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Becoming A Teacher

There have been many influences in my life that have pushed me towards a teaching

career. From growing up with my mother in the classroom, the family that I created in school, to

the love I have for all kids. Teaching seemed to always be a part of my life. There is no doubt in

my mind that there is no better job out there for me than teaching and that is why I want to

become a teacher.

My mother has always been an inspiration to me. Life as a teacher can be hard and I

have seen that first and second hand, but my mom took on an even more challenging position in

teaching students with autism. For fourteen years I watched her come up with themes for her

room that would spark her students' interest. I watched as she came home with bruises on her

arms from a student with behavior challenges. I have seen that woman completely out of breath

from chasing down a student multiple times down the block, and yet she always had a smile on

her face. One thing she told me that has stuck with me forever is “the good always outweighs

the bad but only if you allow it to”. She has always been the teacher to bring out the most

amazing qualities in students because she always believed in every single one of them no

matter how rough around the edges and every single student in their own way knew that. This

has been my aspiration to make all students feel like they can do anything no matter what

challenges they face. The look of pure happiness of knowing that there was someone that

believed in them, the feeling that they mattered and could change the whole world if they

wanted to. This is something I have always wanted to create for even just one student.

I have always believed that family does not mean blood. Family to me is anyone who is

willing to be there for you and you are willing to be there for them. The one aspect about school

that is so overlooked are the bonds that are consistently formed. It would come as a shock to
many to know that my current fiance is the child of my first grade teacher or the fact that my

fiance's sister is my mothers aid and that same sister's wife also works at the school. It's a

whole lot of family in one place to say the least. The part that is crazy though is how this all

sparked because of an amazing bond that I shared with that one first grade teacher many years

ago. I went through eight violin teachers before I found the perfect teacher that knew exactly

what to do and all because she listened and always was so relatable. It was this teacher that

shaped me into who I am now all because I wanted to be my best self not only to help myself

but also to show her that I could be amazing like she knew I was.I had someone who always

believed in me when I did not believe in myself. It took me months to reach out to her at first

because I was worried it would just be another teacher I went through but then she became my

so much more. It was more than just playing violin, it was getting to nerd out over music and

over new youtube videos of our favorite musicians. It was standing on one leg with my tongue

out to get rid of any nerves. It was fun. It was family. That is the type of bond I hope to one day

create, maybe not so life altering but maybe just something that someone knows I will always be

there for them.

Kids are no stranger to me. While in middle school and highschool I took on the chance

to help mentor kids in an afterschool program that took place at my elementary school and I

truly believe that this is what sparked the belief that I could teach young minds. Four days out of

the week I would visit the school for two hours and during that time I got the chance to help kids

study in areas where they were struggling and I got to teach young students new skills like

dance, violin, and theatre.It was a great experience. After graduation an opportunity opened to

become a violin teacher with a program known as F.A.Y.M.. This opportunity came to me with a

recommendation from my current private teacher and this was the first real time I got the chance

to be a teacher. I was reluctant at first but I knew I had to seize the opportunity. Admitfully

teaching violin to a group of young kids was no walk in the park but I finally had found
something that felt real. I not only found the excitement in seeing many students grow and reach

new lengths while seeing even the students who had a hard time clicking to small things at the

end but I also felt I finally gave joy to the kids that entered into my class. It was an unforgettable

feeling every single year and it is a feeling that I want to take to more students.

There are so many reasons that I could tell why I want to become a teacher, from my

mother, to unforgettable bonds, to the love I want to share with all kids, but the truth is I want to

be the unforgettable teacher that shaped one child's life. I do not have to change the world but if

I can bring positivity into one student's life and change their world that will be enough for

me.There is no doubt in my mind that there is no better job out there for me than teaching, and

no doubt that I can become the teacher that can make one student believe in themselves.

VARK Assessment

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