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Vladimir M.

Zatsiorsky, PhD
Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University

Human Kinetics Th1s one

lll\ll l l\\llllll\llllllll\1 1111111111\I
S21W-624- 82LX
·Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Zatsiorsky, Yladimir M., 1932-

Kinematics of human 1not:ion I Yladin1ir M. Zatsiorsky.
p. cm.
lncludes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-88011-676-5
1. Human mechanics. 2. Kinematics. 3. Hun1an locomotion.
l. T itle.
QP303.Z38 1998
612. 7'6-·dc2 I 97-12025
ISBN -1 O: 0-88011-676-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88011 -676-3
Copyright© 1998 by Yladi1nir M. Zatsiorsky
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Preface VJJ
Acknowledgments X
Notation and conventions XI

Chapter 1
Kinematic Geometry of Human Motion:
Body Position and Displacement 1
1.1 Defining body location 3
1.2 Defining body orientation 6
1.3 Three-dimensional representation of human movement:
eye movement 63
1.4 Summary 72
1.5 Questions for review 72
Bibliography 74

Chapter 2
Kinematic Geometry of Human Motion:
Body Posture 79
2.1 Joint configuration 80
2.2 Kinematic chains 103
2.3 Biological solutions to kine1natic problems 132
2.4 Summary 139
2.5 Questions for review 142
Bibliography 143

Chapter 3
Differential Kinematics of Human Movement 147
3.1 Velocity of a kinematic chain 148
3.2 Acceleration of a kinematic chain 193
3.3 Biological solutions to the problems of differential kinematics: control
of movement velocity 207
3.4 Summary 218

M:itenal proteg do por d r.,c'los rl autor

vi Contents

3.5 Questions for review 220

Bibliography 22 1

Joint Geometry and Joint Kinematics 225
4.1 lntrajoint kinematícs 227
4.2 Centers and axes of rotation 251
4.3 Summary 272
4.4 Questions for review 276
Bibliography 277

Chapter 5
Kinematics of Individual Joints 283
5. l Nominal joint axes 284
5.2 The joints of the foot 291
5.3 The ankle joint complex 296
5.4 The knee 301
5.5 The hip joint and the pelvic girdle 306
5.6 The spine 310
5.7 The shoulder complex 337
5.8 The elbow complex 354
5.9 The wrist 359
5. l OThe joints of the hand 361
5.11 The temporomandibular joint 363
5.12 Summary 367
5.13 Questions for review 370
Bibliography 372
Glossary 393
lndex 411
About the author 419

Mater al proteg de por derechos dt' utor

Diffe rential Kinematics of Human Move1nen1 207

3.2.4 Jerk and Snap

Representative papers: Edelman & Flash, 1987; Flash & Bogan,
1985; Plamondon et al., 1993.
Jerk is the time rate of change of acceleration. rn general, the change in accel-
eration is associated with the changes in the magnitude of the acting forces,
and thus, the changes in the stresses within the moving body. In engineering
applications, the jerk is registered when the propagation of the deformation
waves is of interest. When movement is performed at only one joint, the jerk is
associated with the rate of muscle force development. In bio1nechanics and
motor control, there is one additional stimulus for studying jerk: it has been
suggested tbat a skilled performance is cbaracterized by a decrease in jerk
magnitude. According to the minimun1-jerk hypothesis, in skilled people the
arm nloves in a maximally smooth way. The sguare of tbe jerk integrated over
the entire movement is minim.ized.
2 2
2 J dt
3 dt
y) 3
t -
- -+)
(3. 79)
where X and Y are Cartesian coordinates of the end effector and t, is the move-
ment duration. criterion looks appealing for sorne movements, such as
transporting a glass filled with liquid.
Kinematically, the jerk of the end effector depends on severa] variables.
Differentiating equation 3.75 yields
••• •••
where P is the end-effector jerk and a is the vector of the joint angular jerks.
From equation 3.80, it follows that the end-effector jerk depends on the system's
Jacobian and its fust and second derivatives, as well as on the angular veloci-
ties, accelerations, and jerks in individual joints. Ho\v the CNS manages to
minimize P in such a complex situation is still a matter of research.
Snap is the fourth time derivative of the displacement. In tbe human movement
science, severa! models based on the idea of minirnizing snap have been explored.


This section describes severa! strategies supposedly used by animals and people
to control velocity of their motor actions. The underlying concept is that the

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Dijfere111ial Ki11e11ratics of H11111an Move111ent 211

ever the relationship between the tau dot values and the outcome of the ap-
proach is presented in Table 3.2. Constant Tau DotApproacli

To stop at the destination the actor may vary deceleration so that the tau dot
stays constant ata value of k, O< k < 0.5. In this case,
- 't(X) = - 't0 + kt (3.89)

Consideran example. The distance to a destination is 30 m, the i.nitial velociry

is 10 m/sec, and the initial tau is, not surprisingly, 3 sec. Assume k =0.5. After
1 sec, -'t(x) = - 2.5 sec, that is, ifthe performer were to continue with the same
velocity it would take him 2.5 sec to reach the destination. After 2 sec, -'t(x) =
2 sec, and after 3 sec, - 't(x) = 1.5 sec. Evidently, the performer will reach the
destination in 6 sec. When this strategy is used, the deceleration is changed as
.2 •
x=( l -k).:_=(1- k)~ (3.90)
X 't

This follows si1nply from equation 3.89. Note that the deceleration is not
constant; it is the function of both the distance to the destination and velocity
(or the velocity and tau). Constant tau dot value k can be conveniently repre-
sented through normalized time, L" The normalized tirne is the ratio of running
time to initial time-to-contact with the destination under constan! velocity, t 0 =
-t/'t0 • Using equation 3.89 and assigning x =O yields

k = 't 0 / t=1/t,, (3.91)

Thus, normalized time to reach the destination is the inverse of k.

Table 3.2 The Outcome of the Approach at Various Tauffau Prime and Tau Dot

Approach Tau/tau prime Tau dot

't/'t' = x.X/ x1 i:(x) = 1 - x.X/ x2

Stop at destination = 0.5 = 0.5

Short of dest:ination > 0.5 < 0.5

Collision < 0.5 0.5 < i:(x) < 1.0

· A constant deceleration is assumed.

Mater al proteg de por derechos dt' utor

214 Kinematics of Human Morion

such as a ball, is moving toward the actor, or, conversely, the actor is approach-
ing the object, the image of the object on the retina is becoming progressively
larger. The rate of dilation of the i1nage on the retina is triggering a specific
motor res ponse. The time-to-contact, it seems, is being perceived directly from
the in verse of the rate of expansion of tbe image. Regarding the motor aspects
of the approach, it has been shown that the optical variable tau is used to con-
trol both the timing of the move1nent and the pattern of braking. Examples of
the timing are the consistent time of muscle preactivation in preparation for
landing in dropping jumps from various heights (the average standard devia-
tion was only 19 ros) takeoff time in ski jumping and wing folding in diving
seabirds, which occurs 300 to 400 ros before entry into the water. The braking
pattern at constant tau dot with k 0.425 is used by experienced car drivers
when they are asked to stop ata line. The controlled-collision strategy has also
been observed. For example, a person performing a somersault prepares for
landing by de1nonstrating an al1nost linear change of tau with k > 0.5 (Figure

3.3.2 Control of Velocity in Reaching Movement

Reaching a target is one of the most common motor tasks. Even when the
reaching movement is performed by the arm alone (the shoulder joint does not
translate), the proble1n is kinen1atically redundant-the number of rotatjonal
DOF of the arm, seven, exceeds the number of DOF of the end effector, six.
The Jacobian of the kinematic chain is singular. Hence, the inverse kinematic
problem cannot be sol ved uniquely and the .movement can be performed in a
limitless number of ways. The formidable task is to find why the CNS prefers
sorne movement pattems over others. Berkenblit's Hypothesis

Representative paper: Berkenblit, Gelfand, & Feldman, 1986b.
This hypothesis was stimulated by the studies of the wiping reflex in the spinal
frog. The retlex was initially described in the middle of the l 9th century. If a
piece of paper soaked in acid is placed on the frog's back, tbe frog wipes tbe
paper from the body. It was observed that the limb-comprising three body
segments- rnay come repeatedly to the same point of the skin with different
values of joint angles. Hence, the frog does not "sol ve" the inverse kinematic
problem in a unique way; the end-point location does not prescribe the particu-
lar joint configuration. The idea was to suggest a rnodel that describes such a

Ma1er al proteg do por derect os dEJ uUtor

Dif.ferential Kinematics of Human Movement 215

FH eyes open
- .-.~
,.,.-. .

o.o .-.



