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Alexander Tovar


How video games has changed


Even when the first console was made video games were for relaxing and having people
entertained. The tech also had changed as our own had advanced.


To inform people of how video games as the years go by had change in technology

INTRODUCTION: I’m going to inform people of how different consoles made an impact on
each other in different generations.

A. Attention Grabber: When I had my first console I was excited. It was a Nintendo
gamecube. I also saw the inside of it and looking back it was really hard to imagine how
people could have made this.
B. Orient the audience : Why video games? Well it led people to have artistic freedoms of
creating either their own stories or expressing themselves. Not only that, it led people to
innovate in technology since they need more power in making their own games.
C. Preview statement: We will understand how technology from the A.I had helped our
society, but also how videogames changed the rules of what is considered art, and lastly
how V.R had made an impact on people with disabilities.
D. Transition : Now let's go pass to my first point or in my terms level one in my

II. Body

A. First main point : With playing games, you could be paired with bots or A.I, and
as the years go by, they have advanced a lot to a point it could be like a human.

1. From playing my current and older games, I learned that the A.I had
changed a lot. There was a strategy game that I played and the bots were
getting more aggressive as time went by, they were learning what moves
were and I needed to change the way I was playing or be torn apart by
them. It was kind of exciting to see myself getting a challenge.
2. The author llya Dukins, from Skywell in July 12 2018,”Nowadays, when
you play these same types of games, the computer is much smarter and
cunning thus mimicking human intelligence”.
3. There were even times, when I played military games, that the bots would
already know where I would be and they would try flakking me in my
4. Transition Onward to level two of my next point

B. Second main point: Not only did tech change, it also broke the barrier
of what is considered art in our times.
1. There was a time when I was shocked by how amazing game art
had become. I played Bioshock Infinite and saw the various
locations and it was detailed quite well. The buildings were unique
and the models for the characters were amazing of it’s time.

2. The author Mike Malone of LNGFRM, explained it more.``Video

games are indeed an art form, and it’s incredibly rare that we see
the rise of a new one. Prior to video games, movies the most recent
artform to be created”.

3. From my experience, playing different genres has their own

artstyle that not only fit the mood of the creators but for expressing
their own mini story that they had created.

4. Transition: here comes the third level of my next point.

C. Third main point: V.R in it’s form was to experience different

simulations of being in a different environment . This device also made a positive effect.
1. There are people who can not be outside for either medical reasons or have a disability
that they suffer. For these reasons they can experience what is like outside or see what
different places look like and not be bummed out for missing out.
2. From the website of Cardo0 Tech, “ V.R could be an outlet for the disabled and
otherwise housebound, a way to experience what the able bodied often take for granted.
And that would be a brilliant thing.”
3. Also, people can exercise with V.R and do a little workout, since being inside for a while
can be frustrating especially right now. The possibilities with this tech are endless.
4. Transition: Here comes the boss level, I’ll revise from my topics.
Conclusion : In a nutshell, video games have changed how we see our technology and If
video games were not created, I do see our tech would be downgraded.
A. Thesis statement :In conclusion, video games had changes not only in tech but
also in social level, like art. People’s lives were also improved from this
B. Review of main point: We found out that the A.I being smart can not only be
exciting but also leads to how we form programs inside of them. We also learned
that video games also change our society of how art can be made with games.
Lastly, video games also help people who suffer from disabilities find joy in life.
C. Memorable Impact Statement: The first game that I have played was MArio
party, forgot which one, but it was a joy to have seen. I also saw the challenges
and how being focus can affect how you played on the game. I see how much love
the creators had with this one and it really open my eyes.

RefERences: llya Dudkin(July 12, 2018) Skywell Software

Mike Malone LNGFRM

Cardo0 tech

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