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1. Muhot had stumbled across one of the world’s most
astonishing and enduring architectural feats: the 900
year old remains of Angkor Wat.
2. Soon a stream of explorers, photographers and
archeologists traveled east keen to uncover the
mysteries of this vanished world.
3. Each of the royal temples is modeled on the five peaks
of Mount Meru, the home of the Indian gods. For their
builders the shrines were a celebration of religion, art,
science and power.
4. In the last two years archeologist Jacques Gouchier has
started to excavate the interior of the walled city.
5. The king was rarerly seen outside the palace, but Joe
describes one such occasion the new year festival.
6. Covering an area the size of London, this rural
metropolis was immense.
7. This would make Angkor at its peak between the 11th
and 13th centuries one of the largest cities in the world.
8. Beneath the surface of the road narrow channels in the
dike allow water to filter from the upper reservoir into
the lower.
9. Sophisticated water system made the city work, fed its
people and created wealth
10. Jar Varman VII was the fist buddhist king after
several hundred years of Hindu warship.
Angkor Wat is a Khmer temple, located in Cambodia. It is the
largest religious temple complex in the world by land area
and a splendid example of Cambodian architecture. The
temple was built under the reign of Suryavarman II, during
the 12th century. The temple was built in 40 years, but
legends says this work was completed in one night.

Angkor Wat was a Hinduist temple dedicated to Vishnu, but

after the 12th century it became a Buddhist temple. It was
also designed as the king’s mausoleum. The fist European
who discoverd Angkor Wat was Henri Mouhot in 1860. The
structure has lots of decorations and beautiful reliefs. In 1992
the site became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Angkor Wat
attracts every year thousands of tourists and it is the most
famous monument in the country. It’s even on the national

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