:.: (.
-0.2 111


-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 o.o
Figure 3.28 The change of the angular tau (angular distance/angular velocity)
during preparation for landing after the forward somersault. The line joining tbe
temple and the anide was used to estimate the body attitude and angular velocity
at rotation. Thin lines are plots for individual so1nersaults (n = 10). The thick
line is the linear regression of angular tau on time-to-landing. For a period from
-0.560 to - 0.040 sec, the relationship is close to linear, r2 = 0.963. The angular
tau dot (the slope of the regression line) is k = 0.552. Because k is greater than
0.5, the somersaulter reaches the ground with non-zero angular velocity (which
is inevitable because of the conservation of the angular mo1nentum).
From Lee, D.N., Young, D.S., & Rewt, D. (1992). How do sornersaulters land on their
feet? Journa/ of Experimental Psychology, 18, 1195-1202. Copyright © 1992 by the
American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission.

For each joint, two vectors originating from the joint were introduced. One
vector, P ., goes from the joint to the end effector-it is s imilar to the vector
introduced in Section The second vector is from the joint to the tar-
get, T .. The vectors forro an angle ex.. Tbe model is based on the assumption
that the joint angular velocity <X. is proportional to ( 1) sin ex. (0 < ex. < 7r/2; if
a ). > 7r/2, a correction is required) and (2) the length of the vectors P J. and T J..
Hence, for any joint

a = a.(P x T )

where a.J is a positive number, (P.J X T J.) is the vector product, and a J. is the joint
velocíty vector. The vector is along the axis of rotation in the joint. Jt is normal

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216 Kinemarics of Human Morion

to the plane containing (a) the joint center, (b) the point at which the end effec-
tor is initiaJly located, and (e) tbe target point. According to the bypothesis, the
joints act simultaneously but are controlled independently-tbe controlling
signals to the joints are formed indi vidually, ignoring wbat tbe otber joints are
doing. The task of a joint j is to tum the vector P.J in the direction to the target
\Vithout regard to the joint configuration of tbe whole limb and the command
signaJs arri ving at tbis time to the other joints.
The suggested algorithm is able to solve the in verse kinematic problem with-
out inverting tbe limb Jacobian. The mathematical operations required by the
algorithm-summation, multiplication, and calculating sine and cosine func-
tions-do not place unrealistic demands on the nervous system, the operations
can be carried out by neural networks. ln particular, it has been sbown-recall
Section and Figures 2.28 and 2.29-that activity of sorne cortex neu-
rons changes as a sinusoidal function of the direction of movement. For a given
initial joint configuration and target Iocation, the algorithm provides a unique
movement pattem that resembles the natural Iimb trajectories. Gutman's Hypothesis

Representative paper: Gutman, Gottlieb, & Corcos, 1990.
When a subject moves an arm to a target, the working point trajectory is a
nearly straight line and the velocity-versus-time curve is bell-sbaped. Tbe bell-
shaped angular velocity profile has also been observed in single-joint move-
ments (Figure 3.29). Gutn1an's hypothesis is aimed at an explanation of the
observed velocity patterns.
This hypothesis is based on the idea of the nonlinearity of subjective time-
the perceived duration of temporal intervals di.ffers from their real duration.
Judgment of brief temporal intervals can be described by the psychophysical
law for tim.e, a power function t' = bt", where t' and tare the subjective and real
time, correspondingly, and b and a are parameters. (Tbe existence of sucb a
psychophysical law for time is still an object of discussion in the Uterature.)
According to tbe hypothesis, people are using subjective time rather than real
time for movement planning. If the hypothesis holds, tbe distance to the target
during the movement execution as a function of time may be represented as

D(t) =D · exp(-7) (3.96)

and the velocity as its time derivative

º ª' (tª)
V(t) = - a~t - exp ~ (3.97)

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Oiffe renria/ Ki11e111a1ics of H11111a11 Mo ve111e111 217

- 8
.2 o


.!! "u
• ..

time (ms)
time (ms}



~ -~
l ..


Figure 3.29 Traces for acceleration and velocity before scaling (left panels)
and after scaling (ríght panels). The subjects performed movements of the same
duration, 125 ms, and dífferent amplitudes, d = 7.5, 15, 22.S, and 30 cm. For the
scaling, the ratio d:d0 was used where d0 22.S c 1n.
From Gielen, C.C.A.M. , van der Oosten, K., & Pull ter Gunne. F. ( 1985). Re lation
between EMG acúvation pattems and kinematic properúes of ai med arm nlovements.
Jounwl oj Moror Behavior, 17, 42 1-442. Reprinted with permission of the He len Dwight
Reid Educational Foundation. Published by He ldref Publicaúons, 1319 Eighteenth St.,
N. W., Washington, D.C. 20036-1 802. Copyright © 1985.

whe re D is the n1ovement distance, ex and 't are parameters representing the
time nonJinearíty and movement speed, correspondingly. Equation 3.97 de-
scribes the experimental velocity-time c urves quite well. Scaling Velocity Profiles: The Generalized Motor

Representative papers: Carter & Shapiro, 1984; Gielen et al.,
1985; Schmidt, 1975.
In these expe riments, the subjects performed aimed arm moveme nts of e ither
the same duration and vario us an1plitudes o r the same amplitude and various

Ma1er al proteg do por derect os dEJ uUtor

220 Kinematics o/ H111nan Motio11

position vector. The elements of an orientational Jacobian are the unit vectors
along the axis of rotation in the joint.
The accelerations dueto the movement of individual body segments can be
analyzed either in a global orina local reference frame. The relative accelera-
tion method is used when the absolute velocity and acceleration of the body
segments are considered. When the joint angular velocity and acceleration are
analyzed, the Coriolis' acceleration must be taken into account. The Coriolis'
acceleration is acting when a body link is moving with regard to a rotating
reference frarne, e.g., a frarne fixed with the neighboring proximal link. Be-
cause the individual accelerations must be summed vectorially, the resultant
acceleration of the end effector depends not only on the segment or joint ve-
locity and acceleration but also on the body posture at each instant of time. The
Jacobian matrix provides a too! for computing the end-point acceleration in
terms of known joint positions, velocities, and accelerations.
Jerk is the time rate of change of acceleration, the third time derivative of
tbe displacement. Snap is the fourth time derivative of the displacement.
Biological solutions to tbe problems of differential kinematics are addressed
in the last section of the chapter. Severa! hypothetical strategies used to control
velocity of human movement are discussed. Control of approach velocity is
represented by the tau hypothesis, and control of velocity of reaching move-
ment by Berkenblit's and Gutman 's hypotheses.

l. The trunk orientation during walking is kept constant. How are the joint
angular velocity at the hip joint of tbe support leg and tbe thigh angular
velocity related? How are the hip, knee, and ankle joint angular veloci-
ties related to each other during the flat foot phase of the support pe-
2. Write down a Jacobian for a two-link planar chain with hinge joints.
Explain the meaning of the column-vectors of the Jacobian.
3. Describe the direct and the in verse kinematic problem. Write down cor-
responding equations.
4. Discuss the singularity problem. Compare Jacobians for two-, three-,
and mu.ltilink planar chains. Describe singular joint positions of a two-
link chain.
5. Discuss chain redundancy.
6. What are the geometric and anatomic constraints during leg and
arm extension? At which joint angular positions is the transfer of

Material proteg do por derechos d autor

Differential Kinematics of Human Movemenl 221

joint angular velocity into the linear velocity of the end effector
. I?
7. Explain the Kennedy theorem.
8. What is a cost function used in the Moore-Penrose method of matrix
9. Can angular finite displacements and angular velocities be represented
as vectors? Explain in tenns of kinematics an integral of angular veloc-
ity over time.
10. Write down and explain Poisson's equation.
11. Describe the methods used to characterize the relationship between the
joint angular velocities and the end-point velocity of a spatial kine-
matic chain.
12. Motion of a planar two-joint chain is observed in an absolute coordi-
nate system and in the joint angular coordinates. Write down the equa-
tions for the end-point acceleration in terms of the segment angular
velocities and the joint angular velocities.
13. Define jerk.
14. Discuss the tau hypothesis.

