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Lopez 1

Elizabeth Lopez

Jose Bayardo


February 28th, 2021


Technology is an amazing tool that have been invented and has helped people all around

the world but as you know with every uprising there is a down fall. Technology has affected the

way people do and interact with everything now, from how children learn to how we

communicate. Technology has changed the game when it comes to writing papers, applying for

jobs, and how to communicate. People now and days prefer texting over real conversation heck

even talking on the phone is not preferred anymore. Texting has evolved into so many

abbreviations for the simplest of phrases and words.

My mother is a kindergarten teacher, and she came home the other day and was telling

me how she was showing the kids her TicTok of all our farm animals and all the kids jumped for

joy seeing it was TicTok. Now in my opinion kids should not at 5 years old have their own

device and let alone their own TicTok and making videos on it. This is the part of technology

that needs to be controlled. Our younger generation is what I am genuinely concerned for. Being

exposed at such a young age I feel as if they will struggle to anything without technology. My

brother who is 13 has been one of those children who grew up with technology in their life. I

wish I was kidding but he is glued to all screens it doesn’t matter what he’s doing or where he is,

he’s always attached to the wall or the screen watching videos or playing games. Once he gets

home, he gets on his virtual reality and will spend hours on that as well.
Lopez 2

The other day as well my friends was telling her mom why we even need to go to school

when we could just google everything. That alone makes me so sad for my kid’s generations.

Growing up my mom has always kept me from technology. She moved me out to the country

and never let me have a phone until high school. So, if you think about it, I have only had a

phone for about 5 years which is nothing compared to most people. Most kids my age don’t

know how to survive without their technology and rely on it for everything. My father would

make me help him with building cars. He would say I need you to know how to do this, so you

will never rely on anything or anyone to help you.

I am in complete agreeance with technology ruining our minds. It is making us weaker

and weaker with thoughts and ideas. Kids are addicted to screens and teenagers do not know how

to go without it. Like I have said it has brought us great advancements in medicines and cures,

but it is having terrible effects on people themselves. I wish generations after me the best of luck

and hope to teach people and help them understand what the benefits of a life without technology

and do for you as well.

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