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NIM : 63210301
Tanggal Ujian : 13/05/2022
Jam Ujian : 13:20:00 - 14:20:00
Mulai Ujian : 13:20:23 - 14:12:19
Lama Waktu : 0 Jam 51 Menit 56 Detik
Matakuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS LANJUT - 252
Jumlah Soal : 50
Jumlah Jawab : 35
Jumlah Jawab : 15

Simpan sebagai bukti bahwa anda telah mengikuti ujian online

ScurityCode: 0f4fce13063ba9ed0711965988d3b633
Tanggal Cetak: 2022-05-13 - Jam Cetak: 14:12:25

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2022-05-13 / 14:12:25 0f4fce13063ba9ed0711965988d3b633

No Jawaban Anda Hasil

1 will get B
2 everything is work, if people keep learn and never.... B
3 Technology can make us connected each other with o.... B
4 are S
5 that B
6 24 S
7 wears S
8 helping B
9 below B
10 swims S
11 No, You Don't S
12 better S
13 eating B
14 Technology has changed everything B
15 went B
16 has been B
17 have B
18 I wish she had B
19 beside B
20 invention B
21 Mental Health S
22 behind B
23 methods B
24 a small mechanical or electronic device or tool, e.... S
25 written B
26 asking another person help to fix your problem B
27 must not wear B
28 ate B
29 cut B
30 outsmart B
31 in B
32 further S
33 is going to B

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2022-05-13 / 14:12:25 0f4fce13063ba9ed0711965988d3b633

34 Hangzhou, Tiongkok, in 1964 B

35 Comfortable and weather S
36 die S
37 enough B
38 Because people sometimes do not know about the imp.... B
39 can S
40 must B
41 less B
42 nutrients can protect our body from disease B
43 The benefits of Potatoes And Sweet Potatoes B
44 party B
45 will be able S
46 branches B
47 in B
48 met B
49 runs S
50 famous S
Catatan: Hasil B=Benar, S=Salah

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