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lo the previous chapters, an analysis of joint 1notion \vas based on severa!

simplifying assumptions. It was explicitly accepted that joint movement is pu re
rotation about a fixed joint axis. Translatory joint 1notion was completely dis-
regarded. In joints with two and three DOF, the axes of rotation for flexion-
extension, abduction-adduction, and internal-external rotation were usually
assumed to be orthogonal to each other. intersect at one joint center, and coin-
cide with the main anatomic axes. Therefore, by this assumption, the joint
rotation planes lie in the anatomic planes, i.e., sagittal, frontal , and transverse.
Sucb joints-witb fixed orthogonal axes parallel to the main anatomic axes
and intercepting at one center-are called 11onlinaljoints or geornetrically ideal
joints. No human joints are perfectly ideal, however.
In biomechanics, tbe joints are called geo1netricaUy ideal when details of
the joint kinematics are not impo1tant. For example, gross motor activities
such as walking and running have commonly been investigated under the as-
sumption that joint 1notion occurs about fixed axes that Jje in the anatomic
planes. This approach is too superficial wben specific details of the joint mo-
tion are the object of inquiry. ln such a case, the joint motion should be srudied
in ali its complexiry:

• joint motion does not occur about a fixed axis of rotation,

• the axis of rotation is oblique to one or more anatomic planes,
• joint motion involves translation,
• the axes for rotation and translation may be different, and
• the axes are not orthogonal to each other and may not intersect.

In this chapter, human joint motion is discussed with due anention to its real
intricacy. However, sorne simpjjfying assumptions are made. In particular, ar-
ticular surfaces and ligaments are assu1ned to be nondeformable.
This chapter stans by discussing intrajoint kinematics. In Section 4.1.1,
geometric analysis of the joint s urfaces is presented, including elementary

Ma1er al proteg do por J r >~ uutor
228 Kinenwtics of Human Motion

by simple geometric surfaces or algebraic functions. These surfaces or func-

tions do not describe the articular surface accurately and cannol be used to
study joint motion in detail. They are, however, useful in classifying the ar-
ticulating surfaces and the corresponding joints. The type of surface deter-
mines the permissible joint motion as well as the number of DOF in the joint.
More advanced examination of the joint surfaces is based on the methods of
differential geometry, a mathematical discipline that deals with the description
of the shape of complex geometric objects. Elementary Examination of Joint Surfaces

Representative paper: MacConaill, 1966.
The simplest articular surface is a plane surface, which is essentially a flat
surface. The notion of aplane articular surface is an idealization. Real articular
surfaces are always more or less curved. In sorne joints, however, the curva-
ture is small and is commonly disregarded. The plane surfaces in the human
body are the intermetacarpal joints; the anterior surface of the scapula is also
flat. In joints with flat articular surfaces, in addition to axial rotation, gliding is
k.inematically possible. The bone surfaces in these joints permit three DOF
(rotation and two translations in a plane); however, based on the real move-
ments performed in the joints they are usually classified as having two DOF
(Figure 4. 1A).
Articular surfaces that are either completely concave or completely convex
are called synclastic surfaces. The joints in which a convex baU or head fits
in to a concave socket are the balJ-and-sockel joints (Figure 4. 1B). Imagine the
joint surface is cut by planes perpendicular to the surface. The Jine that is in the
plane and wholly on the surface is an are. An ideal ball-and-socket joint would
be spherical. In a spberical joint, the shape and size of the are, as well as tbe
radius of the curvature, does not depend on the direction of the slice. In other
words, every part of the sphere has the same curvature and the ares of such a
joint coincide after rotation. Because of this property, a spinning motion is
feasible in these joinls. These joints bave three rotational DOF. In the human
body, real balJ-and-socket joints are more or less spheroidal (approximately
spherical) rather then ideally spherical. The curvature of a spheroid is slightly
different at diJferent points, i.e., the spheroids are egg shaped. Thus, synclastic
articular surfaces are called ovoids. The radii of curvature of an ovoid vary on
tbe same articular surface. Examples of the spheroidal joints with ovoid or
synclastic articular surface are the sboulder and hip joints. Although they are
not ideally spherical, the joints still permit axial rotation. Tbe deviation from
sphericity in these joints is small. For the hip joint, it is less tban 1o/o of the
radius of curvature.

Mater al proteg de por derechos dt' utor

230 Ki11e11ratics of Hu111a11 Mo1io11

In the pivot jointS, such as between the radius and ulna or in the atlantoaxial
joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae, an arch-shaped surface
rotates around a rounded pivot. The difference between the hinge and the pivot
joints is not very stricL, however.
The articular surfaces of saddle joints, called anticlastic or sellars, are con-
vex in one directioo and concave in the perpendicular direction (Figure 4. ID).
The joint at the thumb, between the first metacarpal and the trapezíum, is a
saddle joint (Figure 4.2).
Saddle-shaped joints have two DOF. The joint motion includes tlexion-ex-
tension and abduction-adduction. Kinematically, the saddle-shaped joints are
different from ellipsoidal joints, which also ha ve two DOF pennitting flexion-
extension and abduction-adduction. ln the eUipsoidaJ joints, the two axes of
rotation are on the same side of the joint, on the side of the bone with t\vo
convexities. In the saddle-shaped joints, the axes for flexion-extension and
abduction-adduction are on the opposite sides of the joint. One axis is Jocated
on the proximal body segment and the second on the distal. In general, axes of
joint rotation are positioned at the body segments with convex joint surfaces.
Convex surfaces are also called mate and concave surfaces, female. The
male articular surface always has more area than the female. This feature is
used to classify male and female saddle joint surfaces, which are convex and



- dorsal

- )

Figure 4.2 The carpometacarpal joint is a saddle joint with two axes of
rotation. One axis, for thu1nb flexion combined with pronation, is at the trape-
zium. The second axis, for abduction-adduction, is at the base of the first

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Joinr Geo111erry and Joinr Kinemarics 231

concave at the same time. The smaller of two mating sellar surfaces is called
female and the larger is called male. Table 4 .1 summarizes the described tax-
onomy of joint motion. The reference surface in this taxonomy is the male
Consider now a point ftxed to the distal end of abone with the bone moving
at the proximal joint. The locus of ali the attainable positions of the point is a
spheroidal convex surface. This surface is termed the ovoid of motion (Figure
4.3). lt can be approximated by a sphere if the bone under deliberation is long
enough. In this case, instead of the ovoid of motion the sphere of motion is
considered and the joint movement is studied witbout opening the joint surgi-
cally. Generally, replacement of an ovoid of motion by the sphere of motion is
used in motor control research and when biomechanical analysis is Limited to
gross motor pattems. The replacement cannot be done without an experimen-
tal proof of its validity when intrajoint kinematics is the object of interest.
The pattem of j oint motion, e.g., wbether it is spbere or ovoid, depends not
only on the geometry of individual mating surfaces but also on their congruity.
For the joint surfaces to be congruent, their ractii of curvature should be equaJ.
In other words, the geometric centers of the male and female surfaces should

Table 4.1 Taxonomy of Joints

Type of Joint
Characteristics Ball-and- Ellipsoidal Saddle- Flat Hinge/pi vot
socket sbaped

Number of DOF 3 2 2 2

Ideal articular Ovoid Ovoid Sellar Flat Cylinder

surface (synclastic) (synclastic) (anticlastic)

Curvarure. X and Y Convex/ Convex/ Convex/ Flat/flat Convex/flat

directions convex convex concave

Radii of Equal Not equal Does not Does not Does not
curvature in X matter apply apply
and Y directions

Bone at which the Mal e Male Male and Does not Mal e
joint rotation axes female apply
are ancbored

Mater al proteg de por derechos dt' utor

232 Ki11ematics of Hun1011 Motion

Figure 4.3 Ovo id of the joint motion.

