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The Role of Bacterial Biofilms in

Device-Associated Infection
Anand K. Deva,
Summary: There is increasing evidence that bacterial biofilm is responsible for
M.B.B.S.(Hons.), M.S.
the failure of medical devices, leading to device-associated infection. As plastic
William P. Adams, Jr., M.D.
surgeons, we are among the leading users of prostheses in surgery, and it is
Karen Vickery, B.V.Sc. important that we are kept informed of this growing problem. This article sum-
(Hons.), Ph.D. marizes the pathogenesis of device-associated infection, outlines the evidence
Sydney, Australia; and Dallas, Texas for such infection in a number of medical devices, and outlines operative strate-
gies aimed at reducing the risk of bacterial contamination at the time of device
deployment. It also outlines strategies under investigation to combat the devel-
opment of device-associated infection.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 132: 1319, 2013.)

here is increasing evidence that the failure of This article summarizes the pathogenesis of
many medical devices is a result of bacterial device-associated infection, outlines the evidence
contamination.1 Free-floating (planktonic) for device-associated infection, and outlines oper-
bacteria change when they come into contact ative strategies for reducing the risk of biofilm
with the surface of an alloplastic implant. Bacte- contamination at the time of device deployment.
ria are able to form a three-dimensional matrix by It also outlines strategies under investigation for
excreting polymeric substances, which eventually reducing the risk of device-associated infection.
bind firmly to the underlying surface. Over time,
a biofilm, defined as bacteria encased within their
own polymeric matrix, reaches a critical mass on
the contaminated implant, induces a host inflam- Biofilm formation follows a developmental
matory reaction, and can lead to ultimate failure progression involving four main stages (Fig. 1).
of the implant.2 It has been shown that bacteria These are reversible attachment, irreversible
within biofilms are significantly less susceptible to attachment, growth and differentiation, and dis-
antibiotics, host defenses, and antiseptics, a char- semination.6 Evidence from in vitro studies of
acteristic making them difficult to treat.3,4 Once a biofilms suggests that this development is geneti-
biofilm has led to implant failure, clinical options cally regulated.7 Initial contact of bacteria with a
are limited and involve lifelong suppressive anti- surface is mediated by van der Waals forces and
biotic therapy or revision surgery, which carries may be determined by surface charge.8 Once in
significant risk of morbidity and, in some cases, contact, the bacteria undergo phenotypic change
death. It is estimated that the cost of revision sur- from a planktonic to a sessile (biofilm) state.
gery from implant infection is approaching $1 bil- The production of extracellular polymeric slime
lion a year in the United States alone.2,5 The issue is then initiated. The combination of individual
of device-associated infection will continue to cells encased in their own extracellular polymeric
grow as our Western population ages and demand
for medical prosthetics increases. It is therefore
imperative that strategies to reduce the risk of bio- Disclosure: Profs. Deva and Vickery are consul-
film contamination of medical devices be devel- tants to Allergan, Mentor (Johnson & Johnson),
oped and tested. and KCI. They have previously coordinated indus-
try-sponsored research for these companies relating
to both biofilms and breast prostheses. Dr. Adams
From the From the Surgical Infection Research Group, Mac- has been an investigator for Allergan and Mentor
quarie University; and the Department of Plastic Surgery, cohesive gel investigational device exemption trials,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. medical director of the Mentor Corporation cohesive
Received for publication February 6, 2013; accepted March gel implant (Contour Profile Gel) trial from 2001
7, 2013. to 2007, consultant to Ethicon and Allergan, and
Copyright © 2013 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons scientific advisor to TyRx and Axis-3.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3182a3c105 1319
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2013

Fig. 1. Stages of biofilm growth: reversible attachment, irreversible attachment, growth and differentiation, and dissemination.

