as clonal growth of trapped bac-
4 Polymer depletion teria, coinciding with a continually increasing aggregate
Host skin size. Moreover, very little is known about how cells leave
? aggregates, including whether aggregates disassemble by
dispersion or sloughing, or simply turn into single cells.

Host Expanding the five-​step biofilm model

Visualization of biofilms and bacterial aggregates in
other in vitro experimental systems, in the environment
5 Polymer bridging
and in infections reveals major disparities with the orig-
inal model (Fig. 1). As evaluation of biofilms from diverse
environments has become more sophisticated, major
differences in the microenvironment of the individual
biofilm or aggregate in regards to substrates, oxygen and
exposure to secreted products have been observed56,134–136.
This varies depending on whether bacteria are directly
adjacent to the growth medium or entrapped in some
sort of biological material (for example, mucus, tissue
or infection wound bed) or non-​biological material (for
example, within corrosion or hard water deposits) as
between uncharged or like-​charged polymers cause par- opposed to a self-​produced biofilm matrix. The microen-
ticles (single bacterial cells in the case of our discussion) vironments that develop due to an interplay between
in the suspension to ‘push out’ polymers between the microbial physiology, substrates and physicochemical
cells as they come close together, thus forcing the for- conditions (redox and pH), and mass transfer within bio-
mation of aggregates131. Another possible aggregation films and aggregates have a dominant role in determin-
mechanism is that bacteria bind to molecules in host ing the metabolism and behaviour of bacteria, affecting
fluids through surface adhesion interactions. For exam- characteristics such as antibiotic tolerance, growth rate
Auto-​aggregation ple, staphylococci have been shown to aggregate in syn- and expression of virulence factors19,137–139.
The formation of aggregates
(also known as clumps) in
ovial fluid, which has been a proposed mechanism for Therefore, we propose an updated, more encompass-
suspension by bacteria of the the initiation of peri-​prosthetic joint infection118. This ing model describing the three major events in biofilm
same species. aggregation is a binding interaction between bacterial formation: aggregation, growth and disaggregation (Fig. 5).


