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RESEARCH TOPIC: Frog Leaping and Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithms

MOTIVE: Shuffled frog leaping and frog leaping algorithms are used to solve optimization problems.
Shuffled frog leaping called as memetic meta-heuristic is a population based search metaphor
inspired by natural food searching phenomenon of frogs. Shuffled frog leaping is used to solve
various optimization problems using local and global searches simuntaneously.

ABSTRACT:Appliation of Shuffled frog leaping and frog leaping algorithms on capacitated facility
location problem(CFLP).


Service types:

a) BU:Basic Unit
b) MH:Maternity home
c) NC:Neonatal Clinic

Facility types:

a) SC: Sub-centre
b) PHC: Primary healthcare centre
c) CHC: community health centre



a) Check the population that need each kind of service types(BU,MH,NC).

b) Calculate the number of facilities needed for each kind of facility types(SC,PHC,CHC) based
on the population in each kind of service type(BU,MH,NC).
c) Having the number of facilities required to build each kind of facility type,select the required
facility types in random out of the total locations available.Each set of randomly selected
locations for each facility type is known as frog.
d) Find the objective functional value of each of the selected locations.
e) Arrange the frogs in descending order and find the frog with least obj. value(best frog) and
with highest obj. value(worst frog).Update the worst frog’s position.
f) Using the formula,
worst frog’s new position= worst frog’s old position*[rand(0,1)* (worst frog’s old position-
best frog’s old position)]
g) Convert that formula into logic gates(XOR Gate) because probability of getting 1 and 0 is
1/2. So,
worst frog’s new position =worst frog’s old position^ best frog’s old position worst frog’s old
h) Set the number of iterations to a number such that the worst frogs should get updated.If
they are not updated then increase the number of iterations.


a) Check the population that need each kind of service types(BU,MH,NC).

b) Calculate the number of facilities needed for each kind of facility types(SC,PHC,CHC) based
on the population in each kind of service type(BU,MH,NC).
c) Having the number of facilities required to build each kind of facility type,select the required
facility types in random out of the total locations available.Each set of randomly selected
locations for each facility type is known as frog.
d) Find the objective functional value of each of the selected locations.
e) Arrange the frogs in descending order and find the frog with least obj. value(best global frog)
and with highest obj. value(worst global frog).Update the worst frog’s position.
f) Divide the frogs into ‘m’ no. of groups in such a way that first frog goes to first group,second
frog goes to second group,…etc.
g) Using the formula,
worst frog’s new position= worst frog’s old position*[rand(0,1)* (worst frog’s old position-
best frog’s old position)]
h) Convert that formula into logic gates(XOR Gate) because probability of getting 1 and 0 is
1/2. So,
worst frog’s new position =worst frog’s old position^ best frog’s old position worst frog’s old
If the worst frog’s new position > worst frog’s old position then replace best frog in the
specific memeplex by global best frog.
i) Set the number of iterations to a number such that the worst frogs should get updated.If
they are not updated then increase the number of iterations.


Shuffled frog leaping algorithm is more efficient than frog leaping because it has the functions of
global information exchange and local search.It also needs less iterations to update the whole

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