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Student Name: Thony Rose Ilarina

Year and Section: BSIT-3C STEM

Date: October 10, 2022

(IPv4 Address Space and Address Classes)

I. Objectives

1. To Identify the classes of IPv4 Addresses in Decimal Notation.

2. To determine the range of IPv4 addresses
3. To understand the address range of IPv4 addresses
4. To allocate space for each class of IPv4 addresses
5. To test the IPv4 addresses using the Default Mask
6. To identify the invalid and valid IPv4 addresses
7. To troubleshoot the network addresses
II. Step and Procedure

1. It is important to set up the network IP and devices that will be used at the end.
2. Make sure to connect all the wires of each node in the topology that connects to another one.
3. Set each of the computer's IPv4 address and subnet mask in the computer's IP configuration.
4. After setting each computer's IP address, click "Enter." Then after typing in the IP address of
each computer, the subnet mask should show up.
5. Press or click the "Simulate" button and figure out what's wrong/error.

III. Observation and Result

1. The first observation is that, the assigned or default subnet mask will be used when the custom
IPv4 address is being entered into the input terminal.
2. Secondly, it can only take about 255 decimal numbers in a single octet.
3. Cisco Packet Tracer doesn't pay attention or focus to what you say about Class D and Class E
IPv4 addresses. The program makes it so that the addresses work as if they were undefined.
4. The IPv4 addresses work perfectly and accurately with the servers to which they are assigned
because the addresses used are checked and flow under a single class.
5. Cisco Packet Tracer can only read, process and accept numbers written in decimal notation.
IV. Conclusion

To conclude, for us to get an idea of the size and functions of the network that will be used, all
sets of networks and the classes they belong to should be found immediately. The classes
indicated are used to divide address spaces into different ranges of addresses. These ranges of
addresses are then used on networks whose size can be changed.

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