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U = vector space of size n

V = vector space of size m

B= {u1, u2, u3. ,…., “u”n} ; B is a basis set of U

C= {v1, v2, v3, …. , “v”m} ; C is a basis set of V

* What about n<m, n=m, n>m?

=> Note: the above vectors are only basis vectors.

= coefficient vectors needed by basis vectors of the codomain to construct T(u)’s

: M focuses on “C” rather than “B.”
: m = size of “C” = dimension of “C”
: There are “n” number of elements.
: Hence, = m x n matrix
T: U -> V
U of size 3 ; B= (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)
V of size 2 ; C= (1,0), (0,1)

u = (x, y, z)
T(u) = (2x+y-z ; x+y+z) (*Note: this satisfies T(0) = 0)
T(u1) = T(1,0,0) = (2,1)
T(u2) = T(0,1,0) = (1,1)
T(u3) = T(0,0,1) = (-1,1)

: 2 x 3 matrix

rho (2,1) | rho (1,1) | rho (-1,1)

1st row: 2, 1, -1
2nd row: 1, 1, +1

rho (2,1)
: 2*(1,0) + 1*(0,1)
: Accordingly, (2,1)
: the above row vector should be rendered into column form as above.



m x 1 = (m x n) x (n x 1)

: “u” is represented in terms of the elements of the basis set B.

: rho_B_u can “seep through” because of the scalar multiplication rule.

: “u” consists of the vectors of the basis “B.”


: the strategy is to use the rho function as an LT function.
: (m x n) x (n x 1)

“U”: B is a basis. (dimension “n”) “u” belongs in “U”

“V”: C is a basis. (dimension “m”)
“W”: D is a basis. (dimension “r”)

(r x n) = (r x m) * (m x n)

Reverse ‘em, then you will understand:

B,D = C,D * B,C
=> D,B = D,C * C, B
The above illustration helps with memorization.

Isomorphism = “invertible LT exists” = injective & surjective = “back and forth” exists.

: unlike what it seemingly says in the above, it is NOT a given that rho leads from K(T) to N.
: K(T) is a subspace of U, which has a dimension of “n.”
: N(M…) is a subspace whose dimension is “n.”
: rho_B = K(T) to N(M...) * this should be proved.
(I) “u” (input from K(T)) =>thru Rho B => “0” (an element of N(M)) (verifying the input-

: First, show that rho B (u) belongs in the null space.


* The end column is a zero vector not meant to be comprised in A.

* Dimension of the above matrix = 5 = the dimension of the null space
Ax = (0 vector)
The entirety of “x” = null space
“M” corresponds to “A.”
“x” corresponds to “rho.”
: the above term = 0
: thus, the “rho” value belongs in the null space of “M.”

T(u) = (2x+y-z ; x+y+z)

u= (-1, +3/2, -1/2) belongs in K(T)
B= (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)
rho B u = (-1, +3/2, -1/2)

rho (2,1) | rho (1,1) | rho (-1,1)
1st row: 2, 1, -1
2nd row: 1, 1, +1

rho B u = (-1, +3/2, -1/2)

M x rho B (u) = zero vector

2(-1) + 1(3/2) + (-1)(-1/2) = 0

1(-1) + 1(3/2) + (1)(-1/2) = 0
(II) “u” (input from K(T)) <= thru Rho B <= “0” (an element of N(M)) (verifying surjection)

“u” => “x” , thru rho B

Verify that there is a corresponding “u” that belongs in K(T)

Regarding the dark green string

: “x” belongs to the null space of M(TCB),
: Thus, the equation M(TCB) = 0 holds.
: a rho function is known to be both injective and surjective.
: Hence, the isomorphism between K(T) and N(M..) through rho_B function.

(I) “v” (input from R(T)) =>thru Rho C => an element of C(M) (verifying the input-output)

: (m x n) x (n x 1) = (m x 1)
: “M” (a group of columns) can be manipulated to produce a single column vector rho C (v).
: Thus, rho C (v) belongs in the column space of M.
(II) “v” (input from R(T)) <=thru Rho C <= an element of C(M) (verifying surjection)



Mx = y
(m x n) x (n x 1) = (m x 1)

Verify that there is corresponding “C^(-1) (y)” that belongs in R(T).

: “u” has a dimension of “n.”
: T(u) has a dimension of “m.”
: rho C^(-1) (y) has a dimension of “m”
: That T(u) = rho C^(-1) (y) holds means that rho C^(-1) (y) belongs in R(T).


: “Invertible linear transformation” = injective + surjective = back and forth

: A vector space usually has a dimension of “n” and a size of “n.”
: Hence, M(BC) cannot help but be a SQUARE matrix.

“T is an invertible LT”  “M(TBC) is an invertible matrix”




x = n x 1 vector, belonging in C^n

T(x) = n x 1 vector, belonging in C^n

: a collection of rhoC(T(ei))’s from “i” to “n” = M(TBC) = the invertible matrix A


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