slime is defined as biofilm.9 The biofilm becomes antibiotics and antiseptics.10,13–15 It also shields the
irreversibly attached to the underlying surface. bacteria from host immune access and may trig-
During growth and differentiation, the biofilm ger a more intense inflammatory response.3,16,17
progressively spreads over the surface. Morphol- There is some evidence that this inflammation
ogy of this biofilm varies according to environ- may further provide advantage to the biofilm by
mental conditions. In a high-shear environment, promoting host cell lysis and subsequent release
for example, the biofilm is compact and densely of nutrients for bacteria.16 There are other, more
cellular, with less extracellular polymeric slime. In subtle advantages, which include cooperative
a low-shear environment, flourishing extracellular metabolism based on complex intercellular signal-
polymeric slime “mushrooms” balloon out into the ing18 and the ability to use horizontal gene trans-
surrounding environment.10–12 Within the matrix, a fer to protect against unexpected environmental
number of survival advantages are conferred upon challenges.19,20 Bacterial persister cells, which are
the bacteria (Fig. 2). The extracellular polymeric metabolically inactive and highly resistant to anti-
slime provides a relative buffer against diffusion of infective agents, have been shown to exist within

Fig. 2. Survival advantages of bacteria within biofilm include inactivation of antibiotics/anti-

septics, prevention of host immune cell penetration, diffusion block, quorum sensing, gene
exchange, variation in pH and oxygenation, and persister cells.

Volume 132, Number 5 • Biofilms in Device-Associated Infection

mature biofilms.21 The environment within the

biofilm is also heterogeneous, with significant vari-
ation in local pH and oxygenation.22 Furthermore,
evidence is emerging that the majority of biofilm
is multispecies and in some cases can also harbor
other prokaryotic cells and viruses.6
In the dissemination phase, cells from bio-
film are released to colonize new surfaces. The
method of dissemination can vary depending on
whether the planktonic bacteria are motile or
Surface biofilm has been visualized in the
oldest detected fossils on earth, aged 3 billion
years.6,23,24 The mechanisms and strategies for sur-
face attachment, proliferation, and dissemination
have developed over millennia and effectively
guarantee bacterial survival.


Standard microbiological sampling is insuffi-
cient for detecting bacterial biofilm. Few bacteria
are present on the surface of biofilm, and their
release is prevented by their enclosed extracellu-
lar polymeric slime. In addition, their metabolic
rate is low, making them difficult to culture.3 The
traditional approach to the detection of biofilm
involves two steps: the recovery of live bacteria
within the biofilm and subsequent identifica-
tion and imaging of biofilm on the surface of the Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscopic images of biofilm on
implant.25–27 human breast implants. (Above) Staphylococcal biofilm on the
For imaging biofilm, scanning electron micros- surface of a breast prosthesis. (Below) Staphylococcal biofilm on
copy offers the advantage of generating images the inner aspect of breast capsular contracture.
of bacteria cells and the extracellular polymeric
slime directly attached to the underlying surface can detect only nucleic acid, not live organisms,
(Fig. 3). However, because of the small visual win- and is open to false-positive reporting.
dow, the technique is open to sampling error. More recently, fluorescent in situ hybridization
For bacterial recovery, sonication serves to has been used. This technique utilizes a fluorescein-
fracture the extracellular polymeric slime and labeled probe, specific for the 16S ribosomal RNA
release bacteria into the sample.28,29 These bacte- of prokaryotic cells, to bind and detect biofilm on
ria are then cultured in enrichment media and are surface samples. Once bound, the biofilm can be
identified by means of traditional microbiological detected with confocal laser scanning microscopy
methods. This technique, while still remaining or fluorescent microscopy.33 Confocal laser scan-
the standard, has been recently supplanted by ning microscopy can also be used in conjunction
more rapid and sensitive diagnostic techniques. with live/dead DNA stains for nondestructive anal-
Bacterial DNA and RNA detection and ysis and is used to characterize biofilm m
­ orphology
sequencing have been used to detect bacteria in vitro (Fig. 4). The technique can be performed
within biofilm.31,32 Polymerase chain reaction in real time to study the effect of treatment strate-
has the ability to detect and amplify low levels of gies on biofilm morphology.
bacterial nucleic acid for subsequent sequencing The combination of multiple diagnostic
and molecular diagnosis. A number of authors techniques is the best strategy to detect biofilm
have reported that polymerase chain reaction– in device-associated infection. These methods
based detection has identified microorganisms in are not readily available commercially and are
samples when sonication culture techniques have currently performed only in reference biofilm
failed.33,34 However, polymerase chain reaction research laboratories. The quest continues for

