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Static Slope Stability Analysis of San Roque Dam

- This report will present the factor of safety for the static slope stability analysis of the
San Roque Dam using GeoStudio 2018 program as aid for the simulations.

* Geometry and Material Parameters for San Roque Dam

- The dam’s geometry and material parameters used in these simulations were adopted
from EDCOP Independent Dam Safety Review (IDSR) of San Roque Dam 2021.

Tables presenting the material parameters used for the different zones and
The material strength parameters used in the stability analysis were adopted from the past
studies conducted by EDCOP and UEEI.
Zone Total Unit Weight Friction Angle Cohesion
(KN/m3) (°) (KPa)

Clay Core (drained condition) 19.6 35 0

Clay Core (undrained condition) 19.6 22 5
Filter Zone 20.4 40 0
Rockfill Zone 22.0 40 0
Alluvial Foundation 19.6 40 0
Zone Permeability (m/s)
Clay Core 1x10-7
Filter Zone 1x10-4
Rockfill Zone 1x10-2
Alluvial Foundation 1x10-2

* Simulation / Load Condition:

The following are the factor of safety results of the analysis for the stability of the dam
considering different loading conditions:
1. Long-term Steady State

The downstream face was analyzed in this loading condition during the normal
maximum water surface level, 290masl.

2. Maximum Surcharge Steady State

The downstream face was analyzed in this loading condition during the maximum
surcharge level, 292.3masl.
3. Full Rapid Drawdown

The upstream face was analyzed for this loading condition. The water level in the San
Roque Dam was lowered from 290masl to the minimum water level of 225masl.

4. Seismic Loading

For the seismic loading analysis, the normal maximum water surface level, 290masl for
the San Roque Dam was considered during the Operational Basis Earthquake (OBE)
and the Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) or Safety Evaluation Earthquake (SEE).

The upstream and downstream faces were analyzed.

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) factor for OBE is 0.32g.

PGA factor for MDE/SEE is 1.096g.

For the pseudo-static analysis, the horizontal coefficient is considered to be half the
value of the PGA.

-San Roque Dam Long-term Steady State with OBE – U/S Face
-San Roque Dam Long-term Steady State with OBE – D/S Face

-San Roque Dam Long-term Steady State with MDE – U/S Face

-San Roque Dam Long-term Steady State with MDE – D/S Face
* Summary:
- The following are the tabulated results of the static stability analysis for the different
simulations. Included also in the table are the required Factor of Safety and the
acquired Factor of Safety of EDCOP 2021 study.

EDCOP F of S Acquired F of S
Load Condition   Required F of S (San Roque in this
IDSR 2021) Simulation

Long-Term Steady
  1.5 1.805 1.815

Max Surcharge   1.4 1.773 1.786

Full Rapid
  1.3 1.829 1.825

Long-Term Steady
  1 1.014 1.017
State with OBE U/S

Long-Term Steady
  1 1.276 1.281
State with OBE D/S

Long-Term Steady
  1 0.421 0.424
State with MDE U/S

Long-Term Steady
  1 0.685 0.697
State with MDE D/S

* Conclusion:

The analysis for MDE of PGA factor 1.096g, the upstream and downstream were lower
than the safety requirements, therefore deformation is to be expected during MDE.
Except for the MDE analysis, all acquired factor of safety passed the dam safety
requirements for stability.

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