After Be nninghoff-Goerttler ( 1964). Lehrbuch der Ana10111ie des Menschen. (9th ed).
From MacConaill, M.A. & Basmajian, J. Y. ( 1969). Muse/es a11d 111ove111en1s. A basis for
human kinesiology. Baltimore: WilJiams & Wilkins.


Curvature Characteristics
Consider a continuously differentiable surface S with a grid projected on
it. The parametric coordinates (u,w) are assigned to the points on the sur-
face at the intersections of the rows and columns of the grid. A point on
the s urface x (u,w) is characterized by a vector x(u,w) = xk(u,w), where
k = 1,2,3 indicates the three coordinate directions. At each point on the
surface, a unique outward normal vector n(u,w) can be defi ned as fol-

ax ax
- x-
n(u w)= au dW
, ax ax
- x-

where ()x/()u and ()x/()w are the partiaJ derivatives of vector x(u,w) along
coordinate directions u and w, X denotes a vector cross product, and the
vertical lines stand for a magnitude of the vector. Aplanar curve C is at the
intersection of the surface S anda plane containing vector n (Figure 4.4).

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Joinr Geomerry and Joint Kinenratics 233

By definition, the curvature of C is negative, or concave, when the center

of curvature is on the same side of the curve C as the vector n; otherwise,
the curvature is caUed positive, or convex. Rotating the plane around the
vector n produces a family of curves C. The curvature of the curves C
assumes minimal and maximal values, kmin and kmax' caUed principal cur-
vatures at a point x(u,w). The directions of the principal curvatures are
caUed principal directions. The principal directions are mutually perpen-
As a measure of surface curvature the Gaussian curvature, K=kmin km:u' is
commonly used. When K>O the surface is ovoid; when K<O the surface is
sellar, saddle shapecl; and when K=O the surface is either cylindrical or

/ x(u,w)

Osculating _ _...,

Figure 4.4 On a continuous surface S-think of a joint surface-a normal

vector n can be defined at any point x (u,\v). Aplanar curve C is along the
intersection of the surface S and a plane containing n. The radius of
curvature of C at point x (u,w) is the radius of the osculating circle.
Adapted from Journal of Biomechanics, 25, Ateshian, G.A., Rosenwasser, M.P., &
Mow, V.C., Curvature characteristics and congruence of the thumb carpo1netacarpal
joint: Differences between female and male joints, 591-607, 1992. with kind
permission from Else vier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington

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Joint Geonretry and Joint Kinematics 237

Table 4.2 Congruence of the Carpometacarpal Joint in Men and Women

Relative Principal Curvatures (means ± SD)


Women 109.5 + 36.0 145.3 ± 36.2 129.3 + 33.3

Men 43.9 + 28.3 77.1 ±25.8 63.5 + 24.7

Comparison p s; 0.01 p < 0.01 p < 0.01

4.1.2 Movement of the Articular Surfaces

Representative papers: MacConaill, 1953; O'Connor & Zavatsky,
Joint motion can be thought of as the movement of one articulate surface with
regard to another. The articular surfaces of a joint are termed conarticular
surfaces. Articular surfaces form mating pairs; the surfaces of a mating pair
are more or less congruent. In simple joints, there is only one mating pair and
in compound joints there are two or more. A mate surface from a compound
joint articulates only with the female surface of that mating pair, not with a
female surface of another pair. Close-Packed and Loose-Packed Joint Positions

Mating pairs are fully congruent in only one position. The position of fuU
congruency is called the close-packed position. In this position, the male sur-
face is in contact with the female surface at each point on the latter. The posi-
tions other than the close-packed are called the loose-packed positions (Figure
4.7 and Table 4.3). The mobility of a joint in a close-packed position is limited. Rolling and Skidding of the Conarticular Surfaces

There are two basic types of planar motion between surfaces, rolling and skid-
díng. The majority of habitual joint movements are combinations of these two
motions. Consider two surfaces, male and female, that are in· direct contact
(Figure 4.8). The bodies are moving relative to the 0-XY system. At the point
of contact, point Pm is fixed in the male surface and P, is fixed in the female
surface. The velocities of points Pm and P, along the common normal to the

Matenal proteg do por derechos d autor

238 Kinematics of Human Motion

b s
h s

Figure 4.7 Loose-packed (left panel) and close-packed positions of the

glenohumeral joi.nt. h, humerus; s, scapula.
From MacConaill, M.A. & Bas1najian, J.V. ( 1969). Muse/es and 111oven1e11ts. A basisfor
human ki11esiology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilk.ins .

Table 4.3 Close-Packed and Least-Packed Positions of Sorne Joints

Joint Close-packed Least-packed

Shoulder Abduction + Semi-abduction

extern a! rotation

Ulnobumeral Extension Semiflexion

Radiohumeral Semiflexion+semipronatioa Extension+supiaation

Wrist Dorsiflexion Semiflexion

First carpometacarpal Fu U opposition Neutral position of thumb

Metacarpophalangcal (2-5) Full flexion Semiflexion+ulnar deviation

lnterphalangeal Extension Semiflexioo

Hip Extension+medial rotation Semiflexion

Knee Full extens ion Se1niflexion

Ankle Dorsiflexion Neutral pos itio n

Tarsal joints Supination Se1nipronation

All toe joints Dorsiflexion Not given

Ve11ebral joints Dorsiflexion Not given

FromAdams, L.M. ( 1993). The anatomy of joints related 10 function. In V. Wright & E.R. Ladin
(Eds.), Mechanics of Human Joinrs (pp. 27-82) New York: Marcel Dekker, lnc.

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Join1 Geometry and Joint Kinenratics 239

surfaces at the point of contact, V~ and V~ are equaJ; otberwise the surfaces
move out of contact or dig in to each other. Because V~= V~ the relati ve veloc-
ity vector of Pm and P,, V mr lies in the tangent plane to the surfaces at the point
of contact. The differeoce between the tangential cornponents is the skidding

V1nf = V'm - V'f = Vm - Vr (4.3)

where V~ and V~ are tangen ti al components of the velocity of points P'" and Pr,
respectively, and Vm and Vr are the resultant velocities of these points. For
pure rolling, V mr= Obut V m:t. Oand V,:t-O; for pure skidding, either V mor V, is
equal to O.
Rolling is the rotation of abone around an axis located on tbe articular sur-
face. During rolling, the instan! center of rotation between tbe two bodies lies
on their point of contact and the skidding velocity equals zero. The movement
is similar to that seen when a wheel ro lis over a road surface. lf the conarticuJar
surfaces were nondeformable, the center of rotation would be a shared point of
the two surfaces. The rolling is a combined motion, both translation and rota-
tion (Figure 4.9).
For ro!Hng to occur the conarticular surfaces must be noncongruent. During
rolling, the point of the common contact between articulating surfaces is not
constan!. When tbe joint angle changes, different points of both the male and
female surface come near each other. In a joint, this prevents continuous stress
on the same area of the articular cartilage. During rolling there are always

Vft 1

o X
Figure 4.8 Surface-on-surface motioo. Points Pmand Pr-not shown in the
figure-are in contact with each otber. V.. and Vr are the instant velocities of the
points and V,~, and v; are their normal components, V~= v;. Tangential veloci-
ties of the points are V~ and V~ Ali the velocities are in the absolute reference
frame. The relative velocity Vmr =V~ - V~ is skidding velocity.

