5 Easy Steps To Meet Your Spirit Guides

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5 Easy Steps to Meet Your Spirit Guides

Your spirit guides have a wealth of knowledge to help put your ego aside and listen
to what truly resonates with your soul. Using this information to make your
decisions will improve your relationships, business, health, spirituality, and sense of
Who are your spirit guides? Some have been with you through all of your lifetimes,
and some are only here to guide you through a particular situation. You may feel
sure that guides are loved ones who have already passed. While this is not
impossible, it is more likely that your loved ones are with you to provide support and
love. We make agreements with our guides and choose them carefully before we
incarnate here to have our experiences.
How can your guides help you?
 Signs- Spirit guides will leave us signs to know that what we have been
thinking (receiving!) is true. It is best to ask for signs and then keep your eyes
and mind open.
 Intuition- Sometimes you just have a feeling, or a gut reaction. Your logical
mind is telling you one thing, but you feel that you need to choose a different
path. We can tune our intuition through practice. Each time you need to
make a choice, ask your spirit guides which one is the best choice for you.
Take a moment to feel any physical reaction or register any thoughts you may
 Synchronicity- Occasionally something will happen that is so coincidental that
it appears to be a miracle. The more you ask your guides to help you with
what you want, the more these miracles will occur.
Action Steps to Meet Your Spirit Guides:
1. Practice listening to your intuition and go with what your gut tells you is right.
I call this thinking with your heart. The ego, which is always worried about
making mistakes and looking like a fool, thinks with the head. Use your head
to evaluate the situation, and then use your heart to make a decision that
FEELS right.
2. After you ask for them, watch for signs from your spirit guides and angels.
They want you to feel confident about their existence, and if you need proof,
they are willing to provide. They will use what they have at their disposal, and
it is your job to interpret. You will have much better success with this if you
leave the work to them, so instead of asking for a blue feather to be left on
your pillow, ask them to let you know they have heard your request.
3. Meditate at least twice a day. Even if you only take five minutes to sit, discuss
your desires with them, and listen for advice, you need to make time to
receive. Ask them to make themselves known to you. Imagine hugging them
and having a heart-to-heart conversation.
4. Keep a journal. Journaling is the best way to keep your desires right in front
of you. Writing what you want on paper sends a clear message to your guides.
Keep a pen and notebook handy when you are in conversation with your
guides so you can write down their advice.
5. Work with an expert! Perhaps your ego has been whispering in your ear for
years. If an inner voice has been telling you that you aren’t smart enough,
friendly enough, good looking enough, or rich enough, then it will be very
difficult for you to believe your spirit guides when you hear them. If you
know there must be more to life than fear and stagnation, but you are always
worried what others will think, or about failure, then you need to work with
someone who can help you release those fears. I highly recommend an
Akashic reading. You can find out more about a reading here:
Have fun with your spirit guides!

Rev. Gina Medvedz

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