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Greater Accuracy and Better finishing

Quality is more consistent
Faster production speeds are possible
CNC Machining Leads to Lower Production Costs.
CNC machines can handle more complex designs than conventional cutting tools
Parts can be lighter and stronger with the aid of complex geometry
CNC machining can produce near-net shapes

2. •CNC part programming is a very important software element in the NC manufacturing

system. It looks like a computer program containing a number of
lines/ statements/ instructions (called NC blocks).
• It is, therefore, the detailed plan of manufacturing instructions
proposed for machining the part.

3. •CNC part programming is a very important software element in the NC manufacturing

system. It looks like a computer program containing a number of
lines/ statements/ instructions (called NC blocks).
• It is, therefore, the detailed plan of manufacturing instructions
proposed for machining the part

4. G-code is a software programming language used to control a CNC machine.

And, even with complex CNC machining, G-code is written in a
straightforward, logical way. A “G” is followed by a number, which is a command
to change geometry. For instance, “G00” is a command for rapid movement.

G-codes activate the CNC machine and directs the machine’s motions and

5. Point to point
Point to point straight line
2-axis contouring with switchable plane
3-axis contouring with continuous path

6. • Numerical control of machine tools may be defined as a method of

automation in which various functions of machine tools are
controlled by letters, numbers and symbols.
• Basically, a NC machine runs on a program fed to it. The program
consists of precise instructions about the methodology of
manufacture as well as the movements.
7. G codes direct the machine's motion and function, while M codes direct the
operations outside movements. The G code activates the CNC machine while
the M code activates the machine's programmable logic controller.

8. • M-code controls miscellaneous functions, and typically these can be thought

of as non-geometry machine functions. Examples include spindle rotation start
and stop, coolant on and off, pallet change, etc.
For instance, M03: Rotate spindle clockwise

M-code activates the machine’s programmable logic controller and directs

the operations outside movements.

9. A canned cycle is a way of conveniently performing repetitive CNC machine

operations. Canned cycles automate certain machining functions such as
drilling, boring, threading, pocketing, etc... Canned cycles are so called because
they allow a concise way to program a machine to produce a feature of a part.

10. CNC machining produces accurate and specific parts with each production.
The programming of CNC machines and software ensures consistency in all the

 CNC machining greatly improves the safety of workers in the manufacturing

industry. With CNC machines, the operators do not have to go near the cutting
tools, which improve on safety. 

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