Clay Bust

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Name of lesson: Clay Bust

Grade level: 10-12

Unit of study: Ceramics - Busts

Materials: Clay, Clay Tools, Acrylic Paint

Time frame: 2-3 Weeks

National Core Art Standards:

VA:Cn10.1.Ia: Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated
VA:Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present day life using a
contemporary practice of art or design.

Lesson Objectives (what will the students do):

Students will choose a person to base their bust upon.
Students will make an armature for bust.
Students will construct a clay bust.

Learning Targets (what do you want the students to leave with):

Students will demonstrate the ability to create an accurate clay bust based off of a character.

Procedures (what will you do , what will they do):

I Do: Present artist influences
Present teacher example
Brainstorm with class characters that students can use for clay bust

You Do: Thumbnail sketches of chosen character

Clay Bust
Artist Statement

➢ Eduardo Paolozzi
➢ Thutmose
➢ Auguste Rodin

➢ Thumbnails
➢ Progression photos
➢ Armature
➢ Artist Statement


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