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2013

a rapid, sensitive, specific diagnostic test for the improvements in surgical technique and prosthe-
presence of biofilm. A recent review has suggested sis design and biomaterials, the complications of
that improvements in targeted radionuclide scan- heterotopic ossification, fracture, and dislocation
ning may provide a novel approach for detection are relatively uncommon. The two most common
of device-associated infection.34 causes requiring revision surgery are aseptic or
mechanical loosening and infection, which are
SCOPE OF DEVICE-ASSOCIATED estimated to occur in up to 25 percent of patients,56
INFECTION although not all of these require surgical revision.
Although frank infection is uncommon, occurring
Bacterial biofilm has been recovered from in fewer than 1 percent of all joint replacements,
an increasing number of device-associated infec-
there is increasing evidence that some proportion
tions, including joint prostheses,30 penile prosthe-
of “aseptic” loosening is in fact due to underlying
ses,35 fracture fixation devices,36,37 intravenous38
biofilm infection.34 Device-associated infection in
and urinary catheters,39 peritoneal dialysis cath-
relation to prosthetic joints is a serious complica-
eters,40 contact lenses,41 breast prostheses,42,43
endoscopes,44 cardiovascular45 and biliary46 stents, tion of joint replacement surgery and carries sig-
pacemakers,47 and cochlear implants.48 nificant morbidity, poor functional outcome, and
The evidence for biofilm as the leading a not-insignificant mortality rates.53 This is more
cause of implant failure will be outlined for pros- relevant when one considers the increasing num-
thetic joints, cardiovascular implants, and breast ber of prosthetics being placed in an aging popu-
implants, as these have the most relevance to plas- lation with higher prevalence of comorbidity and
tic and reconstructive surgeons. an increase in multidrug-resistant bacteria.
Identification rates for bacteria in implants
Catheter Infection removed for suspected infection range from 41
Hematogenous spread from colonized cen- percent up to 86 percent with use of multiple
tral venous catheters is a long-recognized route standard culture techniques.57 For implants not
of infection.49,50 The traditional method for deter- suspected of infection (i.e., aseptic loosening), son-
mining catheter colonization utilizes a semiquan- ication and enrichment culture of operative sam-
titative culture technique in which a 5-cm segment ples have shown that 22 percent of these implants
of catheter is rolled across blood agar.51 Sonica- grew bacteria.28 The most common pathogens
tion/enrichment culture has been shown to be were Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium
equally sensitive.52 acnes. Analysis of implants thought to have “asep-
tic” loosening have yielded positivity rates of up to
Prosthetic Joints 63 percent with fluorescent in situ hybridization
Up to 10 percent of joint prostheses will and 72 percent with polymerase chain reaction to
ultimately need revision surgery.53–55 With detect bacterial nucleic acid.58,59 These data sug-
gest that the role of biofilm in implant failure is
greater than previously suspected.
Indirect evidence from analysis of cytokine
profiles from periprosthetic fluid has also con-
firmed that inflammatory markers such as inter-
leukin 6, tumor necrosis factor-α, tumor growth
factor-ß, and interleukin 11 may be triggered
by the presence of bacterial biofilm.60 Research-
ers are investigating the potential for measuring
serum antibody to staphylococcal slime polysac-
charide antigens as a screening test for underlying
device-associated infection.61
A recent study has identified the use of
infection-specific radiotracers such as bacterio-
phages and thymidine kinase in conjunction with
single-photon emission computed tomography
Fig. 4. Confocal live/dead stain of biofilm on prosthetic surface, and positron emission tomography scans to diag-
with green representing live bacteria and red representing dead nose biofilm in orthopedic prostheses.34 Further
bacteria. investigation of these modalities is warranted.

