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Solomon Glynn Glynn1

Mrs. Ruthann Richardson

Nutrition 251

21 September 2022

Diabetes Prevention Reflection

Do you want to prevent yourself from getting Type 2 Diabetes? Well, if so,
you came to the right place. I will inform you of the dos, and dont’s of your diet. Overall,
diabetes sneaks up on you through your unhealthy eating habits, not enough exercise,
family history, and many other ways. One crazy fact by the National Diabetes Prevention
Program is that “ 96 million American adults have prediabetes, and more than 8 in 10 adults
with prediabetes don’t know they have it.” This is a staggering number. I bet no thought was
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. I will quote some things that I found in the diabetes
prevention program “The DPP found that participants who lost a modest amount of weight
through dietary changes and increased physical activity sharply reduced their chances of
developing diabetes.” As you can see from this statement, not many dietary changes need to
be made. It was mostly the fact that these people just needed to exercise more. Unfortunately,
many of these people with diabetes in this study sat around and didn't get outside for events
or anything. This means they are eating unhealthy and not exercising the bad fats they just
Next, I will explain how to prevent a family member or someone close to you from
getting type two diabetes. As we can see stated in the diabetes prevention program, it says
“The DPP’s results indicate that millions of high-risk people can delay or avoid developing
type 2 diabetes by losing weight through regular physical activity and a diet low in fat and
calories. Weight loss and physical activity lower the risk of diabetes by improving the body’s
ability to use insulin and process glucose.” As you can tell from this article, I would highly
suggest to a loved one or friend the fact that they need to exercise their body to produce
hormones like glucose and insulin. I would also recommend reducing eating out or fast food
to no more than three times in a given month. Also, I would convince them that going to the
gym for 30 minutes each day will tremendously reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. Not only
does going to the gym help to prevent any type of diabetes, but it also prevents cardiovascular
Another big problem I am seeing is the crazy change in the number of Americans
getting diabetes. I believe this is due to so many healthy options in the grociery store being
the same price as something that tastes better but is way unhealthier for your body. This price
equivalence even makes me guilty of purchasing unhealthy foods over healthier ones. I also
feel like people see a fast food place open, and instead of cooking, they can pick up a meal
that tastes better and is ready in minutes for them to devour. One interesting fact is that
diabetes is also rising because youth kids are born every day with diabetes due to the failure
of their bodies to produce insulin. As an article states, “Type 1 diabetes, the most common
form of diabetes in young people, is a condition in which the body fails to make insulin.” This
shows that not only adults' bad habits cause skyrocketing diabetes numbers in America.
Another article states, “ Childhood obesity rates are rising, and so are the rates of type 2
diabetes in youth. More than 75% of children with type 2 diabetes have a close relative who
has it, too. But it’s not always because family members are related; it can also be because
they share certain habits that can increase their risk.” So a big takeaway from this
information is that parents are failing their job to prevent diabetes in their kids. If the parents'
habits are constantly eating fast food with little to no exercise, the kids are likely to pick up
on their parent's tendencies.
Lastly, I would like to say that I am surprised that a huge part of diabetes rising in the
US is due to the failure of proper adulting. So many parents also just buy what their kids
want to eat and never pay attention to the nutritional facts on the box and are ignorant of
that, and it's hurting their kids. Also, I learned that diabetes is more about the lack of
exercise than the overall diet. One fun fact is that I will constantly go to the gym after reading
about the dangers of type 2 diabetes.

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