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240 Kin.ematics of H1111u111 Mo1io11

Velocity Velocity Velocity

due to translation due to rotation during rolling

Figure 4.9 RoUing as a sum of the translation and rotation. The translational
and rotational velocities of each point on the rim are summed. As a result, ( 1)
tbe point of the common contact, C, has zero velocity (because tbe linear
velocity of the point due to translation is equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to the velocity of this point due to translation); (2) the velocity of any
point on the rim is perpendicular to a line joining tbat point with point e (dotted
lines); and (3) the magnitude of the velocity of the point is proportional to its
distance from point C. Hence, point C is the instantaneous center of rotation
during rolling.

regions on botb articular cartilages that are relieved of stress. Attrition of ar-
ticular cartilages is often observed in the regions that are in close contact at the
close-packed position. At joint position, congruency of the conarticular
surfaces is high and rolling does not occur. Rolling, as a mechanism of sur-
face-on-surface movement, is also deemed to be important for joint lubrica-
tion. Rolling surfaces continually approach each other at the bead end and
move away from eacb other at the rear end. This motion belps squeeze the
synovial fluid from the porous articular cartilage and create a lubricant film
berween the conarticular surfaces.
Skidding is a surface-on-surface movement in wbich the same region of an
articular surface is in continuous contact with clifferent regions of another sur-
face. During skidding, the instant center of rotation does not Lie on tbe contact
point and the skidding velocity is not zero, Vmr "#O. A relative velocity exists
between the two contact surfaces. Because during skidding one sector of an
articular surface is in consistent contact with another surface, it is expected
that the erosion of tbis area is greater than the attrition of those areas of the
articular surface that do not slide. To visualize skidding, imagine two situations:
A. A car with locked brakes is gliding on ice. The tire does not rotate. The
same point ofthe tire (male surface) is in constant contact with various
areas of tbe road. This type of motion is called sliding. If the surface of
the road is flat, the wheel and tire move1nents are rectilinear translation.

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Joi11r Geomerry anti Joi111 Ki11emarics 243 Slip Ratio

A joint surface-on-surface movement is, as a rule, a roll-and-slide move1nent.
When a mate surface rolls, it simultaneously slides in the opposite direction.
For example, during arm abduction, the humeral head rolls upward and glides
downward. ln various joints, these movements are found together in different
proportions. To characterize the contribution of rolling and gliding to joint
motion, tbe slip ratio is used. To measure the slip ratio, any two contact points
on the conarticular surfaces of a joint in a reference position are selected. After
joint rotation, a new pair of contact points is chosen. Then, the distances be-
tween the initial and final points d111 and dr are measured along the articular
surfaces. Their ratio, d111:dr is the slip ratio (Figure 4. 12, left panel).

Concave (Medial)~

b 3
a ""e
2 Convex (Lateral)

Flexlon an9le (degree1)

Figure 4.12 Calculating the slip ratio (left panel) and measured values of the
slip ratio for the knee joint. On the left panel, point a is the point of initial
contact for the male and female surface. Point b is the point on the female
surface at which the contact occurs after the rolling and sliding, b - a= dr Point
e is the point of the contact at the 1nale surface after the joint motion, e - a= dm.
Slip ratio = d111:d,. On the right panel, the slip ratio is plotted versus anatomic
knee angle for concave, flat , and convex tibia] plateaus.
Fron1 O'Conno r, J.J. & Zavat5k-y, A. ( I 990). Kinemati cs and mechanics of the cruciate
ligaments of the knee. In V.C. Mow, A. Ratcliffe, & S. L.-Y. Woo (Eds.), Bioniechanics of
diar1hroidaljoi111s ( Vol. 2, pp. 197-241). New York: Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by

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Joi111 Geometry a11d Joi111 Kinematics 245

cause joint instability at sorne joint angles. Hence the best solution is ro
fix the torn ligament to its original place, i.e., exact isornetric replace-


axis of the fcmur shaft


e o

o so 100 ISO o so 100 ISO

Flcxjon (o) _ physiologie Flexion 1°1
_ ph)'11ologie
_ disloeation in dirco;tion [IJ _ dislocation in direction CD

Figure 4.13 Geometry of ACL reconstruction (upper panels) and the slip
ratio at various knee joint angles (bottorn panels). Panel A shows the lateral
femur condyle. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; PCL, posterior cruciate
ligament. On panel B, the proximal attachment point of the ACL and eight
directions of dislocation (O- 7) are shown. r, radius. The bottom panels
show dislocation for directions 2 (panel C) and 6 (panel D). The original
(physiologic) slip ratio compared with the slip ratio after a surgery.
From Thoma, W., Jliger, A., & Schrieber, S. ( 1994). Kinematic analysis of the knee
joinr with regard to the load Lransfer on the canilage. In Y. Hirasawa, C.B. Sledge,
& S.L.-Y. Woo (Eds.), Clinica/ Bion1echa11ics and Related Research (pp. 96-102).
Tokyo: Springer-Verlag. Adapted by permission. Spin
Rolling and skidding are patterns of planar surface-on-surface motion. In a
three-dimensional case, the third type of joint motion, spin, can also take place.
The spin is the rotation of joint surfaces around an axis perpendicular to the

Material proteg do por derecho~ d autor

246 Ki11ematics of Huma11 Mo1io11

surfaces at the point of contact. During spin, one point at the joint surface does
not move and aJJ of the others slide along circular paths. The examples of spin
are externa] and interna! rotation. Flexion and extension in the hip and shoul-
der (glenohumeral) joints are also spins (Figure 4.14). Any movement other
than spin is called a swing. A swing without an accompanying spin is apure

4.1.3 Geometry and Algebra of Intra-articular Motion

Representative paper: MacConaill, 1966.
Geometric figures, such as triangles, rectangles, and circles, can be drawn ei-
ther on a flat surface or on a curved one, for instance, on the earth surface. The
geometry of curved surfaces differs from planar geometry studied in high school

Axes of rotation


Figure 4.14 Flexion and extension in the shoulder and hip joints as spins. Joint
rotation is performed around the axes that are perpendicular to the surface of
Adapted from MacConaill , M.A. & Basmajian, J.V. ( 1969). Muse/es a11d nwve111.e11rs. A
basis for hu1nan kinesiology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

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Joi111 Geometry and J oi111 Kinematics 247

classes. For exan1ple, one of the main concepts of the planar geometry is the
notion of a straighr line, which is drawn along the shortest distance between
two points. On a curved surface, a straighr line does not exist, any une is curved.
Such curved surfaces are studied in spherical geometry. ln this area of geom-
etry, the shortest path between two points, for example, between New York
and Tokyo, is nota straighr line but a geodesic one. Likewise, tbe sum of three
interior angles of a triangle is not equal to 180º . The properties of geometric
figures depend not only on the figures themselves but also on the curvature of
the surface. For instance, the difference between the sum of the inten1al angles
of a triangle (S) and 'IT, r = S - 'IT, is positive for any ovoid surface, negative
for a saddle surface, and zero for a tlat surface. This difference is called a
residual. The value of the residual on an ovoid or saddle surface depends on
tbe area of the triangle: the greater the area the greater the residual.
Joint surfaces are generally not flat. Therefore, they can be studied invoking
the ideas developed in nonlinear (i.e., sphe1ical) geometry. This direction of
research is called the geometry and algebra of articular kinematics. Because
this is a special area of joint bio111echanics, it is not the goal of this chapter to
cover this field entirely. Only a brief account of the main ideas of the geometry
and algebra of articular kinematics is given in the ensuing paragraphs. The
propositions are given without rigorous proofs. Main Notions of the Geometry and Algebra of Articular