Volume 132, Number 5 • Biofilms in Device-Associated Infection

Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices critical bacterial mass is needed for progression
Cardiovascular implantable electronic devices, to clinical device-associated infection. Marques et
which include implantable cardioverter-defibril- al. have shown with a rabbit model that the pres-
lators and cardiac resynchronization therapy ence of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species
devices, are prone to develop biofilm infection.45 organisms results in thicker capsule and polymor-
Both enrichment culture and sonication have phonuclear infiltrates than in controls.71 Recent
yielded skin commensals such as Staphylococcus studies on the long-term effects of biofilm in
aureus, S. epidermidis, and P. acnes. The incidence breast implants in the porcine model have shown
of clinical infection in these devices is increasing, that Baker grade IV implant capsules had a sig-
most likely because of the complexity of the proce- nificantly higher number of bacteria on quantita-
dures involved and the associated comorbidities in tive analysis than did Baker I-II capsules.72 Recent
the patient population receiving these prostheses. studies also have demonstrated a higher degree
of biofilm formation in textured implants, likely
Breast Implants due to an increase in surface area. Furthermore, a
The presence of subclinical infection as a cause chronic T-cell inflammatory infiltrate was present
of capsular contracture around breast implants in textured implants infected with biofilm.72 This
was first proposed by Burkhardt et al., who subse- finding might point to chronic immune activation
quently recommended betadine pocket irrigation as a result of subclinical infection.
to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination.62
Breast implants are unique in that they are placed Strategies for Prevention of Device-Associated
into a potentially contaminated pocket, with high Infection in Breast Prostheses
levels of bacteria present in breast ducts and tis- On the basis of increasing evidence that bac-
sue.63–65 Furthermore, the effects of subclinical terial access at the time of breast implant inser-
infection are visibly and palpably evident as com- tion is the leading cause of subsequent capsular
pared with other prostheses.66 contracture, we propose a number of clinical
Evidence has been accumulating that biofilm recommendations:
is the leading cause of contracture. Clinical stud-
ies have shown a higher rate of bacterial recovery 1. Use intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis at
in patients with high-grade contracture.42,67 Pajkos the time of anesthetic induction.
et al. were the first to show a significant asso- 2. Avoid periareolar incisions; these have been
ciation with S. epidermidis biofilm in women with shown in both laboratory and clinical studies
Baker grade III/IV contracture, as compared with to lead to a higher rate of contracture as the
Baker I/II.43 Biofilm was identified with both soni- pocket dissection is contaminated directly
cation and culture, as well as scanning electron by bacteria within the breast tissue.64,73,74
microscopy. 3. Use nipple shields to prevent spillage of
In vitro studies have shown that bacteria are bacteria into the pocket (Fig. 6).64,73,75
able to bind to the surface of breast implants, 4. Perform careful atraumatic dissection to
regardless of surface texture.68 minimize devascularized tissue.
Animal models have now confirmed that seed- 5. Perform careful hemostasis.
ing of bacteria onto breast implants can lead to 6. Avoid dissection into the breast paren-
biofilm formation and subsequent contracture. chyma. The use of a dual-plane, subfascial
Shah et al., using a rat model, were the first to pocket has anatomic advantages.
show that the thickness of the capsule was propor- 7. Perform pocket irrigation with triple antibi-
tionate to the level of staphylococcal inoculation.69 otic solution or betadine.76–78
Tamboto et al. have shown with a porcine model 8. Use an introduction sleeve.79 We have rec-
that once biofilm is established on the surface of ommended the use of a cut-off surgical
a breast implant from either direct inoculation glove to minimize skin contact (Fig. 6).
or endogenous infection with porcine bacteria, 9.  Use new instruments and drapes, and
80 percent progress to high-grade capsular con- change surgical gloves prior to handling
tracture70 (Fig. 5). In the same study, the presence the implant.
of biofilm was common in both contracted and 10. Minimize the time of implant opening.
noncontracted groups; however, the contracted 11. Minimize repositioning and replacement
groups demonstrated a significantly higher num- of the implant.
ber of colony-forming units, again suggesting that 12. Use a layered closure.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2013

Fig. 5. The subclinical infection hypothesis for breast implants, showing initial contamination, biofilm formation,
and subsequent inflammation and contracture. Chronic biofilm infection may lead to symptoms and potential
malignant transformation of chronically activated lymphocytes.

