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[Mohamed Yehia] <> [Evaldas Vilius]

Contractor Agreement

[Mohamed Yehia] (also known as “Video Editor”) will provide [Evaldas Vilius] (also known
as “Client”) with [1:30 to 2:30 min Event Highlight video from the provided 1:30 hour RAW
footage] as to the specifications detailed in the Terms and Conditions below.

1. Terms and Conditions

This Agreement shall commence from the date this Agreement is signed by both parties and
shall continue until the Scope of Project is completed (such period, as it may be extended or
sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 4, being referred to as the
("Service Period").

2. Scope of Project

Project Summary:

Creating 1:30 to 2:30 min Event Highlight video from the attached 1:30 hour RAW footage.


Time approximate estimation for the project: 1 week (5.5 work days)
workday hours: 8 hours
Approximately Approximately
Milestone Deliverables Requirements Revisions Estimated Estimated
Schedule* workdays*

- Low-quality - Downloading and

Rough rough Yes 2 work days (starting 1 work day** /2 Client
Cut version Organizing footage after downloading min
the files)
- Transcoding to

proxy files

- Trimming footage

and putting together

the rough project

- Stabilizing shaky


- fixing exposure,

when needed

- Adding a proper

music track without


- Receiving Feedback
- High- - Adding speed
Final Cut quality MP4 Yes 2 work days (starting 1 work day**/2 Client
final version remaps after approving the min
rough version)
- Adding transitions
- Project file
& used - tweaking music
- Adding one title at

the beginning

- Adding logo

- Adding sound


- Receiving Feedback

* The schedule & work days are estimated approximately not finally. The actual time can be more
or less. The estimation considers only the first version without revisions. Any revision or additional
requirements will extend the milestone.
** The duration of 1 work day is approximately estimated considering the final video will be 2
minutes or less which means making 1 minute of the final video will approximately take 1 work
day. Any increase in the final video minutes will extend the project time.

Used tools:

Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Media Encoder

3. Payment

a. Service Cost
- In consideration of the Service, the Client will pay the Video Editor a fixed amount of 452$
(considering only 5.5 Workdays as the maximum) + A daily rate of 82$/day for any additional
workdays + Project Expenses estimated by the Video Editor + Overtime

b. Expenses
The client shall reimburse the Video Editor for all reasonable and necessary documented
out-of-pocket expenses incurred or paid by the Video Editor in connection with, or related to,
the performance of the Video Editor's services under this Agreement. The Video Editor shall
submit to the Client itemized statements, in a form satisfactory to the Client, of such

c. Invoices
The client shall pay the Video Editor amounts shown on each statement or invoice
within fourteen (14) days after receipt thereof. Payment after the payment deadline will

incur a non-compounding late fee of 5% per month on the outstanding amount.

d. Payment Milestones

Milestone Due Date Payment

a non-refundable 50% of the
- Before the start of the Service Cost equaling
Milestone 1
Service Period 243.5$

- After 5.5 work days or

the outstanding payment
Milestone 2 approving the final video
equaling 243.5$.
whatever is closer
- Any additional work days
Milestone 3 after 5.5 work days will be
paid daily

e. Payment terms

- The client will not receive the final deliverables without paying all the due payments, as
described in this section, to the video editor.
- The client will pay the video editor for all the work days spent on the project estimated from
signing the contract until the end of the project including waiting times, even if the work days
are more than the first estimation.
- The waiting time that is any time when the video editor is waiting for the client’s response or
approval will be included in the work hours & billed accordingly.
- The Video Editor has the right to accept or refuse to work overtime or at the weekend.
Working overtime or at weekend will be exceptional and charged differently:
13.6$ per hour
90$ per day
- The client must pay for the milestone by the payment due date as described in section 3.d
before the video editor continues on the other milestones.
- All payments due under this Agreement shall be made by bank transfer or Paypal in
immediately available funds to an account designated by the Video Editor. All payments
hereunder shall be made in Dollars.

4. Termination

This Agreement may be terminated prior to the end of the Service Period in the following
manner: (a) by either the Video Editor or the Client upon not less than two (2) days prior
written notice to the other party; (b) by the non-breaching party, upon twenty-four (24) hours
prior written notice to the breaching party if one party has materially breached this
Agreement; or (c) at any time upon the mutual written consent of the parties hereto. In the
event of termination, the Video Editor shall be entitled to payments for services performed
that have not been previously paid and, subject to the limitations in Section 3, for expenses
paid or incurred prior to the effective date of termination that have not been previously paid.
Such payment shall constitute full settlement of any and all claims of the Video Editor of
every description against the Client. In the event that the Client’s payment to the Video
Editor exceeds the amount of services performed and (subject to the limitations in Section 3)
for expenses paid or incurred prior to the effective date of termination, then the Video
Editor will immediately refund the excess amount to the Client. Such refund shall constitute
full settlement of any and all claims of the Client of every description against the Video
Editor. The initial deposit of 50% is non-refundable in the event of termination by the client
for any reason other than the video editor has breached this agreement or in the event of
termination by the Video Editor because the client has breached this Agreement.

5. Legal

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained elsewhere herein, neither party shall be
liable to the other for any consequential, special, incidental, indirect or punitive damages of
any kind or character, including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of
anticipated profit, loss of bargain, loss of revenue or loss of product or production, however
arising under this contract or as a result of, relating to or in connection with the service and
the parties’ performance of the obligations hereunder, and no such claim shall be made by
any party against the other regardless of whether such claim is based or claimed to be based
on negligence (including sole, joint, active, passive, or concurrent negligence, but excluding
gross negligence), fault, breach of warranty, breach of agreement, breach of contract,
statute, strict liability or any other theory of liability.

6. Copyright
Once the Video Editor delivers the work product to the Client, the Video Editor does not have
any rights to it, except those that the Client explicitly grants the Video Editor as written here.
The Client grants permission for the Video Editor to display all aspects of their work,
including but not limited to any drafts, work-in-progress material, and final deliverable
content, so long as it is for showcasing the work and not for any other purpose. The client
gives the Video Editor permission to show this work as part of portfolios, websites, galleries,
and other media. The Client does not grant permission to use the work product for sale or for
any other commercial use. The Client cannot revoke this license, even if the Contract ends
or is terminated.

The Client agrees to the terms and Accepted by the Video Editor:
policies specified above:

Signature: Signature:
____________________________ ___________________________

Name : _________________________ Name : _________________________

Date: _______________________________ Date:________________________________

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