A line between any two points on a surface is called an are. The shortest are is
a chord (a more general term geodesic is also acceptable). There is only one
chord that connects the two points. When three points that are not on the same
chord are connected by lines, the three-sided figure is called a triangle if ali
the sides are chords, and it is calJed a trigone if at least one side is nota chord.
Similarly, a m.ultiangle figure is a closed n-sided figure of which ali the sides
are chords; a polygone is a closed figure of which ar least one side is not a
Relative moven1ent of articular surfaces is described by the motion of an
imaginary infinitesin1al rod perpendicular to the surface. The rod can either
spin, or slide, or both. A spin of angle a is written as Eª. The expression mEª m
meaos a spin Eª at a point m. Using the equal sign to mean "is equivalen! to"
and the Ietter I to mean "no motion," we can write the following expressions (n
is an integer):

Eª + Ep = Eo.+P
Eº= 1 (4.4)
E2rrn =Eº= 1

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248 Kinemarics of Hu111011 Mor ion

A slide along a patb A from point m to point n is written as mAn. The reverse
slide along the same patb is nA- 1m. Two consecutive slides from m ton and
then from n to p are represented as a product.

mAn · nBp =mABp (4.5)

Tbe symbol AB means "A followed by B." A round motion from m ton and
then back to mis mAn · nA- 1m = mlm.
A spin anda slide are commutative:

mAn · nEªn = mE"m · mAn = mE"An (4.6)

The final result of the spin and tbe slide would be the same wbether these
two motions occur simultaneously or in any sequence. In general, spin vectors
commute with both spin and slide vectors. Slide vectors do not commute with
each other. Basic Theorem of Kinematics of Articular Surfaces

Any two consecutive slides- first [rom point m to point n and then from n to
p-are equivalent to a single slide from m to p together with the spin. The
magnitude and tbe sense of the spin are tbat of the residual of the trigone formed
by the two consecutive slides, m~n and n~p, and the single slide, 1n~p.
To prove the theorem, consider a closed trigone of sliding motion (Figure
4.15). The theorem can be proved by inspection. Imagine an arrow beginning
at point m and directed along (tangent to) A. Move tbe arrow ton while keep-
ing it tangent to A. At n, spin it to B over the angle ('TT - -y). Slide the arrow
along B in such a way that it is tangent to B ali the time. At p, rotate the arrow
through the angle ('TT - a), making the arrow along c- 1• Ultimately, move the
arrow along c- 1 to the starting point m and rotate it over the angle ('TT - ¡3).
The arrow is now in its starting position. The described three-stage motion is
specified by the following equation:


Replace (a + ¡3 +-y) by S and recall that E3" =E" and we have


Tbe theorem is proved. The basic theorem of articular kinematics explains

such phenomena of joint angular motion as induced twist (see Section 2.1.4)
and Codman's paradox (see Section 2.1.2 and in terms of intrajoint
surface-on-surface movement.

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Joi111 Geomerry and Joi11r Kinemarics 249

7t-~ a p


Figure 4.15 A trigone formed by two consecutive slides, A and B, and one
single slide, c- 1• Slide A is from point m to point n, and slide Bis from n to p.
Slide e is directly from nl top (slide c-1 is from p LO m). lntemal angles
opposite A, B, and Carea, 13, and 'Y· The basic theorem states that AB =CE',
where r is the residual of the trigone, r = (a + 13 + 'Y) - '1T.

Explaining Codman 's Paradox in Terms of

Intra-Articular Motion. Ergonomic Cycles
Source: MacConaill, M.A., & Basmajian, J.V. ( 1969). Museles and move-
tnents. A basisfor hunzan kinesiology (pp. 36-51 ). Baltin1ore: Williams &
Wilkins Company, Chapter 4.
A sequence of shoulder joint motions for~vard flexion~horizontal
extension~adduction brings the arm to a laterally rotated position. The
humerus has turned around its long axis, even though none of tbe con-
secutive movements by themselves in volve axial rotation (Codman's para-
dox). This phenomenon is easy to explain using the basic theorem ofjoint
kinematics. All of the three involved movements are at right angles to
each other. Hence, the sum of the interna! angles is S = 270° and that of
the residual is r = 90º . Therefore, according to the basic theorem, the spin
is also 90°. The sense of the spin, clockwise or counterclockwise, is the
saroe as the sense of the movement sequence. As viewed by the subject, it
is clockwise for the right limb and counterclockwise for tbe Jeft lirnb.


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250 Ki11ematics of H11111a11 Motio11

Because the arm does not return to its original position after the described
shoulder swing cycle, the cycle cannot be perfonned more than twice.
Cycles of joint moven1ent that bring the limb back to its starting position
are called ergononzic cycles. The ergonomic cycles allow repetitive series
of the same joint movements. For example, the sequence of the thurnb
movements in the first carpometacarpal joint is (a) extension, deviation in
the plane of the palm; (b) abduction, and (e) reposition. This series con-
stitutes the ergonomic cycle; it brings the thurnb into its starting position.

4.1.4 Ligaments and Joint Motion:

A Joint as a Mechanical Linkage
Representative paper: O'Connor & Zavatsky, 1990.
Joint motion is restricted not only by the geometry and confonnity of the ar-
ticular bones, but also by the soft tissues, especiaUy the ligaments. lf the liga-
n1ents were inelastic, they would impose one-sided constraints on joint rno-
tion; i.e., during motion the length of a ligament could not exceed its resting
length. Fortunately, real ligaments elongate under the acting force. However,
this elongation is disregarded in what foJJows.
With inelastic ligaments and incompressible articular surfaces that are not
completely congruent, the joint surfaces touch each other only ata point. They
are not separate nor do they interpenetrate during the joint motion. The joint
can be considered a mechanical linkage with the bones and the ligaments as
the links. ln this spirit, the k:nee joint can be regarded a four-bar linkage (Fig-
ure 4.16). The links are the femoral and tibiaJ articular surfaces and the ante-
rior and posterior cruciate ligamenes. This approach was described by Züppinger
in 1904.
The four-link planar linkage ABCD allows knee joint flexion and extension.
During joint angular motion. the geometry of the linkage changes. The liga-
ments rotate and change their orientation. Their leogth, however, is kept con-
stant. The movement, constrained by both the conarticular surfaces and the
cruciate ligarnents, possesses several specific features. In particular, the in-
stantaneous center of rotation is at the intersection of the neutral fibers of the
cruciate Ugaments, at the point l. During flexion and extension, the center
moves with regard to each bone as well as with regard to the Ligaments (Figure
4. 17).
Such a complex movement results in concurrent roLUng aod slidiog of the
conarticular surfaces relative to each other with various slip ratios. The slip

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252 Kinematics of Human Motion

..·.. -----.. ·r
•• • #

.;B c.
..---.. ...."e:
•.. ...•·.
.•..•...• ..•.. .....'e
\ ...
¡ ... ..-- ...

