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This project is entitled as Online Leave Management System which has developed in
PHP as front and MySQL server as back end.

I have created a PHP Project entitled Online Employee Leave Management System. This
PHP Project provides the company's management and employees an online platform to
manage the leave applications. The application is mobile-responsive which is helpful
nowadays because most of the employees owning a personal mobile smartphone. Using this
system, the employees can easily apply for leave even they are not present in the office. Also,
management can easily track the employees' leave records annually and this application has a
feature that prevents the employee to apply if they already consumed their leave credits. Each
employee's leave privileges are manageable here which means the management can manage
the employee's leave privilege and credits individually. The employees' leave credits are
automatically reset annually. This online application also generates a printable date-wise
report for leave applications.

The Online Employee Leave Management System is easy to use and has a pleasant user
interface. This consists of 3 types of system users which are the Admin, Staff, and Employee.
The Admin User has access and can manage all the features and functionalities of the system.
The Staff User has only restricted access to some features and functionalities does the Admin
has. Lastly, the Employee User can only track his/her leave records, manage his/her
application, and manage his/her system account/credentials.

Front end : PHP

Backend : My SQL


Admin Side
Secure Login/Logout


Manage Department List

Manage Designation List

Manage List of Leave Types

Manage Employee List

Manage Employee's Leave Privilege

Manage Leave Applications

Manage User List

Update Leave Application's Status

Print Employees Leave Records

Generate Leave Application Report

Manage System Settings

Manage Account Credentials

Staff Side

Secure Login/Logout


Manage Employee List

Manage Employee's Leave Privilege

Manage Leave Applications

Update Leave Application's Status

Print Employees Leave Records

Generate Leave Application Report

Manage System Settings

Manage Account Credentials

Employees Side

Secure Login/Logout


View Leave Records

Print Leave Records

Create Leave Application

Manage Leave Application

Manage Account Credentials

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