Essay NSTP

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The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.

” “Kung ano ang puno, siya rin ang bunga” is a common tagalog
quote where it conveniently generalizes one cause and its effect. The line states that if a person is bad,
evil, impure, or immoral in character when he produces an offspring, they too, will become bad, evil,
impure, or immoral in character as they grow. The same suggest for a person who is good, pure, and
moral in character. However, this line can become problematic when taken literally and not with a grain
of salt. You see, the parent and child are two different humans. They think differently, learn differently,
act differently, and even live in different generations that may have values that differ and beliefs that
treat the other as obsolete. The problem it presents is that it becomes too restrictive for the child where
he loses control over himself and ultimately, his destiny – possibly because of his lineage, his surname,
his family’s inclination to a particular discipline, his family’s clout, or religious beliefs. Adhering to the
guidance of the book, I think that the parent and the child cannot be compared, because they both think
differently and therefore, create their destiny. I suggest that we apply the line separately on the parent
and the child as humans. So, the parent's actions will bear fruit, no matter how good or evil it is. Also,
the child's actions will bear fruit, no matter how good or evil it is. In fairness to the parents, the child is
not fate’s way of retribution for your sins or reward for your good deeds in the past – not until they are
sustaining themselves. I think that inevitably, there are contradictions to this suggestion when it comes
to other Social Sciences that discusses the topic of Nature and Nurture, for example. However, the aim
of this is to empower people who are thinking that they are – and should be – photocopies of their
parents. While it is true that parents play a huge role in the formation of the child’s belief and value
system, time will come that that influence shall wither when the child starts to think and rationalize. In
which case, the responsibility and accountability on the consequences as a result of his actions must be
placed on his shoulder. Sometimes bad parenting is one of the cause why saying that kung ano ang puno
siya din ang bunga, treating them bad while they are still child is what they really get when they getting
adult or starting to develop their maturity, what they see in their parents while they are growing up is
what they copy until that become their habit in their life. As we know children always copy what they
see in their environment, they always doing the things what their sight see, so sometimes that the cause
why a person change. Being a parents is not easy especially child rearing, but always be aware about the
action you taken because being bad image in a child will become their accustomed. But there’s an
instance that the situation is reverse that the parents is the good one and their children is something
that different with his/her parents, maybe that happens because the environment she/he belong the
people that he encounter, peer friend or his circle one that also some reason why suddenly their child
becoming different because he/she want to explore the thing in the world without the control or copied
the attitude of her/his circle of friends, so we can’t say all the time that the parents is the one whose
fault in the changes of their child, it is really matter of fact if you want to become a good or bad person,
if you want to copied what you see in your environment, it is really your choice as a person what path
you want to take or what fate you what to grab. As being a person only you who knows who really you
are maybe there’s some situation that change you because of the society you live in but always
remember you are the only one who will decide about the choices you will pick. Being indifferent with
someone is not the basis to lessen your worth as a person, but always be good person it doesn’t really
matter If you can’t do what people do in their life but the most important thing is you are enjoying your
life and you are contented for the things what you have. So I’m not believing in the saying kung ano ang
puno ay siya rin ang bunga, you and your parents is different person, maybe you have the same
surname, blood type, dna or resemblance but the character you have is really not the same, always the
choices and willingness in the heart if you want to be indifferent with them.
"Caught and not taught" usually means you learn values or behaviors from the people and organizations
that practice them, rather than by being told. In that sense, yes, you learn them by yourself, not by
being told what to do. Instead, you catch such values by seeing them lived in a powerful, attractive way.
So if, for example, you were told by someone, You ought to live a certain way but you saw them not
being a very good example of their teaching, chances are you won't catch or consistently practice that
value. On the other hand, if you see someone consistently living out what they believe with power and
great dignity sometimes even in the face of difficulty those are values that can be caught. Most of us
want lives of significance. We admire others in whom we see strength, service to unselfish goals,
transcendence over circumstances, and consistent integrity. If their example, if their modeling of those
values, is powerful enough, their values can be caught. Sadly, values that are less helpful to us
personally and to society, can be caught, too. What kind will people catch from you. A person will
develop his sense of values for himself, as part of his life experiences. If there’s an attempt to teach
them to him, they may be good values, but not his. People seize most of their values in the early years of
their life from those they see around. Children absorb these values from their parents and teachers.
Families and educators play a crucial role in building values in children and students as they see them as
role models. One can also learn about the morals of the good life from the holy and religious books.
Childhood and the teenage period is the most crucial phase in a person’s life because it is at this time,
that one cultivates most of his normal principles or values. Human values are formed by different stages
and incidents in one’s life, especially in teenage and college life. Education without values tends to make
a man miserable. Hence, it becomes of the utmost importance to impart correct and positive values
among children and students.Values are what distinguish and make special one person from another
one. When someone tries to find and define their personal values, they discover what is really important
to them. Each person has different values that were developed and are constantly improving throughout
their lives. There are people who act with different values in some occasions and there are others who
are able to follow their values in every situation they face. But for me even values can be caught or
taught the important here is how you apply it in yourself because values play a vital role role in our life
because your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live. Your values tell
you if you're living your life the way you want to. The values in a person’s life make them the person
they are. Every person has different values that compliment themselves in making them the person they
are and want to be. Some of our values are being dependable, determined, self responsible, loyalty and
family. Everyone has multiple values that their life runs on. In life you need to be responsible for yourself
and you cannot depend on other people. You also have to be responsible and take the blame for what
you did. If you owe money you have to pay up and not ask people to help you out. It is a good value to
have so when no one is there to help you out or tell you what to do you don’t have to freak out. Values
is really significant for you to grow and enhance yourself as an individual because not all the time you
can depend to others, you need to develop your own values in your life or in yourself because this is the
way to see if you really applying all the things that teaches you or the things that you see. It doesn’t
matter in life if that values is being caught or taught but the most crucial here is how you do it properly
