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Caraig, Justine Claire C.

Grade 12 - Humss B

1. The concept of occurrence of being diversified, an example of varying, and the area or range
within which a thing varies are all ideas of "variation." However, when it pertains to
comprehending culture, society, and politics, variation refers to the vast diversity in social
activities that different civilizations show across the world.
2. The method in which two things are not the same, or the fact that they are distinct from one
another the attribute or state of being different.
3. A taboo or tabu is a prohibition against anything based on a cultural sensibility that regards it
as overly disgusting, holy, or only authorized by certain individuals. A social or religious
tradition that forbids or prohibits the mention of certain conduct or affiliation with a specific
person, place, or item.
4. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own group, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others;
an appraisal of other cultures is based on preconceptions derived from one's own culture's
norms and practices.
5. Cultural relativism refers to the practice of not evaluating a culture according to our own
criteria of what is right or wrong, weird or normal. Instead, we should endeavor to
comprehend other groups' cultural behaviors in their own cultural context. Cultural relativism
holds that a person's ideas and actions should be interpreted through the lens of their own

“Me & My Culture”
MARRIAGE- Marriage, in my perspective, is a commitment made to one person. This marriage, on
the other hand, acts as a commitment to each other that they will be there for each other in sickness
and in health, for richer and for poorer. In my culture, marriage is regarded as a significant event for
adolescents, and it is expected that individuals will one day marry a good spouse. Having children
outside of marriage is frowned upon in Filipino society. As a result, many couples would marry before
having a kid in order to escape societal ramifications.

BEHAVIOR- To show respect to your people, you must keep your volume down and slow down when
passing by a church, school, health facilities, chapels, and so on. Wearing ostentatious attire in
religious institutions or areas is considered disrespectful.

HAND GESTURES- Pagmamano (bless) to the elderly is one of the most crucial and common
gestures in the Philippines. This gesture showcases so much respect for the elderly. This V-shaped
sign, made by the index and the middle finger as a sign of "peace," is one hand gesture that you're
most likely familiar with in our culture. You can mostly see this gesture in "wacky" pictures or selfies.

CHILD REARING- Young children are frequently raised by an extended family home, with numerous
relatives sharing child-rearing duties. As far as I know, no such mandate concerning population
control exists in the Philippines. Even young adults and teens, particularly minors, are having early
pregnancies; the population has reached capacity.

RELIGION- The Philippines is made up of several ideologies, beliefs, behaviors, ethnicities, and
traditions. Despite our diverse customs and beliefs, whenever it matters to our humanity, we always
risk ending up with community engagement and harmony.

READING TEXT-All books are written and read from left to right, including those in different

TABLE MANNERS- Some Filipinos use spoons and forks when eating as well, while others use their
hands when eating. Putting it very well in clean water and hand washing it.

“The Hero and The Woman”
Caraig, Justine Claire C.

She finds it hard to see the community,

Overshadowed by the big passive immunity
Who is that working near the unity?
I assume diversity like to eat the economic community

Unity despite Diversity

Is the test of Community
It's not about how we differ
It's about embracing one another

We are existing together with a different perspective

Beliefs and values are diverse
Disrespect seems to be a bound
Prejudice is the overwhelming sound

One for all, all for one, we stand

The humble land in hundredfold we bound
Yet Unity stands despite the cultural diversity
In defense shall we die for our country.

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