This new model represents three basic events that we of biofilms from environmental systems and from in vivo
believe can be used to depict most of the different scenar- and ex vivo studies suggest that this type of development
ios for biofilm formation independently of whether the is not always supported in vivo or in open systems. This
condition is in vitro, in situ or in vivo. The model bridges led to questioning the general validity of the original
and combines the different possibilities and pathways of model. From in vitro investigations, we know that flow
biofilm aggregate development in an inclusive manner. and nutrients are important in the experimental sys-
We acknowledge that this is a work in progress based on tems shaping the 3D architecture of the surface-​attached
what we know to date. Thus, we expect that the model is biofilms27,140. The question then becomes, how much do
not final but will undergo future revision. we really know about the microenvironment and bio-
In contrast to the five-​step model, the present model film development in environmental, in vivo and ex vivo
considers open systems that may be encountered in examples? Photosynthetic mats are well-​described flat
the environment or the human airways or gut, where biofilms where the penetration of sunlight and metabolic
a continuous influx of new biofilm members is likely. activity of the organisms leads to stratified species dis-
Most importantly, there are no known correlations tribution and microenvironments141. Suspended biofilm
suggesting that a particular biofilm structure is either aggregates used for wastewater treatment, such as aerobic
‘better’ or ‘worse’ in any given situation. Ex vivo and granules, are another example of a stratified biofilm. In
ex situ observations suggest that mushroom structures this case, the aggregates are generally spherical. Although
and surface-​attached 3D structures are just as likely to direct measurements of the microenvironment are dif-
occur as the aggregates observed in chronic infections ficult because they are free floating, stratification show-
and the natural environment with and without surface ing aerobes on the outside and anaerobes on the inside
association. A key concept is that biofilm aggregates are provides evidence of oxic and anoxic zones142. These
heterogeneous, diverse microbial communities, shaped microenvironments enable simultaneous aerobic diges-
and influenced by different environmental cues, that tion and anaerobic denitrification of wastewater. Patchy
represent multiple discrete microenvironments. aggregates of bacteria in industrial systems allow the
The original model was largely derived based on data formation of strong oxygen gradients accelerating pit-
from in vitro flow cell experiments; however, snapshots ting and the deposition of corrosion products producing
large tubercules protruding from the metal surface143. In
iron and steel industrial pipes, biofilms can cause micro-
bially induced corrosion owing to the development of
microenvironments144. These biofilms tend to be present
as mound-​shaped aggregates on metal surfaces and con-
sist of bacteria and corrosion products. The stratification
of organisms such as iron-​oxidizing and sulfur-​reducing
bacteria creates anoxic zones within the tubercule, which
become anodic relative to the surrounding metal, caus-
ing pitting corrosion below the tubercule and rust dep-
Aggregation Disaggregation osition at the surface. These examples illustrate how the
and attachment and detachment
interplay between the original external environmental
conditions and the physiology of biofilm microorgan-
isms leads to the creation of different biofilm structures
and microenvironments in situ. Mechanical forces can
also shape biofilm architecture, microbial community
and microenvironment development. Samples from river
biofilms growing under higher turbulence were thinner,
Growth and more compact and formed more homogenous layers
accumulation than those growing under lower hydrodynamic shear145.
In a medical context in the lung of an individual with
Fig. 5 | Expanded conceptual model of biofilm formation. The schematic presents the
proposed updated model of biofilm formation, including the three main events in biofilm cystic fibrosis, bacteria can be present and form aggre-
formation independently of surfaces and initiation from single-​cell planktonic bacteria, gates independently of the epithelial surface121. Thus, the
thus encompassing in vitro, in situ and in vivo systems. In contrast to the five-​step model, new proposed model includes a variety of conditions and
the present model considers different habitats, conditions and microenvironments as biofilm developmental pathways to embrace multiple
well as the possible influx of new cells. In addition, the new model also encompasses both diverse habitats and microenvironments in the environ-
surface-​attached (outer ring) and non-​surface-​attached (inner ring) biofilms with possi- ment, industry and medicine (Fig. 5). What we do know
ble exchange between the two. Bacteria can enter the model at any given point; thus, is that the microenvironment depends on the immediate
we have removed the restrictive developmental scheme the five-​step model represented. milieu surrounding a single cell, the aggregate itself and
This enables a more dynamic overview that can be used to explain most biofilm scenarios the close proximity of the aggregate146.
in clinical, environmental and industrial habitats. Aggregation and attachment: during this
As for the hallmark mushroom-​shaped structures
event, bacteria aggregate to each other or attach to biotic and abiotic surfaces. Growth
and accumulation: during this event, aggregated and attached bacterial colonies expand adopted for the original developmental model, these
by growth and recruitment of surrounding cells. Disaggregation and detachment: during seem to be formed primarily by P. aeruginosa, and are
this event, bacteria can leave the biofilm as aggregates and as single cells, depending highly dependent on the flow conditions, surface mate-
on the mechanism. These three events characterize and represent most, if not all, biofilm rial and carbon source29. For most other species, even
scenarios independently of time and maturity. under flow conditions and in the presence of glucose,

