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Rigoberto D.

Tiglao, an award-winning journalist, exposed foreign' dominance over our

telecommunications industry. Tiglao dives deeper into why the Philippines has been trapped in an
economic and political crisis since the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution – and how the "Yellow"
oligarchs' propaganda has been eroding democratic institutions and undermining nationalism. Tiglao
refutes the misconceptions and fallacies produced by the governing elite to maintain their power to use
factual evidence and research. He courageously exposes secret truths concerning EDSA, the Aquino-
Cojuangco family, the Communists, and Democratic organizations' participation in provoking the
implementation of Martial Law. The discoveries abound in this book, which is destined to become a new
generation's must-read masterpiece.

In the book there is article about how we owe President Marcos about Spratly Islands. The
Spratly Islands Dispute Could Get Messy because of one vessel and lost 120 soldiers in a naval conflict
between China and Vietnam in the disputed island region. A year later, Chinese ships sunk three
Vietnamese warships on Fiery Cross Reef, killing 74 men. Naturally, the United States observed.
President Aquino's three spokespersons need to follow Senate President Enrile's advice: "Don't agitate
China."  "It's all an act, but when the going gets tough, they will be the first to go. These subalterns
chatty." Enrile seethed. Enrile was one of the main stakeholders at the start of this geopolitical crisis.
There is a little irony, given that Aquino is melodramatically swearing to preserve a region that was
acquired primarily through his family's arch-enemy: former president Ferdinand Marcos. Without
Marcos and his martial rule, we wouldn't be engaged in the Spratly Islands problem. Tomas Cloma, a
fearless fishing company owner, opens the narrative. Because of his hunt for rich fishing grounds and his
venturesome mentality, Cloma sailed to the Spratly Islands in 1956, with his crew of 40 men landing on
the largest island. Cloma issued a "Proclamation the Whole World," proclaiming the formation of a new
state he termed "The Free Territory of Freedomland," which consisted of most of the islands in the
group—affirming "but yet clearly having difficulty maintaining control of the region. Martial law
significantly altered everything—a concession contract "Assignment and waiver of rights to the Marcos
administration for one peso. Cloma's discovery of the islands paved the way for the 1978 annexation of
the islands, which was legally enacted in Presidential Decree No. 1596. he knows his international law,
especially that section.

Occupation is ownership in effect. Shortly after receiving Cloma's "assignment deed," the Armed
Forces of the Philippines immediately and discreetly turned the island into a fortress and dubbed it "Pag-
Asa Island. Even had it inhabited by 200 folks, It is likely to be the final time our country adds land
beyond what the Spanish left to the US in 1898. Without Marcos, we would not have any island, atoll, or
reef in the Spratlys.

After the incident with Marcos, the Chinese made drastic and influential decisions. Part in
attempting to re-incorporate Sabah into the Philippines "war in the Spratlys. China and Vietnam insist
that the Spratlys had been theirs even before the Philippines became independent. According to ancient
Han Dynasty sources, Chinese sailors and fisherman sought sanctuary in storms on the coast of today's
southern China when the Yellow Sea was in turmoil. Vietnam asserts that the disputed islands belonged
to the 17th century Nguyen Dynasty's country. Even after a huge argument, Might is Right, and
Occupation is Ownership, "the ideas have been in place in the Spratly Islands for centuries. Recent
Vietnamese efforts to reclaim the Paracel Islands, an archipelago off Vietnam's southern coast, were
met with force. While under martial law, the occupation of Pag-Asa could only have occurred due to the
Marines being there. When they say we won because It was distracting and vulnerable, the Chinese hate
us because of this. "The Cultural Revolution lasted until 1976. We were going to wait while China built
up its military facilities on the disputed islands of Mischief Reef in the Spratlys as China was rising again
in the 1990s. Step we've taken thus far "An Aquino administration brave gesture. It's nothing like a video
game that Aquino likes to play in which he may go for a cigarette after a "game" that ends in defeat.

Even if tensions between China and the Philippines and Vietnam have cooled somewhat, China
recently conducted a series of naval exercises and maneuvers in the South China Sea. Meanwhile, China
continues to develop military and industrial outposts in contested waters. The US has also increased its
military activities and naval presence in the region, including two FONOPs in January and March 2018.
During his November 2017 trip to Southeast Asia, President Trump delivered a speech where he called
for open and unfettered access to the South China Sea. Since May 2017, the US has conducted six
FONOPs in the area.

China says that international law doesn't allow foreign forces to undertake intelligence-
gathering activities, such as reconnaissance aircraft, in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Under
UNCLOS, claimant nations enjoy the freedom of navigation in EEZs of the sea and are not compelled to
inform claimants of military activity. Recent satellite photography has shown that China is more actively
reclaiming territory in the South China Sea by adding or building new islands. Also, China has built ports,
military stations, and airstrips, notably in the Paracel and Spratly Islands, where it has twenty and seven
outposts, respectively. China

Tiglao's book will enlighten every Filipino on how they've been tricked into believing the Yellow
oligarchy's "Good against Evil" storyline. The reader will understand how we are doing and why Rodrigo
Duterte's revolutionary administration is the best chance for proper national growth in the Philippines.

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