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Name: _Luiza B.

Naca_________Course & Section: __BSHM 1-A_____________

Date: _Nov. 29, 2021_______________________

Task no.: _12- Biodiversity and Evolution

Marine Ecosystem

Marine ecosystems are aquatic environments with high levels of dissolved salt.
These include the open ocean, the deep-sea ocean, and coastal marine ecosystems,
each of which have different physical and biological characteristics.
Marine Ecosystem Services
Marine Ecosystem's Possible Threats
Ocean Dumping

Dumping of waste materials from industries, ships and sewage plants into oceans
has polluted the marine ecosystem to a great extent. It is important to note that around
two-thirds of the marine lives in the world have been under threat from the chemicals we
use every day, including household cleaners. Since we depend on the marine
ecosystem extensively, the adverse effects of ocean dumping have not only been felt by
marine life but by humans as it poses health risks.

Land Runoff

Surface runoff from both agricultural land and areas carry soil and particles mixed
with carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and minerals, posing threat to the marine life in
alarming scale. Crossing streams and rivers, the water filled with these toxic chemicals
land in the ocean, resulting in harmful algal blooms. This kind of water pollution
threatens the species of fish, turtles, and shrimp etc. and also humans through the food

Dredging has been a major cause of disturbance in the marine ecosystem for
many years. As dredging is to remove the deposits submerged underwater, the activity
alters the pre-disposed composition of soil, leading to the destruction habitat of
creatures and organisms.

Waste Pollution from Ships

Apart from other pollutants such as oil and gas, the waste and garbage generated
on board ships poses a significant threat to the marine ecosystem. Both solid and liquid
waste in form of ballast water, grey water, food waste, dunnage and packing material,
paper products and cleaning material and rags etc. pollutes the seawater and badly
affects marine lives. The vessels used for various purposes- be it a container or cruise
ship- contribute to this pollution in different levels
Dynamite Fishing

Fish bombing is one of the most destructive forms of fishing because it

indiscriminately kills any animal in the blast area—from fish eggs and plankton to
whales and dolphins—and devastates corals.

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