Candi Prambanan Legend

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Candi Prambanan Legend

In the old days of Java Island, in a region called Prambanan, lies two kingdom. Kingdom of
Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging kingdom is gifted with a fertile and get prosperous.
The kingdom is lead by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo and has a male son named
Raden Bandung Bondowoso while Kraton Boko is a kingdom that obey under the rules of
Pengging. The Boko king is very cruel, he is strong and tall, like a giant. The people of Boko
always afraid of the kings anger. Although the king were not handsome, he has a very
beautiful daughter called Princess Roro Jongrang.
One day, the king of Boko wants to rebels against the Pengging. Lead by the Boko prime
minister, the giant race, Gopolo, the Boko army is prepared to announce the war between
Boko and Pengging. They even raid its own people’s properties to support the campaign

Fierce war happens in the borders of the Pengging teritorial mark. Many victims were falling
on both sides and people Pengging be suffering because of war, many people hunger and
poverty. Knowing his people suffer and have many victims soldiers who died in the borders,
then Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son Raden Bondowoso go to war against King Boko. The
young Bondowoso is able to defeat king Boko. Seeing the king died, then Prime minister
Gupolo escape. Raden Bondowoso pursue Patih Gupolo to Kraton Boko.
After reaching Kraton Boko, Patih Gupolo reported on Princess Roro Jonggrang that his
father had been lost in the battlefield, by a knight named Raden Bandung Pengging
Bondowoso. Princess Loro Jonggrang wept, saddened his heart because his father had
been killed on the battlefield. Raden at Kraton Boko Bondowoso arrived, soom he troubled
to see Puteri Raden Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang beautiful, so he wanted to marry Princess
Loro Jonggrang as his wife.
As the Boko kingdom is lost in the rebels, and o save her fathers kingdom, the Loro Puteri
Raden Jonggrang accept the princes, with some request. She did not want to marry
Bondowoso because he had killed his father. To reject the proposal Raden Bondowoso,
then Princess Loro Jonggrang have a strategy. The first request, Princess Loro Jonggrang
asked for Jalatunda wells (very deep well) while the second request, asked for him to make
1000 temples in one night.

Raden Bandung Bondowoso agreed. Raden Bondowoso Immediately make Jalatunda wells
and after so he called Princess Roro Jonggrang to see the well. She trick the prince and
send him down. She ask Boko’s prime minister to close the well with heavy rocks so that the
prince could not reach the top of the well. Raden Bondowoso is a tough man, he is also
smart. Its not a longtime before he was able to come out from the wells. He was very angry
to the princess, but soon after meet the princess, he falls again with the beauty of the

She ask Raden Bondowoso the second request, to make 1000 temples in 1 night.
Bondowoso then command his workers from genie tribe to help him build the 1000 temple.
The 1000 temples are building up, one by one with the help of the genie tribes. The princess
wants to sabotage the building of the temples. She asks her servants to pound the rice
pounding tools and also burns lots of paddy’s straw .

Because of it, the roosters crowed. The genie take a lookto the sky and its brighter in the
east. The leader of the genie reported to Bondowoso that they have stopped to make the
temple because the morning has arrived. Princess Roro Jonggrang told to count the
temples and its only 999 temples, not 1000.
So, Bondowoso won’t be able to marry the princess because he failed to complete the
request. Being deceived and tricked, Raden Bondowoso angry and curse Princess Roro
Jonggrang. “It’s missing one, and you that should fit the numbers”. The princess is soon
turned into a stone statue; it is exist in the heart of the Prambanan temples until now.






Sangkuriang Legend

Long time ago in West Java, lived a beautiful girl named Dayang Sumbi. She was also
smart and clever. Her beauty and intelligence made a prince from the heavenly kingdom of
Kahyangan desire her as his wife. The prince asked permission from his father to marry
Dayang Sumbi. People from Kahyangan could never live side by side with humans, but his
father approved on one condition, when they had a child, the prince would transform into a
dog. The prince accepted the condition.

They get married and lived happily in the woods until Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby
boy. The prince then changed into a dog named Tumang. Their son is named Sangkuriang.
He was very smart and handsome like his father. Everyday, he hunted animals and looked
for fruits to eat. One day, when he was hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally killed Tumang.
His arrow missed the deer he was targeting and hit Tumang instead. He went home and
tells her mother about the dog. “What?” Dayang Sumbi was appalled. Driven by sadness
and anger, she grabbed a weaving tool and hit Sangkuriang’s head with it. Dayang Sumbi
was so sad; she didn’t pay any attention to Sangkuriang and started to cry.

Sangkuriang feel sad and also confused. How can his mother love a dog more than him?
Sangkuriang then decided to go away from their home and went on a journey. In the
morning, Dayang Sumbi finally stopped crying. She started to feel better, so she went to find
Sangkuriang. But her son was no where to be found. She looked everywhere but still
couldn’t find him. Finally, she went home with nothing. She was exhausted. She fell asleep,
and in her dream, she meets her husband. “Dayang Sumbi, don’t be sad. Go look for my
body in the woods and get the heart. Soak it with water, and use the water to bathe, and
you will look young forever,” said the prince in her dream. After bathing with the water used
to soak the dog’s heart, Dayang Sumbi looked more beautiful and even younger.

