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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol


Quarter : 2 Week : 10 Day : 1 Activity No. : 37

Competen : Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities e.g.
cy: local, national, global
Objective : Explain social inequalities and its causes
Topic : Types of Social Inequalities
Reference : Grade 11 Textbooks:
: 1.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics for Senior High School by Ederlina
D. BaleÑa, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta, Consultant: Adelina A.
Sebastian published by Educational Resources Corporation (ERC); (Non-
2.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics by Antonio P. Conteras PhD,
Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz PhD, Dennis S. Erasga PhD, CecileFabrigon PhD
with Project Director: Ronald Mactal PhD published by Phoenix Publishing
3. Banaag, Lee Mark T.2012. Socio –Anthro: An Integrated and Interdisciplenary
Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. (Non-DepEd)
4. Palispis, Epitacio. 2005. Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology. 3rd
Edition. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines (Non-DepEd)
5. Internet . Retrieved from
Copyrights : For classroom use only
Pending for permission

Social Inequality – refers to the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for a diverse
social positions or statuses within a group or society. It occurs when resources in a given
society are distributed unevenly, generally through norms of allocation that brings about
specific patterns along lines of socially defined categories of persons. For example: those
who have social roles and statuses occupied in the society are usually given more access to
social services, while those who have less are forgotten or given less.
There are many causes of social inequalities. Some of these are:
1. Prejudice – is a negative attitude toward the members of a particular group. It is a
preconceived idea or prejudgment of others that allows us to label them in various
pessimistic ways.
2. Discrimination – is a negative act you imposeto someone you have prejudiced
with.Ex: You did not allow your disable classmate to join your group performance
task because you have preconceived ideas that disabled persons cannot perform well
in group activities.
3. Stereotyping – involves prejudice. It is stereotyping when you label all members to
be the same to a particular member.
4. Ethnocentrism – is the belief that our own culture is superior than other cultures.
5. Scapegoating – being subject of blame for the troubles/problems of the society
because of having less/lack of power and status. Ex: The jobless often blame
immigrants or some other minorities for taking job from them and resulting in their
economic problems.
6. Racism – is the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right to control or
direct others.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Types of Social Inequalities:
1. Economic Inequality – unequal distribution of income or wealth
2. Gender Inequality – unequal treatment to a person based on gender. This happens
when a person is being denied or given unfair access to social services or wealth
because of his/her gender.
a. Women receive lower salaries or unequal pay than men despite having the same
job description and workloads in some countries of the world.
b. Women are underrepresented in political activities and decision making because
of lesser women won seats in government.
c. Gay men denied of jobs just because they are gay.
3. Racial and Ethnic Inequality – is the consequence of hierarchical social distribution
between racial and ethnic categories within a society and are often recognized based
on characteristics such as skin color and other physical characteristics or an
individual’s place of origin or culture. Racial inequality can also result in diminished
opportunities for members of the marginalized groups, which in turn can lead to
poverty and political marginalization.
a. Black American or Afro-American is denied access to education because he is
b. Asian girl is being discriminated to enter a restaurant because the restaurant is for
White people only.

Answer the questions bellow by arranging the jumbled letters in the box.

______________ 1. Is the belief that our own culture is superior than other cultures.
______________ 2. Is the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right to control or
direct others.
______________ 3. It is a preconceived idea or prejudgment of others that allows us to label
them in various pessimistic ways.
______________ 4. Labelling all members to be the same to that of a particular member.
______________ 5. It is a negative act you impose to someone you have prejudiced with.
______________ 6. Unfair/Unequal treatment to a person based on gender.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol


Quarter : 2 Week : 10 Day : 2 Activity No. : 38

Competenc : Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities e.g.
y: local, nationa, global
Objective : Discuss how people become subjects to social inequalities
Topic : How people become minorities and how they are treated
Reference : Grade 11 Textbooks:
: 1.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics for Senior High School by Ederlina
D. BaleÑa, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta, Consultant: Adelina A.
Sebastian published by Educational Resources Corporation (ERC); (Non-
2.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics by Antonio P. Conteras PhD,
Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz PhD, Dennis S. Erasga PhD, CecileFabrigon PhD
with Project Director: Ronald Mactal PhD published by Phoenix Publishing
3. Banaag, Lee Mark T.2012. Socio –Anthro: An Integrated and Interdisciplenary
Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. (Non-DepEd)
4. Palispis, Epitacio. 2005. Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology. 3rd Edition.
Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines (Non-DepEd)
5. Internet . Retrieved from

