Mc3 Chapter 3

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o Allow us to determine how to control the growth of

OUTLINE microbes
I Control of Microbial Growth o Specifically, of those microbes that cause disease
A Controlling Microbial Growth and food spoilage
B Control of Microorganisms
C Control of Growth
II Control of Microbial Growth: Definition ● The Growth Rate of Bacteria formula is defined as the
A Several Factors influence the Effectiveness of
Antimicrobial Treatment
rate of exponential growth of a bacterial culture which is
B Physical Methods of Microbial Control expressed as generation time, also the doubling time of
C Chemical Methods of Microbial Control the bacterial population and is represented as G = T/n or
D Chemical Antimicrobial Agents Mode of Action generation_time = Time/No.of generation.
E Factors Affecting the Antimicrobial Activity
F Qualities of Good Disinfectant


● Early civilizations practiced salting, smoking, pickling,
drying, and exposure of food and clothing to sunlight to
control microbial growth. Use of spices in cooking was to
mask taste of spoiled food. Some spices prevented
spoilage. In mid 1800s Semmelweis and Lister helped ● Phase when bacteria absorb nutrients, synthesize
developed aseptic techniques to prevent contamination enzyme and prepare for reproduction.
of surgical wounds.
o Before then: • Nosocomial infections caused LOGARITHMIC GROWTH PHASE OR
death in 10% of surgeries. • Up to 25% mothers EXPONENTIAL GROWTH PHASE
delivering in hospitals died due to infection. ● Phase when bacteria multiply so rapidly that the
● Control of Microbial Growth means to inhibit or prevent population number doubles with each generation time.
growth of microorganisms. This control is affected in two Generations Time – time between the formation of a new
basic ways: (1) by killing microorganisms or (2) by bacterium and its division into two daughter cells. Growth rate
inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. is greatest during the logarithmic phase.


● Important in the medical field, pharmaceutical and
● Phase when the rate of division slows and the number of
biotechnology industries, academic research, and food
bacteria dividing equals the number of dying. It is during
industry. Chemical Agents that can eliminate or suppress
this phase that its culture maintain its greatest population
microbial life are separated in different groups based on
their use.
● Essential in order to prevent the transmission of diseases ● Microorganism die at a rapid because of overriding, the
and infection, stop decomposition and spoilage, and toxic waste products increase and the nutrients and
prevent unwanted microbial contamination. oxygen supply decreases.
Microorganisms are controlled by means of physical
CONTROL OF GROWTH ● Killing or removing all forms of microbial life (including
● Usually involves the use of physical or chemical agents endospores) in a material or an object. Heating is the
which either to kill or prevent the growth of most commonly used method of sterilization.
microorganisms. Agents which kill cells are called cidal Commercial Sterilization: Heat treatment that kills
agents; agents which inhibit the growth of cells (without endospores of Clostridium botulinum the causative agent of
killing them) are referred to as static agents. botulism, in canned food. Does not kill endospores of
BACTERIAL GROWTH thermophiles, which are not pathogens and may grow at
temperatures above 45oC.
● Is the asexual reproduction, or cell division, of a
bacterium into two daughter cells, in a process called
● The complete destruction of all living organisms including
binary fission. Providing no mutational event occurs, the
cells, viable spore, and viruses.
resulting daughter cells are genetically identical to the
original cell.
Sterilization can be accomplished by:
o Heat
MICROBIAL GROWTH o Heat and steam under pressure
● Increase in number if cells rather than increase in size o Gas (ethylene acide)
● Understanding the requirements for microbial growth o Chemicals (formaldehyde)

Chapter 3

o Radiation of the ultraviolet rays or gamma rays ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES

● Presence of organic material (blood, feces, saliva) tends
● Disinfection: Reducing the number of pathogenic to inhibit antimicrobials, pH etc.
microorganisms to the point where they no longer cause
diseases. Usually involves the removal of vegetative or
non-endospore forming pathogens.
● May use physical or chemical methods. ● Chemical antimicrobials and radiation treatments are
o Disinfectant: Applied to inanimate objects. more effective at longer times. In heat treatments, longer
o Antiseptic: Applied to living tissue (antisepsis). exposure compensates for lower temperatures.
o Degerming: Mechanical removal of most microbes
in a limited area. Example: Alcohol swab on skin. PHYSICAL METHODS OF MICROBIAL CONTROL
o Sanitization: Use of chemical agent on food-handling HEAT
equipment to meet public health standards and ● Kills microorganisms by denaturing their enzymes and
minimize chances of disease transmission. E.g: Hot other proteins. Heat resistance varies widely among
soap & water. microbes.


