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May I use this medium on behalf of all members of Ekiti State Christian Association of Nigeria
(CAN) to congratulate Nigerians and in particular the people of Gods own State here in Ekiti.
May the Lord revisit our land and restore all our lost glories in Jesus name (Amen).
A time like this calls for reflections on the state of affairs in the country with special reference
to our land . Independence anniversary should be a thing of joy because of our freedom from
the slave masters during the colonial era over three scores years ago, a right thinking person
must be able to ask questions on how we have fared since independence.
But to say the least, is this the Nigeria we all struggled to birth at independence?
Should we say the country is going at the pace that will soon cause her to her desired haven?
Is democracy not the government of the people, by the people, and for the people? Are we
getting the concept of democracy right the way it is being practiced in this country? We have
prayed for a better Nigeria but it seems nothing is working.
Now we have a democracy that never listens to the voice of the masses when actually
democracy supposed to be a government that is people-orienred.
These days, those in government becomes terrified when people decide to question their
inhuman and insensitive policies and leadership styles. The democracy we practice today is deaf
and blind to the needs and cry of the populace. Rather than listen to voice of wisdom, they
outlaw those who dares to speak against the excesses of those in the corridor of power. Power
that is supposed to be with the people, are now hijacked by the minority in leadership, leaving
the populace in serious poverty.
Today Nigeria is 62, her education has become legalized as none essential in the face of
prolonged ASSU strikes and miserable and dilapidated public schools. Our roads are decorated
with potholes, public libraries in shambles, mainly decorated with ancient books. Government
hospitals are forsaken and the little ones functioning unaffordable for the masses. The alarming
rate of insecurity, unabated inflation, and insurgence continues to ravage the country. No
doubt about the brain-drain existing among lecturers and medical professionals. Nigerian
youths are bombarded with poor economy, unemployment, and discouraging policies for self-
employment and self-reliance. People in power are busy feeding massively on our national cake
and steeling resources with little or no condemnation. Ritual killers on a rampage, and bandits
running serious business on the poor masses, sorts of evils and confusions continue to fill the
land, and there seems to be nothing possible to be done about them.
The question is, How did we get here?
Those we voted into leadership to serve and make life bearable for us have now led us into
captivity. You dear not criticize them, you will smell pepper. Is this democracy or democracy?
Democracy is government of oppressors, forcing all manners of bad policy and anti-human
tendencies down the throat of the led by fire, through brim stone and force. You dare not raise
your voice in protest.
Our democracy has enslaved us and made us captive.
My people, listen to what God has to say about our present situation – “Shall the prey be taken
from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered”?
But thus says the Lord:
‘’Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible be delivered;
for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children’’.
Our time of deliverance is closer than the time our journey to independence began. Nigerians
must rise to retrieve back their power of control and leadership authority. It is time to wake,
enough of growing in age and not in sense; enough of growing in number and not economically;
enough of growing in size and not in productivity. Nigerians must overtake to Take Over the
leadership of the country.

Nigerians Rise!
Youths Rise!
Adult Rise!
Women Rise!
Men Rise!
Nigeria will be saved and our common enemy will be put to shame. We must all rise for our
Rev Dr. Emmanuel Adeyinka Aribasoye,
CAN Chairman, Ekiti State

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