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Assignment 2 - PCR EduStream Assignment

ICT201 – Information Technology Project Management

Assignment 2
Project Closure Review
This is an INDIVIDUAL activity, which must be uploaded as a part of the Assignment 2 package, as
specified within the Assignment 2 Information Sheet.


Each team member must individually complete a Project Closure Review (PCR). Start this early and finish
this once the other deliverables are finalised for Assignment 2. Put some thought into this and look at each
aspect for each team member individually. A lack of thought will be readily apparent and will be marked
accordingly. As an example of what not to do - marking everyone with 5s would be a clear indicator that
you did not give this due thought. Additionally, simply copying content from one person to another may
be assessed as plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly. Don’t fall into this trap. This exercise is
actually more important than you might think. When you get out into the industry it is likely that you will
have to complete what are commonly called 360° Performance Reviews. These are often similar in
approach to the PCR. If you don’t do these properly it can have an adverse effect on your career. Therefore,
take the opportunity to learn the principles now, as it is likely to pay dividends later.
When you have completed your PCR, save it as an Adobe file (.pdf) using the naming convention explained
on Pages 4 and 5 of the Assignment 2 Information Sheet. Once you have converted the file to Adobe format
upload this directly into the LMS for Assignment 2.
No other person may change another person’s responses in the PCR. If the comments or marks of
one person are modified by someone else, this may result in automatic failure for every member of
that group.
Team Name (Insert the name you called your team)
Person completing the PCR (Insert your name)

(Insert the Student Number and each student’s Full Name in the following rows. Ensure that you are listed as Student 1. If there were fewer than six members
of your team, leave the rows that are not required blank.)

Student ID Student Full Name Number Assigned

(Murdoch Student Number) (As it appears within the Murdoch Records) (This must be reflected in the Student Number as it will be
used in the following Assessment Table)

1 (This must be you)


Murdoch University Page 1

Assignment 2 - PCR EduStream Assignment

For each of the students (as numbered in the preceding table), fill in the following matrix using this marking scale:
0 Did not participate 3 Satisfactory/acceptable contribution to this aspect of the project
1 Very poor contribution to this aspect of the project 4 Good contribution to this aspect of the project
2 Poor contribution to this aspect of the project 5 Excellent contribution to this aspect of the project

Types of Project Participation Review Scores

(For each of the aspects listed in the column to the left, insert scores for each Student using the scoring scale
provided above. You must be Student 1, and the others should conform to the student numbers as listed in
the second table on Page 1. If there were less than 6 students in the group, leave columns blank)
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6
(This should be you)

Responded appropriately to group communications (e.g. Email, SMS, etc.)

Attended the group meetings/workshops as requested
Actively participated in workshops and provided inputs and support
Conducted appropriate research and shared their findings as inputs for the assignment
Positively influenced problem solving through the provision of ideas
Assisted in the drafting of material for the Assignment
Supported other students in the group, by providing assistance where appropriate
Contributed to the management and organisation of the group

Other Remarks (Insert any other remarks that you may have in the following cell)
Insert any additional remarks here, by replacing this text – It is important that you include remarks.


 Be honest. You are not doing anyone a favour by protecting people who did not provide the required support. This would simply mean that they will not gain
the knowledge they need in the industry, so they are effectively wasting their money doing the unit. Therefore, be honest to help them.
 It is important that you give the marks provided for each criteria some real thought. Just marking everything as the same score would be an indicator that
insufficient thought was given to these matters, and the mark allocated to your PCR form would reflect that.
 It is highly recommended that you add other remarks. The inclusion of these explanatory remarks will be deemed as an indicator that you have given more
thought to the issues.
 If it becomes apparent that students have simply copied from other students, then the marks for this deliverable may be nullified. It is important that you get
used to doing 360-degree reporting prior to getting into the industry. Therefore, put some careful thought into this.

Murdoch University Page 2

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