Copyrights : For classroom use only

Pending for permission

How People Become Minorities
There are 3 basic ways in which minority definitions develop according to sociologists,
1. Migration – when people move from one society to another, they are commonly
called minorities in the new society. Migration could be voluntary or involuntary.
2. Colonialism –this happens when people from another country decides to settle in a
new land and then take control of the society. often the people who take over do so
for economic gain. They often keep their control by military force. Because they have
political and social power, they set the standards for the society. in such cases the
original inhabitants become minorities.
3. Annexation – citizens may turn out to be a minority when their country is joined, or
annexed to another nation. Annexation could either be voluntary or involuntary.
Annexation usually happens after a war ends,
How Minorities are Treated (Patterns of Dominant-Minority Relationships):
1. Extermination- the most tremendous form of rejection by dominant members of a
society towards minorities if to kill or exterminate them. Extermination is the most
brutal treatment of minority people.
2. Expulsion – is the elimination of the minority group from the dominant society.
3. Segregation- is the spatial separation of the minority from the dominant members
of the society.
4. Cultural pluralism –is the acceptance and recognitionof cultural in subgroups among
the residents,differences in , with no single dominating the other. Example is in
Switzerland, where French, German and Italian, and Swiss have retained their
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
separate languages and customs, however they are all united in a common political
and economic system.
5. Assimilation –this occurred when previously distinct social categories blend into one
unified social category. Example: Many immigrants to the US so wanted to be
American that they dropped all of their ethnic characteristics –their verbal
communication, outfit, customs and traditions, and even their names (they changed
the name Juan to John, etc.). They do this because they wanted to be like the
dominant members of the society.
6. Amalgamation- is the blending through accepted intermarriages. Through this
process, the differences between dominant and minority members of society

 Identify the Patterns of Dominant-Minority Relationships. Arrange the patterns from
1(one) total rejection, to 6 (six) total acceptance by dominant member of the society.
Explain briefly each pattern by giving example.
Dominant-Minority Relationships Explanation/Example







Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Quarter : 2 Week : 10 Day : 3 Activity No. : 39
Competenc : Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities e.g.
y: local, national, global
Objective : Discuss persons with Disability as common subjects to social inequality
Topic : What is Disability
Reference : Grade 11 Textbooks:
: 1.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics for Senior High School by Ederlina
D. BaleÑa, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta, Consultant: Adelina A.
Sebastian published by Educational Resources Corporation (ERC); (Non-
2.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics by Antonio P. Conteras PhD,
Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz PhD, Dennis S. Erasga PhD, CecileFabrigon PhD
with Project Director: Ronald Mactal PhD published by Phoenix Publishing
3. Banaag, Lee Mark T.2012. Socio –Anthro: An Integrated and Interdisciplenary
Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. (Non-DepEd)
4. Palispis, Epitacio. 2005. Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology. 3rd Edition.
Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines (Non-DepEd)
5. Internet . Retrieved from
Copyrights : For Classroom use only


Disability – is normally a condition either caused by genetics or disease, accident, trauma,

which hamper
the following
a person’s
mental, sensory, or mobility functions to carry out or perform task in
the same way as a person who does not have a disability. It is the result of impairment that
s based on your point of view.
may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combinations
of these.
1. Should the government set up centers or working establishments exclusive for
Ways to Categorizing Disability
persons with disabilities? Why?
1. Physical Disability – any impairment which limits the physical functions of limbs, fine
bones, or gross motor ability is a physicalimpairment, not necessarily a physical
disability. Example: person not being able to climb stairs because of knee injury.
2. Sensory Disability – is impairment of one of the senses.
2.a. Should
Visionthe government
Impairment – isencourage
vision lossbusiness to make
of a person it easier
resulted fromfor persons, with
a disease trauma, or
congenitalto or
work? Why? conditions that cannot be corrected by conventional
means, such as refractive correction, medication, or surgery.
b. Hearing Impairment – or hard hearing or deafness refers to cinditions in which
individuals are fully or partially incapable to recognize or perceive at least some
frequencies of sound which can typically be heard by most people.
3. Intellectual Disability – is a broad concept that ranges from mental retardation to
cognitive deficits too mild or too specific (as in specific learning disability) to qualify
as mental retardation.
4. Mental Health and Emotional Disability – a mental disorder or mental illness is a
psychological or behavioural pattern generally associated with subjective distress or
disability that occurs in an individual, and perceived by the majority of society as
being outside normal development or cultural expectations.

5. Developmental Disability – any disability that results in problems with growth and
development called developmental disability.
6. Non-visible Disability – several chronic disorders such as diabetes, asthma,
inflammatory bowel disease, epilepsy, narcolepsy, fibromyalgia, and some sleep
disorders may be counted as non-visible disabilities, as opposed to disabilities
which are clearly visible, such as those requiring the use of a wheelchair.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol


Answer the following questions based on your point of view.

1. Should the government set up centers or working establishments exclusive for

persons with disabilities? Why?
2. Should the government encourage business to make it easier for persons with
disability to work? Why?


