Daily Journal

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Week 1

Day 1: 10 March 2022

Today is my first day of my virtual internship. Earlier, at 10:00 AM, we had an orientation that

lasted for about 2 hours. Our TL, Ms. Allysa Jan Buen, explained the rules and regulations, do’s

and don’ts of our virtual internship. She also explained our secondary task, which is the fifi-

gallery, wherein we have to take unbranded objects and upload them to their designated g-drive

folders. And finally, she explained our main task, where we have to upload and categorize the

accurate data of the company’s business partner’s products into their E-commerce Website. But

since this is our first day, we were instructed to practice first, and tomorrow will be our official


Day 2: 11 March 2022

Today is the second day of my Ollopa virtual internship. To cut a long tale short, the two primary

jobs for today's event went off without a hitch, except for our main task. Aside from the

company’s web down server, I realized that my senior co-interns forgot to mention that we had

to manually collect product information from the company's business partners on their specific

internet presence. So I was surprised that they didn't explain it for our main task, and I had to

call our team leader multiple times as a result. Fortunately, she is a pleasant person. As time

goes on, I'm gradually becoming accustomed to this duty, and I'm also noticing that I need to

hone my research skills because we must accurately post the descriptions of every item to their

Week 2

Day 3: 14 March 2022

It's Monday, and we have to enter all of their business partners' product information into their e-

commerce website as usual. So I've got a new vendor, and she simply astounds me since she

sells a lot of things, which means that meeting my quota isn't difficult. Last Friday, I was unable

to achieve my quota since the vendor to whom I was allocated had limited supplies. Additionally,

their server did not crash today, which I hope will be the case every day.

Day 4: 15 March 2022

Today is Tuesday, and it's been three hours since my shift, but here I am, writing about my day.

since their server is down from the minute I time-in and I can't time-out because I have to

complete my assignment or  else the hours I rendered will not be credited to me. I hope they will

fix these because it’s kinda frustrating and Inefficient not just for me but also for everyone.

Day 5: 16 March 2022

Today is Wednesday, and the server is still down; I need to do this assignment since,

unfortunately, today is my final day on the Uploads team; I've discovered that this job is all

about data entry, so what's the big deal about data entry? Unfortunately, our Professor does not

allow data entry, therefore I decided to move to the other team that is also aligned with our

course. Anyway, back to my first topic, I need to finish this task in order to credit the hours that I

rendered for the last days that I worked here in Upload teams, and the good news is that I don't

need to go back to 0 hours because the time that I rendered here in Upload teams will be

credited to me, so I won't have to start over.

Day 6: 17 March 2022

I've made the decision to move to creative teams today. However, apart from orienting me on 

their daily tasks, no assignment was assigned to me today. So, according to my newest team 

leader, the major duty here that we will be doing for the duration of our internship here in creativ

e teams is to create stickers, which requires us to be as creative as possible, as well as make th

e appearance appealing and not like an eyesore. That's only for today; tomorrow will be my first 

day again. And also the 1 hour that I render for today’s orientation will be credited to me.

Day 7: 18 March 2022

Today is my official first day here in the Creative Teams. We also had a team meeting where we

exchanged and shared our ideas on how to effectively design stickers and everything went

smoothly. So our TL instructed us to use an online tool that is usually used by the graphic

designers, and the platform that we will be using is very easy and user-friendly. It is also easy

for the first-timers just like me. So here we go with the main task. So my Category is Music and

as we all know music is a very broad topic and has a lot of genre so I decided to create a theme

that is based on the different genres. At first I thought it was very easy since I just need to drag

and drop some elements that will be matching the theme that I have to design but no, it’s very

difficult because I reach some point where I ran out of the idea on how to express this and that,

through stickers. And what is hard about that is having a theme and self-idea on how to convey

a message through designs that are based on your idea without copying the others.
Week 3

Day 8: 21 March 2022

Today was second day of working with the Creative teams, when we went to a team meeting, a

lot of things changed in our job. Our TL instructed us to create ten sets of stickers, each

requiring a unique design with a 1080 × 1080 pixel dimension. We also increased the size of

each sticker from 5 stickers to 1 sticker each set, allowing each stickers to cover the full page.

So in total we have to accomplish a 50 stickers today. We were also told to mix and match each

every element's colors, which is difficult for me because I have no experience with color mixing,

but I don't mind because I'm having fun while learning.