13. Avoid using a drainage tube, which can be electronic devices to produce a significantly lower
a potential site of entry for bacteria. infection rate at a 2-month follow-up.84
14. Use antibiotic prophylaxis to cover sub- Antibacterial coatings have been used on
sequent procedures that breach skin or catheters and drains to reduce the risk of device-
mucosa. associated infection. In prospective, randomized,
controlled trials, the use of antibacterial coatings
PREVENTION such as minocycline/rifampin, silver, platinum,
It is arguable that device-associated infections and carbon has shown benefit in reducing the
are best prevented. Most device-associated infec- rate of catheter colonization and subsequent cath-
tions are likely to originate from implant contami- eter-associated bloodstream infection.85–87 The
nation at the time of implantation. Perioperative U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved
intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended antimicrobial-coated catheters impregnated with
for all patients undergoing implant placement. minocycline and rifampin on their internal and
This has been shown to be effective in decreasing external surfaces, on the basis of data showing a
the rate of infection of breast implants.80 significant reduction in colonization and sepsis. In
Locally delivered antibiotics have also been uti- this study, no antimicrobial resistance emerged.88
lized in both orthopedic and plastic surgery. The The role of subsequent hematogenous seed-
use of antibiotic-impregnated cement in primary ing of prosthetics remains controversial.89 Clinical
arthroplasty, although not universally practiced, cases of implant infection have been reported to
has been shown to result in the lowest rate of revi- occur after an invasive procedure.90–92 The Ameri-
sion surgery.81,82 In breast surgery, the use of triple can Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has issued
antibiotic solution has been shown to significantly a statement favoring the use of antimicrobial pro-
reduce the number of bacteria in the placement phylaxis for patients with prosthetic joints under-
pocket.76 A further clinical study has established going dental, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and
that the use of antibiotic irrigation results in a sig- other invasive procedures.93 Further clinical study
nificant reduction of capsular contracture.78 of these phenomena is required.
A recent animal study of breast implant con-
tracture has shown that the concurrent use of
antibiotic-impregnated absorbable mesh pro- FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
duced significantly less biofilm and contracture in A number of potential strategies to reduce
a porcine model.83 A similar mesh was also utilized bacterial biofilm formation on prostheses are
in a clinical study of cardiovascular implantable currently under investigation. Modifying the

Volume 132, Number 5 • Biofilms in Device-Associated Infection

Fig. 6. Surgical glove introduction sleeve to protect implant from contacting the skin and breast tissue during insertion. Note
nipple shield in place. The sleeve is inspected after removal to ensure that it is complete.

surface of implants with antibacterial coatings, carbon nanotubes, is currently being investigated
biologic membranes, and alterations of physi- as potential surface disruptor to bacterial attach-
cal characteristics has had varying success.85,94,95 ment.99 Crossed single- and multi-walled carbon
The use of any drug-related coatings, however, nanotubes arranged in a criss-cross pattern have
would require regulatory scrutiny and approval, been shown to prevent Escherichia coli biofilm.100
as the implant becomes a potential drug-delivery The mechanism of action is thought to relate to
device. Anti-sense molecules and quorum sense direct toxicity and prevention of gene activation.
inhibitors are compounds that disrupt bacterial Titanium dioxide nanoparticles have also been
communication. These have also been shown to shown to produce antibiofilm activity when acti-
have some effect on early biofilm formation and vated by ultraviolet light, leading to potential ther-
propagation.96 Electric current and ultrasound as apeutic applications.101
physical modalities have also shown some prom- It is likely that in the next few years, a combina-
ise for removing established biofilm attached tion of chemical, physical, and as yet novel surface
to prostheses.97 Negative pressure in an in vitro modifications may provide us with a truly intelli-
model has also produced physical changes to gent medical device, able to repel planktonic bac-
the extracellular polymeric slime, resulting in teria and prevent the activation and attachment
increased susceptibility of biofilm bacteria to the of biofilm bacteria. Furthermore, these devices
action of anti-infective compounds.98 Nanotech- may have the ability to self-clean by periodically
nology, especially the use of compounds such examining their surface and actively shedding
as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, polymers, and any attached bacterial biofilm. The ultimate goal

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2013

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