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Name of lesson: Wire Sculpture - Animal

Grade level: 11-12

Unit of study: 3D - Sculpture

Materials: Wire, Pliers, Wire-Cutters

Time frame: 1-2 Weeks

National Core Art Standards:

VA:Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present day life using a
contemporary practice of art or design.
VA:Cn10.1.Ia: Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated

Lesson Objectives (what will the students do):

Students will demonstrate their understanding of form by creating a wire sculpture.
Students will base their form from an animal of their choice.
Students will create a stable standing structure from wire.

Learning Targets (what do you want the students to leave with):

Students will understand the basic principles of form through the creation of a wire sculpture.

Procedures (what will you do , what will they do):

I Do: Present wire sculpture artists and their work
Review student objectives
Demonstration of how to work with wire and the tools for the project
Present teacher example
You Do: Thumbnails
Start the process of wire sculpture through basic form that gradually becomes
more complex.

➢ Kendra Haste
➢ Sophia Ryder
➢ Ruth Asawa

➢ Thumbnail idea(s)
➢ Ability to shape wire in multiple ways
➢ Ability to create a wire sculpture that is stable


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