Day 9: 22 March 2022

Today is a dull day. It's the same instruction and category as yesterday. Aside from the fact that

I completed my assignment ahead of schedule. Maybe it's because I'm enjoying myself and

gradually acclimating to the software that was advised for us to use. But, as you know, I'm

already out of ideas, so I'm hoping my category will change. I want my work to be as high-

quality as possible, thus I don't want my idea to become repetitive just because of the restricted


Day 10: 23 March 2022

Today is Wednesday, and I accomplished my main task pretty early, despite the fact that my

category for making stickers is still music, and as you know, music is indeed a very broad field,

so I decided to design stickers of various genres. I also asked my TL if I was the one who would

transfer my data from my prior Daily Time and Motion to my current DTM, and she responded,

"Yes," so I transferred it.

Day 11: 24 March 2022

Today is Thursday, once I started my shift at 9:00AM I already started creating a stickers since

our TL announce that we have to lay-off a ten sets of stickers and we should finish our task

before 4:30 PM. There’s nothing much happenings today, it was just same as yesterday.

Day 12: 25 March 2022

Once I started my shift, I immediately asked my TL if I could change my category. But

unfortunately, according to her, there was no notice from her OIC if she could let us change our

category. But she advised me and my colleagues through message on our GC in Skype, that if

we had already run out of ideas, we could re-use our old stickers, but we would have to change

their colors which is kinda challenging.

Week 4

Day 13: 28 March 2022

Today is Monday, once I started my shift I immediately create a ten sets of stickers and upload

a two photographs on my fifigallery drive, once I completed my daily task and main task. I

update all my trackers and timeout at exactly 6:00 PM

Day 14: 29 March 2022

Despite the fact that my tasks are the same, I am relieved because my category will be changed

starting tomorrow. My assigned categories are Baby and Baptismal, which means I have to

create a sticker that is related to both. I hope this category will bring out the best in me. I am

excited to see what I can do with this new category.

Day 15: 30 March 2022

Today is Wednesday. Although my category has broad content, I must say that designing

stickers related to these is quite hard. But I should take this as a challenge and should apply this

to my whole life. Not everything is easy, but I'm sure in the end, it will all be worth it.

Day 16: 31 March 2022

Today is Thursday, and everything went smoothly. I also finish all of my tasks very early. Aside

from that, there are no other announcements or anything happening today. I guess I will end the

post here.

Day 17: 01 April 2022

Friday has arrive as soon as I started my shift today, I back read on our respective GC on

Skype and read all the announcement made by our TL, so far there were no additional
announcement from her, it was just same as yesterday, same instruction, same category and

we should pass our outputs before 6:00 PM arrives.

Week 5

Day 18: 04 April 2022

Today is Monday, and I initially had a lack of ideas, but later on, I got an idea on how to patch it

up. Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and I completed all of my responsibilities ahead

of time. Also there are no further announcement from our TL.

Day 19: 05 April 2022

Today is Tuesday. We had our orientation earlier. Our orientation was filled with the farewell

meeting with our incumbent TL, which is Ms. Arlene Vidad, and she tackled her experiences

and her learnings with handling us the creative teams. She also introduced our newest TL, Ma.

Quiency Grumal. She expressed her concerns about our daily tasks and she hoped for our

cooperation in order to make our team harmonize. She also reminded us to don’t hesitate to DM

her about our concerns, and that’s how our orientation went down. And as for my daily tasks, I

finished them smoothly.

Day 20: 06 April 2022

Today is Wednesday. Earlier during my practicum hours, I updated my fifi-gallery tracker

because there are some conflicts about the names of the objects that I uploaded. So yesterday I

realized that the purpose of uploading random photos on Fifi-gallery is for the photo editing

teams. The photos that were uploaded daily from the different teams are the photos that they

are working on, which makes sense. Aside from that, there are no major happenings for today.
Day 21: 07 April 2022

Today is Thursday, earlier I’m already running out some of ideas however I patch things up

which was resulted successfully and I finished my task at earlier than I expected. Before I

timeout I made sure that my trackers are all updated. Because if I fail to do that the time that I

rendered would not be credited to me.

