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Random Variables and

containing 4
an urn
replacement the random
without values y of
drawn in
and the
Example 1:
T o balls are outcomes

balls. The possible

balls and 3 black balls, are
number of red

variable where Y is the

Y, Sample Space
steel mill
random to three
helmets at in that
three safety and Brown,
A stockroom clerk r e t u r n s
checked them.
If Smith, Jones, orders
Example 2: for the possible
had previously the sample points
ployees who list M that
o n e of
the three hats, of the random
order, receive value m
and find the
of returning
the helmets, matches. then
helmets, respectively,
the number of Brown's
represents Jones's, and number
stand for Smith's, returned and the
Solution: If S, J, and B which the helmets may
the possible
of correct matches
Sample Space
BSJ number
contains a finite
the sample space we obtain
preceding examples, 5
In each of the two
thrown until
die is
when a
the other hand,
of elements. On of elements,
an unending
a space with
S= {F,NF, NNF, NNNE,...
of a 5.
and nonoccurrence

respectively, the o c c u r r e n c e number

where F and N represent, c a n be equated
to the
the number of elements
experiment, a third element,
But even in this element, a second element,
that there is a first
of whole numbers so counted.
this s e n s e can be
and so on, and in in nature. Variables,
where the random variable is categorical which
There are cases illustration is the case in
are used. A good
often called dummy variables, shown in the following example.
is binary in nature, as
the random variable

condition in which components

are arriving from the produc-
Consider the simple Define the random
Example 3: or not defective.
tion line and they are stipulated to be defective
variable X by

1, if the component is defective,

A0, if the component is not defective.

Random Variables and Probability Distributions

Clearly the assignment of 1 or 0 is arbitrary though quite convenient. This will

become clear in later
chapters. The random variable for which 0 and I are chosen
to describe the two possible values is called a Bernoulli random variable.
Further illustrations of randon variables are revealed in the
following examples.
Example 4: Statisticians use sampling plans to either accept or reject batches or lots of
material. Suppose one of these sampling plans involves
sampling independently 10
items from a lot of 100 items in which 12 are defective.
Let X be the random variable defined as the number of items found defec-
tive in the sample of 10. In this
case, the random variable takes on the values
0,1,2,.. ,9, 10.

Example 5: |Suppose a sampling plan involves sampling items from a process until a defective
is observed. The evaluation of the
process will depend on how many consecutive
items are observed. In that regard, let X be a random variable defined
by the
number ofitems observed before a defective is found. With Na nondefective and
Dadefective, sample spaces are S = {D} given X = 1, S ={ND} given X = 2.
S =
{NND} given X =3, and so on.

Example 6: |Interest centers around the proportion of people who respond t0 a certan mail
order solicitation. Let X be that proportion. X is a random variable that takes
on all
values r for which 0 r<1.
Example 7: Let X be the random variable defined by the waiting time, in hours, between
successive speeders spotted by a radar unit. The random variable X taies on all
values for whichr20. J

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