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Second Year PB. B.Sc. Nursing

SUBJECT: Introduction to Nursing Education

DATE: / /22 DURATION: 2 HRS Marks: 50

1) Use blue/black ball point only
2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper; if anything is
written such type of act will be considered as unfair means
3) All questions are compulsory
4) The number to the right indicate full marks
5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary

SECTION- "A" (30 Marks)

1. Short Answer Question (Any four out of five) (4×5=20)

1. Cognitive Domain
2. Seminar- a method of teaching
3. Characteristics of learning
4. Chalk board
5. Communication process

2. Long answer questions ( any one out of two) ( 1×10=10)

I Define Audio Visual Aids (2)
Ii Enlist purposes of Audio Visual Aids (4)
Iii Discuss types of Audio Visual Aids (4)


I Define Nursing Profession (2)

Ii Discuss important of Nursing profession (4)
Iii Enlist characteristics of Nursing Profession (4)
3. Short answer question ( any two out of three) (2×5=10)

a. Lesson planning
b. Bedside Clinic
c. Qualities of a Nursing Teacher

4. Long answer question (any one out of two) ( 1×10=10)

a. I Define Education (2)

Ii Discuss the aims of Education (4)
Iii Enlist function of Education (4)


b. i Discuss principles of Teaching (05)

ii Describe maxims of teaching . (05)

…………………….ALL THE BEST…………………………

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