Day 22: 08 April 2022

We had our orientation earlier with our newest TL Ms. Ma. Quiency Grumal she discussed

about her concerns in our fifi-gallery she also ask why some of us has no remarks or status

about our fifi-gallery tracker she also reminded us to do not forget to DM her about our concerns

on our fifi-gallery tracker. She also stated that if there are concerns about our assigned

categories don’t forget to inform her so she could patch up our concerns. So right after our

orientation I immediately DM her about my concerns on my tracker, I told her that on March 22,

there are remarks that stated OK on my tracker However on the Status tracker there are no

Check on it. On March 30, I also express my concern about it that there are no remarks and

Status on both of them. Hopefully it will fix because if not it will reflect on my reputation on my

Week 6

Day 23: 12 April 2022

Today is Holy Tuesday. We were informed last Friday that we would have skeletal staffing on

Monday-Wednesday, but only two people, including the volunteer and the TL. I volunteered in

order to make up for the hours that I’ve lost since last March 17. I was not able to complete the

eight hours since I moved into Creative Teams and I only completed one hour of work on the

same day. Before I started to create stickers, I had a quick orientation with our TL about the

protocols of our skeletal staffing. I was told to report the progress of my work on our respective

GCs on our Skype in order to notify the in-charge person about my work progress. I was also

told by her to not forget to DM-ed her once I was done with my tasks so she could make a

report about it. She also asked me a favor and asked if I could get my work done earlier than

the usual time deadline, which was not a problem for me.
Week 7

Day 24: 19 April 2022

Today is Tuesday. Earlier, we had a team meeting where our TL expressed her concerns about

my other co-interns that are still not following the proper format in our fifi-gallery Tracker. Aside

from that, she also informed us that our category would be changed. So the category that was

assigned to me is "Travel," which is pretty good for me since I have a lot of ideas for creating

stickers for this category. Luckily, I finished my task ahead of time, and I hope that will be the

case for every day.

Day 25: 20 April 2022

Today is Wednesday. Unfortunately, my internet had some technical errors, but luckily I still

managed to complete my task on time and finish ahead of schedule, or else my TL would not

credit my precious 8 hours, which is the worst case scenario. 

Day 26: 21 April 2022

Today is Thursday. There's not much going on today. It was the same as yesterday. I finished

all of my tasks quickly and review all of my trackers in case there is something to modify. I also

informed my TL on our respective GC about my completed works.

Day 27: 22 April 2022

Today is Friday. Once I started my shift at 9:00 AM I started to create a 10 sets of stickers at

first I’m having a technical difficulties about my Internet but it was also restored right away.

When everything went back to normal I submitted all of my outputs on their respective trackers,

I also review my other trackers since some of my colleagues are having conflict on their

trackers. I timeout at exactly 6:00 PM.

Week 8

Day 28: 25 April 2022

Monday has arrived. I time in at 9:00 AM and review all of my trackers, after that I started

creating a 10 sets of stickers for my main task, and capture an unbranded objects for my daily

task. Once I completed all of my tasks I update my TL about my progress. Aside from that, no

announcements or brief team meetings were made. I also timeout at exactly 6:00 PM

Day 29: 26 April 2022

Today is Tuesday, as I started my day of Internship, to be honest at first, I was at a loss for

ideas, but after I broadened my horizons and considered alternative possibilities, I quickly

patched everything up. And tried to find an element that will matches the pictures in my head.

After that I submitted everything and update my trackers.

Day 30: 27 April 2022

Today is Wednesday it was like Yesterday, same instruction, same category. Everything went

smooth for today, there is no further announcement and brief team meeting were made. I

timeout at exactly 6:00 PM

Day 31: 28 April 2022

Today is Thursday, I started my Shift at exactly 9:00 AM and back read on our respective GC

since there are messages that I fail to read since there were technical difficulties on my Internet

yesterday. Luckily there were no announcement made by our TL yesterday so I continue to

create a stickers that is related on my Category. After that everything so smooth today there

were no difficulties and fortunately I finish my task ahead of time.

Day 32: 29 April 2022

Today is Friday the last day of long work week. Though same routine as yesterday still I was

able to complete my daily task and main task for today. But honestly I hope my category will

change next week because I’m already having a hard time to mix and match the same elements

that I used since last week.