A. • •• A
X¡ 0


(O) (b) (e 1

Figure 4.17 Aplanar model of lhe knee joint. At the various joint angles lhe
four-link linkage ABCD changes it.s configuration, but the perpendicular to the
surfaces at the contact points x1,x2, x3 passes lhrough lhe instant center of the
cruciate linkage. which coincides with the center of joint rotalion.
From O'Coanor, J.J. & Zavatsky, A. ( 1990). Kinematics and mechanics of the cruciate
ligaments of the knee. In V.C. Mow, A. Ratcliffe, & S. L.-Y. Woo (Eds.), Bion1echa11ics of
diarthroidal joinrs (Vol. 2. pp. 197-241 ). New York: Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by

applications, such as joint replacement. Even relatively small errors in locat-

ing a joint center or axis 1nay result in large inaccuracies when muscle rno111ent
anns and muscle moments need to be determined. For instance, a 2 cm supe-
rior displacement of the hip joint center decreases the force generated by the
hip abductors by 44o/o and the muscle mo1nent by 49o/o (Delp, Maloney, 1993).
Historically, research in joint kinematics has been progressing from simple
models to complex. Anatomists and biomechanists of the 19th century postu-
lated that the human joints ha ve fixed axes of rotation that are perpendicular to
each other. Biomechanical analysis of joint motion was limited to the planar
case. ln experiments, however, the researchers were not able to document the
existence of the fixed axes. Even for a single human joint wide variations were
reported. At the beginning of the 20th century, more complex approaches ha ve
been developed. The concept of instantaneous centers of rotation (ICR) has
been taken up. The instantaneous centers are not fixed, rather tbey are specific
to a given instant of motion. Still, research has been limited to planar move-

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254 Kinenzatics of H11111a11 A1otion

of motion (a piercing point). In the planar case, the axis of rotation always
remains perpendicular to lhe plane of motion. Planes of many synovial joints
do not coincide exactly with the reference planes, i.e., the anatomic planes.
The observed n1otion is then seen as lhree-dimensional and can be resolved
into its components in the lhree reference planes. When joint motion is as-
sumed to be planar without validation and, in reality, lhe orientation of the
helical axis changes, the joint motion deviates fro1n aplane. Using planar models
can result in large inaccuracies in this case.
Because any planar motion at each instant of time can be viewed as rotation
around an instantaneous center (see Section, an entire rolling-and-
sliding motion in ajoint can be viewed as a rotation around a center that changes
its position. The joint movement can then be likened to a sequence of rotations
around an instantaneous center that is itself moving along a certain pathway
(centrode). Hence, the joint motion is completely determined by the ICR tra-
jectory (centrode) and angles of rotation throughout the range of motion. We
begin, bowever, witb a more simple case, assuming that a joint center can be
regarded as fixed. Locating a Fixed Center of Rotation

Representative paper: Lewis & Lew, 1978.
When minute details of joint motion are not important, articular motion is
usually considered rotation about a fixed center as if the motion were occur-
ring about a single axis. A similar approach is used in clinical settings, where
hinged joint prostheses and orthoses are often employed. They replace com-
plex articular motion by si1uple rotation. To adjust a prosthesis or orlhosis to a
patient, the axis of rotation should be located. This task is not si1nple, even if
tbe given joint motion is in fact pure rotation. It is analogous to finding the
center of a circle of which only a part is known.
Roughly, the center of a joint can be located by visually inspecting the joint
and following recommendations from lhe literature (suggestions regarding in-
dividual joints will be given in Section 5.1). A 1nore sophisticated technique is
to locate a fixed axis using an optimization procedure. Recall (see Chapter 1)
that any real joint motion can be parameterized by either a 3 X 3 rotation
matrix [R] anda displacement vector P, or by a 4 X 4 homogeneous transfor-
mation matrix [T]. If joint motion is considered pure rotation, angular joint
motion is described by a 3 X 3 rotation matrix [R,], where subscript f refers to
a given fixed axis of rotation. The idea of this method is to find an axis f to
replica.te the anatomic motion prescribed by [T] as exactly as possible. To do
that, severa! markers on a body segment are selected and, after applying trans-
fonuations [T] and [R,], tbe positions of the markers are compared. Axis f is

Material proteg do por derechos d autor

Jnint Geometry and Joint Ki11e111a1ics 257

• .o
?---7"'t--;;.'.: ·lO
OJJ Ax, cm

Figure 4.19 The magnitude of the hip contact force as a function of the
femoral head shifts in the mediolateral (6.z) and superioanterior directions
(6.x). The force is in body weights. Positive direction for 6.z is medial and
positive direction for 6.x is inferior.
From Lebar, A.M ., lglic, A., Antolic, V., Damjanic, F.B., Herman, S., Srdkar, F., &
Brajnik, D. Dependence of the hip forces and ste nlfcement interface stress distribu·
tion on the position of the hip joint rotation ce ntre. In XVth Congress of the
lnternatio11al Society of Bio111echa11ics. Book of Abstracts (pp. 534-535). Juvaskyla,
Finland, July 2-6, 1995. Reprinted by pennission.

selected in such a way that the su1n of the squared distances between the real
positions of the markers (given by the transformation [T]) and the positions
estimated from [Rrl is minitnized.
For joints with a complex movement pattern, the fixed axis approach is use-
ful for describing dispJacement berween discrete angular positions. It does not,
however, convey any detail of the movement during a motion. Instant Rotation in Joints

The complex pattern of the joint 1novement is mostly the consequence of the
complexity of the joint articular surfaces. Two factors contribute to this com-
plexity: the shape of the joint surfaces and their congruity. lf the mating joint
surfaces were congruous cylinders, their geometric centers would coincide and
the joint axis of rotation would coincide with the geometric centers and would

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Joi111 Geo111e1ry and Joinr Ki11e111arics 259

to ICR the mandible only rotates, or changes its orientation, and with regard to
ali other points it changes both orientation and location, or tbe distance to the
point. Hence, none of the anatomic points can be picked as the ICR.
Joint movement at any instant can be thought of as the 1nale bone rotation
about the center of curvature of tbe femaJe surface plus the bone rotation about
its own center of curvature (see Figure 4.1 0). When the geometric centers co-
incide, the center of rotation is fixed, the joint motion is pure rotation, and the
surface-on-surface motion is pure Consider what happens when the
geometric centers of the male and female surfaces, both circular, are different
(Figure 4.21 ). In such a joint, the rotation is performed with regard toan ICR.
To find the location of the ICR, think about the joint motion as a combined
rotation around the female surface cerller plus rotation around the 1nale surface
center. This n1otion is equivalent to the motion of a two-link chain with the
first joint in the geometric center of the female surface. If angular velocity
around the female surface center is ér and velocity with regard to the male
surface center is é , then rotational velocity of the mal e bone with regard to the
, In , , ,

female bone is 0, =0r +0m, where0c is tbe angular velocity of the male bone in
its rotation around the ICR. According to Kennedy's theorem, tbe ICR líes on
the Line of centers. Its location with regard to the female joint center is given
by equation 3.27, where radius-vector A detem1ines the location of the male
surface center. Tbe position of the ICR depends on the ratio of the two angular
velocities. When the ratio Ór: émis negative, the ICR is on the extension of the
line connecting the geometric centers of the male and female surfaces. When


Rotation around
the male .center

Rotation around
the female center

Figure 4.21 Joint rotation as a compound rotation around the 111ale (M) and
female (F) centers. The difference between the curvature of the surfaces is
greatly exaggerated. ln this example, the male and female rotation are of the
same direction, couoterclockwise. This motion is kinematically equivalen! to the
motion of a two-link chain. Hence, equation 3.27 can be applied.

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262 Kinematics of H11nian Motion

The tangent method The Reuleaux method

Figure 4.23 The tangent method and the Reuleaux method of locating an
instantaneous center of rotation.

the tangent m.ethod, is by itself absolutely correct, but it can almost never be
applied in practice because the instantaneous velocity is usually not known.
In the tangen! method, an instantaneous position and tbe velocity of two
points, A and B, must be known. In contras!, in the Reuleaux method, two
consecutive positions of two points, A 1--?A1 and B1--?B2, must be known. In
both methods, tbe point of intersection of two perpendiculars represents a cen-
ter of rotation.
The Reuleaux method is a classic method of planar kinematics developed in
the l 9th century. The method is based on a simple idea: a line connecting two
consecutive positions of a point, P 1 and P2, approximates the direction of ve-
locity between sequential positions P1 andP2" Hence, the perpendicular erected
from the midpoint of the line P, ~P2 approximates the radius. Ln the Reuleaux
method, two points on the moving seg1nent are tracked and two perpendicu-
lars from the midpoints are erected. The point of intersection of the perpen-
diculars represents the location of the mean center of rotation during tbis time.
As a result, the continuous motion is replaced by the discrete coordinates of a
point(s). Unfortunately, the Reuleaux method, as well as other methods of pla-
nar joint kinematics, is very susceptible to n1easurement errors (Figure 4.24).
One of these errors is due to a possible misalignment of the plane of 1nove-
ment and the plane of a registering device (e.g., tbe TV camera, X-ray plate).
When joint motion is a pure rotation, trajectories of individual markers fixed
to the rotating body segment are concentric circles. The projections of the circles
on a parallel plane are also circular. Normals of these circles intersect at one
point, the center of rotation. [f the in1age plane is not perfectly parallel to the

