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RODRIGUEZ 04/29/22
Leaving a journey behind is not an end. It can also mean that something new and
exciting is about to start. Leaving BNHS was hard, but I knew I needed to move forward and
deal with what was ahead.
Starting our first week at VSUIHS went smoothly. On the first day of our re-
deployment, we were assigned to our respective cooperating teachers, who had already left a
familiarity in our hearts and minds since we were assigned at VSUIHS. I was re-assigned to
my cooperating teacher before during my Field Study journey. Ma'am Sheerwina welcomed
me again. I instantly felt elated and relieved because I knew I could learn many things from
Ma'am Sheerwina. Right after our orientation with our respective cooperating teachers, I was
already informed by Ma'am Sheerwina that she was going to introduce us to her handled
sections, which are sections Jupiter and Venus. I was nervous and doubtful that I could
connect strongly with these students since they were used to getting along with the other
student-teachers before we came to VSUIHS. I was overthinking that we could only get to
teach them twice, which would make me question the strong connection we should have with
them. Even though I am doubtful, all I can do is try and do my best. After meeting the
students, all I can hope is that I get to establish a good and professional relationship with
them. I noticed the students' differences during the observation of Jupiter and Venus. Section
Jupiter is a very vocal section. Most of the students are very participative vocally, while the
other section, Venus, is a shy section. Although some participated, most of the class hesitated
to share their thoughts, but I knew they got ideas. Maybe they are just scared to share their
thoughts because they fear it might be a mistake. And perhaps that was one of the purposes of
Ma'am Sheerwina's, why she let us observe the class first. To get to know and observe the
students first, we devise a plan to manage the student's or class's strengths and weaknesses. I
was assigned to handle the section Venus for our team teaching, which was challenging for
me. Maybe they were less participative because they were afraid to say or make a mistake,
and I want to build a learning environment where errors are normal and part of the learning
process. I want to normalize making mistakes because they can learn and reflect the most
from that and prove that successfully learning and achieving something does not come
overnight. Not frequent and abusive mistakes. I also think that making section Venus
participate depends on the teacher's teaching style. All of these factors make me overthink
because I still did not get to teach them even once. With the limited class and time allotted for
us to teach, I guess there is no other way but to test our efforts and knowledge in the best way
possible and hope that it will turn out okay. 
Taking risks is a leap of faith. Teaching is a leap of faith. I am grateful because I am
re-assigned at VSUIHS, and I am hopeful that I can fulfill my duties as a student-teacher
fruitfully and successfully. Although all of these time constraint adjustments happened
hastily, I still want to learn meaningfully and progressively correctly and with the proper

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