● is the destruction or removal of infections or harmful ● Lowest temperature at which all of the microbes in a liquid
microorganism from non-living objects by physical or suspension will be killed in ten minutes.
chemical means.
o Eg. Pasteurization – use of disinfectants and use of THERMAL DEATH TIME (TDT)
● Note: Disinfection is not sterilization because not all ● Minimal length of time in which all bacteria will be killed in
microbes are destroyed in disinfection. a given temperature.

Disinfectants – chemicals used to disinfect inanimate DECIMAL REDUCTION TIME (DRT)

objects like bedside and OR equipment ● Time in minutes at which 90% of bacteria at a given
o e.g. Cydex, chlorox, phenol, carbolic acid, eresol, temperature will be killed. Used in the canning industry.
xylenols and orthophenylphenol.
SEPSIS ● Kills microorganisms by coagulating their proteins. In
● Comes from Greek for decay or putrid. Indicates bacterial general moist heat is much more effective than dry heat.
contamination. Asepsis: Absence of significant ● Reliable sterilization with moist heat that requires
contamination. Aseptic techniques are used to prevent temperatures above that of boiling water.
contamination of surgical instruments, medical
personnel, and the patient during surgery. Aseptic BOILING
techniques are also used to prevent bacterial ● Heat to 100 oC or more at sea level. Kills vegetative
contamination in food industry. forms of bacterial pathogens, almost all viruses, and fungi
and their spores within 10 minutes or less. Endospores
Bacteriostatic Agent An agent that inhibits the and some viruses are not destroyed this quickly. However
growth of bacteria, but does not brief boiling will kill most pathogens.
necessarily kill them.
● Suffix stasis: To stop or HEPATITIS VIRUS
● Germicide: An agent that ● Can survive up to 30 minutes of boiling.
kills certain
microorganisms. ENDOSPORES
Bactericide An agent that kills bacteria. Most ● Can survive up to 20 hours of boiling.
do not kill endospores.
Vericide An agent that inactivates the PASTEURIZATION
virus. ● Developed by Louis Pasteur to prevent the spoilage of
Fungicide An agent that kills fungi. beverages. Used to reduce microbes responsible for
Sporocide An agent that kills bacterial spoilage of beer, milk, wine, juices, etc.
endospores of fungal spores. o Classic Method of Pasteurization: Milk was
exposed to 65oC for 30 minutes.
● Rate of microbial death when bacterial populations are o High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization
heated or treated antimicrobial chemicals, they usually (HTST):
die at a constant rate. o Ultra High Temperature Pasteurization (UHT): Milk is
treated at 140oC for 3 seconds and then cooled very
SEVERAL FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE quickly in a vacuum chamber.
EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTIMICROBIAL ▪ Advantage: Milk can be stored for several
● The more microbes present, the more it takes time to DRY HEAT
eliminate population. ● Kills oxidation effects.
o Direct Flaming: Used to sterilize inoculating loops
TYPES OF MICROBES and needles. Heat metal until it has a red glow.
o Incineration: Effective way to sterilize disposable
● Endospores are very difficult to destroy. Vegetative
items (paper cups, dressings) and biological waste.
pathogens vary widely in susceptibility to different
o Hot Air Sterilization: Place objects in an oven.
methods of microbial control.
Require 2 hours at 170oC for sterilization. Dry heat