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


mushroom structures do not form. In the environment of electrostatic charge, wettability, surface tension and
outside of stromatolites and some hot spring structures, roughness) as important for attachment as the macro­
mushroom structures seem to be uncommon147. scale topographical features (such as edges, screw
holes, expansions and contractions and threads, among
Conclusions others) that may physically entrap aggregates? It is well
The most cited and used model (Fig. 1) for biofilm devel- established that in vitro biofilms actively disperse, but
opment is extremely intuitive, which explains in part why do aggregates actively disassemble and/or disperse cells
it has become the preferred model to describe all types of to the surroundings? These questions could be investi-
biofilm formation. However, as discussed in this Review, gated by analysing gene expression profiles during the
the five-​step developmental model of P. aeruginosa different stages of biofilm development in the absence
biofilms grown in flow cells is limited in its scope. We and presence of a surface. How do the transcriptional
argue that the proposed conceptual model presented in profiles of bacteria in aggregates that have developed
this Review is broader and more inclusive of different through chemical and/or physical interaction or growth
types of biofilms by including attached and suspended differ from each other and from biofilms formed on
aggregates and that attached and suspended pathways surfaces? Furthermore, are successional dynamics and
are not mutually exclusive of one another. Biofilms do community assembly processes similar for aggregates
not necessarily form a mushroom-​shaped structure as and surface-​associated biofilms? A fundamental open
the final culminating structure, nor is there an absolute question is whether aggregation protects bacteria from
dependence on a surface. Currently, no developmental antimicrobials. Recent work suggests that it is not the
model accurately depicts biofilm formation of all micro- aggregation alone that promotes tolerance towards anti-
organisms, habitats and microenvironments. With the microbial agents and host defences, but rather gradients
inclusive model, we depict three major steps of bio- of oxygen and nutrients that may become pronounced
film growth irrespective of the presence of a surface: in aggregates as they increase in size152. The aggregate
aggregation, growth and disaggregation. size may also determine how easily phagocytes engulf
Growing evidence indicates that biofilms do not nec- the aggregates153. In flow cells and as depicted in the
essarily require surface attachment to form. Aggregates original five-​step model, this results in stratified growth
formed in fluids, due to clonal growth, co-​aggregation, with a fast-​growing exterior and a dormant inner sub-
or aggregates induced by bacterial EPS or host fluids, population154. In infections, host material can surround
demonstrate many of the characteristics previously microbial aggregates causing strong chemical gradi-
attributed only to surface-​associated biofilms. These ents. Thus, the original five-​step model does not accu-
aggregates are not limited to laboratory conditions but rately represent the microenvironment around these
may be found as part of the human microbiota in several aggregates and likely also fails to capture the reality of
chronic infection sites and in the environment99,148–151. biofilms in complex environmental and industrial sys-
Two decades of biofilm research indicate that the model tems. Concentration gradients influence and regulate
depicted in Fig. 1 was incomplete because it did not bacterial physiology and metabolism and are recipro-
capture the multiple biofilm structures and phenotypes cally controlled by the microenvironment as well as by
that can form with different bacteria and in different matrix components57,155. However, an important ques-
microenvironments. This has important implications for tion that arises is what is the threshold aggregate size
how we study biofilms specifically and bacteria in gen- for tolerance manifestation and how do the microenvi-
eral, as different biofilm experimental systems in vitro ronment and access to nutrients and electron acceptors
or experimental animals in vivo cannot encompass all influence aggregate size? The size of biofilms has been
the factors important for different microenvironments22. shown to vary considerably between in vitro and in vivo
Given the strong influence of laboratory experimental biofilms99. The questions of tolerance and matrix pro-
conditions on biofilm structure, we caution researchers duction and physiology in general might be addressed
to consider this in the design of experiments to address by controlling the microenvironment, possibly in 3D
specific research questions, as well as the possibility of the experimental models, to move beyond the attachment
overgeneralization of conclusions. This is also important surface as the main constraint controlling immediate
for how we extrapolate from the experimental situation access to nutrients and electron acceptors.
to the native scenario. We need to understand biofilms in The original five-​step model has provided a unifying
the context of the relevant microenvironment. yet possibly unintentionally biased understanding of
Given that free-​f loating and surface-​associated biofilm morphology. This may have caused an unfor-
aggregates are now accepted as sharing similarities to tunate division of the research area as some researchers
surface-​associated biofilms, several questions remain studying biofilms that deviated from this model (flocs,
to be addressed. For example, it is not known what granules, particles, aggregates or mats) may have been
drives aggregate formation in the absence of a surface excluded from interacting with and interpreting work
— that is, does bacteria–bacteria adhesion involve the from researchers studying in vitro model biofilms. We
same mechanisms as the attachment of single cells to hope that a simpler, more inclusive model can help to
surfaces? Additionally, do aggregates interact with sur- unite the biofilm research community and enable more
faces and can aggregates attach to surface biofilms and, cross-​disciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing.
if so, how? Are the same surface properties commonly Specifically, the five-​step model may become challenging
associated with initial cell-​surface adhesion (stiff- when used to describe clinical manifestations and devise
ness and surface energy, which in turn is a function new in vitro test methods to evaluate medical implants,


drugs and treatments as these may fail owing to lack of In summary, we suggest a new overall model for bio-
extrapolation. Crucially, differences in the microenvi- film formation that considers the most inclusive recent
ronment between in vitro and in vivo may underpin why insights. It demonstrates the three major events: aggrega-
direct extrapolation is not possible. Additionally, relying tion, growth and disaggregation (Fig. 5). Our intent is that
on the original biofilm model (Fig. 1), health-​care profes- this simpler model will alleviate some of the miscon-
sionals may have a conceptual framework that markedly ceptions of how biofilms form in diverse environments,
differs from clinical findings and observations, leading ranging from industrial systems to environmental hab-
to the erroneous conclusion that a biofilm is not pres- itats and medical settings. We hope that, as a scientific
ent in a given clinical sample and to treatment regimens community, we can expand on this model to facilitate an
that will not effectively treat infections156. It is our hope inclusive, less controversial interdisciplinary discussion
also to broaden this framework, ultimately leading to on biofilms and biofilm formation.
improved infection diagnostics and selection of efficient,
targeted treatment regimens. Published online xx xx xxxx

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