Matar al proteg do por der0 chos de autor

Joi111 Geometry and Joinr Ki11e111arics 263

Figure 4.24 lnstant center path\vay as found by the Reuleaux method. lnstead
of an expected continuous centrode, a collection of dispersed points was
detected. Similar erratic shifts in axial pos ition have been reported by n1any
other researchers.
Re printed fro1n Jo11r11al of Bio111echanics. 12. Soudan. K., Auderkercke, R. V., & Mart.ens,
M., Methods, difficulties and inaccurac ies in the study of human joint 111echanics and
pathomechanics by the instant axis concept, exa1nple: The knee joint. 27-33. 1979, with
kind pern1ission fro1n Elsevier Scie nce Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington

plane of motion, a deforn1ed view of the 1notion is registe red on the film plane.
lnstead of circles, ellipses are seen. Nonnals of the ellipses do not intersect at
o ne center. The researcher, not being aware of the planar misalignment, is
prone to explain the movement aJong elljptical paths as a combination of rota-
tion (whjch is correct) and trans lation of the centrode (which is not correct in
this case). To avoid this rrusrake, the in1age plane must be put perfectly parallel
to the tnotion plane. T his is not si1nple, especially when only small parts of the
circles or ellipses are registered. Tioy deviations are bard to visualize and can
be recorded and corrected exclusively with three-dimensional 1neasurement

Ma1er al proteg do por derect os dEJ uUtor

264 Ki11emarics of Human Motio11 Finite aod Instantaneous Centrodes

Representative papers: Woltring et al., 1985; Woltring, 1990.
The Reuleaux method is based on a díscrete, stepwise estimation of the center
of rotation. Although hístorically the method was designed for locating an in-
stantaneous center of rotation, it in fact provides an estimation of a finite cen-
ter position ratber than an instantaneous one.
Consider a finíte displacement of two points ancbored to a body, A and 8
(Figure 4.25). The inítial and final coordinates of point A are (X.1, Y 1) and ()(,,Y2),
and the initial and final coordinates of point B are (X3, Y3) and (X4,Y4). Vectors
A and B are given as A = (X.1 - X 1,Y2 - Y 1) and B = (X 4 - X 3,Y 4 - Y.).
Coordinates of their median poi.nts are

X '= X1 + X 2 . Y'= Y1+ Y2

2 ' 2
X " = X 3+ X 4 . Y " = Y3+ y4 (4.9)
2 ' 2

Equations of the lines that are normaJ to tbe vectors and pass through the
median points are

(X - X ')(X 2 - X 1) + ( Y - Y ')(Y2 -Y1) =0

(4. 10)
(X - X ")(X 4 - X 3) +(Y - Y ")(Y4 - Y3) = O


X 1' y 1

Figure 4.25 Finding a finite center of rotation with the Reuleaux method.

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Kinematics of /11divid11al Joi111s 369

and (b) the humerus as a moving )jnk with the scapula and clavicle as a frame.
Both mechanisms are spatial, with the fust mechanism being closed and the
second open. In the Literature, moven1ent of a shoulder bone is defmed with
regard to (1) the adjacent proximal segment; (2) the trunk; (3) the stemum, a
longitudinal axis ofthe sternum is inclined to the vertical axis ofthe trunk; and
(4) the virtual reference position. The humeral position is aptly described by
(a) aplane of elevation, (b) an elevation angle, and (e) an axial rotation.
In the glenohumeral joint, mating joint surfaces have radii within a 3 mm
difference. Depending on the required accuracy the joint can be either mod-
eled as a ball-and-socketjoint-in this case the difference in the radii is disre-
garded-or represented as a joint with a con1plex pattern of movement. In the
latter case, the joint movernent is considered a combined rnolion comprising
two elementary rotations in opposite directions: around the glenoidal center
and around the humeral head center. As a result, the humeral head rotales around
the ICR. In the joint, two types of abduction are discerned, frontal plane ab-
duction and scapular plane abduction. The scapular plane is defined as the
plane of the scapula in the resting position.
The rnotion of the scapula over the thorax is not planar and because of that
an isolated rotation or translation around or along an individual axis cannot be
performed. For that reason, the classic anatomic angles cannot be determined
and Euler's angles should be used to define the scapular orientation. Because
the scapula has no definite resting orientation, its attitude is defined with re-
gard to tbe virtual reference position. The sternoclavicular joint is a ball-and-
socket joint with three DOF. The clavicle operates as a bony strut with two
articulations at the ends.
The shoulder complex as a whole provides seven DOF for the arm move-
ment, four at the shoulder girdle and three at the glenohumeral joint. Wben
the movement of the humerus relative to the axial skeleton is the object of
interest, the humeros is an end link of the following kinernatic chain: trunk
(ste rn u rn)~ s ternocl a v icu 1ar joi nt ~c 1a v ic l e~acrom i oc la vi cu lar
joint~scapula~glenohumeral joint~humerus. To describe the shoulder con-
figuration with regard to the stemum system, nine Euler's angles, three for
each bone system, are necessary. The collective rnovement of the humerus,
scapula, and clavicle during arm elevation is called the scapulohumeral rhythm,
or the shoulder rhythm. In its entirety, the ratio of glenohumeral to scapular
rotation is approximately 2: 1. Because of the displacement of the shoulder
girdle during arm movements, the TCR for the shoulder complex differs greatly
from tbe lCR for the shoulder joint.
The elbow joint complex allows two DOF, flexion-extension and pronation-
supination. Flexion-extension is nearly pure rotation. When the elbow joint is
fully extended and supinated, the long axis of the upper arm and that of the
forearm forma carrying angle. The carrying angle for arn1 positions other than

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Ki11e111a1ics of /11divid11al Joints 371

l O. Describe the movement of the patella during knee tlexion.

11. How can location of tbe hip joint center of rotation be estimated?
12. Discuss the difference between the movement in synarthroses and diar-
13. Describe the movement of the spinal motion segments. Compare dif-
ferent regions of the spine.
14. What is the lumbar-pelvic rhythrn?
15. Estímate the pelvic inclination for a person standing with the knees
flexed 90° and the trunk inclined 30° (use Figure 5.33).
16. Using the dual-joint model find the location of the instant center of
rotation of the head \Vith regard to the trunk. The angular velocity of the
head with regard to the neck is 10 rad/sec; the angular velocity of the
neck with regard to the trunk is 5 rad/sec; the lengtb of the neck is l.
17. Define the virtual reference positions for the bones of the shoulder com-
plex. Why are the virtual positions introduced?
18. You are planning to describe a position of the humerus with regard to
the trunk as a function of the shoulder bones' positions. How many
transformation matrices should you use? Describe these matrices. ln
total, how many direction cosines sbould be known to solve the prob-
19. Discuss the kinematics of the glenohumeral joint. Assume that a high
accuracy is required and the joint cannot be considered a ball-and-socket
20. Define the scapular plane abduction.
21. Discuss scapular motion.
22. Narne the sequence of the Euler's angles recommended for the defin-
ing of the humeral position with regard to the trunk.
23. Discuss the s houlder rhythm. When the arm is abducted 170°, what is
(approximately) the magnitude of the scapular rotation?
24. Define the carrying angle and the varus angle for an arbitrary position
of the elbow j oint.
25. How are the axes of rotation of the wrist joint located?
26. Discuss kinematics of the carpometacarpal joint.
27. Using the data from Figure 5.57 and Table 5.8 find the location of the
finger joint centers.
28. Discuss kinematics of the temporomandibular joint.

Material proteg do por derechos d autor

Kinematics of Individual Joi111s 373

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