Chapter 3

transfers heat less effectively to a cool body, than ▪ Disadvantages: Penetrates human tissues.
moist heat. May cause genetic mutations in humans.
o Ultraviolet light (Nonionizing Radiation):
FILTRATION Wavelength is longer than 1 nanometer. Damages
● Removal of microbes by passage of a liquid or gas DNA by producing thymine dimers, which cause
through a screen like material with small pores. Used to mutations. Used to disinfect operating rooms,
sterilize heat sensitive materials like vaccines, enzymes, nurseries, cafeterias.
antibiotics, and some culture media. ▪ Disadvantages: Damages skin, eyes. Doesn’t
o High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA): penetrate paper, glass, and cloth.
Used in operating rooms and burn units to remove o Microwave Radiation: Wavelength ranges from 1
bacteria from air. millimeter to 1 meter. Heat is absorbed by water
o Membrane filters: Uniform pore size. Used in molecules. May kill vegetative cells in moist foods.
industry and research. Bacterial endospores, which do not contain water,
▪ Different sizes: 0.22 and 0.45 um Pores: are not damaged by microwave radiation. Solid
Used to filter most bacteria. Don’t retain foods are unevenly penetrated by microwaves.
spirochetes, mycoplasmas and viruses. Trichinosis outbreaks have been associated with
▪ 0.01 um Pores: Retain all viruses and some pork cooked in microwaves.
large proteins.
LOW TEMPERATURE Types of Disinfectants:
● Effect depends on microbe and treatment applied.
● Phenols and Phenolics: u Phenol (carbolic acid) was first
REFRIGERATION used by Lister as a disinfectant. Rarely used today
because it is a skin irritant and has strong odor.
● Temperatures from 0 to 7 oC. Bacteriostatic effect. ● Used in some throat sprays and lozenges.
Reduces metabolic rate of most microbes so they cannot ● Acts as local anesthetic.
reproduce or produce toxins. u Freezing: Temperatures o Phenolics are chemical derivatives of phenol
below 0oC. o Cresols: Derived from coal tar (Lysol).
o Biphenols (pHisoHex): Effective against gram-
FLASH FREEZING positive staphylococci and streptococci. Used in
● Does not kill most microbes. nurseries. Excessive use in infants may cause
o Slow Freezing More harmful because ice crystals neurological damage.
disrupt cell structure. o Destroy plasma membranes and denature proteins.
● Over a third of vegetative bacteria may survive 1 year. o Advantages: Stable, persist for long times after
● Most parasites are killed by a few days of freezing. applied, and remain active in the presence of organic
● In the absence of water, microbes cannot grow or HALOGENS
reproduce, but some may remain viable for years. After ● Effective alone or in compounds.
water becomes available they start growing again. Iodine: Tincture of iodine (alcohol solution) was one of first
Susceptibility to desiccation varied widely: antiseptics used.
o Neisseria gonorrhea: Only survives about one o Combines with amino acid tyrosine in proteins and
hour. denatures proteins.
o Mycobacterium tuberculosis: May survive several o Stains skin and clothes, somewhat irritating.
months. o Iodophors: Compounds with iodine that are slow
o Viruses are fairly resistant to desiccation. releasing , take several minutes to act. Used as skin
o Clostridium spp. and Bacillus spp.: May survive antiseptic in surgery. Not effective against bacterial
decades endospores. Eg. Betadine u Isodine

OSMOTIC PRESSURE Chlorine: When mixed in water forms hypochlorous acid: Cl2
● The use of high concentrations of salts and sugars in + H2O ------> H+ + Cl- + HOCl Hypochlorous acid u Used to
foods is used to increase the osmotic pressure and create disinfect drinking water, pools, and sewage.
a hypertonic environment. o Chlorine is easily inactivated by organic materials.
● Plasmolysis: As water leaves the cell, plasma o Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl): Is active ingredient
membrane shrinks away from cell wall. Cell may not die, of bleach.
but usually stops growing. o Chloramines: Consist of chlorine and ammonia.
o Yeasts and molds: More resistant to high osmotic Less effective as germicides.
o Staphylococci spp. that live on skin are fairly Alcohols: Kill bacteria, fungi, but not endospores or naked
resistant to high osmotic pressure. viruses.
o Act by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell
RADIATION o Evaporate, leaving no residue.
● Three types of radiation that kill microbes: o Used to mechanically wipe microbes off skin before
o Ionizing Radiation: Gamma rays, X rays, electron injections or blood drawing.
beams, or higher energy rays. Have short o Not good for open wounds, because cause proteins
wavelengths (less than 1 nanometer). Dislodge to coagulate.
electrons from atoms and form ions. Cause
mutations in DNA and produce peroxides. Used to o Ethanol: Drinking alcohol. Optimum concentration is
sterilize pharmaceuticals and disposable medical 70%.
supplies. Food industry is interested in using ionizing o Isopropanol: Rubbing alcohol. Better disinfectant
radiation. than ethanol. Also cheaper and less volatil

