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Name: Irene L.

Pielago Date:09-23-2022
Section:BEED 1A Instructor:Krisha Angela

“The Flood Story of Igorot”

1. Author’s Purpose: entertain inform persuade

Why did the author write this?

Answer: For me, the story of the Igorot flood is to inform everyone living in this
world to be responsible in doing everything and think about the consequences before
doing things that will destroy the world.

2. Genre: Folklore
Ex: Nonfiction, fiction, or folklore
fable, informational writing, etc.

3. Narrator’s Point of View: 3rd-person omniscient

1st-person, 2nd-person, 3rd-person objective, 3rd-person limited, or 3rd-person omniscient

4 & 5. Summarize the text:

Five key events from beginning, middle, & end.
● Lumawig, the great spirit, had two sons who loved hunting pigs and deer. They lived in a flat world and there were no good
places for hunting.
● The two brothers decided to flood the world, using the head basket they trapped pigs, deer, and humans.
● Lumawig looked down from the sky and saw a patch of land not covered by water. He saw a brother and his sister on the
● The boy and the girl are told by Lumawig that they are cold, so Lumawig asks the deer and dog to get fire.
● When Lumawig got the fire, he built a great big fire which warmed the boy and the girl and also evaporated the water. The
world was now dry but there are now mountains, and the boy and the girl get married.

6. Exposition

A. Setting: It happens in a flat world, where there are no mountains. It happen a very
long time ago where the world has no mountains
When and where does the story take place?

B. Conflict: The conflict of the story character vs. nature. This is because this is a story
of the boy and the girl surviving the flood.
Describe the conflict in the story.
7. Rising Action: List some events that occur before the climax.

1. The two sons of Lumawig loved hunting, but there are no mountains, therefore
they planned to flood the world

2. They caused a great flood and set a trap, which they eventually caught not just
animals but humans.

3. Lumawig saw his two sons flooding the world and noticed one spot not covered,
and Lumawig saw 2 human beings, a brother and a sister.

Climax: The boy and the girl telling Lumawig that they were alive and they were
cold, therefore Lumawig asks a dog and a deer to get fire. The dog and the deer
desperately swim and are making sure the fire does not go out. The boy and the
girl were growing very cold, while the dog and the deer kept trying to get fire.
The turning point

Falling Action: List some events that occur after the climax.

1. Eventually, the dog almost got its fire put out when Lumawig quickly grabbed the

2. Lumawig created the big great fire.

Resolution: When the great big fire was created, the water evaporated and the
land was dry but there are now mountains. Then the boy and the girl get married
and eventually they multiply and there are now many humans in the world.
When the conflict is solved

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