and what the lesson you get for you to complete for who you are and what the things that you able to
3. Yes, I consider myself as a leader because anyone can be a leader in their own way. It is not a basis of
being a leader of how intellectual you are, how many achievements you have or your status in life,
because being a leader is being responsible in everything and how you accomplish the task. I always
input in my mind that a leader is also a great follower because who cannot be a good follower, cannot
be a good leader. The best followers don't see themselves as another cog in the corporate machinery.
They know what they're doing. They know what their peers are doing. They even know what their
leaders are doing. They know because they want to know. They want to know because leaders are
supposed to know more than everyone else. That's right, leaders. Not followers. The best followers
aren't really followers. They see themselves as future leaders. And they have already started their own
personal leadership journey. They happen to be self-leaders who follow. The best followers are also the
best team-players. They know one truth they are only as good as the team. When you make personal
sacrifices for the good of the team, you're broadcasting the message, I care about us more than me that
sort of selflessness hardly ever goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Team players are the glue that keeps
the team together. Their leaders count on them. Their peers confide in them. Everyone else likes them.
And why I want to be a leader, the one thing why I want to become an effective leader is to give
confidence to everyone and to stand for them, not to get all the credit but to give hope for them,
because becoming a leader there’s always the affiliate of great responsibility, you need to be strong in
front of them to show that you can help them to complete the task, I know being a leader is not an easy
job. You have to put everybody before yourself. Leadership is more than just leading people in the right
direction. Being leader doesn’t mean being the boss of everybody, that’s a completely different thing.
Leading is actually working with the people and going through everything together, you don’t watch
them do everything while you tell them what to do. Being leader also is not a self- proclaim you should
share the credit and shoulder the blame. If praise is given to you, make sure that other members
involved in the project receive their fair share of the credit and as the leader accept the blame. Learn to
say things in the right way. In order to learn this important skill, you must learn to read people. This
requires paying attention to their personalities and finding the best way to say something that will
connect with that individual. Thank people for their contributions. The better others feel about their
contributions, the more likely they’ll want to help you again. And I want to remind for those who want
to become a leader that only dead fish swim with the stream. I want to be a leader, and not to be the
president, a prefect or a person in position of authority. A leader that consistently want to follow for
numerous qualities that they possess and use. That my influences are not my strengths but in how I use
my strengths. A fancy title can make people follow temporarily, yet without big enough speakers, few
will keep straining to hear your music. Firstly, believe that anyone can be a leader. Truth be told,
everyone is looking to be led. Think of life as a gloomy pathway - the more leaders you have, the more
people that are in front walking with a torch. Instead of waiting for problems to appear, take steps to
prevent them. If you can't prevent them, then you can at least prepare. That's the core difference
between a leader and person in power. A good person in authority responds well to various situations a
good leader takes active action to prevent and create situations before they actually happen. So that’s
the things why I want to become a leader, I want to help them in various thing, I want to stand to
everyone and motivate them give advice in life and how to accomplish the things and also I want to
share to them what I’ve learned for becoming a leader a well a follower, because leaders don’t set out
to be a leader, they set out to make difference, it’s never about the role always about the goal.
Recreational dance is a recreational activity that I want to introduce to the community besides from the
benefit you will in this activity, you can also having fun freely and it also boost your physical activity,
because one of the basic motives of dance is the expression and communication of emotions. People
can dance as a way of releasing their powerful feelings, such as sudden accesses of high spirits, joy,
impatience, or anger, also there is a little structure, few rules, and participants do not necessarily need
to know how dance or retain any information, they can do everything they want in the way of dancing,
that’s why it is really good to have a recreational activity like this and it’s my will to introduce this in the
community. So why I choose recreational dance because we all know that dance is a universal language.
Anyone and everyone can dance, there are so many wonderful forms that provide enjoyment for
everyone. Whilst some dedicate their lives in dance, others find joy in simply participating and
challenging themselves to learn and improve every time they step on the floor. Aside from the utter
enjoyment dance can bring, it poses many health benefits. Dance is a great way to self-express and grow
whilst remaining active and engaged. Dance is an excellent form of exercise and is fun, engaging, and
entertaining at the same time. Dance also allows you to explore various entities so can’t not grow bored
of physical activity. This recreational program offers a wide variety of disciplines, you can improve your
flexibility, stamina, strength, range of motion, and overall health. Being physically active and involved
passionately in an activity can set you up for a future of great health awareness and desire to strive. The
great thing about physical health in relation to dance is the element of enjoyment. If you partake in an
activity you enjoy doing, you are more inclined to continue long-term as opposed to doing something
just for the sake of doing it. This recreational program is fun for all ages and all skill levels. They reap all
the benefits of being physically active whilst simultaneously having a great time. This bridges the gap
between mental and physical health and awareness. If they enjoys what they are doing, chances are,
they will continue with that habit in the future. It is a wonderful thing and gives you the chance to earn
copious metals and strive to one-up themselves. For new in dance, this allows them to explore various
disciplines and gain confidence in what they do. Social skills are imperative, not only for a current state
but for the future as well. This recreational dance program allows in all ages from all different skill levels
to interact and socialize with one another. The social skills develops through dance will allow them to
gain confidence and self-esteem, imperative for growth and success. This recreational dance programs
are very interactive and team building is a vital part of it all. Encouraged to work together and ask for
help when needed, ergo, helping them develop critical social skills. For everyone who are quite shy,
dance can allow them to break out of their shell. Interacting with others as well as doing on community
can help alleviate some of the anxiety and social concerns them may have. Dance poses so many
wonderful benefits and opportunities. From strong physical development to enhancing social and
cognitive awareness and skills, there are so many reasons why dance truly is a universal language. This
idea is way a good for everyone, through this they can express their emotions, they can have fun with
everyone and many things will develop to their self. But right now it is really hard to do this in the
community because of the pandemic that happening and the protocols is needed to follow for the
safety of everyone. I hope when the pandemic is already gone and everything will go back in normal like
before, this recreational activity that I want to introduce in the community will happen so anyone can
enjoy and relieve from everything.
Design and sell custom printed- on -demand t shirt