Week 9

Day 33: 04 May 2022

Today is Wednesday, and unfortunately there was no internship the last two days, aside from

the volunteers. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to volunteer as a skeletal staff member,

according to our TL, to be fair to others, she won’t let the past volunteers back in, including me,

because I already volunteered last Holy Tuesday. We also had a team meeting, which lasted for

about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Our TL expressed her concerns about my other co-interns about

their daily time and motion and remaining hour’s tracker. Some of my co-interns raised their

concerns about their issues on their DTM. Our TL also brought up our concerns on her OIC

about our categories, if she will let us change our category every week. After that meeting, I

reviewed all of my trackers since there’s an issue of modifying other DTM even if it’s not their

own. Luckily, there were no problems with my trackers’ also finished my task on time.

Day 34: 05 May 2022

Today is Thursday, and as usual, I get in at 9:00 AM. I went back to read on our official GC on

Skype if there was any other announcement aside from the usual one, but unfortunately there

was not. As usual, my quota for making stickers is 50 pieces, which is divided into 10 sets.
Honestly, today it took me a long time to finish my task since I had to think of other ideas in

order to create a new sticker.

Day 35: 06 May 2022

Friday has arrived. I always back read on our official GC as soon as I get in at 9:00 AM because

our TL occasionally makes an announcement that was made at 6:00 PM or later. Aside from her

daily reminders, our TL hasn't made any further announcements. I was almost unable to

complete my task today due to numerous technical difficulties with my internet, but I was able to

complete it once my internet was restored

Week 10

Day 36: 10 May 2022

.Today is Tuesday, and yesterday was an election, which was declared a non-working holiday,

so there was no practicum. But the good news is that my travel category has now been replaced

by movies and film. To be honest, I'm not the type of person who watches films because I prefer

to watch K-dramas and listen to music, so my first attempt was a flop, but at least I tried. I also

completed my daily task of uploading two photos to fifigallery. I also keep my fifi-gallery Tracker

up to date. Later on, I had a flash of inspiration, and I was able to patch up for today's main

task, which is to design a sticker. I also back read on our GC, but our TL made no additional

announcements other than her usual one.

Day 37: 11 May 2022

Wednesday has arrived. We had a team meeting with our TL, Ms. Ma, earlier. Quincy Grumal

and Ms. Katlyn, our OIC, had a one-hour conversation. Her reminders about our daily tasks and

her concerns about some of our coworkers were sprinkled throughout the meeting. She also

mentioned that she is now looking for a replacement because her internship is coming to an end

soon. Ms. Katlyn, our OIC, was also invited in case we had any concerns or questions about our
practicum. I was given the opportunity to ask a question about some items that are required for

my narrative report, such as the establishment's history and the training area. She claims to

have a copy and will deliver it to our TL. So, after the meeting, I immediately messaged our TL

to express my concern, and she responded that it had already been noted.

Day 38: 12 May 2022

Thursday has arrived. I started my task as soon as I arrived at 9:00 a.m. because it was the

same as yesterday. Fortunately, I'm getting an idea for how to expand my imagination by

making stickers about my category, movies and films, so I finished my main task early.

However, when it comes to my daily task of fifigallery, I'm already out of ideas for what kind of

non-branded object to photograph. Fortunately, some items in my environment do not have

labels, so I use them.

Day 39: 13 May 2022

Today is Friday. I just continue what I did like yesterday. I open my Skype and backroad on our

respective GC, review my trackers in case there are some conflicts that need to be modified,

create 10 sets of stickers, upload 2 photos on fifi-gallery, and double check my outputs in case

there are some mistakes aside from that. I timed out at exactly 6:00 PM.
Week 11

Day 40: 16 May 2022

Today is Monday. We had a team meeting earlier with our TL, Ms. Ma. Quiency Grumal, which

lasted for about an hour. She raised her concern about her replacement since there were no

one available to be her successor since almost of us had different reasons. When she asked me

during our meeting, I responded that unfortunately I had no time, which is very true since I had a

packed schedule since I’m still doing my thesis plus I still have eight subjects which were all

laboratory. I already did my daily task and main task after the meeting.

Day 41: 17 May 2022

Today is Tuesday. Once I started my shift at 9:00 AM, I did a back read on our GC since there

were some announcements yesterday evening that I had failed to read since my internet had

already expired. Fortunately, there are no additional announcements from our TL. As usual, it

was just the same as yesterday. My category is still "Movies and Film". To be honest, as time

goes by, I’m already running out of ideas for this category. I already raised my concern about
this yesterday, but unfortunately, according to my TL, she tried to raise this with our OIC if she

could let us change our category every week since every one of us has the same dilemmas.