And time passed by. Sangkuriang on his journey stopped at a village and met and fell in
love with a beautiful girl.He didn’t realize that the village was his homeland and the beautiful
girl was his own mother, Dayang Sumbi. Their love grew naturally and he asked the girl to
marry him. One day, Sangkuriang was going on a hunt. He asked Dayang Sumbi to fix the
turban on his head. Dayang Sumbi was startled when she saw a scar on his head at the
same place where she, years ago, hit Sangkuriang on the head.

After the young man left, Dayang Sumbi prayed for guidance. After praying, she became
convinced that the young man was indeed her missing son. She realized that she had to do
something to prevent Sangkuriang from marrying her. But she did not wish to disappoint him
by cancelling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so
only on the condition that he provides her with a lake and built a beautiful boat, all in one

Sangkuriang accepted this condition without a doubt. He had spent his youth studying
magical arts. After the sun went down, Sangkuriang went to the hill. Then he called a group
of genie to build a dam around Citarum River. Then, he commands the genies to cut down
trees and build a boat. A few moments before dawn, Sangkuriang and his genie servants
almost finished the boat.

Dayang Sumbi, who had been spying on him, realised that Sangkuriang would fulfill the
condition she had set. Dayang Sumbi immediately woke all the women in the village and
asked them to wave a long red scarf. All the women in the village were waving red scarf,
making it look as if dawn was breaking. Deceived by false dawn, the cock crowed and
farmers rose for the new day.

Sangkuriang’s genie servants immediately dropped their work and ran for cover from the
sun, which they feared. Sangkuriang grew furious. With all his anger, he kicked the
unfinished boat. The boat flew and landed on a valley. The boat then became a mountain,
called Mount Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban means upturned or upside down, and Perahu
means boat). With his power, he destroyed the dam. The water drained from the lake
becoming a wide plain and nowadays became a city called Bandung (from the word
Bendung, which means Dam).






Danau Toba Legend

Once upon a time there was a prosperous village in a far away island called Sumatra. In
northern part of the island, lived a farmer whose name was Toba. He lived alone in a hut by
a small forest. He worked on his farmland to grow rice and vegetables that he sells to local
market. Once day he wanted to catch some fish so he went to a river and fished there. He
was very surprised when he got a big fish. The fish was as big as human being. Soon he
went home and put the fish in his kitchen. He planned to cook the fish for his dinner that
night. When he got to his house that afternoon he took a bath. Then as he walked into his
bedroom after taking a bath Toba was very shocked. Do you want to know what happened?

There stood in his living room a very beautiful girl. The girl greeted him nicely. For a
moment Toba was speechless. When he could control his emotion he asked her.

‘Who are you? What’s your name? Why suddenly you are here in my house?’

‘Pardon me if I surprised you Mr. Toba, but you took me here. I was the fish that you caught
in the river. Now that I become a human being again, I would like to thank you and I will be
your servant to express my thankfulness’

‘Were you the fish?’

‘Yes, I was the fish. Look at your kitchen’.

Toba immediately rushed to his kitchen and the fish was nowhere to be seen. He saw some
gold coins instead.

‘Whose coins are these? Why there are some coins here?’

‘Those coins are mine. As I changed into human being my scales changed into gold coins’

‘Ok you can live here and work for me. Your room is over there’

‘Thank you very much Mr. Toba’

Since that day the beautiful girl lived in Toba’s house. Since she was very beautiful Toba fell
in love with her and not long after that they got married. The girl married to Toba on one
condition that he would never tell anybody about her past. Toba agreed to the condition.
Several months later Toba’s wife delivered to a baby boy. Their son was healthy. Soon he
grew up into a handsome boy. Toba named him Samosir. Unfortunately Samosir was a lazy
boy. He did not want to work at all. When his father worked hard in his rice field and farm,
Samosir just slept. When he was awake he talked a lot and he ate a lot. Toba was very
disappointed with his son’s nature. He hoped that one day Samosir would change into a
diligent boy. Day in and day out but Samosir never changed.

Toba used to go to his farm and rice field early in the morning. Then at midday his wife
would bring him food. They used to eat lunch at their farm. As he was a teenager Toba and
his wife tried to change his behavior. They ordered Samosir to bring food for his father for
lunch while her mother stayed at home to do household chores. But Samosir never did his
duty well. He always woke up very late. He woke up after midday. Then one day his mother
forced him to bring the food.
‘Sam, wake up. Go to the farm and bring the food for your father. He must be very tired and
hungry now’.

But Mom, I am tired and hungry too’

‘What makes you tired? You just wake up. Go now. You father needs the food’

Toba reluctantly went to the farm. But he did not go to the farm immediately. He stopped
somewhere in the street and ate the food. It was already late afternoon when he got to the
farm. His father was disappointed. Then he was angry as he realized that his son had eaten
his food. He said sarcastically.

‘O, you are stupid lazy boy. You are son of a fish!’

Samosir was hurt. He went home right away and as he got home he told his mother about
his father’s words. Samosir’s mother was shocked. She was also deeply hurt.

‘O Toba. You break your promise so I cannot live with you here anymore. Now you have to
accept to consequence of what you did. Samosir, now go to the hill, find the tallest tree and
climb it’

‘Why mom? What will happen?’

‘Just do it, never ask any question. Good bye’

As soon as she finished saying that suddenly the weather changed. Sunny day suddenly
turned into cloudy day. Not long after that the rain poured heavily. The rain last for several
days. Consequently the area was flooded. The whole area became a big lake. Then it was
called Lake Toba and in the middle of the lake there is an island called Samosir Island.
Meanwhile Toba’s wife disappeared.







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