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AFFIDAVIT OF PARENTAL CONSENT FOR TRAVEL OF MINOR We sand (Name of Mother) (Name of Father) Years old respectively, with residence address at Se South Korea, after Filipinofs)__and having been duly sworn to before competent authority, depose and say: That, /We, the Mother/Father/parents of the minor. (Name of Minor) born on in (Date of Birth) (Place of Birth) That, Me hereby give my/our consent to my/our son/daughter who will be traveling to the pj on with Mr. /Ms (Bate of Travel) (Name of traveling companion) with residence address at | a That I/we personally know the traveling companion, she/he being my/our. : (Relationship) sane that Re/she will take care and protect the aforesaid minor ‘or the duration of the travel until the later is tuned over to Mr/Ms Years old and who is related to me/us ee (Name of Minor’s custodian/guardian) with residence address at i oo 'N WITNESS WHEREOF, /We sign these presents on this day of, 20, os re at the Philippine Embassy, Seoul, South Korea, (Signature over Printed Name of Mother) {Signature over Printed Name of Father) Mobile Number: Mobile Number: a es CONFORME BY TRAVELING COMPANION: : (Signature over Printed Name) Mobile Number: ee WITNESSES (Signature over Printed Name) {Signature over Printed Name)

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