Day 42: 18 May 2022

Today is Wednesday. I started my shift at 9:00 AM. I immediately started to create a sticker that

consists of 10 sets. Once I got finished, I downloaded my created stickers with a transparent

background and converted them into PNG. Once, I downloaded all the files that I needed. I will

upload it on my respective G-drive and create a separate folder named today's date. Once I

finished creating a folder, I uploaded all the stickers to their respective folder and got the link to

that folder. I immediately open my work tracker and update my respective tracker and paste the

link of my work. Later, I photograph two unbranded objects and upload them on their respective

G-drives, creating a separate folder named the date today, and lastly, I get all the links of all

those photos and update my fifigallery tracker. When I finish all my work, I immediately update

my TL on our respective GC.

Day 43: 19 May 2022

Today is Thursday, and it was just the same process as yesterday. Once I finish my daily task,

which is the fifigallery, and my main task, which is the 10 sets of stickers, I immediately review

and submit those required files, and I already update my TL about my finished task, and after a

long day, I timeout at exactly 6:00 PM. 

Day 44: 20 May 2022

Friday marks the end of the long week. I started my shift by going back through our separate

GCs and reading our TL's daily announcement. As per usual, we must make ten sets of stickers

in the same category as yesterday, which was "Movie & Film." Despite the fact that I'm having a

hard time selecting an element that matches what I'm picturing in my head, I was able to finish it

on time. I'm hoping to switch categories next week.

Week 12

Day 45: 23 May 2022

Today is Monday. As I started my shift at 9:00 in the morning, I immediately back read on our

official GC because there were messages that I missed because I was very busy last week. So I

found out that my category has now changed to Mother's Day, and there's also an

announcement made by our newest team leader Ms. Aliza Alviar, that we will have a team

meeting. Though it did not took a long time, it was just between 15-20 minutes. She reminded

us about our daily tasks and, of course, her concerns about our work. She also reminded us that

if we have concerns, just DM her through Skype. My main task and daily tasks were done

smoothly. There were no interruptions and I was done ahead of time. I timed out at exactly 6:00


Day 46: 24 May 2022

Today is Tuesday. The first thing that I did was to check our official GC in Skype and back read

it in case there were important announcements and messages that I missed. As the time went

by, I finished my task smoothly and I timed out at exactly 6:00 PM.

Day 47: 25 May 2022

It's Wednesday. My shift started at 9:00 a.m. I started making a sticker set of ten right away.

When I was completed, I downloaded the transparent backdrop version of my generated

stickers and converted them to PNG. I finished downloading all of the files I required. I'll save it

to my G-drive and make a new folder called "today's date." After that, I'll upload all of the

stickers to their appropriate folders and get the link to that folder. I open my work tracker right

away and update my particular tracker, as well as paste the URL to my work. Later, I

photograph two unbranded products and upload them to their respective G-drives, naming the

date folder.

Day 48: 26 May 2022

Today is Thursday. My routine today was just the same as yesterday. I finished all my tasks and

passed those on their individual trackers. After that, I updated my TL on our official GC and after

that I timed out at exactly 6:00 PM.

Day 49: 27 May 2022

It's Friday now. As soon as I started my shift, I updated my daily time and motion tracker

because our TL monitors it and uses it as a basis for our work. She also indicated that if we do

not update our tracker, even if we finish our task, she will not count our rendering hours for

today. Fortunately, I completed all of my responsibilities ahead of schedule and left at 6:00 p.m.
Week 13

Day 50: 30 May 2022

Today is Monday. As soon as I started my shift, I reviewed our official GC in Skype. After that, I

updated my daily time and motion tracker. After that, I attended our team meeting that lasted for

about an hour. After that, I started recycling the stickers that I already created last week. Since

I’m already running out of ideas, I will just mix and match the colors, since according to our OIC,

we can do that once we are totally running out of ideas. After that, I converted the stickers into

PNG, but before that, I double checked them one by one just to make sure that all of them have

a transparent background. After that, I sorted them. Since the total of my created stickers is fifty

pieces, I will divide them into ten folders. After several tasks, I finished them all on time.