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Quarter : 2 Week : 10 Day : 4 Activity No. : 40
Competen : Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities
cy: e.g. local, nationa, global
Objective : Discuss government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities
Topic : Government Programs and Initiatives to Avoid any forms of discrimination
Reference : Grade 11 Textbooks:
: 1.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics for Senior High School by
Ederlina D. BaleÑa, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta, Consultant:
Adelina A. Sebastian published by Educational Resources Corporation
(ERC); (Non-DepEd)
2.Understanding Culture, Society and Politics by Antonio P. Conteras PhD,
Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz PhD, Dennis S. Erasga PhD, CecileFabrigon
PhD with Project Director: Ronald Mactal PhD published by Phoenix
Publishing House
3. Banaag, Lee Mark T.2012. Socio –Anthro: An Integrated and
Interdisciplenary Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. (Non-
4. Palispis, Epitacio. 2005. Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology. 3rd
Edition. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines (Non-DepEd)
5. Internet . Retrieved from
Copyrights : For classroom use only
Pending for permission

Discrimination could happen to anyone. Because of this, a lot of programs and initiatives were
created to avoid incidence of discrimination.
Republic Acts protecting individuals from forms of discrimination:
1. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627) – provides sanctions to persons found to be
discriminating/bullying PWDs. This act defines “bullying” as any severe or repeated use
by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or
gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of
actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or
damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for the other student;
infringing on the rights of the other student at school; or materially and substantially
disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school.
2. Equal Opportunity Employment of 2012 ( RA 10524) – provides that at least one percent
(1%) of all positions in all government agencies, offices or corporations shall be reserved
for persons with disabilities. This also provides that private corporations with more than
one hundred employees are encouraged to reserve at least one percent (1%) of all
positions for persons with disabilities.
3. Accessible Polling Places Exclusively for PWDS and Senior Citizens of 2012
(RA10336)- “the state shall ensure that persons with disabilities and senior citizens are
able to exercise their right to political participation without discrimination and restriction.
That the state shall design systems and procedures that enable their participation possible.
4. Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities of 1992 (RA 7277) – this law provides for the
rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of disabled persons and their
integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes.
Presidential Proclamations and Celebrations:
1. Presidential Proclamation No. 1157 –designated December 3 as the International Day of
Persons with Disabilities
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
2. PD No. 361 – ordered the assignment of the Third Week of July as the National
Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week
3. PD No. 711 – ordered the ssignment of the third week of January as the National Autism
Consciousness Week
4. PD No. 1509 – the National government recognizes responsibility to provide the
handicapped with the fullest measure of protection and assistance to help develop their
abilities in all fields of endeavour and to promote their integration in the mainstream of
society, as well as its primary duty for the prevention of physical and mental disabilities.
Administrative and Executive Orders
1. Executive Order No.437,dated June 2005 – the proclamation enjoins local government
units to adopt the Community-Based Rehabilitation Program in delivering services to
their constituents with disabilities and to allocate funds to support the program.
2. Executive Order No. 417, dated March 27, 2005 – The General Appropriations Act
explicitly provides funding mechanisms for programs and projects of PWDs and their
organizations from at least one (1) percent of the total yearly budget of all National
Government Agencies and instrumentalities including Government Financial Institutions
and Government owned and controlled corporations.
3. Deped Child Protection Policy, dated May 14, 2012 – the document outlines the Dep.Ed
Policies and Guidelines on protecting children in school from violence, exploitation,
discrimination, bullying, neglect, abuse, cruelty, and other conditions prejudicial to their

Fact or Bluff.Write the word Fact if the statement is correct and the word Bluff if the statement
is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before each item.
______________1. Discrimination could only happen to persons with disabilities.
______________ 2. Bullying refers to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of
a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any
combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of actually
causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm
or damage to his property.
______________ 3. Presidential Decree No. 711 ordered the ssignment of the third week of
January as the National Autism Consciousness Week.
______________ 4. The Child Protection Policy provides guideline on child protection from
any forms of abuse and discriminations.
______________5. The Third Week of July is designated as the National Disability Prevention
and Rehabilitation Week through PD No.711
______________6. The state shall design systems and procedures that enable participation
possible for persons with disabilities.
______________ 7. Equal Opportunity Employment of 2012 ( RA 10524) provides that at
least one percent (1%) of all positions in all government agencies, offices
or corporations shall be reserved for persons with disabilities.
_______________ 8. The funding mechanisms for programs and projects of PWDs and their
organizations is at least five (5) percent of the total yearly budget of all
National Government Agencies and instrumentalities including
Government Financial Institutions and Government owned and controlled
_______________9. December 3 is designated as the International Day of Persons with
Disabilities through PD No. 1509.
_______________10. Discriminating persons with disabilities is a form of social iequality

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