Chapter 3

Heavy Metals: Include copper, selenium, mercury, silver, Peroxygens (Oxidizing Agents):
and zinc. o Oxidize cellular components of treated microbes.
o Oligodynamic action: Very tiny amounts are o Disrupt membranes and proteins.
effective. o Ozone:
▪ Silver: 1% silver nitrate used to protect infants ▪ Used along with chlorine to disinfect water.
against gonorrheal eye infections until recently. ▪ Helps neutralize unpleasant tastes and odors.
▪ Mercury: Organic mercury compounds like ▪ More effective killing agent than chlorine, but
Merthiolate and mercurochrome are used to less stable and more expensive.
disinfect skin wounds. ▪ Highly reactive form of oxygen.
▪ Copper: Copper sulfate is used to kill algae in ▪ Made by exposing oxygen to electricity or UV
pools and fish tanks. light.
▪ Selenium: Kills fungi and their spores. Used for o Hydrogen Peroxide:
fungal infections. Also used in dandruff ▪ Used as an antiseptic.
shampoos. ▪ Not good for open wounds because quickly
▪ Zinc: Zinc chloride is used in mouthwashes. broken down by catalase present in human
Zinc oxide is used as antifungal agent in paints. cells.
▪ Effective in disinfection of inanimate objects.
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quats): ▪ Sporicidal at higher temperatures.
o Widely used surface active agents. ▪ Used by food industry and to disinfect contact
o Cationic (positively charge) detergents. lenses.
o Effective against gram positive bacteria, less o Benzoyl Peroxide: Used in acne medications.
effective against gram-negative bacteria.
o Also destroy fungi, amoebas, and enveloped
Zephiran, Cepacol, also found in our lab spray ACTION
bottles. Pseudomonas strains that are resistant ● Damage to cell wall or inhibition of cell wall synthesis
and can grow in presence of Quats are a big ● Alteration of the cytoplasmic membrane permeability
concern in hospitals. ● Alteration of the physical and chemical state of proteins
▪ Advantages: Strong antimicrobial action, and nucleic acid
colorless, odorless, tasteless, stable, and ● Inhibition of enzyme function
nontoxic. ● Inhibition of protein and nucleic acid synthesis
▪ Disadvantages: Form foam. Organic matter
interferes with effectiveness. Neutralized by FACTORS AFFECTING THE ANTIMICROBIAL
soaps and anionic detergents.
● Concentration of the agent
o Include some of the most effective antimicrobials. ● Temperature (increase Temp., increase reaction)
o Inactivate proteins by forming covalent crosslinks ● Contact time
with several functional groups. ● pH
o Formaldehyde gas: ● Nature of microorganism (species)
▪ Excellent disinfectant. ● Growth phase of microorganisms
▪ Commonly used as formalin, a 37% aqueous ● Presence of special structure (spore capsule)
solution. ● Number of microorganisms
▪ Formalin was used extensively to preserve ● Presence of extraneous materials (blood, pus, etc)
biological specimens and inactivate viruses and
▪ Irritates mucous membranes, strong odor. ● High co-efficient of disinfection
▪ Also used in mortuaries for embalming. ● Stable
● Water soluble
Glutaraldehyde: ● Non-toxic, non-corrosive
o Less irritating and more effective than formaldehyde. ● Easy to use
o One of the few chemical disinfectants that is a ● Cheap
sterilizing agent.
o A 2% solution of glutaraldehyde (Cidex) is:
▪ Bactericidal, tuberculocidal, and viricidal in 10
▪ Sporicidal in 3 to 10 hours.
o Commonly used to disinfect hospital instruments.
o Also used in mortuaries for embalming.

Gaseous Sterilizers:
o Chemicals that sterilize in a chamber similar to an
o Denature proteins, by replacing functional groups
with alkyl groups.
o Ethylene Oxide:
▪ Kills all microbes and endospores, but requires
exposure of 4 to 18 hours.
▪ Toxic and explosive in pure form.
▪ Highly penetrating.
▪ Most hospitals have ethylene oxide chambers to
sterilize mattresses and large equipment.

Chapter 3

● Chemical substances used in treating diseases
● Special type of chemotherapeutic agents used in treating Notes from the discussion by
infectious diseases
● Usually obtained from living microorganisms. Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation powerpoint


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