Day 51: 31 May 2022

Today is Tuesday, and everything was the same as it had been the day before; same task,

same routine. Our supervisor had made no announcement. After that, I left at precisely 6:00


Day 52: 01 June 2022

Today is Wednesday, so I decided to mix and match the colors of my other stickers that are still

relevant to my category, which is Mother's Day. One thing I learnt through the mix and match is

that, while I generally think that mix and match is a simple activity, it turned out to be much more

difficult than I anticipated. Because in some cases, if we fail to properly mix the colors, our

designs would be rejected so, to the greatest extent feasible, I'll make it more appealing while

remaining unsightly.

Day 53: 02 June 2022

Today is Thursday. Before my out, our incumbent TL had announced that we were going to

meet at 5:30 PM. The meeting was filled with our farewell to Ms. Aliza Alviar and an introduction

to our newest elected TL, Mr. Jiniel Batara, but unfortunately, Mr. Batara failed to make it to our

meeting due to his busy schedule. After that, we bid our goodbyes.

Day 54: 03 June 2022

Today is Friday, everything went smoothly for today, I’ve never encounter any errors or problem

regarding to my tasks, fortunately I finished all my task ahead of time and I time out at exactly

6:00 PM.
Week 14

Day 55: 06 June 2022

Monday has arrived. We had a meeting with Mr. Jiniel Batara, our newest team leader. The

meeting lasted approximately one hour. He talked about his rules and regulations, as well as his

concerns. He also introduced his four assistant TLs, as most of us are really busy. Ms. Aliza

Alviar, our previous TL, divided the task into four people to make it easier and more

manageable for our new TL. Every assistant TL clarified their tasks and reminded us that we

might contact them if we had any concerns.

Day 56: 07 June 2022

Tuesday has arrived, my category was changed from Mother's Day to PETS yesterday. It

excites me since my pet concepts are so diverse. I completed my responsibilities ahead of

schedule and left at 6:00 p.m.

Day 57: 08 June 2022

Today is Wednesday, and as I started my shift I timed in on our attendance and updated my

daily time and motion tracker. After that, I reviewed our official GC because it is very important

because there are some surprise announcements that are sometimes made and if I fail to catch

up it will reflect on me as an intern, which is the very worst scenario. To make a long story short,

I finished all of my tasks and updated all of my trackers.

Day 58: 09 June 2022

Thursday is the day. Everything was the same as it had been the day before, and there were no

new announcements from our Supervisor, OIC, or TL for today. I completed all of my

responsibilities ahead of schedule and left at 6:00 p.m.

Day 59: 10 June 2022

Today is Friday. As I timed in at 9:00 AM, I immediately updated my DTM and back read on our

official GC. After that, I started designing stickers and took a fifteen minute coffee break. After

that, I continued to finish my main task, which is the creation of stickers. After finishing my

secondary task, which is capturing unbranded photos from fifi-gallery, I immediately passed
them on their respective trackers and updated my TL on our GC on Skype. After finishing all of

my tasks, I timed-out at exactly 6:00 PM

Week 15

Day 60: 14 June 2022

Today is Tuesday. According to our OIC, Ms. Katlyn, there was no practicum yesterday. I'm not

sure why, but according to her unexpected statement on our GC on Friday night, we will be

taking a one-day break from practicum. Anyway, before I left, we had a team meeting at 5:30

PM with our TL and four assistant team leaders. Because he and four of his assistants were

reaching the end of their internships, the meeting was filled with voting for the new TL. We said

our goodbyes following that meeting. 

Day 61: 15 June 2022

Today is Wednesday. My tasks were just the same as yesterday, and I finished them all ahead

of time. So before I ended my shift, I reached out my concerns to our TL because tomorrow

would be my last day of internship and he took my basic information such as full name, course,

hours requirement, the date of start of my internship, and the expected date of my endo for my

certificate of completion. I also reminded him about my performance evaluation. After that, I

timed out at exactly 6:00 PM.

Day 62: 16 June 2022

Today is Thursday, and finally, today is my last day of internship. After finishing all of my tasks, I

reached out to our TL, Mr. Jiniel Batara, and reminded him about my certificate of completion

and evaluation form. After that, I also contacted his assistant TL, Mr. John Dagala, who is

responsible for the signing of the daily attendance and accomplishment form. I asked him if he

could sign my daily attendance and accomplishment forms on the same day of my departure,

and luckily he said yes. So, after a long process, I timeout at exactly 3:00 PM.

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