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Compiled by Group 3:

Gabriel Repi

Erika Kaparang

Stefa Tombuku

Kurnia Kaparang

Meifi Quensy Rantung

Heri Priyato

Indri W. Mandadung

Regina Sompotan




Nursing Weigh-in Implementation Strategy

Job Description
Head of Room: Opening and facilitator
Team Leader: Making the next intervention
Perform data validation
Implementing Nurse: Explain patient data
Explain the implementation that has been done
Explain the intervention to be carried out
Evaluate (soap)
Nurse Station
Head of Room : Shalom, Good Morning, before we do overan, let us say
thanksgiving for the presence of Allah swt. it is because of his
grace and grace that we can gather here. At noon today, Friday,
October 7, 2022 we will carry out an overan activity which we
routinely do every shift change. The implementing nurse who is on
the morning service is welcome to explain the current condition of
each patient to the implementing nurse who is on the afternoon
service. And for each team leader, I invite you to validate the
existing data to plan the next nursing action.
PP Team 1 (Morning) : Good Morning, Thank you for the opportunity given to me to
explain the current condition of the patient, the current number of
patients from Team 1 is 4 people with a minimum dependency level
of 2 people, partial 1 person and total care 1 person.
The first patient's identity is Mrs. S, age 55 years, the minimum
level of dependence on care is Medical Diagnosis of Hypertension.
General condition of the patient is good. Last Ttv at 13.00 Tens,
160/100 mmHg, Temperature 370c, pulse 89x/i, RR 24x/i GCS 15.
Patient complained of severe headache. Nursing problems found
are discomfort pain disorders.
Implementation That Has Been Done
1. Assessing the level of pain with moderate pain results
2. Maintain bed rest, quiet environment, little light
3. Minimize environmental distractions and stimuli.
4. limit activity.
5. Give analgesia and sedation as ordered.
Interventions that have not been implemented
1. Avoid smoking or using nicotine.
2. Give pleasant actions according to indications such as ice
packs, comfortable positions, relaxation techniques,
imagination guidance,
3. avoid constipation.
Evaluation (Soap)
S: the patient says the headache is reduced
O: the patient looks relaxed
A: the pain problem is partially resolved
Q: continue the intervention.
That's all I can say about the condition of the patient in the orchid
room at this time.
And the same goes for the nurse implementing team 2 reporting the current condition of
the patient
PP Team 2 (Morning) : Good Morning, Thank you for the opportunity given to me to
explain the current condition of the patient, the current number of
patients from Team 1 is 6 people with a minimum dependency
level of 4 people, while Partial care is 1 person and Total care is 1
person. The identity of the first patient is Mrs. R, age 50 years, the
degree of dependence on partial care. Medical Diagnosis of
Hypertension. General Condition Patient is weak. Last TTV At
13.00. Blood pressure 190/130 mmHg, S: 37.50c. Pulse 100x/min.
Rr : 20x/min. Gcs 15. The patient complains that he cannot carry
out his usual activities.
Nursing Problem Found is activity intolerancerelated to general
weakness, imbalance between supply and demand for O2.
Implementation That Has Been Done
1. Assess the patient's tolerance for activity using the following
parameters: pulse rate 20 per minute above the resting
frequency, note an increase in BP, dyspnea, or chest pain,
severe fatigue and weakness, sweating, dizziness or fainting.
(Parameters show the patient's physiological response to stress,
activity and indicators of the degree of influence of overwork /
2. Assess readiness to increase activity for example: decreased
weakness / fatigue, stable BP, pulse frequency, increased
attention to activities and self-care. (Physiological stability at
rest is important for advancing an individual's level of activity.)
3. Encourages advancing activity/self-care tolerance.
(Myocardial oxygen consumption during various activities can
increase the amount of oxygen available. Gradual progress of
activity prevents a sudden increase in cardiac work).
4. Provide assistance as needed and recommend the use of a
shower chair, brushing teeth/hair by sitting and so on. (energy
saving techniques reduce energy use and thus help balance
oxygen supply and demand).
Interventions that have not been implemented
1. Encourage patient to participate in choosing periods of activity
(such as schedules increasing tolerance for activity progress
and preventing weakness).
2. Explain to the patient the importance of doing activities
according to ability.
Evaluation (Soap)
S: the patient says that he is still weak, he is not fully active yet
O: the patient appears to be lying weak
A: problem has not been resolved
P:repeat intervention
That's all I can say about the current state of the patient in Dahlia's
Head Room : Thank you to the implementing nurse who has conveyed the
condition of all current patients, maybe there is something that
needs to be added from each team leader to validate the data. If
there is no addition, let's just go to the patient's room
Head of Room : Good Afternoon, How is Stefa's condition right now? As usual,
Mother, we are here to carry out routine weighing and receiving
activities for each shift change, the purpose of this weigh-in is to
communicate the mother's current condition and convey important
information between shifts. Introduce the afternoon nurse from
team one, namely Ns. Heri and Ns Erika. From team 2, there are
Ns Regina and Ns Indri who will be in charge of replacing the
implementing nurses this morning.
Each implementing nurse from team 1 and team 2 on the afternoon service validated directly
to the patient.
PP (Afternoon) : What is Mrs. Stefa's feeling at this time, has there been a better
development than before?
Patient : Yes, my nurse is still weak and has a headache
PP (Afternoon) : Yes, mother, the weakness and pain in the head that are felt are the
effects of the disease process, but the mother should not be too
worried because there has been treatment given and drug therapy
given by the doctor to overcome the problems that are suffering
from the mother at this time, (the nurse gives a position as
comfortable as possible). possible to the patient and teach
distraction techniques, relaxation to reduce pain) ok ma'am, don't
hesitate if you need help, we will always be ready to provide the
best service.
Thus, the implementing nurses from each team (afternoon) asked in turn the complaints
from all patients in the treatment room to validate the data reported by the implementing
nurses in each team (morning).
Head of the room : Before I end there may be additions or corrections that need to be
discussed again?
If not, I would like to thank all those who have participated in this
(while shaking hands with all members of the weigh-in while
leaving the patient's room and going to the nurse station)
Head of the room : We have done a weigh-in together. I hope that with this activity the
process of delegating tasks between shifts can be clear and
structured. Maybe from the patient there is something that still
needs to be discussed again?
The implementing nurses from team 1 and team 2 on the afternoon service clarified the
results of the validation to Karu, Katim 1 and 2, and the implementing nurses for teams 1
and 2 on the morning service.
PP (Afternoon) : Yes, there is an addition from the Orchid room patient on behalf of
Santi's mother who still complains of weakness and pain in the
PP (Morning) : Tramadol drug therapy has been given in accordance with the
recommendations of the doctor.
Team Leader : for the next intervention, the patient, Mrs. Santi, gives a comfortable
position and teaches relaxation distraction techniques, if necessary,
consult the doctor on duty for drug therapy whether it can still be
given or replaced with other drugs.
Head of the room : Thank you for the cooperation from the team leader 1 and team 2
leader along with the implementing nurses who have worked
well. Thus, we weigh and accept this, hopefully what we have
done todayprovide many benefits for all of us, and we are given
fluency in carrying out our respective duties. Thus I end Good

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