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appearance of other European powers in Africa induced Lord

``Total abstinence'' and ``total abstainer'' are associated

himself and for Spain, he wanted the singleness of purpose

Konigsberg, and these theological disputes soon created an

The very numerous theories on the subject have generally been

eastwards was fixed at the basin of the river Shari, and

renounced his cardinalate, was sent on a mission to France

board more than 12 ft. square within 400 ft. of a public

whose imagination new vistas had just opened out eastwards,

See P. Orsi in Atti del Congresso di

passing over the frequently snow-bound wastes that lie below

long been under discussion, and controversy has centred

knife, generally they carry shield and spear as well. Although

required. Originally the absorption of the Deacon chlorine took

excavated in 1880--see Notizie degli scavi, 1880, 290,

rerum Alexandri Magni scriptorum imprimis Arriani & Plutarchi

within five weeks of the event, except in the months of

Vliores at Avlona, who are stated to own over 150 sq. m. of

neighbours to the south-west, did the same, we have no ground

among the supporters of Catholicism, and was among the princes

they were discontinued about the middle of the 19th

Herodotus disbelieves the story--see GREECE, Ancient

was private secretary to the premier, Lord John Russell, in

peoples from Babel.'' Another legend, also to be found in Arabic

territory, besides increasing their manufacturing capital

outside bodies only through the agencies of our limbs and

bunks. The hammock was universal in the tropics, and chairs

as that of the cells, and helps the cells to discharge

panegyrick for my Lord General's return, summing up his

can here be made. It is satisfactory to record that but very

forward as one of the earliest defenders of symbolism. Among

the chemical character of the water--whether fresh, brackish

of this sort requires from 35 to 50 acres of land mostly

Gallic, African and Spanish legislation; and some of them

was the mother of Heracles by Zeus, who assumed the likeness

the archbishop, and from him on similar default to the

matters, and their distribution; 150 volumes more, occupied

the Red Sea in case France secured Egypt by dividing up the

(3624), Peterhead (11,794), Turriff (2273). The Supreme Court

and W. by Perueia, S.W. by Rome and Casertz, S. by Benevento.

Zoospores arise in cells of ordinary size and form termed

at sea, and an action against the owners of the ship.

lagoon, 16 m. long and 4 m. wide, covering a somewhat larger

and imprisoned his mother on a charge of attempting to poison

of crushing Lee's army, lost no opportunity of fighting a

defunct Academy of Surgery at Vienna was instituted in

Annales Muslemici (5 vols., Copenhagen, 1789--1794) . His

high, with a Corinthian capital on which is the royal,unicorn

the monuments of later Italian history had no interest for him.

on personal acquaintance with most parts of the range),

headings. Brief mention only need be here made of some of the

1860. His chief work was in microscopic petrology, to the

descriptions of events and impressions of men. The earliest

which Epidaurus and Aegina were members. An amphictyony

it proves the existence of a democratic party, suggests,

times, that he seemed to have made it a subject of particular

condition of the rumen of true ruminants; the general cavity

of Sanskrit roots, in three books, and hence sometimes

cattle there were about four head of sheep, whereas in

there is some amount of sterile tissue in Riccia, in Bangia

his own contrivance, and which is certainly the least happy

Isurium Brigantum of the Romans, originally perhaps a capital

the latter of which is of a higher alcoholic strength than the

has been converted into normal sodium carbonate, partly also

of acres of wheat as returned by the occupiers on June 4, the

the properties of these reproductions, i.e. the relative

(1) freedom of trade in the basin of the Congo, (2) the slave

they have been universally adopted for all military rifles.

evoked a keener desire than ever to complete the work he left

cloister to the south (4) occupies the whole length of the

Christina of Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1654

AUTHORITIES.---The standard treatise in English is H. D.

(1882). Ibn Daud was one of the first Jewish scholastics to

have accepted the idea--could organize itself on the lines

position heing when the stick points along the resultant AD.

19.61 bushels, rotation hay 23.55 cwt., permanent hay 20.41

edition, amounting to fifty thousand copies, was sold within a

the upper Niger and of the countries lying within the great
war they use spears and long, narrow shields of giraffe or ox

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