One of the major problem or challenge in starting business is capital even you want to grow or start your
new business endeavour, but facing difficulties for financing for new business is one of the barriers,
especially in designing and sell custom printed t shirt because you need materials and equipment to
finished the products and to finally introduced in the public

The solution: Though various ways are there for arranging new small business funding, but starting from
friends and family as a conventional, a lot of articles that I read that many experienced business owners
believe that self-fueled growth model is the best and less-risky one. So Instead of trying to establish a
big business house overnight, aim at your primary customers. If you can provide value added services to
them, by the virtue of word-of-mouth publicity, your business will develop automatically.

Too Many Competitors

The challenge: one of the minor problem is dealing with too many competitors in the same field. Like
now a days, some business owners want to start a business like design and sell custom printed t- shirt
because this is the trendy and many potential customer will patronize in this type of product, so that’s
why it is really hard to handle of having too many competitors

The solution: one of the solution that I will apply for this type of problem is to bring in something trendy
and new in the market. Customers flock to a business that offers extensive product knowledge and a
wide collection of the products they’re looking for.
Module 1

The work of the good citizens is to fulfill the duties and responsibilities that they have towards the
nation. If we want to do something for our nation we must become the good citizens of the nation. It
will enable us to do the right things, respect and care for other people's rights, abide by the rules and
regulations of the nation, help the old, poor, and needy people, and make the right use of the freedom
granted to us. The act of doing good things for the nation will make us good citizens and will be the real
service to the nation. The progress and development of every nation depend upon the deeds of its
citizens. If the percentage of good citizens is higher in a nation the country will have good progress and
development. We must always try to work in unity, live with peace and harmony, treat everyone
equally, foster the understanding of education among people, and be ready to help the nation in its
need. When we develop these qualities in us we can be good citizens and the strength of the nation.
Good citizens are those who give priority to the nation and never try to hurt anyone by their words or

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